long candle

Chapter 367 Saltpeter Cave

When No. 12 saw No. 2 fall down again, he was almost desperate, because No. 2 was our only spiritual pillar in the face of a strong enemy, but now his repeated injuries is a huge blow to us.

And now is the most critical time to face a powerful enemy.

I saw him like this, and I knew that if I didn't persuade him to say a few words, I would really have no intention to fight with the Toad King later.

So I said to him, "Don't panic. Our No. 2 has eight lives. Even if we die, we can be reborn. What's this injury?"

Listen to me on the 12th, my lips squirmed and wanted to say something.

I know he may want to say that if he really dies, it's the most important thing to die.

This is obviously wrong, because even if there are 8 lives on No. 2, every time you die, you will suffer the pain of death, and if you don't cherish life, even more lives are not enough.

Thinking of this, No. 2 suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry that I lied to you. In fact, my last life is already my last life. I'm sorry, I may have to hold everyone back this time.

I looked at No. 2 in surprise, but he looked calm.

From him, I saw his loyalty to 9 times that he paid so much life.

When No.2 saw that we didn't speak, he sighed and said, "Actually, I understand that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It is because of my eight lives that I am more desperate than others when I carry out the task, but every time I die, I know more about the pain of death and the true meaning of life, so its I'm more afraid of death than anyone else.

My lips trembled slightly when I saw him say this, which was obviously very sincere.

I didn't know what to say for a moment, so I said to him, "In that case, let's have a good rest and don't talk. Anyway, there is still a long time before the Toad King comes out. You can take this opportunity to recuperate."

2 shook his head and said, "No, it's a big deal. We'd better stop him earlier!" Even if the Toad King hasn't appeared yet, we will wait for it to appear.

I frowned and said, "But even if you wait for the Toad King, you can't fight!"

2 smiled and said, "You look too low on me. I can, but you can't underestimate my master!"

With that, he got up and staggered towards the basket placed aside.

At this time, a green smoke has risen in the basket, like an emerald green python, drawing an arc in the air and then wrapping it around No. 2.

At this time, No. 2, who was already exhausted, suddenly turned green, and his face suddenly became brilliant and bright.

2 said to us, "My master's ability can quickly help me heal the pain, but I can only use it once a month. I can last for about 5 hours. We must knock each other down within this time."

I nodded and said, "I'm sure it's okay. I believe your master is very powerful!"

2 smiled and didn't know what it meant, leading us to the mountain.

However, not long after we walked, we found that not far from the big pit formed by the explosion, there was an earthy stone slab that was half pried up, and a passageway of the underground entrance was exposed in the crack of the stone slab. It was so dark that we couldn't see the bottom, and we didn't know how deep it was.

When he saw this on the 12th, he said, "There seems to be footsteps inside. Shouldn't Dazhu just escape here?"

I shook my head to show that I didn't know, and then said to No. 12, "Don't you know by shouting inside twice?"

No.12 nodded, took a breath, and shouted in the channel, "Hey! Is there anyone inside? Is the big pillar here or not!"

Because the space inside is very spacious, as soon as this word is shouted out, it is an infinite echo.

The echo of shouting obscured all the original slight footsteps and echoed in the channel for a long time.

I think that no matter how low the terrain structure is, the other party should hear it, but the other party did not answer us.

It was not until all those echoes disappeared that we heard a man's strange cry.

"Is he answering us?" Ask me on the 12th.

I frowned and said, "I don't know, but the sound is quite strange and a little abnormal. It seems that something is blocking their mouths?"

At this time, No.2 said, "Amitabha, they must have encountered some danger. Let's go down and have a look."

At this time, I said with a little doubt, "If there is any danger, how can I feel that the voice of response is gradually getting farther away? They seem to be moving?"

12 answered, "Indeed, I also found that the sound really seemed to be moving."

I said, "Is it possible that Dazhu's father woke up, but his consciousness was still blurred, so he made this sound, and Dazhu did not answer me, but walked deeper behind his father's back?"

