long candle

Chapter 395 Sneak Attack

Xiaobai couldn't see his figure clearly when he was wrapped in mud before, but now he is washed by those sticky transparent **, and his limbs are as white as a bright lamp.

When I first saw it, I thought she would shine. That sacred feeling made me not be shy at all. I finally knew why body art is also an art. It turns out that the human body is really beautiful, especially for women.

However, after all, there are only a few people who really look at human art with an appreciative attitude. Although Xiaobai's whole body is wrapped in the wide clothes of maomaoths and does not reveal too many parts that should not be seen, after a few seconds, I still blush and my ears are red.

I know it's useless to be shy now. If she is not rescued, she will be drowned.

Although there is no thought power to protect the body, the roots growing in this hand are surprisingly useful. As soon as I think about it, these roots automatically stab the bubbles above my head.

I think the awe-in momentum is like a bullet launch, which is not inferior to the power of the mind.

I began to feel that this ability did not seem to emerge suddenly. Maybe it had been lurking in my body for a long time, but it just happened to explode when I was in danger.

Because I am not uncomfortable at all, but use it freely, which shows that I have unconsciously integrated with this ability.

Now I feel that this hand like a tree root is actually a part of my body.

If you think so, will I slowly become a tree?

Even if I don't become a tree, my half-human and half-tree form, if I go out, I will definitely be regarded as an alien. How can I change it back is really a problem.

Although there was a mutation in the hand in the past, just cover it with a scarf or something. Now the situation is completely different, which is indeed a difficult problem.

I was thinking that Xiaobai had flowed out of the high blisters, and I hurriedly picked her up.

Xiaobai felt a little surprised when he saw my hand and stared at me with a pair of round eyes.

I wanted to smile to relieve the embarrassment in my current posture, but when I saw his face, my heart was about to pop out of my chest.

What does this look like? What is as beautiful as a fairy, 360 degrees without dead angles, and the words with perfect outline are weak, which is simply...

I don't know how to describe it for a while.

Xiaobai was very awake. Looking at my face so straight, a red glow appeared on my face. At that moment, I was really drunk.

Xiaobai struggled for a moment and said hesitantly, "Alien, let go... let me go."

I realized my gaffe, hurriedly helped her up, and then let go of my hand.

Then the two stood so far away and looked at each other without saying a word, and they didn't know what to do.

Finally, Xiaobai said, "Where is this?"

I suddenly realized and said, "Oh, this seems to be the nest of the toad king. Those blisters should be mucus secreted from its body to cultivate the kind of strange fish living in the black hole capillaries. Although I don't know what his purpose is, these fish-like guys seem to give him With a lot of strength, he used the human body to cultivate these guys so carefully.

Xiaobai nodded and said, "This may also be a perverted desire, because there is only one giant toad left like him. He can't reproduce his offspring. He can only slightly complete the instinct of reproduction with snakes. Even if he is a cultivated beast, It's just a beast. Because it can't reproduce, it uses mucus to make these things that look like toad eggs, and then cultivate strange fish that he thinks are his offspring in it to satisfy this perverted desire.

I was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm a biologist. When did you have such a deep understanding of animal instincts?"

Xiaobai glanced at me and said, "Ignorantian descendants, we are noble Ilherez. These are just basic common sense in our society, okay?"

I heard that she was showing off her civilization again, so I said, " Stop, stop. Now that the Toad King is gone, maybe he has gone out to duel with the giant snake. We must catch up immediately."

After saying that, I was about to leave, but Xiaobai stood still and looked at me like a fool.

I was puzzled and asked, "What's wrong? Aren't you in a hurry? Or are you afraid that you can't beat it?"

I raised my hand and said, "Don't be afraid, I have this. I named it a murder weapon of infinite growth."

Xiaobai poofed for the first time and said, "What a broken name? Why does it sound so obscene!"

I blushed and said to myself that my name seemed to touch something less elegant, so I was silent.

Xiaobai sighed and said, "Think about it, if your long-cherished treasure is being destroyed or stolen, will you go back immediately to remedy it or continue to find someone to make an appointment?"

