long candle

Chapter 403 Final Voice

Special welfare: The ending is free. I'm sorry for taking so long. Please continue to support the natural volume.

"Why did it commit suicide?" I frowned deeply.

Because the messengers I met before are all vicious and extremely dangerous guys.

In other words, they are all desperate masters. Even if they know they will die, they will still attack desperately.

This kind of behavior once made me think that the messenger had no IQ and was close to the behavior of animals.

But if the current suicide erection is established, then I have a new understanding of the messenger.

At this time, Xiaobai said, "It is reasonable that the interior of this cabin should be a familiar place for this guy. We entered rashly. It is easy to ambush and fight back. And even if we don't counterattack and close the hatch, it will be difficult for us to enter, so this guy is not forced to a dead end, so There is no reason to commit suicide."

I nodded and said, "Yes, but suicide is not necessarily due to the possibility of being forced to a dead end."

Xiao Bai frowned, looked at me and asked, "What do you mean..."

I looked at her, rubbed the stubble on my chin, and said, "If you have a major secret in your hand that can't be known by the enemy, and you may be caught by the enemy now, what is the best way to protect the secret?"

Xiao Bai is a smart woman. She almost didn't think about it and said, "Destroy the secret."

I nodded and said, "Yes, I think it is in such a hurry to die that it is just trying to destroy some kind of secret."

Xiaobai then said, "It doesn't hold. If so, wouldn't it be cleaner to burn itself with a fire?"

I continued to rub the beard on my chin and said, "This is exactly what I'm wondering about. If suicide is for fear of forcing a confession, then you don't have to worry at all, because we don't understand the language and can't force a confession. And when I saw this guy from the outside, I was observing that he has been naked and can't hide anything.

No matter how we speculate, it is obvious that there is no answer for the time being. Maybe the idea of suicide is not valid at all. It may just want to attack us, but it accidentally implicated itself in poison gas.

At this time, Xiaobai proposed, "Well, let's check the body first, how about it?"

I nodded and knew that this process was inevitable, but in the face of this strange body, I was still a little weak.

The body I have seen can be described as a mountain. It is said that it has been numb for a long time, but looking at this black wrinkled and twisted body, I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

This thing is definitely not a living thing on earth, perhaps the legendary devil.

They are greedy, ugly, weird and evil, whether they are soul or body, burning my eyes.

They have brought great disasters to the human world, and now the huge worries hidden on the earth are caused by such demons.

In the history of biological evolution, this kind of evil that exists in loopholes, as if it were a computer program, has been lurking in the dark when the program is developed, waiting for the day of explosion.

I even feel that the existence of this creature is naturally a natural enemy of human beings.

Alongated neck, a ricke body, and an extremely ugly face, no matter who sees it, will be uncomfortable and even scared.

This feeling is like a human reaction when they see cockroaches.

No one can explain why cockroaches are most likely to cause fear and nausea.

But I know that if one day cockroaches have the wisdom beyond human beings and climb above human beings, then in their eyes, human beings must also be the most disgusting creatures in the world.

I'm afraid this is the so-called natural enemy.

Xiao Bai didn't know what I was thinking at all. Seeing that I didn't move or urge me, he turned the body over by himself.

Because the body fell to the ground on its side before, she turned it upside down.

At this time, I suddenly found that this guy's eyes were open.

And the light in my eyes reflected the fluorescent stick in my hand, like a pair of ghosts staring at me.

The hair on my scalp stood up in an instant, and I felt it full of resentment and death.

Although there was a layer of white sweat on my forehead, I have not shown this chill,

After all, I know very well that this guy is dead.

At this time, Xiaobai continued to search the body, as if he wanted to see if there were any key clues under it.

As she looked through it, she said, "This kind of thing should be the guy who brought disaster to your earth, right?"

I nodded and didn't say anything, because I always felt that the eyes of the body were a little strange.

My thoughts flowed. A few seconds later, I suddenly thought that the reason why I saw the body's eyes were looking at me because when I was dying, my eyes were staring down.

Lying down at this moment, you will naturally look in my direction.

So why does it look down?

I suddenly realized, pointed to the ground and said, "Move the body away. There is something wrong with the ground!"

Yes, my guess is that this guy should have hidden the secret under the floor before he died.

Xiaobai also seemed to understand my thoughts and immediately pushed the body away, revealing the floor under the body.

The interior floor of the spacecraft is paved with square metal sheets, which is very heavy.

I squatted down and knocked, but there was no echo at all, only the muffled sound.

Governingly, this situation shows that there should be no space below, but I still don't give up and ask, "Will your Ilherez spacecraft involve storage space below the ground?" If so, how to open it?

Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders and replied simply, "I don't know. But it shouldn't be, because there is no need for storage space on the spacecraft.

I frowned and asked, "Why?"

Xiaobai pointed to a dusty instrument in a corner of the cabin, which is a little like a sewing machine and said, "Because we have a material transmitter, there is no need to wear a boat, whether it is food or equipment. If necessary, it will be transmitted directly from 102 parent stars to here. Even the crew's personal belongings are stored in the personal warehouse linked by the conveyor.

I'm a little surprised, because the material transmitter is an instrument that disrupts a substance into the smallest molecule, then transmits it to another place through data, and then combines it into the original arrangement to instantly move an object. Now the earth is still in the research stage. And Ilherez seems to have mastered it for a long time.

However, this is not the time to be surprised, because since there is no storage space, the installation secretly hidden under the floor is not valid.

But why does this guy have to look down when he is dying?

I told Xiaobai my doubts.

After hearing this, Xiaobai checked the eyes of the body, and then nodded and said, "Actually, I just had a guess that there will be a secret that people will be exposed when they are alive and disappear after death?"

"If you are alive, you will be exposed, and if you die, you will disappear?" I repeated Xiaobai's words and fell into deep thought.

A few seconds later, I replied, "It should be a certain characteristic of the body. I heard that some people's birthmarks will appear when they are alive, but disappear immediately when they die."

Xiaobai shook his head and said, "It should not be a birthmark, otherwise, the answer is too simple."

"What is that?" As I asked, I turned my eyes to the lower body of the body with Xiaobai.

Obviously, we all thought that before it died, it did not look at the ground, but the lower part of its body.

However, unlike human beings, this creature seems to be bare in the lower body and has no organs for reproduction, so what is it looking at?

Thousands of messages flashed through my mind, and then quickly grasped the key point at a speed I didn't expect, and said, "Yes, it's the tail! The first time I saw the messengers was in the unknown ruins in Japan. At that time, I fought against four or five messengers with my little brother. Those messengers had tails. Although they were very short, they did have some.

Without saying anything, the two of us turned the body over and saw that the messenger had no tail.

But on its buttocks, there is a round, silver metal spot, which is very regular.

Although I had an inexplicable disgust with the body, I couldn't help but be curious and touched a silver spot with my hand.

As a result, a cold and hard feeling reflected my head along my fingertips.

At the same time, at this moment, I heard the mobile phone in my pocket making a chirling interference sound.

I thought they called again on the 2nd, but when my fingertips left the metal spots and was ready to answer the phone, the sound immediately stopped.

has tried several times, and the results are the same.

Xiaobai and I reached a consensus that the corpse must generate a special magnetic field, which may be some kind of life information, and the source of this information is the silver spot on this buttocks.

However, if this is the case, does it have anything to do with the suicide of the messenger?

I looked at Xiaobai with questioning eyes, but Xiaobai frowned deeply and seemed to think of something extraordinary.

A few seconds later, Xiaobai's face suddenly changed and said to me, "Let's go!" We can't stay here anymore!"

I was stunned and asked, "What's the matter? Suddenly this is?"

Xiaobai grabbed the root of my hand, ran out and said, "Let's talk about it when we go out!"

I shook her away and said, "Wait, have you forgotten what we did to enter the cabin for? We haven't analyzed the information in the glass beads yet. What about the ray emitter you mentioned?

Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, bit his lower lip and said, "Well, come with me. It's better to finish it in one minute, otherwise, we may encounter unexpected dangers. Come with me!"

She pulled me to another cabin, and I followed and asked her what was going on and what danger she felt.

Xiaobai shook his head and said, "Of course, you dull lower civilizations can't feel it. This is our unique crisis sense of Ilherez."

I was relieved and said that it was just a sixth sense.

