long candle

Chapter 369 Totem

"Why?" I immediately blurted out the question.

12 suddenly laughed and said, "Hahaha! Because, hahaha..."

When I saw him smiling, I couldn't help frowning and asking, "What's so funny? What's going on!"

I looked at No. 12 strangely, but he still just laughed and said nothing.

At this time, my face became serious and I said, "What's going on? Why are you laughing?" Now is not the time to laugh!"

As I was talking, suddenly the No. 2 next to me also burst out laughing and said, "Hahaha, this is not good, this... this is..."

Soon he laughed and burst into anger, just covering his stomach and crying in disbequentarily.

I saw it strangely, but I looked around left and right and didn't find anything funny.

At this time, I suddenly remembered that No. 2 said that these powders floating in the air were actually some kind of creature.

At that time, I couldn't remember what these creatures were. Now when I think about it, I remember that there is a tiny spider called acacia seed, which has never been proved to exist by scientists, but many people have seen it.

This is an ancient mysterious creature. It is said that once the acacia seed is sucked into its nose, it will make people laugh.

This kind of laughter is not ordinary laughter, but hysterical laughter. In serious cases, it can make people laugh directly to death.

Thinking of this, I casually grabbed some yellow powder in my hand and took a closer look. Sure enough, these things really crawled around in the palm of my hand without wind.

Because the light is too dark, I can't see whether these are spiders or not. In short, they are not ordinary powder.

But I don't think it's right. Why did both of them get a monkey trick, but I can't laugh?

Although I don't know the reason, it's not the time to figure it out. I have to find a way to stop them laughing, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered that there was a gas mask in the box!

So I took out the gas mask in my box and put No. 2 on my face.

After No.2 was covered, his face obviously improved, but he was already a little out of breath.

I couldn't control that much, so I opened his box, took out my gas mask and ran to No. 12.

But halfway through, I suddenly found a burst of itching in my chest, and an involuntary smile was about to burst out.

I was shocked and hurriedly put a gas mask on my face, then opened the No. 12 box, took out his gas mask, and covered his face.

Fortunately, the toxicity of this acacia seed is not particularly strong, and after being inhaled into the body, it is estimated that they will die soon, so they slowly calm down.

Because this is a gas mask that only seals their mouth and nose, you can see them wiping their tears while hesitating, "I almost died. It's really... awesome!"

I saw that the monkey was still dancing there, so I ran up and held it in my arms, and then covered the monkey's mouth with my hand.

After about ten minutes, everyone finally calmed down.

And those acacia seeds drifted away for a while and gradually faded out of the air.

Seeing that they could speak normally, I asked No. 2: "Is this the seed of acacia?" I didn't expect to be caught by this trap here.

2 rubbed his eyes and said, "Amitabha, I think this is a warning from the owner of the tomb. There may be something more bizarre in it."

No. 12 asked, "What on earth is this acacia seed?" Why does it make people laugh?

I replied: "It is an animal, a spider, which uses fine silk to fly in the air and release venom when it penetrates into people's mouths and noses, making people laugh until they die. However, this creature has not been recognized by the biological community so far.

2 said, "Of course, it will not be recognized by the biological world. This thing is not wild, and it is not in nature. Acacia seed is a kind of chemy, and only people who use worms can cultivate this kind of worm.

I touched the back of my head and said, "Oh? Is that so?"

No.2 nodded and said, "Don't forget that we are now the hometown of gijutsu in Yunnan. It's normal to have traps under gijutsu in this tomb."

I don't know why, when it comes to magic, I think of the previous experience of Heizhugou. These two experiences are so similar, but it's just a different place. Maybe there is any connection between the two.

At that time, there were too many puzzles that could not be solved in Heizhugou, but it was limited to physical fetuses. Now these people are all pregnant with strange skills, and we may be able to find something different.

Thinking of this, I was a little excited and said to No. 2, "Let's move forward quickly. There is not much time."

No.2 nodded and said, "The gas mask is a good thing. Many of the magic tricks are caused through the respiratory tract. Don't take off the gas mask."

