long candle

Chapter 379 Snow Giant

Before leaving, No. 2 stopped us again, and then one person stuffed something into our hands.

I suddenly felt a warmth from the palm of my hand. At first glance, it turned out to be a small business fire.

I was surprised why No. 2 gave us the precious karma fire, but the faint warmth drove away a lot of cold.

2 said, "Holding this flame in the palm of your hand can not only keep you warm, but also save your life and keep it well at critical times."

After saying that, he put on his headgear and walked in the direction of the crack first.

We followed him to the front of the crack and stood there, because he couldn't see the crack, so we asked me, "It should be here, right?" Can I just walk there?"

I nodded and said, "It should be okay, but not necessarily. For the sake of safety, I'll go first." After all, if there is any problem, I can see it and it will be easier to deal with.

The two of them seemed to have no problem with my suggestion. On the 2nd, they nodded and said, "Be careful."

No.12 said, "Call out if you have something to do. I'll save you from another place."

I thanked them for their kindness and put on the hood on their backs to make themselves look like an upright Mammoth cub.

Then I walked to the wall very carefully.

I first reached out and found that my hand could completely pass through, but at the moment when I passed, although the back of my hand was covered, I still felt a piercing cold.

So I hurriedly withdrew my hand and whined.

No.2 frowned and asked me, "What's wrong? Are you all right?"

I nodded and said, "It's okay, but it's a little cold over there. You have to be mentally prepared."

After saying that, I walked through the crack with a big step.

To be honest, when I first walked in, the piercing cold wind almost made me retreat.

However, it was too faceless to retreat. Second, when facing the wind and snow, the industry in my hand suddenly became warmer and made me withstand the first wave of cold wave, so I just took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

Unlike what I imagined, the place I am now is not the kind of dark space-time tunnel full of nothingness.

It's more like an arched cave that someone has repaired.

There are no stalactites on the top of the cave, replaced by countless upside-down ice.

Those ice creams are like a sharp sword. If you act a little rashly, you will fall from above and pierce me.

Seeing these ice edges, my heart tightened and I hurried forward.

It's strange to say that since I passed through the space-time crack, I have fallen into darkness behind me. I can't see No. 2 and 12 standing in another world with flames.

I can only see a faint white light in front of me, that is, at the end of the cave, where is the mouth of the cave.

It seems that it is not completely dark outside. Maybe it's just because of the blizzard, so it looks very dark.

Countless snowflakes are like the foam in the drum washing machine, spinning randomly and being swept into the cave by the wind. In the cracks of those snowflakes, I can occasionally see the lights in the strange city in the distance.

I'm putting my hands in my sleeves, and my palms keep rolling with the karma suspended in my palms to warm myself up, but even so, I can see my eyebrows turning white at a very fast speed.

I took a breath to prove that I would not become a popsicle immediately. I began to move my stiff legs and feet and continue to move forward.

After all, it's about 100 degrees below zero. Not to mention pissing and freezing. As soon as the guy is taken out, it is estimated that he will be frozen and can't pee out. If you don't put it back in time, it may fall off with a little force.

So at such a temperature, your hands and feet will soon become disobedient. If you stand in a place for too long, you will probably become an ice sculpture.

To be honest, I haven't experienced such a severe cold, and I'm actually quite flustered.

But when I was in a panic, I was still very careful to observe the surroundings as I walked forward.

Soon I found a strange phenomenon that every time I stepped forward, some ice dregs fell on my head inexplicably.

At first, I didn't care. I thought it was because of the sound of footsteps that the ice dregs fell down.

Later, I found that there seemed to be something moving at the top of the cave, and there was more than one.

There was nothing I could do. In order to eliminate the danger, I had to take my hand out of my sleeve and use the light of the business fire to shine up.

As a result, I found that between the ice cream hanging at the top of the cave, there were many large and small caves, the largest of which were as big as fists. These caves led to the depths of the cave wall, as if they were the nest of some animal.

But after looking at it for a long time, I didn't see any animals crawling out.

Just as I was about to step forward again, suddenly something like a fish head popped out of one of the caves.

