long candle

Chapter 344 Six-armed Bodhisattva

The ghost was frightened and was raised by me, so he came out of his mouth and squeaked strangely to bite my hand.

There was nothing I had to do but let go and let it fall to the ground.

The ghost was squeaked and rushed to the corner of the yard. The speed was like an arrow from the string.

I was about to chase when I heard the 2nd send out "Ouch?" One sound.

I looked down and saw that Dazhu's tongue was sharp and long, sticking out of his mouth and entangling No. 2's hand.

My first reaction was not to help No. 2 release, but to see Li Xiaoquan behind.

"What's wrong with my son? Why did it become like this?" Li Xiaoquan retreated in horror and couldn't believe his eyes.

At this time, I looked back and saw that the big pillar's eyes had all turned white, and black hair began to grow everywhere.

He turned over and prepared to press No. 2 below.

Seeing this situation, I can't look at it any longer. I have taken the pearl of the rage before. I can see that the mind of the big pillar has changed from the white of people to the yellow of beasts. It seems that this is what I saw in the crack of the door before. Just now, he may have wanted to eat his father when his father was unprepared.

And the time this guy came back was definitely not yesterday, but tonight. The guy he saw wandering in front of the yard and was not human. If we hadn't arrived in time, Mr. Li might have died long ago.

Because he was afraid of some kind of power in us, this guy resisted the desire to eat people and turned back into a human form.

It was obvious that this guy had lost his humanity, so when no one took care of him, because of the urge of appetite, he had an idea about the monkey and the ghost, which revealed his original appearance.

My mind can lift ten tons of things. No matter how powerful it is, it is no match for me.

So I just grabbed the void, grabbed the back of the guy's neck, and then lifted it up.

I didn't care about Li Xiaoquan's surprised expression when he saw my superpowers. He threw the big pillar to the ground, made it seven meat and eight vegetables, and his tongue shrank in.

No.2 seemed to be hurt by that guy. While rubbing his wrist, he stood up, took out the crossbow from his waist, and said to Dazhu, "You dare to do it to my monkey. I can't spare you. Go to hell!"

After saying that, he was about to pull the trigger. At this time, Dazhu made a miserable cry, and then began to pull up his hair and roll in pain.

"Wait! Don't kill him!" At this time, Li Xiaoquan rushed up and stopped in front of the pillar.

"Your son has become like this. It must be caused by those Yuanmou people. If you don't kill him, he will harm people like Yuanmou people. He is no longer a human being. Get out of the way, uncle." No. 2 said lightly.

Mr. Li said, "No matter what he becomes, he is my son!" Didn't you see him also very painful? He didn't want to do this!"

No.2 Heshi said, "Amitabha, God has the virtue of a good life, and I don't want to kill him, but if he is alive, it will bring disaster to others. Poor monks can't let him do evil!"

As he was talking, suddenly a man's voice came from behind Li Xiaoquan: "Dad! What's wrong with me? Am I sick again? Who are they?

Li Xiaoquan hurriedly turned around and said to Dazhu, "Son? Son, how are you?"

I turned my head and saw that all the hair on Dazhu's body had disappeared and returned to normal, and his eyes seemed to be bright. He was no longer as dull as when we first saw it. He seemed to be a normal person.

At a strange time, Li Xiaoquan said, "I'll tell you the truth today. In fact, my son was very smart when he was a child. He got this strange disease because he offended the six-armed Bodhisattva. Every time he fell ill, he would grow hair like a bear and bite when he saw people and animals, but he never hurt him. If you have harmed people, you can steal some livestock to eat at most.

What six-armed Bodhisattva? To be clear, maybe we can find a way to save him!" I said.

Seeing that we were not attacking his son, Li Xiaoquan relaxed and said, "This child was a very smart child until he was six years old. At that time, my family still lived in an old house on the mountain. At that time, there was a well in my house. Although the water in the well could not be drunk, it could be used to make some tofu. Therefore, the tofu in our village is particularly delicious and has made a lot of revenue for the village.

"But one day, the well in my house suddenly dried up and I couldn't get any water. This made the villagers anxious. In order to investigate the cause of the dry water, a few days later, I hung a rope to the bottom of the well with another villager.

"At this time, we saw a strange-looking Buddha statue lying at the bottom of the well. The Buddha statue seemed to be made of some kind of black stone, with a total of six arms. Its hands and feet looked very hard, only its stomach bulged high, and it seemed to be breathing!"