The distance between the two cabins is not far. While talking, we have come to the door of the last cabin.

The metal door embedded in the inner wall of the black spacecraft in front of me has been completely deformed, and there are many traces of being cut by sharp weapons on the dents. I don't know what happened here before.

But it's also convenient. I use my tree root-like arm to launch a strange force, grab the two sides of a gap, and pull it out hard.

I heard the metal strange sound, which was torn like destruction, and the whole metal door was torn open by me like a mouth with a wide open mouth.

Xiao Bai didn't say much, so he got in first.

After entering the room, I threw a few fluorescent sticks around and immediately began to look around.

But to my surprise, this cabin is cleaner than the previous one, without any furnishings, only a very prominent rectangular platform in the center of the cabin.

This platform is all black and almost integrated with the ground.

The platform is covered with dust, flying like a sandstorm.

When I returned to the city and dispersed, I found that there were actually some imperceptible lines on this platform.

These lines are very simple, all of which are composed of horizontal and vertical lines. However, they are stacked and complex, as if they form some kind of mysterious array, but people can't see why.

Xiaobai pointed to the patterns and said, "These are my Ilherez's material transmission array. In fact, it is a machine code. Only by touching the mechanism of our own blood can we achieve material transmission."

With that, she waved her hand and said to me, "Go to the back site."

I stepped back two steps and watched her gently press her white fingers on the cold stone slab of the platform, sliding rhythmically along a striped road.

It seems that this is the so-called material transporter.

A sophisticated instrument like a ray device cannot be placed in the cabin all year round. In that case, it is very easy to decay.

I don't know the cost of the transmitter, but it is also very precious.

So it is really reasonable to keep it at the other end of the transmission space and protect it with precise measures.

Xiaobai played with it and said a word in his mouth, as if he was carrying out some kind of ceremony.

About ten minutes later, when I was a little out of focus, suddenly there was a click on the platform, and then a dazzling white light curtain rose up.

Just as I covered my eyes with my hand to prevent me from being burned by strong light, a simple and huge machine had slowly exposed light and shadow.

When the strong light dissipated, Xiao Bai said to me with a little excitement, "It's successful. Bring the beads quickly!"

I quickly stepped forward, handed the beads to Xiaobai, and began to have a large number of the machine in front of me.

It is said to be a machine, but rather a rectangular stone slab.

It is estimated to be as big as an ordinary coffin lid and less than 10 centimeters thick. It seems to be made of stone and is light gray.

is a little similar to the table below. The slate also has some lines, but they are relatively deep, and each stripe road has a thumb width.

Countless lines regularly converge from all directions to a circular groove in the center of the slate, forming a huge spider pattern.

Xiao Bai carefully put the glass beads into the groove in the center.

The groove is estimated to be the size of a basin, with a depth of five or six centimeters. After the beads are put in, they fall into the plate like pearls and begin to roll around without falling.

However, as the white light lit up in those vein-like lines and flowed like blood, when the whole pattern was filled, the beads in the central groove stopped rolling and rotated in place.

I was surprised and glanced at Xiaobai, but she didn't care about my eyes at all. She just looked at the beads in the groove, and a strange light flashed in her eyes.

I saw a trace of pride in her expression. Indeed, it is still far from human beings to be able to create such a clever instrument. This kind of creation from far above human civilization is indeed worthy of its pride.

I settled down and looked at the beads in the groove again.

At this time, the brilliant white light at the bottom of the groove has completely gathered, passing through the glass beads from all angles, reflecting countless gorgeous light.

In this dark and silent ancient cabin, my face and Xiaobai's face were illuminated by this strange white light, emitting a sense of sacredness that is incompatible with the underground world.

At this moment, when I thought the information hidden inside the glass beads was about to be displayed, the shining glass beads emitted a faint click in the quiet space.

My heart stopped for a second, because I saw a crooked crack on the glass beads.

"This!" A row of cold sweat immediately appeared on my head, and I stepped forward and looked a little impatient.

You should know that this glass bead is the only clue given to me by the ancestors of Atlantis. If it is destroyed, all previous investigations will be burned, and I will fall into boundless confusion and chaos again.

Thinking of the previous muddle-headedness, it is really difficult for me to accept that helpless mood again. If Grandpa's things torture me for another year and a half, I guess I will go crazy.

Looking at my face, which was more ugly than the dead man in an instant, Xiaobai calmly stretched out a slender jade arm and stopped me from walking forward.

She said indifferently, "Don't be excited. I know the importance of this bead to you, but this hidden secret storage is one-time, so only destruction can read the information. Next, you have to remember what is displayed in the glass beads, because the opportunity is only Once."

I nodded silently and calmed down a little. It seems that this is not the first time for Xiaobai to crack the information of this kind of glass beads.

So, the origin of this glass bead may have something to do with Irherez.

But this is not the time to study this. With the sound of several fragments sounding again, I saw that the glass beads in the light had completely cracked into several pieces, and some dust-like things flew leisurely from the middle of the glass beads.

I don't know whether it is the light below or the dust can shine. I feel that they are as bright as the stars in the distant night sky.

Although the dust is very beautiful, I have no time to appreciate it, because I am trying to find out the information contained in the dust.

But after looking at it for a few seconds, I found that these things were completely disorderly arranged and could not convey any information that I could understand.

At this time, Xiaobai patted me and pointed to the direction of the ceiling.

I seemed to understand something and hurriedly looked up.

At this time, I was surprised, because several lines of constantly changing words appeared on the ceiling.

Obviously, the Atlanteans are very thoughtful. These changing words are constantly floating up and down, and change every five seconds, from the Arabic alphabet at the beginning to the distorted Indian language, then to the earthworm-like words of Southeast Asia, and then to Chinese.

This is obviously deliberately set up so that people in different countries can understand the content.

The reason for the formation of these words is probably that the light at the bottom shines up, amplifying those dust-like things suspended in the air through the scattering principle, and finally forming a visible text.

And I have no idea how they automatically convert fonts.

I don't want to study it, because now the font on the ceiling has become traditional Chinese. Although the content is only a few dozen words, it has deeply attracted me.

Rasha, the evil spirit outside the road, is also seen in Chimoluo Yingri.

Born in wood and lack of gold, his life is not like ordinary.

Rasha eats gold and is healthy, can prolong his life, and his tail calls thunder, and he can communicate with each other.

Red Mora reflects the sun, Rasha is in chaos, and only the Tibetan white jade can fall.

The rush of Kunlun Dragon Head, there is Adum Pool, Hidden Dragon Eighteen, Town.

The hidden wheel white jade destroys five lives, and it is three years long. It is difficult to carry the life. Relatives and friends are tired of it, and they are depressed and can't end well.

I don't know who left this passage in the beads, but seeing that these sentences are all about it, I guess it's a long time.

Read through all the content, and I can basically understand the content, which is a kind of Rasha monster and a method of mutual restraint.

There is no detailed explanation of what Rasha is here, but from the perspective of their likes to eat gold, I have an idea in my mind.

Because I saw the apostle gnawing metal pieces with my own eyes before, this Rasha is likely to be what we call messenger.

The information records the method of restraining Rasha, that is, something called Tibetan wheel white jade, which is hidden in Kunlun Mountain.

It's just that I don't know what two words mean here. The first is Chimoluo Yingri, and the second is Longshouzhi Chong.

Obviously, Xiaobai is about the same level as me. She looked at me and asked, "What is this Chi Moro?"

I touched my chin, thought for a moment, and then said, "I don't know, but according to the record here, this Rasha only appeared after the sun, so it may be some kind of natural disaster or opportunity."

Xiaobai also was silent for a moment and said, "What is Moro?"

Actually, I don't know what Moro is. Moro is a bull-headed monster in Rome, which obviously has nothing to do with here.

However, the word Moro seems to have a little image in my mind.

After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered that there was a Tibetan buddy in the same laboratory when I was in college, and I had a good relationship.

Once we drank together. He said that he came from the deep mountains of Ali. His family served a local living Buddha-level monk and got a lot of blessings, so he could walk out of the deep mountains and come here to enjoy his blessings.

At that time, I was particularly interested in the living Buddha, so I asked him what was going on with the living Buddha.

He said that the living Buddha is God-given. If he can sing poems, he can suddenly get the enlightenment of God, sing the epic battle between the ancient Tibetan gods and the devil, and understand the way from it.