2 said, "It's possible, but what's the reason why Dazhu didn't answer us? Did he find anything?

I knew that it was not a way to guess here, so I said to them, "We'd better go in and have a look, but be careful."

After saying this, I opened the half-covered slate and jumped down first.

The place near the mouth of the cave is not dark, but I looked down and found that there was no light at all in the passage.

And as soon as we entered the cave, we smelled a strange smell.

This smell is very familiar. The purple smoke made by the six-armed Bodhisattva is this smell, which is close to the smell of gunpowder.

However, unlike gunpowder, this smell is more pungent, a bit like saltpeter and sulfur.

Obviously, the other two also smelled this smell, and asked me on the 12th, "Do you smell it? It seems to be the smell of saltpeter."

I nodded and said, "Yes, there is sulfur."

No.2 frowned and said, "The smell doesn't seem to be good. I've been thinking about where the gunpowder in the six-armed Bodhisattva came from. Now it seems that this should be the place where the guy lives."

I answered, "Shoot and sulfur are ancient objects used to make explosives. Is this a forgotten ammunition depot or something?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't look like it. Although this channel is connected, it should waste a lot of manpower and material resources. Obviously, it is not comparable to ordinary warehouses. Judging from the specifications of construction from here, this place is like an ancient tomb."

No.12 laughed and said, "10, I heard that you have robbed tombs before, and this time you can return to your old job."

No.2 was not in the mood to joke with us and said, "The village on the mountain is so dilapidated that I don't think there is a hiding place for the Toad King. According to Li Laohan, the Toad King appeared from an ancient well. Maybe this channel leads to the ancient well, so we should do a good job with the Toad King at any time. Preparation for what happened."

I nodded and said, "It's true that this is not an ordinary channel. Since the Toad King is a monstros monster, he must have extremely high wisdom. It's not surprising to cultivate such a corridor."

2 said, "I don't look like it. If the Toad King only occupied here in modern times, it is impossible to repair such a complex underground palace facility in a short time. It should only take advantage of the facilities here to hide. And the original function of this facility is likely to be an ancient tomb, as 10 said.

12 suddenly became interested and said, "If you can build the tomb so big, I guess you are also a rich man. Maybe we can find something valuable in it. After all, we have professional talents here!"

I saw that the tone of No. 12 didn't seem to be joking, and suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the 12th and 11th seemed to be willing to join the 9th by money**, so they must be very eager for money.

In this way, if you can find one or two bright weapons like what he said, maybe the weak body bone of No. 12 will not be tossed to death by the task of 9.

However, if you want to do this, you must first defeat the Toad King, so I set my goal to defeat the Toad King to complete the task, rather than thinking of any treasure first.

Seeing that I was thinking, he said on the 12th, "Oh, I'm just kidding. Don't care, don't care."

Before I could speak, No. 2 said, "Don't linger, let's go."

After saying that, a few red lights suddenly lit up in his hand, and he saw that it was the fire of the industry.

Because there is nothing evil to destroy nearby, these Mars just floated tamely in the palm of his hand and act as a beacon for us.

As the light and dark Mars shines, the outline of the passage first appeared in front of us.

This is a straight downward passage, surrounded by yellow sand and gravel. It used to be very flat and majestic, but now because it is relatively old, many stone slabs have been cracked or warped.

If the passage in the underground tomb is not built in a particularly permeable formation, it can generally be maintained relatively well, and the dilapidation and weathering here just shows that this passage has been opened a long time ago for no less than a hundred years.

This shows that even if this is really an ancient tomb, not to mention whether the Toad King has touched anything here, someone may have come in before the Toad King came here, so the ratio of having treasures is very small.

I didn't tell this to No. 12 so as not to disappoint him.

I carefully observed the ground. Originally, I wanted to find out if there were any footprints left by others, but I saw a layer of light yellow powder spreading a shallow layer on the ground.

Curiously, he squatted down to look and found that the powder was really sulfur and very dry.

I don't know where so much sulfur comes from, but I dare to conclude that these are not ordinary sulfur, but sulfur that has been burned but not ignited.