long candle

Chapter 362 Toad Village

12 smiled and said, "Look, it's not as difficult as you think!"

I said to myself that fortunately, we still have a person who can exchange positions with people, otherwise we would really be trapped here today!

If Yang Zhifeng were there, it would be even easier.

"Quick! Change us all!" I shouted to him in a hurry.

But at this time, No. 12, who was still smiling, suddenly darkened and his eyes became dull.

No.2 said, "It's not good... It seems that the thing that was attached to him before and controlled his mind was not as simple as I thought. Maybe it lurked into his body."

While No. 2 was talking, No. 12 had slowly turned around and walked out of the forest.

No matter how I called him inside the boundary, he did not respond at all.

At this time, we saw a black, crab-like creature on its back.

It's just that this creature has no pliers, only four thin legs, which pierced the skin of No. 12 and plunged into his flesh.

I was in a hurry when I suddenly asked the pillar next to No. 2: "Can this boundary only block living things?"

Dazhu nodded and said, "That's right, what are you going to do?"

No.2 asked us to step back again and said, "Then there is a way. It seems that we can't use the unique trick today!"

I thought he was going to use some magical kung fu, but he took out a pistol from the box he carried with him.

Dazhu obviously recognized the pistol and hurriedly said, "No, if you shoot, you may kill that guy!"

No.2 smiled and said, "Who do you think we are? We have No. 10!"

I immediately realized the meaning of No. 2, and also smiled and said, "Shoot!"

2 said, "That thing is very tricky. Maybe breaking one of its feet will cause its anger and hurt the life of No. 12."

I gave him a thumbs up and said, "So I asked you to shoot four times in a row."

No.2 asked in surprise, "Can it really work?"

I said, "If you ink again, you will disappear!"

Hearing what I said, No. 2 stopped hesitating and fired four shots decisively.

Because my eyes are stronger than ordinary people, I can clearly see the trajectory of the four bullets.

The trajectory of these bullets is all aimed at the No. 12 vest. If it is hit, No. 12 will definitely die.

In fact, according to this situation, I would rather shoot than shoot all of them.

The current situation is that if I miss one of the bullets, No. 12 will be killed on the spot!

For good, I was familiar with this kind of thing, but with a slight movement of my finger, the four bullets flew in different directions.

01 seconds later, with a crack, the monster attached to No. 12 broke with four feet and fell from his back.

12 was supposed to move forward quickly, but stopped at once. His body softened and was about to fall to the ground.

However, at this time, we suddenly saw a group of birds in the surrounding woods, as if something was going to happen.

Before we could react, we suddenly saw a huge snake tail falling from the top of No. 12's head like a huge mountain, falling down from a high place with a loud rustling sound.

I was stunned. I didn't even say the word "be careful", so I heard a earth-shaking sound.

The smoke rose four or five meters high, covering the figure of No. 12.

I said in my heart that this was over, and No. 12 must have been crushed into mud, because although he had just got rid of the monster on his back, he was out of his mind and could not avoid this rapid blow.

But just when I thought about it, I found that the situation didn't seem as bad as I thought.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, I saw No. 12 holding his hands high and lifting the huge snake tail up.

I never thought that the 12th would have such great power, and I was so surprised that I couldn't speak for a moment.

At this time, someone next to me patted me. I turned my head and found that No. 12 was by my side.

So, the person with the snake's tail outside is...

When all the dust was dispersed, sure enough, I saw the bald head of No. 2.

It seems that at the last moment, No. 12 regained his mind and exchanged positions with No. 2.

But after thinking about it, I don't think it's right. Because of such a powerful attack, even No. 2 may not be able to catch it, so it's quite risky for No. 12 to do so.

However, when people survive, there are some things that are difficult to explain, and you can't blame No. 12.

I was thinking about this, but No. 12 gasped next to me and said, "I didn't change No. 2 out, he changed me back."

I asked in surprise, "What? Impossible, isn't this ability to change positions unique to you?

As I spoke, I looked at No. 2 and there seemed to be something wrong with Zhou.

After a closer look, I saw that it was the back basket that was almost ignored by us. Unexpectedly, the lid was opened, and wisps of green smoke were emerging from inside.