Every living Buddha can sing a different epic, among which the living Buddha served by his family is a Moro poem.

Compared with King Gesar, the Great Dark Sky, the Great Brahma, etc., Moro's reputation is much smaller, and this god has not done anything grand. The only thing that gives me a deeper impression is. The buddy said that this god was not a mortal fetus, but fell from the sky with a meteor shower, and his skin was dark and skinny, and he didn't even look like a human.

From the sky...Meteor shower...

Thinking of this, what suddenly occurred to me? Does it mean that Chimorros Yingri actually refers to the fall of a meteor?

After I said my thoughts, Xiaobai also deeply agreed, because the sun is nothing more than the moon and stars, and meteorites!

Yes, if Rasha is the messenger, they do appear with the fall of meteorites.

As for the dragon's head, it seems that I also have the answer.

Because Daxiong claims to be a lieutenant who touches gold and claims to know some feng shui, he once said that Kunlun is the largest dragon vein in China, and it is where the dragon head is located, and Chong is the key point of the dragon head.

As for whether the rush refers to the dragon's eyes or where, I don't know. Maybe we will know when we go out from here and ask Nobita.

It seems that the message of this bead is for us to go to Kunlun Mountain to find the Tibetan white jade and relieve the current Rasha crisis.

After solving these two mysteries, the last sentence has been echoing in my mind: the hidden wheel of white jade has lost five lives, and it has been three years of life. How difficult it is to carry the life alone. Relatives and friends are burdened by it, and they are depressed and can't end well.

People have five lives, which actually refer to the number of people's qi and fortune.

That is to say, even if we find the hidden wheel white jade, as long as we touch or take it away, it will damage our air number and journey.

Xiaobai seemed to know what I thought, then looked at me, frowned and asked, "Are you going to find the hidden wheel Baiyu?"

I looked at her with a helpless smile on her face and said, "I have come this far, hey... Can I turn back? First, I think this Tibetan white jade must have something to do with Grandpa. Second, how can I know and not save it? Third, Rasha must not be chaotic. Judging from their organized competition with human beings, there must be a commander behind it, and this force is threatening the only remaining Atlantean civilization, in order to save the ancestors. First of all, I can only fight hard."

Xiaobai looked at me, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Although we have not known each other for a long time, I actually saw a trace of worry and heartache in her eyes.

Yes, the Tibetan wheel white jade has damaged five lives. It's not a joke. Once a person's qi and fortune are damaged, it may not be a disease. If there is an accident, it is likely to die at any time.

So I felt Xiaobai's concern. She was really worried about me and couldn't help but feel warm.

Since I gave up Liang Qian, my heart has always been depressed. I can't recognize my parents now. That deep loneliness often hurts my heart only when I am alone late at night.

How many times did I wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night and think of my family and lover? My heart seemed to be blocked by cotton, which was indescribably uncomfortable. I often smoke until dawn.

At this moment, I saw that there were still people who really care about me, like an old tree that was about to die suddenly dripping two drops of spring rain, and I couldn't help but feel warm from head to toe.

So I looked at Xiaobai like this, and Xiaobai also looked at me, and the tenderness in their eyes gradually deepened.

I don't know why my face suddenly turned red and my heart jumped rapidly.

Xiaobai looked at me for a while, suddenly grabbed my collar and said savagely, "You have to find the hidden wheel of Baiyu. You don't know life or death on this trip. Why don't we finish the couple's affairs now? I'll take it off first!"

Hearing what she said, the warmth just now immediately turned into a shock. I grabbed her arm and said, "Don't be impulsive!"

No matter how much Xiaobai rushed to me again.

While I broke away from her, I thought that such a beautiful woman looked gentle and gentle, but how could she actually be so barbaric?

This may be the difference between their Ilherez and the earth's civilization, right?

Xiaobai chased me, and I shouted and ran around the transmitter in the middle, as if I had long forgotten that we were still in danger.

It has just been said that Rasha can communicate with his tail to convey his heart.

And Rasha looked at his tail when he died, which actually showed that it sent a signal.

So just as we were chasing, the whole spacecraft suddenly vibrated violently.

Xiaobai and I immediately stopped and stood up and looked around in surprise.

I asked Xiaobai, "What's going on? Is this spaceship going to start?"

Xiaobai put his white index finger on his warm little mouth and made a silent gesture.

I understood what she meant, so I stood still and listened to the noise around me.

As a result, it didn't matter. With the creaking sound of my paws scratching the glass, my hair kept standing from the soles of my feet to the top of my head.

What's more frightening is that there is more than one sound, and such a sound comes from the outer walls of the hull in all directions. Obviously, we have been surrounded.

I looked at Xiaobai in a hurry and wanted to ask her what to do.

But when I saw that she was also shocked, I said to her, "Don't be afraid. The terrain here is narrow. If they dare to come in, we will deal with it one by one and come after me!"

Seeing that I wanted to protect her, Xiaobai suddenly showed a trace of happiness on his face, but then became worried and said to me, "If those are the companions of Rasha outside, they have sharp teeth and must be able tore the cabin. Don't forget that they can eat metal as food!" We can't sit back and wait for death. It's the king's way to use the terrain to kill them. Otherwise, if the walls are broken, they will really be defeated and can't escape.

I knew what she said was reasonable, so I said, "What are you waiting for? Let's rush out now."

After saying that, I raised the right hand that had become the shape of a tree root, and the roots on it squirmed like tentacles, showing my passionate fighting spirit at this moment.

I protected Xiaobai behind me and was about to walk out of the door. Suddenly, I heard a tinkling sound from the metal corridor, and a sharp-toothed guy was stumbling towards us from there.

Before I could make any preparations, I saw that a skinny Rasha had rushed in from the corridor, and at the same time, several noises sounded from the corridor.

When I saw its fierce appearance, I knew that the Rasha who committed suicide before must have conveyed the message of erasing us, so now I can't help but kill it.

I have seen the speed of Rasha for a long time. Now that so many Rasha surround us, it can be said that the situation is more serious than when facing the Toad King, and many of these guys still have powers.

So I didn't dare to neglect. The tentacles in my hand stretched out and suddenly opened, like a big net, blocking the route rushed by Rasha.

Na Rasha obviously didn't expect my hand to become this state, so he had to hit it head.

When I was about to entangle it, something happened that surprised me a little.

With a touch of yellow light, Rasha, who turned into a fireball in front of me, instantly lit up my face.

The fire seemed to be an ordinary flame. As its body touched my hand, suddenly my branch-like hand burned, like sprinkling gasoline in advance, and a roar of flames up to the sky.

I endured the burning pain and knew that I couldn't relax at this time, so one of the roots still stabbed into Rasha's body.

Although Rasha is thin, there is still moisture in his body. It is no wonder that as long as there is life, there must be moisture, and my strange hand now is like a sponge that will never be full. As long as it touches water, it will be absorbed.

So in just a few seconds, the Rasha was drained by my strange hand and turned into a freshly squeezed mummy, and his eyes burned.

I threw this Rasha with flame power to the ground with my hand, and I couldn't live.

At this time, my hands are still burning, and the flames are marching along my arms.

No matter how powerful my hand is, after all, it is still wood, and the flame is always the nemesis of wood. This is the five elements and the way of heaven.

It seems that I was unlucky, and I met an incompetent person who competed with me for the first time.

When my neck was about to catch fire and my hair and eyebrows smelled, I suddenly felt a trace of strangeness on my arm.

I felt that what I had just received in Rasha's body seemed to be more than water, but also something else.

At this time, the information in the previous beads suddenly echoed in my mind: Rasha was born in wood and ate gold.

That is to say, Rasha's body is also wood-like, and it is wood with animal characteristics, the essence of wood.

My hand seems to have absorbed part of the essence of this wood, so I feel a little strange.

I feel that the skin on my hand is gradually numb, which makes me feel that those skins seem to be cutting off from my body.

Is this... a kind of self-protection?

I frowned. As soon as I thought of this, I suddenly saw that the skin on the hand was rapidly molting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Those retreated skins fell to the ground and turned into ashes in an instant, while the flame on their hands became lower and lower, and finally disappeared.

After all the flames disappeared, I found that my hands seemed to have a physical feeling again and hurried back.

At this time, the original roots of the trees broke into wood chips and fell to the ground like armor, and my hands turned back to their normal appearance.