I found out at a glance, isn't this the kind of weird flying fish on the evolutionary map? We also had a relationship with them just now!

I didn't expect that they really live in caves, and they are still small holes in space-time cracks.

Is my previous guess correct that this creature is actually a link between the worlds between time and space?

Moreover, it may also be an important element that promotes biological evolution and is also the reason for the outbreak of the ancestor beast.

I carefully observed the movement of the flying fish and found that it seemed to be interested in the karma in my hand.

This kind of creature living in such a cold area will be very ** even for weak heat, so they must have been moving on the top before, following my sudden heat source.

Although I really want to see how the shape of this flying fish is different from what I have encountered before, because karma is affected by the evil thoughts on it, I begin to become irritable.

If these flying fish are thrown into the fire again, I guess my whole body will also burn.

For safety's sake, I put the fire back in my sleeve.

Those flying fish were also very interesting and returned to the cave.

I took a slow breath, continued to walk forward, and soon walked to the mouth of the cave.

At this time, the surroundings became colder, and the surface of my hair elephant clothes was covered with a layer of frost.

I finally knew how low the temperature outside was, so I had to pull my hat and cover my face.

Fortunately, the temperature of the industry fire is also rising at this time, so I haven't immediately become a popsicle.

I looked at the scene outside. Basically, it was snowflakes flying around and I couldn't see anything clearly.

This may only be temporary, because even in the Ice Age, there are sunny days when blizzards account for only one-third.

If we can have a choice, we must choose a sunny day to explore.

But now that time is tight, it is also forced.

Thinking about the previous big storm, I also went to sea, and it seems that it is no problem to explore against the blizzard.

Just as I was about to go out of the cave to explore first, suddenly a sound of weighing came not far from the cave.

Dong! The sound was very loud, and the whole ground trembled slightly.

But the first thing I thought of was not to figure out what the sound was, but to hold my head first to see if there was ice falling from it.

Fortunately, I was at the mouth of the cave, and the ice cream was frozen into a whole piece, so there was no danger of falling.

However, at this time, there was a strange cry in the depths of the cave: "Ah! Oh! Be careful on the top of your head, what's going on!"

Then I saw two small fire balls lit up in the darkness, illuminating their faces, No. 2 and No. 12.

My tongue was a little stiff with cold and asked, "Are you all right?"

When No.2 saw me, he quickly came over and said, "It's okay. A few ice edges can't help me, but you, why didn't you come back after exploring for so long? We thought you were taken away by the big gray wolf."

I said helplessly, "The terrain is too complicated, the situation is too delicate, and there are too many new things, so I didn't come back to report for a while. I hope the Buddha will forgive me."

No.2 gave me a white look and said, "Don't be naughty, small cabinet, how's the situation ahead?"

I laughed, and the joke felt much warmer in an instant.

but smiled. I felt that the voice just now was very interesting, so I said, "The situation is not clear, but the huge response just now should not be the movement of large animals such as mamorphs. Maybe there are some unexpected vehicles or machinery."

No.2 nodded and said, "We have really come to a great place. Be careful."

With that, I took the two of them into the mysterious continent in the wind and snow.

The blizzard and strong wind suddenly covered the view. Although the light is very dark, with the support of snow, we can still see the things around us.

And in order to protect our eyes, we also took out the sunglasses in our respective boxes to avoid being fascinated by snowflakes.

When I stepped out of the cave door, I knew that the snow under the cave was higher than my knees, and the whole body seemed to fall into the mud and the snow didn't reach my waist.

In this way, it becomes very difficult to move, but we still move our bodies step by step.

After a while, we saw the first thing that could be called a miracle.

A hexagonal stone tablet about five or six meters high appeared in the blizzard.

We hurried over as we saw someone building.

When I got close, I found that the handwriting on it was very simple, with neat Arabic numerals engraved with 0016.

Whether from the handwriting or the color of the stone tablet, it makes people feel a heavy and melancholy atmosphere, just like the world behind the monument, a tomb full of despair and death.

The three of us were looking strangely. Suddenly, the ground not far away trembled slightly. We saw a white giant walking slowly in the snowstorm.