"It is reasonable to think that this kind of thing is a monster as soon as you see it, but the face of this kind thing is kind and looks like a harmful thing."

"When we fished it out of the well, everyone thought it looked like a bodhisattva. But after listening to the pulse and listening to the heartbeat, this thing has no vital signs at all, and it turned out to be a dead thing. After research, everyone finally came to the conclusion that this thing should be a god such as a living Bodhisattva and should be offered.

"Of course, some people think this thing is a monster, such as me. I think this thing has drained the well and cut off the village's wealth. It's an ominous thing. But even if it is an ominous thing, it should be confessed, because if you offend it again, there may be other disasters.

"From that day on, the villagers funded the construction of a temple for the Bodhisattva, and then offered the so-called living Bodhisattva day and night, incense and offerings. Since the offering of this Bodhisattva, nothing good has happened in the village, but the water in the well has never returned.

"Day by, gradually, the villagers found that the tribute would be less the next day. At first, they thought it was stolen or taken by children to play, but some people thought that the Bodhisattva came back to life and ate everything. Normally, in this case, we should send someone to vigil to see what happened.

Hearing this, No. 12 sounded excited and interrupted, "Yes, yes, that's what it's written in the novel. For example, when an old woman was sent to watch the night, she dozed off next to the Buddha statue and woke up. She saw the Bodhisattva bend down with six arms to take something to eat, and then showed her sharp teeth to the old woman. As a result, the old woman was scared crazy!"

I frowned and said to No. 12, "Don't stop, I'm not writing a novel!"

After Li Xiaoquan was interrupted by us, he took a sip of tea and continued to say, "But the villagers think that it is a good thing for the Bodhisattva to eat the tribute, which shows that the Bodhisattva has manifested. Isn't everyone's tribute to the Bodhisattva just for the Bodhisattva? Besides, there will be no less fruit and steamed buns in the village. In order to stop the Bodhisattva from disaster, the incense in the temple is even more prosperous.

"The days passed day by day. When Dazhu was six years old, there was a drought for more than half a year, and even the drought-tolerant fruit trees began to wither, let alone bear fruit. That winter, there was no harvest in the village, so I had to live a dry meal. But the tribute from the Bodhisattva is still indispensable, because we don't want to have any other disasters at this time.

"In fact, since the worship of this Bodhisattva, the situation in the village has deteriorated, but no one has felt this change. At least that's what I think. Although my son is young, he also complains about the Bodhisattva who destroyed our well. The mechanism of tribute in the village is that each family takes turns. When it comes to our family's turn, it is also the time when our family can't even afford porridge. But my family still made steamed buns for the Bodhisattva with the last remaining gray noodles and gave him the last few eggs.

"It's such a coincidence that it's just like writing a novel. That night, because Dazhu was really hungry, coupled with his complaint against the Bodhisattva, he ran to the temple on the mountain to steal those tributes in the middle of the night when I was not paying attention, but he didn't come back all night. When I found the mountain, I found him nibbling a brick crazily in the temple, and the ground was full of tributes, just like a fierce fight before.

"Since that day, Dazhu's head has not been normal. He is often frighteningly hungry. When he sees something, he will take a bite no matter whether he can eat it or not. My wife couldn't stand it, so she went back to her mother's house and later married someone else. Only my son and I were left to live together. I gradually found that Dazhu was not completely stupid, and occasionally normal for a while, but even at normal times, he didn't remember anything about what happened in the temple that day.

At this time, No. 2 said, "This is the manifestation of selective forgetting. It seems that something happened in the temple that he didn't want to think of."

Li Xiaoquan sighed and said, "Later, because of the development of scenic spots, the villages at the foot of the mountain have been relocated here, because it is close to the road. The villagers built houses and did business here, and the old village was gradually abandoned.

"But later, when we moved the ancestral grave, everyone went back together again. When I went back, I went to see the temple on the mountain. As a result, the temple had collapsed and the six-armed Bodhisattva was nowhere to be found.

"I think that thing must have become refined. Seeing that no one paid tribute to it, I ran back to the well. Last time I went back to my old house to get something and saw something coming out of the well, it should be it. If it is the main culprit of the recent trouble, I beg you to remove this monster! My son may get better without it.