This is really a kind of self-protection, just like a gecko breaks its tail when it is in danger.

I was worried about whether my hands could go back to their original state, but now it seems that there is no problem at all.

But this matter seems to make me unhappy at this moment, because without a hand as powerful as a tree root, how can I resist these Rasha attacks?

Before I could figure out, the Rasha in the corridor had rushed in.

They were extremely strong, but they didn't seem to panic. When they rushed in, they all began to slow down and firmly grasped the metal ground with their sharp claws, making a squeaky and harsh sound.

I don't know why they didn't jump directly, maybe because the bodies of two companions were found, or maybe these cunning guys had some combat plans?

Obviously, neither of my conjectures are correct, because I have been staring at me with a suspicious look since I saw these four Rasha stop not far in front of me.

I don't know if these Rasha's sense of smell is developed, but they seem to be trying to smell the smell around them with their noses, as if they are confused about some smell.

Gradually, their eyes turned to my right hand, and then they couldn't take their eyes off each other. They were very manic, and then they stared at my right hand peacefully, walking around like ants on a hot pot.

Strangely, at this time, even the sound of scratching the surrounding walls seemed to disappear, and the Rasha who surrounded us stopped moving one after another.

We held each other for about five minutes, and Xiaobai's originally tense nerves gradually eased.

Xiaobai poked me in the back, accompanied by a fragrant wind. She asked me, "What the hell is going on?"

I shook my head to show that I didn't know, and then began to observe my right hand in my spare time.

At this time, I found some strangeness, because at this time, my right hand was no longer as green as the bark of the tree, but became a little dark, and seemed to be coated with a metal shell, emitting a trace of cold light.

I touched it with my left hand and found that the skin of my right hand really had a cold metal touch, which was very magical.

In this way, I can probably figured out why those Rasha are confused, because metal is their food, so my arm should have some kind of ** force on them at this moment. However, the food seems to be mixed with the smell of their companions.

Obviously, they have never seen such a metal, so at the same time, they also feel resistance.

I didn't tell Xiaobai what I thought, because before I spoke, she gently said in my ear, "It's not a long-term plan for us to stay here. Take this opportunity to escape quickly!"

I nodded, and then without much hesitation, I put the right hand that made Rasha feel loved and hated in front of me, trying to avoid them and make way for me.

But it seems that we were wrong. They didn't mean to be afraid of my right hand at the beginning. At this moment, when they saw that I began to move, their faces immediately became ferocious. They opened their teeth and claws were about to push us, as if they were going to force me back.

There are two Rasha, one of which has the light of lightning, and the other has a trace of chill, which has obviously entered the combat state.

I saw that they react so fiercely and immediately stopped.

If these four guys go together, I'm not sure of winning, and now I'm not alone, and there is a white who has no combat effectiveness to protect.

Seeing that I stopped, those Rasha also seemed to stop the attack posture at the same time and resumed the posture of observation again.

My eyes are spinning, and my heart is saying what the hell are these guys doing? When will this happen?

Just when I was irritable, the spacecraft suddenly vibrated violently again, and I didn't stand still and fell directly to the ground.

Xiaobai also fell down on my side. Fortunately, he was cushioned by my thigh and didn't break his head.

I didn't know what had happened, but suddenly the vibration happened again. This time it was a whirlwind, and the whole spacecraft was turned upside down.

Obviously, something huge is driving the spacecraft.

I was stunned and said that the toad king was alive again? If not, where will the huge creatures in this underground world come again?

The rolling of the spacecraft continued. In order to protect Xiaobai, I took the opportunity to hold her in my arms, and then felt a sharp pain from my waist, back and shoulders, all caused by the impact.

Xiaobai shrank into a ball in my arms, like a frightened rabbit, which made me feel pain, but I still gritted my teeth to protect it.

I don't know how many circles I turned around. When my bones were about to fall out, the spaceship finally stopped.

I slowly raised my head and found that the transmitter had been damaged, and the white light had disappeared. Instead, there was a flash of lightning for a while. Obviously, the circuit was damaged.

I think this transmitter is a good thing, but it's a pity that it's so bad.

Looking at the surrounding cabin wall, it has been deformed by the vibration just now, and there are many uneven traces.

We are now like a huge can that has been shaped.

The four Rasha were obviously tossed by this sudden shock, and they were trying to get up not far away.

Although I don't know what is driving the spacecraft outside now, I know that now is the best opportunity to clean up these Rasha. If they recover, they will definitely die later.

So I staggered to stand up and walked towards the four Rasha who fell to the ground, clenched my fist tightly in my right hand.

I now feel the unprecedented huge power from my right hand. Now I punch it down. If the other party does not resist, even the flexible Rasha will burst my brain.

Xiaobai knew what I was going to do, but he didn't stop me, but just watched silently behind.

Just as I approached the four Rasha step by step, suddenly there was a loud bang in the direction above my head, and then the ceiling was sunken down.

I was stunned for a moment and heard the creaking sound of heavy objects crushing again. Obviously, something was on the ceiling and was pressing in!

What on earth can make the outer wall of this extremely strong spacecraft bent like this? I'm a little afraid to think about it.

The next moment, I heard a loud click. Suddenly, a few black things penetrated the metal shell of the ceiling and pierced the inside of the can-like cabin.

One of the huge black objects rubbed my nose deep** into the ground, shocking my cold sweat.

I stepped back and sat on the ground, but Xiao Bai came up and hurriedly hugged me and said, "Are you all right?"

I didn't answer her, because I was shocked by the scene in front of me, because I saw the black slightly curved thing inserted, like a sharpened patch, or rather, it should be the nails of some kind of creature.

It's just that the nails are so long and hard, you can imagine how big their owners are!

At this moment, the inserted nails and a handful of fingers bent slightly and clasped the top of the ceiling. Then I saw them moving one on both sides, and I heard the creaking of the iron plate tearing, which made my eardrums hurt.

Not long after, the ceiling of the spacecraft was torn out by these giant hands.

Xiaobai and I sat on the ground, took a cold breath, and dared not make a sound at all.

The four Rasha opposite saw this situation, as if they had been stimulant, immediately changed from a depressed state to cheering and screaming at us.

I feel cold and know that the big thing is not good, because obviously the huge thing outside must be with Rasha?

What exactly is the other party? Giant Rasha?

When I read this, I suddenly saw a huge eye as big as the Mid-Autumn Festival moon, emitting bright yellow light from the hole in the opened cabin, and at the same time, a seemingly tangible black evil spirit poured down XIE like a waterfall.

My heart almost stopped beating. What is this? A real hell ghost?

The evil eye swept around in the can-like cabin, as if looking for something.

I subconsciously pulled Xiaobai to a corner of the cabin and hid in the blind corner that my eyes could not see.

And my plan was obviously not so smooth. When those little Rasha saw that we were going to hide, they shouted again, as if they were pointing out our position to the huge things outside.

After receiving the prompt, the giant creature tried its best to look at us, but no matter how it looks at it, it can't see us.

At this time, those little Rasha seemed to be anxious and screamed more crazily, like monkeys with fire on their buttocks.

And the huge creature seemed to feel that they were too noisy, very annoyed, made a deep hum, and then mercilessly, like a flea, stretched out two fingers, flattened the four Rasha, and splashed a black juice.

I was stunned and deeply understood the brutality of this guy.

I looked back at Xiaobai and saw that she, who had been barbaric before, was also pale and pale at this time.

I was about to say something to comfort her when I suddenly felt the ground tilt.

I looked back with sweat and saw that the huge guy might be annoyed because he couldn't see us and tried to tilt the whole spacecraft.

As the ground becomes more and more inclined, we have nothing to grab, so we can only roll towards the center.

I know it's all over, and there is a chill in my heart.

While rolling, my heart said: No, I will die. I must find a way to save Xiaobai.

So I was about to reach out to push Xiaobai away, but at this time, the ground stopped tilting, and the spaceship made a sound and was thrown away by the huge guy.

I hurriedly wanted to get up from the ground, but as soon as I moved, I felt that my clothes were caught by something, and then my whole body was lifted up.

Soon, I found that I had been made a hole in the cabin, and two round objects reflecting fierce light appeared in front of me.

Yes, I was caught by the huge monster. At this moment, I was looking at it, and next to me, it grabbed Xiaobai's clothes with the other hand.