I was stunned for a moment and asked, "You mean..."

Xiaobai was speechless to me and said, "I thought you were quite smart, but it seems that I was mistaken. As long as we destroy here and make some noise, the Toad King will definitely come back. Now we rashly go out to find it, and maybe we may fall into some trap."

I nodded and suddenly realized, "What a good idea...but..."

Xiaobai asked, "Don't hesitate. Just say whatever you want."

I said, "We are facing the Toad King now, and it is still very likely to suffer losses. Although men should be open and upright, it is easier to succeed in order to maintain justice when necessary. And now he thinks we're dead, so it's a good opportunity. But if we lead him back and fight the beast here, the chance of winning may be very low. After all, this is his territory.

Xiaobai said, "What you said makes sense, but you don't have to meet him when you come back. Let's find a place to hide. When he comes back, we must be crazy because the baby is destroyed. At this time, uncertainty is a good opportunity to sneak attack."

At this point, we all agreed with this plan and began to look for a hiding place.

But we found that the terrain here is very simple. The deep pit is cylindrical, with a glowing blue ice crystal column in the middle and a small smooth rock wall around it. Where can we find a hiding place in this case?

Finally, we all fixed our eyes on the ** balls that had not been destroyed on the wall.

Xiaobai smiled and said to me, "It seems that heroes think alike."

I smiled and said, "That's it, that's it."

Xiaobai walked to the front of a ** ball closest to the ground and said, "It's up to you next."

After saying that, she got into the ball by herself and was wrapped in the sticky ** again.

I waved the roots of the tree in my hand like a whip, and then waved to the remaining ** balls. In the loud sound of crackling, the spheres all exploded and scattered like rain.

At this time, I could hear a roar from afar, and then something had rushed here.

I knew that the plan had succeeded, so I walked towards the ** ball left in advance, and then drilled into the goal.

I held my breath and put my tree-like hand into the ** ball.

At this time, the Toad King had jumped down from above aggressively.

When I saw the scene in front of me, I heard a hoarse roar, which was neither like a human nor a monster, neither male nor female, very difficult and unpleasant.

Then it began to say in human language: "Who is it! Who killed my babies! If I find him, I will smash him to pieces.

Then he drove around the blue ice crystal column in the middle, and his huge body seemed to collapse the whole hole.

At this time, the Toad King just turned his back to me and vented on the ice crystal column. Xiaobai squeezed my eyes.

I knew that this was the best opportunity for a sneak attack, so I quietly let the roots poke out the ** ball, and then with a force, a few sharp roots were like loaded bullets, stabbing the lower part of the back of the Toad King.

If it is an ordinary person, it must be stabbed to the position of the heart, but I am a biologist. I know that the toad's heart is not in the position of the human heart, and there are many important organs in the abdomen. As long as they are pierced, they can be killed.

This is really a chill. Obviously, the Toad King did not expect that we, who have died, can still be resurrected and hurt people violently.

So there is no defense at all, and my new skills are very sharp, directly penetrating its thick skin.

I can feel that three roots penetrate directly through his body, and the rest are deep ** into it.

I said in my heart that this should be successful, right? Even if it is an old monster that has been practicing for thousands of years, it is still difficult to return to the sky.

Obviously, I thought it was too simple. Although the Toad King was hit hard, he still turned around at a very fast speed and heard a crack, and all the roots of the trees in his body were twisted.

Although I didn't have the pain of amputation, I was still surprised and hurriedly took my hand back.

At the same time, the Toad King's golden eyes had been covered with red blood, and his tongue was like a huge projectile bullet coming from his mouth.

In a hurry, I cut the water droplets and fell down to avoid the disaster, but the Toad King roared again and attacked me with his tongue.

I rolled in place and dodged, but the sand behind me was hit by a big hole by his tongue.

Among them, a very fast stone hit my side, and the force almost broke my ribs. I didn't recover from the pain for a while. At this time, the toad king stepped back and threw himself like a bomb.

The huge body attack range is naturally large. I watched it, but there was no way to escape.