long candle

Chapter 383 Wipe the gun and go off

After discussing the establishment, we will act separately.

In order to ensure my safety, No. 2 gave me a business fire again.

This time he put the karma fire in a small bottle and let me carry it in my pocket so that it would not be difficult to carry.

explained some joint methods to each other and said that it was important, so I walked alone along this road illuminated by a faint blue light.

It is not the first time that a person has explored in the dark, but it has not been so cold in previous times.

In this underground world composed of ice crystals, although there is no blizzard, it is quiet, but the temperature is not much higher than that of the outside world.

Fortunately, I carefully kept the business fire given to me by No. 2 from beginning to end. Whenever my body feels extremely cold, it will provide me with the necessary heat.

Holding this group of industry fire in my hand, I feel a little relieved.

Actually, my adventure does not require any difficulty, because I am facing a straight road forward.

However, sometimes even a purposeless expedition is more reassuring than the current situation, because the superficial plainness is actually a kind of paralysis. Maybe the danger occurs when you are paralyzed, which is the most difficult to prevent.

So although I can run as much as I want, I still walk very slowly.

Every time you walk a distance, you will stop and observe around to see if there are any clues worth checking.

As a result, I didn't find anything unusual.

But I know that the more this situation is, the more careful it is. If you relax your vigilance at this time, maybe the next thing waiting for me is death.

Sure enough, under my careful observation, when I walked out about five or six hundred meters, I suddenly heard an almost unrecognizable small sound in front of me.


That's the sound made when the insects were flying. It seems that I met those hateful bugs again.

I have more eyes, and I first condensed a layer of mind shield around my body.

Then I continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, under my careful listening, those bugs seemed to have a purpose and disappeared again when I approached, afraid they would find a place to ambush.

I swaggered forward, but in fact, I was already ready to attack.

Sure enough, as I continued to walk forward, I heard a strange sound again, which was the sound of countless feet crawling on the ice. The source of the sound came from the top of my head.

I think those bugs should climb to the ice dome above my head to prepare for a raid, right?

However, although I pretended not to be aware of it, these bugs did not seem to attack.

Just when I thought I guessed wrong, I suddenly found that there was something wrong with the air around me, as if someone had overturned the vinegar, with a strong sour taste.

And the sight in front of me began to blur, shrouded in a strange green fog.

Then I found that some icicles erected next to the avenue began to melt rapidly, slowly being eroded like burning candles.

And the shield above my head also made a buzzing sound, which was obviously corroded.

At this time, I finally understood that the worms on the head deliberately turned the acid** spit out into a spray, and then slowly killed the prey. This is really a sinister trick. If I hadn't taken precautions just now, the internal organs must have been corroded.

I don't know if they have used this trick to deal with those of ancient civilizations. If so, they must have suffered heavy casualties.

Thinking about this, I found that there were many ancient corpses lying not far in front of me.

The appearance of these ancient corpses is very ferocious. Although they still wear masks on their faces, the masks have been corroded, leaving only a ball of melts sticking to their faces.

I carefully added another layer of shield to the outer layer, and then said to myself, "It seems that this is not the first time these insects have ambushed people like this. They all have plans and formations.

Although the appearance of those ancient corpses is very horrible, I listened carefully and there was no sound of breathing. It seemed that they were all dead.

So I dared to come up and see what kind of state these people are.

As a result, I found that these people are wearing the same clothes, which is a black coat similar to a tweed coat. Although there is no big round button, it looks a bit like a police uniform in our society today. It seems that human aesthetics are almost the same in any civilization.

And I also found other evidence that these people are from the military or engaged in security.

That is, each of them holds a strange weapon in their hands.

This is a big discovery, because the last civilization seems to be more developed than our civilization, so their weapons must be more advanced.

Driven by curiosity, I carefully picked up a weapon from a soldier.

This weapon is very strangely long, a bit like a flute, with a black cylinder and many small holes in it.

At the end of the flute, there is an opening like a horn.

Everyone knows the danger of gunfire. It is said that after the war, many people went to the battlefield to pick up guns, but those guns will go off if they don't pay attention, killing more than a thousand funny people.

I don't want to be such a joke, so although I'm very curious, I didn't point the muzzle at myself.

Sure enough, my judgment saved me again. When I accidentally pressed a small hole in the flute, the tip of the horn-shaped suddenly made a beep, and then I didn't know what was launched, directly blowing up a deep ring-shaped mark on the ground.

I was shocked. When I saw the trace of ice debris flying, I found that this thing really seemed to hurt people with sound waves.

This is simply incredible. How strong a sound wave cluster must be in one place to cause such powerful damage?

Just before I figured it out, those bugs were impacted by sound waves and began to become manic.

They were shocked and flew down from the ice cap above their heads and gathered into formations, constantly hovering above my head.

And this movement also seemed to disturb some things in the dark. I faintly saw many small things around in panic.

My heart tightened and said to myself, "Is it those ancestral beasts?"

After thinking about it, those ancestors should not be so timid. They are the kings of this era.

After a little observation, I didn't get an answer, so I went to observe the soldiers again to see if there was anything valuable.