This guy seemed to be very curious about us and looked at us carefully. I don't know what he was thinking.

At this time, I also saw its face clearly. This is a creature similar to Rasha, and the whole body is also carbon-black skin, which is dull.

However, it is more robust or fatter than those thin monkey-like Rasha.

Because I saw its meat mountain-like body, like a pug, with wrinkled skin.

Its face is basically flat, except for two copper bell giant eyes, two collapsed nostrils and yellow teeth under the thin lips, and its mouth is closed one by one, spitting out strange black gas.

What surprised me most was not the ugly face of this guy, but that thousands of little Rasha were spinning around it and casting fierce eyes at us.

Maybe the number is more than that, where I can't see it in the dark, I can faintly see the dark shadows, which are already within my night vision.

What's more desperate is that every hundred meters, there is a light-like eye like this guy in front of him. In this vast underground world, there are countless stars.

I sweated hard. Looking at their huge team, I almost peed my pants.

And I found that these, whether large or small, seem to obey some kind of command and form a queue phalanx in an orderly manner.

This is not a monster's nest, this is a monster army, I secretly told myself.

I was even more surprised to observe their movements, because the direction they entered was exactly the direction I came from, that is, the exit position of this underground palace.

Obviously, although there are still very few creatures left in this world, for Rasha, there is nothing against them in this destroyed world, so their destination is obviously to go through the space-time tunnel when I came to the earth.

Such a huge team is undoubtedly a devastating blow to the earth. Although these Rasha have no advanced destructive weapons, they have more powers than any weapon.

"It's over, it's really over..." I said to myself, and my whole body was completely on the edge of collapse.

Those I know on earth, my relatives, friends, and all the people I know, those who are either good or evil, the brilliant and corrupt human civilization, may be destroyed the next moment, just like the planet I am on now.

Whether human beings' transformation and destruction of nature are right or wrong, whether the dark side of human beings obscures goodness, evil spreads everywhere.

Everything I know is about to be destroyed.

Thinking of this, I sighed slightly, looked at the copper bell giant eyes in front of me, and slowly closed my eyes.

The huge Rasha also seemed to have lost interest in continuing to observe us. A gap slowly cracked between the dark mouths, and a black smoke slowly overflowed from its mouth, accompanied by a strong spicy stench.

It slowly opened its mouth, raised its head, and then carried the two of us directly above its huge mouth.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that its teeth were dark yellow like an old smoker, and they were jagged enough to tear steel.

Because appetite stimulates its animal nature, the exuberant and viscous saliva is like magma rolling, squeezing out of the teeth, which makes me a little scared.

I want to struggle and don't want to die in this stinky mouth, but at this moment, I don't have the power of a manor, and I'm not much better than an ordinary person.

Even if it is my powerful right hand, in front of such a huge creature, it is equivalent to a tickling existence.

But even if there is only a glimmer of hope, when I think of Xiaobai, a trace of strength still breaks out.

I struggled to** in my pocket, turned out the mobile phone in my trousers pocket, and threw it at the huge eye of the copper bell.

I threw it very accurately, and with the strange power of my right arm, I heard the sound of breaking the wind. The mobile phone hit the center of the pupil of the giant Rasha fiercely, as if it were a ten rings.

With a bang, the mobile phone plunged into its eyeball fiercely, and a green water emerged from the center of the eyeball.

The giant Rasha roared fiercely, immediately closed his eyes and took a few steps back.

The little Rasha, who was originally gloating under its feet, was extremely sad, and countless people were trampled to death.

At this time, the huge Rasha's hand loosened, and Xiaobai and I fell from a height of more than 30 meters.

Fortunately, the position we fell just hit the huge Rasha's bulging belly and cushioned it before falling to the ground.

However, even so, I still fell to Venus in my eyes and couldn't slow down for a long time.

In fact, I know that I was a meaningless struggle, because even if I fell to the ground, there were countless Rasha troops around, and we were dead.

Originally, when I was in distress, I was looking forward to saving us on the 2nd and 12th, but at this moment, most of them have been buried.

Sure enough, when I slowly got up from the ground and wanted to help Xiaobai, the little Rasha around me who were forced back by the huge Rasha were surrounded again.

I looked at the black pressure around me, and there was a layer of cold sweat on my forehead. I stretched out my right hand in a very stupid fighting posture, ready to fight to the death.

This time, the Rasha did not hesitate, but rushed directly.

I hit one of them head-on with my right hand, but the other ones have jumped in front of me and bit my body.

I felt a severe pain from my ankles, shoulders, waist and buttocks at the same time. I was black in front of my eyes and half kneeled on the ground.

Look at the littlebai next to him, he has been pressed down by a group of Rasha.

I smiled bitterly and knew that everything was over.

But at this moment, suddenly a burst of ** came from the Rasha team in the distance, and then I felt that the ground was shaking slightly, as if something was rushing towards us.

Then I saw more than a dozen Rasha flying like offline kites, spitting blood and falling around.

Then a huge humanoid shadow rushed towards us like a sailboat breaking the waves.

Seeing the shadow, I suddenly whispered, "That's a giant!" The giants we met on the snowfield helped us come to the underground world.

The giant fainted because he protected us, but he didn't expect to wake up now.

Is it coming to save us? There is a question in my mind.

I soon knew the answer, because the giant did rush straight to us.

When it rushed in front of us, a taller guy suddenly came out from the side, which was the injured giant Rasha.

It slowed down at this moment and saw that the giant seemed to be surprisingly angry. It raised its fist and hit the giant.

But the giant was very dexterous, lowered his head to avoid its fist, and then hit the abdomen of the giant Rasha fiercely with his knees, beating it back repeatedly.

The giant did not stop, and then continued to rush towards us.

When those little Rasha saw the new goal, they changed their direction and rushed to the giant one after another.

However, this is like hitting a stone with an egg. As the giant waved his arm to hit the Rasha, he had rushed to me and half squatted down.

The giant gasped, like a running bull, with a white breath in his mouth. His hair was very long. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I could see that it was a male giant.

The giant's lips reached out and grabbed me, so the Rasha who bit me retreated one after another, and then was smashed into mud by the giant's fists.

Seeing that the surrounding Rasha did not dare to move, the giant's lips squirmed twice, as if he wanted to say something, but never made a sound.

Then it stretched out its left hand and slowly spread out the palm it had been holding.

At this time, I saw that the two people were holding in the palm of its hand. It was the unconscious No. 2 and No. 12. It seemed that the giant saved them.

Just as I felt a burst of joy, the ground around me shook slightly.

I looked up and saw that the huge Rasha in all directions had moved this way, as if it had surrounded us.

I was depressed and said that even if the four of us are alive now, the giant is exhausted at this moment. No matter how powerful it is, we can't escape.

Unexpectedly, the giant pointed behind me at this time, with a smile on his face.

I looked back and saw the spacecraft that was unsqueezed by the huge Rasha. The transmitter in the spacecraft was constantly emitting sparks because it was damaged.

What does this mean? Do you want us to escape in a spaceship? But can this spaceship still fly? Obviously impossible.

But the giant has got up at this moment and strode towards the spacecraft.

Then under my strange gaze, it raised one foot and flattened the whole spaceship with a crack.

With a flash of lightning, the spacecraft exploded and burst into flames into the sky.

The giant slowly raised his foot, and then a white light shot out from the middle of the sea of fire, forming a spherical halo.

Xiaobai beside him was covered with injuries, but he did not forget to say in surprise, "This...this is, transmission distortion! We are saved!"

I was stunned for a moment and asked, "Transmission distortion? What is that?"

Xiaobai did not answer me immediately, but picked up No. 12 put on the ground by the giant and said, "Come on, another companion on your back, go to the photosphere. I forgot to turn off the conveyor just now. At this moment, it is damaged. There will be a few seconds of instability, which will absorb everything around you into the transmission storage warehouse. We have to hurry up!"

I seemed to understand what she meant, so I hurriedly picked up No. 2 and followed her to the light ball.

After a few steps, I looked back at the giant and said, "What about you?"

The giant standing next to the sea of fire clenched his fist tightly and did not answer me. Instead, he looked at the countless giant Rasha rushing over in the distance, and his eyes were full of hatred.

At this moment, I found that his face seemed to be a little familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

I can't remember it for a moment, but I don't have time to think about it anymore. I said to the giant, "Let's go. You will die if you stay here."