The blue smoke did not flutter randomly, but wrapped around his shoulder like a snake, and then wrapped around his arm.

The smoke kept moving on its arm, and finally covered the tail of the giant snake, which had wrapped its tail in a circle.

At this time, No. 2 looked back at us and said nothing. He just hooked his finger slightly. A flower in front of my eyes had flashed from inside the boundary to outside the boundary.

At the same time, No. 12, Dazhu and the unconscious old man Li flashed with me.

I don't have time to pay attention to why we will flash out of the boundary, because something else attracts me more at this time.

I didn't notice the face of No. 2 before. Now when I look at it, although the outline and appearance have not changed, the eyebrows have turned green, and they have changed from resolute eyebrows to slightly collapsed drooping eyebrows. The eyelids are like heavy smoky makeup, which are also green.

Seeing me looking at his face, No. 2 sighed and said, "I didn't expect to use the master's power. This trip is really..."

As soon as I mentioned Master No. 2, I suddenly remembered that the mysterious back basket had now been opened!

So I hurried into the basket, but was choked back by a green smoke and didn't see anything clearly.

At this time, No. 2 read a Buddha's name: "Amitabha, if you want to offend the master, there is no good fruit to eat. This is just a slight lesson."

I thought the lesson he said was that I was choked by smoke, but unexpectedly, No. 12, who had been very weak, pointed to my face and laughed: "Haha! You have grass on your face!"

I was shocked and hurried to touch my eyebrows. I really don't know when it turned into a leaf of grass.

I took out my mobile phone and saw that my eyebrows and hair had turned into grass leaves, and my whole head looked like a huge pineapple

I couldn't laugh or cry. I gently pulled the grass leaves on my head, but I didn't expect the pain in my heart.

So I finally panicked and said to No. 2, "I won't always be like this, will I?"

No.2 snorted and said, "I'll be fine in a while. This is a fairy art and won't hurt people. In the future, your hair will be softer and more shiny than before."

I said in my heart that this is advertising shampoo!

I wanted to say something, but I swallowed it.

At this time, I looked around and asked Dazhu, "There is no wall here, right? We can get out of the village!"

Dazhu nodded and said, "I'll take you to the old house. Once you find the Toad King, you must stop him and save my father."

I nodded and said no problem, and then the crowd walked out quickly.

Soon we passed through the forest and climbed to a higher hillside outside the village to look into the village.

At this time, we found that the village was peaceful. The villagers laughed, the children played, and the adults were busy. It was just like an ordinary village.

The bloody fight we had in the forest before did not seem to have affected the normal life of the village at all.

I don't think it's strange, because Boss Bai was killed last night. Didn't they still let the restaurant open today? As if nothing had happened.

This situation looks like the village has been written a program and repeated things happen every day.

Or more appropriate, this village looks more like a natural phenomenon left out by time and space.

It's like someone who once went to a Tibetan devil city and found that the furniture in the house were new and had not changed for thousands of years. Moreover, the mutton boiled in the pot thousands of years ago was fragrant and hot, but the people disappeared.

Later, someone explained that this is a place where time is missing, and a place where a state of deviation from reality exists.

Maybe the small village in front of us is also such a place.

At this time, the big pillar next to him looked at his father and found that his life was not in danger. He seemed to be relieved and said, "Our village is called Toad Village, which was built by the Toad King."

"The Toad King is a great immortal who has lived for thousands of years and is a real monk with magic power, but it is not a righteous immortal. The purpose of its establishment of the village is not for people to live a good life, but because the Toad King has to live with the black snake* every 60 years, and the dozens of pieces it produces are made by adults. As an incubator, the body lays eggs into the human body, and these people will have strange mutations, with black hair growing all over the body, which is infinitely powerful and hurts people everywhere. It takes 30 years to hatch, and eventually produce a monster like a six-armed Bodhisattva.

"However, the people in the village do not know such a thing. A group of people who disappear every 60 years are concealed by the village head and deceive everyone to say that they have gone out, but these people have never returned, and their miserable fate is little known."

"Those six-armed Bodhisattva born by the Toad King are full of evil spirits and cursed individuals with terrible fate."