long candle

Chapter 372 Digital Conjecture

And most importantly, there are several wing-like bone spurs on the back of the fish, and it seems that there is a transparent film between the bone spurs.

Seeing such a strange structure, No. 12 finally couldn't help asking me, "Do you need to fly in the undersea tunnel?"

I was speechlessly for a moment and said, "Well... I really don't know."

Look at me, I can't figure out why the body of this fish has become such a structure.

There is nothing I can do, so I have to continue to erase the pattern.

The position of the pattern above has exceeded the limit of my height. I have no choice but to use my mind to wipe it.

In this way, the pattern slowly transformed like magic.

Before explaining this pattern, I will insert a small paragraph.

In evolution, although mammals were also evolved from amphibians, the ancient ancestors of human beings were not dinosaurs, and dinosaurs are likely to eventually evolve into birds.

Mammals evolved from another amphibian. As for how amphibians evolved into higher mammals, this is a biologically missing part, but our ancestors and the ancestors of dinosaurs are definitely not the same group.

In the picture in front of us, the original amphibian became smaller, and it also got rid of the crocodile-like scaly body and the ferocious upper and lower jaws, and became shorter and more lean.

And this animal not only has a shorter face, but also has fluffy hair on its body. Behind it is dragged by a long tail. The tip of its tail is like a squirrel, which looks unusually alert.

I already knew the reaction when I saw this picture on the 12th, because when I first saw the ancestor of this mammal when I first came into contact with biology, I had the same reaction.

That's shouting: "Mouse!"

Yes, the ancestors of humans and all mammals, the first mammal in the world, called the ancestor beast, looks almost exactly like a mouse.

Some scientists once predicted that if humans are most likely to dominate the world and evolve intelligent creatures after extinction, it is mice.

Because they have strong vitality and adaptability, and more powerful reproductive ability than human beings.

This may be a coincidence, because the ancestors of mammals and the highest form of mammals would be so unified.

I didn't expect it at all. At this time, on the 2nd, "This is the ancestor beast, your boy's ancestor, what kind of mouse, aren't you afraid of losing your life?"

12 was stunned for a moment, turned his head and asked me, "Is this true? Is this really the ancestor of all mammals?

I nodded and said, "Yes, you see, this ancestor beast is actually very different from mice, such as longer and more curved legs, fluffy hair on the tail and so on. There is a reason why the world's first mammal evolved like this. You should know that when mammals were born, there were dinosaurs on land, pterosaurs in the sky, and various reptiles. Even at that time, many insects were carnivorous and had a wingspan of more than five or six meters. As warm-blooded animals, the first mammals are weak. They can only escape various natural enemies through smaller bodies and more flexible movements. In order to move more dexterous on trees, their tails are long and developed. Combining these factors, only this form is the most suitable form to survive.

At this time, No. 2 answered, "Do you hear me? If the ancestor beast didn't look like this, there would be no boy today."

12 smiled and said, "I see, I see!"

We all laughed and then continued to look at the pattern on the right.

At this time, we saw that the strange fish with long wings and crab legs had finally undergone major changes.

This time, it completely got rid of the shackles of Jia Ke, and even those crab legs were degraded. The whole body looked like a baby fish without limbs, smooth and scaleless, and its whole body was dark, with a pair of big eyes without white eyes.

The thin wings behind it have also turned into three pairs of dragonfly-like wings, with two rows of eight large suction cups distributed in its abdomen.

Such an evolution seems to show me some clues. After all, I still have a lot of research on organisms. If there were some unnecessary burdens in the previous evolution, the creature in front of me has become a perfect creature.

I was not sure, but when I saw the environment where it was, I was sure of my inference.

This strange baby fish with a suction cup is attached to the opening side of the horn-like cave. It tightly absorbs the cliff next to the mouth of the cave, hangs itself on the vertical steep mountain rock, and silently bears it against the dust of the sky.