The giant ignored me, but slowly moved his steps towards the giant Rasha, like a brave warrior.

I suddenly understood why he has been wandering in the snowfield. Maybe that is the mission of the warrior. The moment he is waiting for revenge for the planet, that is the meaning of the warrior's blood burning!

Xiao Bai urged me again, so I could only bow to the great warrior silently and said, "May I repay your kindness in the afterlife, but I really thank you!"

After saying that, I turned my head and ran towards the light ball.

We endured the burning of the flame, passed through the ruins of the hull, and ran into the range of the ball. Finally, I didn't forget to look back and saw that the giant had fought with two or three giant Rasha.

And at this last glance, I found an amazing scene, that is, for some reason, those huge Rasha seemed to have been paused by time at the last moment, and suddenly several huge white light balls appeared in the sky, which were slowly getting bigger.

The giant was also stunned and looked at the sky in a daze.

And then, my eyes were black, and when there was another bright light, it was already a few seconds later.

Explosions, shouts, and countless noises all seem to disappear in an instant.

What happened a few seconds ago seemed to be a dream.

At this moment, Xiaobai and I are standing in a room of only more than ten square meters.

The room is hexagonal, surrounded by six walls. At each wall, there is a huge metal door like a gate. Above each door, there is a strange symbol of light of different colors.

Some are like leaves, some are like snowflakes, and some are like an hourglass.

The faint light from those lights illuminates the whole room, so that the light is not too bright, but it can also be argued.

I put down No. 2 on my back and asked the bloody littlebai next to me, "What is this place?" Are we safe?"

Xiaobai smiled bitterly, put down No. 12 and asked me, "I don't know what you mean by safety. I can only say that we will not die for the time being."

Then Xiaobai said, "This place is called a transmission station, that is, when the transporter we use delivers things, it will pass through here. These doors represent different transmission locations. Things are transported from the big hole above our heads, and then choose the destination here and deliver them out. In order to facilitate the delivery of goods, our planet has hundreds of thousands of transit stations, and this is one of them.

Xiaobai pointed to a door and said, "The light on the door has gone out, indicating that the transmission channel has been destroyed. We just came out of this door."

I nodded and said, "Where do the other transmission points lead to? Do they lead to the earth?"

Xiaobai shook his head and said, "We have no connection with the earth. How can we set up a transmission point on the earth, and even if it can be connected to the earth, the door will only be opened when there is a mission at that transmission point. That is to say, if no one uses the transit station where we are now, we will Trapped to death here! As far as I know, now that the Ilcheres have developed a new way of transmission, the utilization rate here is extremely low, and we may have to wait a few years to get a chance to open the door!"

"How many years?! Didn't we starve to death a long time ago? I said in surprise.

Xiaobai sighed, as if his whole body had lost strength and sat down on the ground.

Next, both of us fell into meditation and never spoke again.

In fact, it's not that I have nothing to say. I actually have many questions, but in this atmosphere, it seems that talking has become superfluous.

Maybe no matter who is facing this situation, will be silent for a while?

After about five minutes, seeing that Xiaobai still didn't speak, it may be the duty of men to comfort women in danger. I coughed gently twice and said, "It's okay. We are not so unlucky. In that case, we can escape from death, so it is not possible to have another luck again."

Xiaobai looked back at me with a helpless smile on the corners of his mouth and said, "My life and death don't matter. I haven't seen any flower world before, and life has always been boring. But it's you. You are a person with a mission. I feel very sad to think that you will die here."

Hearing her say this, I was stunned for a moment. There were thousands of waves in my heart. I said to myself how could there be such a person in the world who did not consider his own safety, but worried about other people's plight, and even put life and death aside.

For a moment, I was moved, warm and a trace of guilt hit my heart, which made me forget what I wanted to say, but my eyes were a little red looking at Xiaobai.

She looked at me quietly, and her eyes were full of perseverance and sincereness.

Looking at her beautiful face, my face suddenly became a little hot. I withdrew my eyes and said, "Are you...are you all right?"

Xiao Bai smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just some skin injuries."

Although she said so, I'm not sure, because Rasha is not a vegetarian, and her teeth can even bite steel, not to mention the mortal body.

So I walked over, sat on the ground next to Xiaobai, and began to check her wound.

Her arms, legs and back were bitten several times, but those teeth only pierced into the skin without tearing.

This is also thanks to the giant's timely arrival. Otherwise, a little later, we will definitely be torn off a few pieces of meat, and there is no hope of survival at that time.

I pulled down a few pieces of cloth from my incomplete clothes to help Xiaobai bandage.

At first, she just looked at me quietly, but later, when I bandaged her calves, her head slowly leaned on my shoulder.

This time it seemed very natural. I didn't resist or say anything. I just paused for a moment, and then naturally wrapped it up for her.

At this time, Xiaobai muttered in his ear, "I don't know what AI love is when I grow up, but I feel really different about you. Is this what your planet calls love?"

I didn't expect her to say that. She was stunned for a moment and said, "No, you just have too few people in contact with. If you see more people, you probably won't say so."

Xiaobai shook his head gently and said, "Nev Chuan, I think I really fall in love with you. Shall we be together? Although you are just a low-level intelligent life, I don't dislike it."

Since I separated from Liang Qian, I haven't felt such warmth for a long time, but when I heard her, my heart was warm and angry. What is a low-level intelligent organism?

I was about to open my mouth to refute, but she said, "Can I hug you?"

I was stunned for a moment and felt that she jumped on my back. The warm body and the soft part of my chest were suddenly transmitted from the touch on my back to my brain, and her special and good body fragrance made me blush to the root of my neck for a moment, and my heart pounded.

In fact, I didn't refuse to make out with her at first because I didn't like her. She is a very beautiful girl and has a good heart. I think anyone will be attracted to her.

I experienced life and death with her, took care of each other along the way, and never abandoned each other. Although it was only a few hours, it seemed to have established a deeper friendship than the years.

Thinking of this, I said to myself that if I could get such a beauty in this life, even if I would die the next moment, I would have no regrets.

Thinking of this, I did not hesitate for the first time, but turned my head and looked at her face.

Her chin is comfortably on my shoulder, like an overworked and lazy cat. When she saw me look over, she showed a gentle smile.

Seeing her like this, I also smiled, picked up her little face with my hand, then turned around and gently held her in my arms.

Xiao Bai lay in my arms very meekly, hugged my waist tightly with his hand, and then looked up and smiled at me. His face was full of warmth and comfort.

We snuggled up to each other like this, as if the end of the world and some peerless secrets had been left behind. I have never felt so warm.

After a few minutes, I summoned up the courage to say to Xiaobai, "Can you leave the pharmacy?" I want to take you home to meet my family, and then watch the sunrise and sunset every day for the rest of my life.

Xiaobai didn't say anything, but I felt her nodded slightly and sobbed.

I quickly asked her what was wrong, and she slowly raised her head, full of tears, and replied, "Okay, I promise you."

Then she hugged me tightly and cried loudly.

I seem to understand her hysteria at this moment, because if she hadn't met me, she might have lived in the pharmacy for a lifetime. That kind of loneliness is unbearable for ordinary people.

May I ask, who in the world is not afraid of loneliness and longs for love?

Just as we hugged each other tightly, suddenly there was a rumbling sound behind us.

Xiaobai and I were shocked. Looking back, we saw a door marked with a snowflake sign slowly opening, and a vague figure appeared at the door.

The sky outside the door is very bright, and our eyes have been in darkness for a long time, so it is difficult to adapt for a while, and we can't see who the person is.

And with the light, we also heard the whining wind, and a strong chill blew into the house with the wind, which made me shiver.

But I know that the wind means that the door must lead to a world with air, which is our only chance to escape.

Even if it's cold outside, it's ten thousand times better than being trapped here.

It almost saved time to think. I carried No. 2 on my back, Xiaobai put No. 12 on my back, and the two rushed to the door together.

When we just rushed out and felt the fresh air outside, the door also closed.

First of all, I didn't measure where we were, but took a long sigh of relief.

Looking back, the door was missing.

At this time, I began to look around and saw that we were actually in a broken temple.

This broken temple is less than 20 square meters and is a simple wooden beam structure.

There are four wooden pillars in the temple that are not straight, but seem to be crooked. The tiles above the head are sparse, breaking many small holes, and the sun is shooting down from those small holes.