We nodded one after another and continued to walk forward with No. 2.

When we came to the tomb door, we found that the tomb door was closed.

Like many large tomb doors, this tomb door is opened up and down. Once it is closed and heavy things are pressed on the door, it is difficult to open.

And the stone door has a huge weight, so it is very difficult to open it.

This is also the method used to prevent tomb robbery. Generally, in this case, grave robbers will have two choices, one is to make a hole in the door and take it off, and the other is to blow up the door directly.

However, judging from the previous passage, it is obvious that people who entered the tomb entered directly through this door, because there are no other stolen holes around and the door has not been blown up, so I guess this door must be opened!

Thinking of this, I put my hand on the stone door and pushed it hard.

As a result, the stone door did not respond at all, and it turned out to be closed.

I thought to myself, how did Dazhu get in? Or was the door originally opened, and Dazhu went in and closed the door?

At this time, No. 12 spit two mouthfuls in the palm of his hand, and then he was ready to kick the door with his foot.

I saw his strange movements and asked, "What do you mean by rubbing your hands and using your feet?"

12 said, "Don't you see it? There is a mechanism on this door!"

With that, he pointed to the position under the door, where there were two very strange patterns.

Those are two patterns like shoe prints, about the same size as normal people's shoes, and they are slightly concave, as if they had been kicked all year round.

However, I think the depression is not smooth, so it should not be caused by human beings. It may be an existing pattern.

Looking more carefully, the general pattern of the shoe print seems to contain two patterns similar to the sun.

I pointed to the pattern and asked No. 2: "What does this... mean?"

No.2 thought for a long time and said, "Isn't it referring to some acupuncture point in the human foot?"

I shook my head and said, "Isn't there a medical map on my door? How rich is it to build a tomb into such a doctor?

No. 2 curled his lips and said, "Maybe it's a rich doctor!" In ancient times, jujutsu was originally a branch of medicine!"

I still felt something was wrong, so I kept silent.

And at this time, No. 12 said, "Isn't it a grass worm? I look like it!"

The caterpillar is one of the lowest animals on earth, commonly known as single-celled animals.

This animal exists in the form of a cell. Generally, there is a nucleus, which produces two nuclei only when it divides and reproduces, and the nucleus does look like the sun.

What's more incredible is that I also found a structure similar to the hairs of single-celled organisms around this shoe pattern, which is similar to the foot they use when moving in water.

So the whole pattern really looks like two single-celled organisms that are about to multiply.

As early as the ancient tomb in the pre-Qin period, there were two patterns similar to grass-like insects, which was an incredible thing. Even No. 2 could not accept such a thing and looked straight at me.

I sweated coldly and said, "It's impossible. Where did the microscope come from in the pre-Qin Dynasty? Even if there was no magnifying glass? How could they see the caterpillars?"

12 said, "What's strange? Maybe ancient civilization is not like in textbooks at all. They may be more developed than us. Didn't the United States also find patterns of aliens and flying saucers in murals tens of thousands of years ago?

2 said, "I've heard of this, but it's probably the imagination of ancient people, and it doesn't mean that they will draw it after seeing it. What you imagine may just fit something now. It's just a coincidence.

I didn't listen to them, but asked, "Assuming it's really a caterpillar, what does the breeding of caterpillar mean?"

No.12 answered, "Do you need to say? Of course, it means the birth of life."

"It's evolution!" No. 2 interrupted at this time.

I looked at him strangely and said, "Why? Why evolution?"

2 casually said, "If you talk about the origin of things in the Buddhist scriptures, you need to explain some phenomena formed by the origin. You see that the pattern of the caterpillar is painted at the bottom of the door, indicating that it represents the bottom, the most basic thing, and there must be a route of the evolution of the caterpillar on it. This is some kind of law."

I thought about it and felt that what he said was very reasonable, so I reached out to erase the fragments formed by weathering.

These fragments block the original pattern on the door, so even if there is a picture, it can't be seen clearly.

When I stroked my palm, I was surprised to find that the door was indeed full of various patterns, but most of them were blurred.