So I said, "The streamlined body like the baby fish is to reduce resistance, the suction cup under it is to cling to the cliff, and the six wings on the back are to fly more stably in the wind so as not to be broken."

12 nodded frequently and said, "In this way, this living environment must be quite bad, and there will be strong winds every day, so this place may not be the bottom of the sea, but a cliff at a high altitude. Our previous inference is wrong. Maybe we can find this on the cliffs of the Himalayas. What about the fossils of creatures!"

I don't know what to say, because I can't figure out what the connection between the previous cave and the cliff.

This creature has obviously survived in the cave for a long time, so that it can evolve into a form, which takes millions of thoughts.

The living environment in the cave is very hard, but why don't they leave the cave earlier? Have they been passing through the cave for a million years? So how long is this cave?

The longest cave in the world is only a hundred kilometers. Even such a small creature crawls through crab-like legs in a year at most, and such a long cave, unless it is not on the earth, but the earth's link to another space!

Thinking of this, I hurriedly looked at the circle that circled this creature. The number marked below really became "0016-0018", and 0017 disappeared at some point.

Seeing this, my head was sweating, because I seemed to know the meaning of these numbers!

This is really earth-shaking news.

Thinking of this, I can't care whether the line connecting my avatar has any new species or not, but directly wiped it up again.

At this time, the places where those lines are connected all point to the same place, and it seems that the three lines have a tendency to meet.

Looking at this trend, driven by curiosity, I wiped off all the debris from the whole door.

As a burst of dust flew, we all saw a shocking scene in front of us.

At the top of all the lines, there is a string of Arabic numerals, and all the lines are connected here.

The Arabic numeral is "0016!"

We looked at the number engraved on the door above our heads in surprise and couldn't speak for a long time.

The number is extremely understated, and there is no special font or decoration, and it has not been enlarged or highlighted. Several Arabic numerals and the patterns of those creatures are perfectly and harmoniously matched together, and there is no sense of discord at all.

But I don't know why, when I saw these ordinary numbers, my heart suddenly became heavy. It seemed that these numbers were not pressed at the top of this stage of evolution, but on my heart, like a huge stone, which made people a little difficult to breathe.

Before I could express such emotions, I heard the No. 12 next to me suddenly cry in a low voice.

I turned my head and saw No. 12 constantly wipe his tears, looking very sad.

And No. 2 lowered his head and whispered Amitabha.

I suppressed the depression in my heart and asked, "What's wrong with you two? Is it poisoned by some microorganism again?

No.12 wiped his tears and said, "No, it's just... I don't know why. Seeing these numbers, I feel particularly sad and have an impulse to cry."

2 also said, "I don't know why. My mood seems to be much heavier."

In fact, I have the same feeling as them in my heart, but this inexplicable feeling is so strange that people have to suspect that there seems to be someone here.

After a dull moment, I patted the stone door and said, "Don't cry. Don't be infected by the strange atmosphere of the ancient tomb. We have also finished reading the picture on this door. Although the result is inexplicable, there are no more clues, so now we must open this door and go inside to see if there are any remaining clues. "

Although their expressions were still heavy, they both nodded to me.

I turned my head and looked at the door, saying that it was easy to say in the past, but I haven't found a mechanism yet. What should I do?

As soon as I thought of this, the fire in No. 2's hand suddenly began to crackle.

In the light and darkness, there seemed to be a dark shadow flashing past us, bringing a gust of gloomy wind.

I shivered and my heart tightened. Before I could realize what was going on, the stone gate in front of me had rumbled.

I watched the door rise slowly for some reason, and I could only look at the other two people.

Although I can't figure out what this principle is, the door has been opened, so there is no reason to retreat.

I bent down under the stone gate first and got in to explore the way.

But as soon as my head passed, I saw the light of the business fire behind me illuminating a white horrible giant face, and requisitioned a vicious empty * god staring at me. The fangs glittered in the dim light, which was very horrible.