In front of us is the direction of the temple gate. The door is open, and a small wooden door opens out. The sun shines in from the door frame, forming a rectangular shadow on the ground.

Outside the door is white snow, stretching into the distance. The wind is not very strong, but it has been blowing for a while, sending chills.

Everything here seems very quiet and peaceful, like an out-of- world.

"Where is this?" Xiaobai was the first to ask.

I took a breath and found that the air here was very thin, so I took a few more breaths before saying, "I don't know, but this building looks like an earth, and it should be a plateau area, because the air is very thin."

While listening to me, Xiaobai looked around and muttered to himself, "I didn't expect that this transit station really has space to connect the earth. You're right. This is the earth. Look at these three Buddha statues."

I hurriedly looked back and found that three clay-painted Buddha statues were enshrined on the incense case behind us.

As soon as I look at the clothes, I know that this is not a Han Buddha, because these Buddha statues are hated one by one, with black faces and red lips, holding sharp weapons in their hands, and stepping on evil spirits under their feet, which are very fierce.

This is a unique way of shaping Tibetan Buddhism. Judging from the degree of paint on the Buddha statue, this small ruined temple is very old.

However, although it is rarely visited, there are still people taking care of it, because the Buddha statue is spotless, and there are some Tibetan incense that have not been burned out.

Xiao Bai came close to the smoking incense and said, "This smells really good."

With that, she saw that the incense burner on the incense case was a little skewed and was about to fall off the table, so she helped it and straightened it.

I reminded her not to get close to the Buddha statue, because the belief of Tibetan Buddhism is very complicated, and some evil gods cannot be easily approached, which is easy to attract unnecessary disasters.

Xiaobai was very obedient and took two steps back and said to me, "Look at this Buddha statue of the devil in the middle, holding a strange thing in his hand."

When I saw it, as expected, the Buddha statue was held high with one hand and looked at the devil under his feet with an exaggerated expression, but he held a black object like a TV remote control board in his hand, shining with a strange metallic luster.

At this time, Xiaobai said, "I know. This is the transmission terminal. We transmitted it through this thing!"

I frowned and said, "Is this god related to your Ilherez?"

Xiaobai shook his head and said he didn't know, but asked me, "I don't know who just touched the mechanism and opened the door for us."

I also remembered that there was a man when the door opened just now, so I looked around, but I didn't find anyone.

But I guess that person must be a monk or something.

Thinking of this, I looked at the Buddha statue and decided not to touch the things in his hand. Instead, I bowed to him respectfully, and then said to Xiaobai, "The two injured are staying here for the time being. Let's go out and have a look. If we can find someone, find some medicine to treat it. If we can send us to the city, Or a nearby hospital, that's even better. When the two people are settled, we will inquire about the location of Adumu Lake and find the white jade of the Tibetan wheel.

Xiaobai didn't say anything, but nodded obediently.

When we walked out of the temple gate and came to the snow, the sun brought us a trace of warmth, and I was also shocked.

Looking up, we are now at the top of a hillside, surrounded by many small hills covered with ice and snow. Further away, there are towering mountains that do not see the top, straight into the sky. The mountains continue to know the distance one by one, winding like a giant dragon, which is very magnificent. .

And surrounded by these hillsides under my feet, there is a small lake as quiet as a mirror. Or a sea.

The shape of Haizi is softly oval. Although the shore of the lake is covered with snow, the lake is green and full of vitality.

The water in the sea is reflection of the blue sky overhead and the magnificent mountains and rivers in the distance, with a circle of ripples from time to time. The tranquility and beauty of pearls makes people feel calm at once.

Xiaobai said to me, "What a beautiful lake, but why is it frozen everywhere, but the lake is not frozen?"

I said to her, "Maybe there is a hot spring out of the lake, otherwise there will be no white ripples."

"Hot spring? I haven't taken a shower for a long time. Let's take a mandarin duck bath!" Xiaobai said to me happily.

I almost stumbled down, but I didn't expect her to talk fiercely at this time.

Slowly, I said to her, "Don't look close. The hillside is still far from the lake, and it's almost dusk today. We have nowhere to hide, and we have to go back to the temple for the night, so it's better not to go. Since there are no half figures around, we can only pick some snow to boil water and survive tonight. The lama in this temple may live nearby and won't come to the temple at this late. He will definitely appear when he worships incense tomorrow morning, and then we can leave here.

Xiaobai nodded and looked at the distant mountains and lakes. His eyes flashed. For some reason, he said to me, "Do you think it is possible that we have come to Adumu Lake?"

I was stunned for a moment, touched her hair and said, "Fool, how can it be such a coincidence?"

Xiaobai smiled and didn't pay attention to it.

So we returned to the ruined temple and searched around. Unexpectedly, we found a tattered iron pot and some dry firewood in the corner.

I think it may be that the lama encountered a snowstorm when he came to worship the incense and couldn't go home, so he left these things when he stayed here temporarily?

Tibetans believe in Buddhism, which is admirable.

At this time, Xiaobai pointed to the beam again and said, "Look, there is still dried meat hanging there!" That's great!"

I looked up and found that there were two pieces of black dried meat hanging on the beam, which was a little like air-dried mutton.

Tibetans are very good at drying and collecting food. I don't have to worry about whether it can be eaten or not. Moreover, this smoked and marinated dried mutton has an excellent flavor, and I can't stop drooling at once.

You know, I haven't eaten decent food for a long time.

So I said to Xiaobai, "We ate these two mutton. When the lama comes, I will explain it to him. At worst, I will pay some money."

Xiao Bai got into my arms very happily, and then said coquettishly, "Let's make a fire and cook outside the house. I want to watch the sunset with you. You promised me!"

I patted her on the head very lovingly and said, "Okay, it's all up to you."

When we raised the fire and roasted the dried mutton, the sun gradually fell behind the distant mountains, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and only the white snow was still so dazzling.

I don't feel cold, because Xiaobai has been in my arms from the beginning, making me feel peace and warmth that I have never felt before.

The remnant sun's blood is red, reflected on the light sea, and the light is shining. The scene is really indescribably beautiful.

We were both stunned. It was not until the moon rose and surrounded by a mysterious fog that we remembered that we had not eaten yet.

After eating the delicious mutton, it was late and the wind was stronger, making the wooden structure of the temple creak, so I took Xiaobai back to the house, closed the temple door and made a new fire.

We were surrounded by the fire and chatted without saying a word. Soon, overwork made me feel sleepy, so she got into my arms again.

We snuggled and slept on the ground.

To be honest, I never dreamed of what happened next.

My underground heritage exploration career came suddenly and ended unexpectedly. On this day, I spent the night in a ruined temple, as if it had been arranged by heaven, and unexpectedly revealed all the mysteries.

After that night, the surroundings were terribly quiet. At first, there was a little wind, but in the second half of the night, the wind stopped.

I slept deeply until a rough voice sounded and woke me up from my dream.

The voice shouted, "Oh, my God, old man, I'm exhausted. I said you're really anxious. Let's stay in that Tibetan stockade for one night and come back tomorrow morning. We can drink two bowls of butter tea comfortably. This night, I have to catch up with the mountain. It's cold and hungry. It's really not for people to stand it!"

I opened my eyes when I heard this sound, because the sound was particularly obvious outside the quiet house.

Then there was a creaking sound when walking in the snow. If you listen carefully, there are many people, at least ten.

I frowned slightly, looked at the sleeping littlebai next to me, and No. 2 and No. 12, who had been unconscious, and stood up silently.

The voice just now has a few Beijing accents, and I am very familiar with the tone. I have realized that this voice is very similar to Nobita's voice.

When I was about to go to the crack of the door to see who was outside the house, I suddenly felt that there seemed to be a person next to the incense case behind me.

I saw a tall man with my spare light, as if he was wearing a robe and standing in the dark.

Because the fire has been extinguished, I can't see it clearly, but he can't escape my night eyes.

So I immediately broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly looked back, but there was no one in front of me.

But the strange thing is that the hidden incense on the incense case is still emitting green smoke, and it seems that someone has added fuel to it.

I frowned slightly and said to myself, "Am I wrong?"

At this time, the sound outside the house sounded again. It was an old voice, a little tired. It seemed to answer the words like Nobita and said, "How many things have you done? I'm ashamed to complain. Yesterday was the day I promised Zaba God to return the hidden wheel of white jade. It's now, which is four o'clock in the morning, which is equal to We are overdue. If we provoke the gods to bring down other disasters, that's not a joke.

When I heard this sound, there was a buzz in my mind, and I could hardly believe my ears, because this sound turned out to be my grandfather's voice!

If the two people outside the house are really Nobita and Grandpa, then it's too incredible! Why did they come here, and they kept saying that they came to return the white jade, that is to say, I am really near Adumu Lake now, and the hidden white jade I am looking for has been borrowed by my grandfather for a long time ago, and now I have come to return it!

The amount of information contained in their conversation was so amazing that I couldn't believe it for a moment and could only stand there.

At this time, the sound outside the house was getting closer and closer, and they had come to the snow in front of the house.

A clear voice said, "Mr. Nie, is this the temple of Zaba you mentioned? It seems that everything you said is not a lie. Why don't we go in and worship the god Zaba!"

I am also very familiar with this voice. Unexpectedly, it is the boss Wu who has been looking for a long-finger man!

Thinking of what happened in Lop Nur before, it was like yesterday. Did Boss Wu and Grandpa know each other for a long time? Isn't it accidental that he met me?

However, at this time, another person with a slightly foreign tone said, "I heard that the Bazale is very spiritual. Although this broken temple is broken, it is a pure land. It's better not to set foot, especially there are many bloody vulgar people here."

When I heard it, it turned out to be Mr. Andre's voice when I lived in Chukochi!

Mr. Andre took good care of me at that time. I treated him like my closest elders, but I didn't expect him to have planned with my grandfather.

What surprised me more was that another voice sounded: "I said Mr. Andre, not everyone can do dirty work. What do you mean by that? We didn't have to worry about food and clothing, but the old man just squeaked and asked me to pretend to send people to monitor Nie Chuan, and then I mobilized all the connections to play this big play. You know better than me what it was for. A vulgar person full of blood? If it hadn't been for the lay people under me who paved the way for Nie Chuan and completed the task with blood every time, we would not have been today. I did a good thing, and I also pretended to be a bad person. In the end, it's still not good.

This man's voice is naturally Xie Yuting's voice. My good brother, Xie Yuting, helped me escape, saved my life, and kidnapped me. Now I finally know that all this is premeditated.

At this time, Andre seemed to be choked by Xie Yuting's words and did not speak again.

Instead, another voice sounded: "In a word, you don't have a loss. Which of those monuments is not like a mountain, and you have made a good fortune this time. And we touched Captain Jin. These births and death, rushed to the front line, but did not fall well. I also got injured.

This voice is naturally old HU. Hearing that his words were slightly desolate, my heart suddenly felt a little sad, but I didn't expect that even he was lying to me. What's going on?

While I was thinking, Nobita next to me said again, "Forget it, forget it, no matter how hard we are, no matter how wronged we are, we are not as miserable as my bitter brother Xiaochuan, right? According to his personality, if he is asked to go to the tomb to drill the ruins and go to the deepest and most humane Jedi, he will definitely not do it! So we set up so many bitter tricks, sad scenes, and all kinds of playing with him. In the end, he was still in the dark. Finally, he had to sacrifice his whole body's blood to the white jade, which is probably the biggest tragedy in the world.

At this time, old HU answered, "The last sacrifice was with his own consent. Although our good brother Xiaochuan has been deceived by us, he still has a deep understanding of justice in the end, so no matter how hard it is, it is worth it if you can hand over this brother, don't you think..."

At this time, Xie Yuting actually answered, "Yes! So I sacrificed so many brothers, and I didn't say a word, but the good people didn't get well. In the end, Xiaochuan still failed to escape his fate..."

I heard that he was a little choked in the end. Somehow, his eyes were a little red. I didn't expect that Xie Yuting seemed to treat me as a brother from beginning to end.

When the words came here, those people seemed to be silent, and a sad emotion could be felt even by the thick stone wall across the room.

They didn't seem to continue walking, but stopped outside the dilapidated temple. They may be tired of walking and took a rest here when they saw the buildings here.

While I was shocked by the news of another person's death, I wanted to rush out and tell everyone, "I'm not dead!"

Or, the dead one is just another self.

But I know that if I go out now, I don't think they will tell the truth about many things. If I want to know the truth of the matter, I have to put up with it.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence, Grandpa's voice said, "Actually, Xiaochuan may not be dead, and the other one may live somewhere in the world. I asked Andre to take Xiaochuan to the ruins island, not only to collect the last human skull, but also I have long heard that there is a special magnetic field on the island that can replicate creatures into two or several. At that time, you also saw Xiaochuan disappear for a period of time, and then appear in the fog. Maybe a small river outside the forest at that time It has been copied and shuttled to somewhere in the world with a powerful magnetic field.

Hearing this, Andre smiled bitterly and said, "But after all, it's just a legend. The legend also says that there are the Atlanteans, the ancestors of human beings living on the island. Do you think this is also credible?"

At this point, everyone was silent again.

I smiled bitterly in the ruined temple and said that the impossibility in your eyes was actually met by me.

After a while, I heard my grandfather's old voice. He sighed and said, "Anyone who touches the white jade of the Tibetan wheel will have five lives and will eventually kill the people close to me. Therefore, as the bloodline of the Nie family, I chose to bear the curse, while Xiaochuan suffered his life. I don't know that such a choice is Right or wrong, maybe sometimes living is more painful than dying? After this matter is done, don't contact me anymore. You can live your own life. You helped me save the human world from Rasha Yingri, which is also a success. I will give you a sum of money for you to spend your old age.

"Old man!"

"Old man!"

"Mr. Nie!"

"My friend, you..."

Everyone seemed to have an unspeakable pain, but they had nothing to say, and finally turned into a few sighs.

After sighing, Boss Wu said secretly, "Unfortunately, I still couldn't find any clues about him and couldn't find him..."

As soon as he said this, I heard that someone on the beam seemed to be grabbing a piece of wood and rattling, but looking up, no one was there.

My close relatives and friends outside the door were silent for a while, as if they didn't want to say anything more.

I heard their footsteps gradually drifting away towards the lake under the slope.

When they went far away, I opened the temple door and quietly walked out.

I stood in the dark on the top of the slope and saw the backs of those people, the tall fat man, the old man with white hair, Xie Yuting in a pink shirt and a cotton-padded jacket, Andre with a crutch, and a capable old HU.

Who can these backs be, not those I know?

What is the hidden wheel white jade, what kind of mysterious place it is stored in, and what kind of danger it is? In the end, I still don't have the desire to know.

Maybe I'm tired of this adventurous life, and now I have a newbie, so I hope to have a stable life, right?

I watched the torch go away, and stood in front of the door for a long time, looking at the lake deep in the snow in the distance. Unconsciously, two lines of tears slid down.

After a long time, I turned around and returned to the room.

Early the next morning, an unexpected border guard composed of more than a dozen people passed in front of the ruined temple and learned that they were nearby sentry posts. When they heard that we were lost tourists in the mountains, they helped us contact the outside world.

No. 2 and No. 12 did not die. Perhaps because of the magical incense, most of the wounds on his body were healed the next day. After returning to Beijing for a period of time, he talked about the battle with Rasha and the process of being saved by the giant.

I, on the wine table, seemed to be listening to the heavenly book, and I didn't listen to it at all.

I was only a little surprised when they said that the giant's appearance was seven points like me, but I didn't want to pursue it anymore.

In the end, I still didn't choose to go home to recognize everyone, because I know that even if I go back, I can't go back to the past.

In the ninth, there is an extra No. 10, which is usually very cold, but when you get acquainted with everyone, you will become very talkative.

I was with a high salary and carried out various dangerous tasks, so I easily bought a house on the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing and lived with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai has learned a lot about human beings, so he quickly integrated into the role of housewife. Every day, he throws his arms to me as soon as he goes back. The two get up early and come back late in order to go to the park to wait for the sunrise and sunset, which is also romantic.

I live a comfortable and happy life.

Although I didn't go home, I send some money to my cousins and parents anonymously every month, which may let them know that I am still alive, so I won't be so sad.

In the end, I can't let go of Liang Qian, but my feelings for her are no longer as passionate as before, but more memories.

On a summer afternoon without a task, I learned from Jiufan that a woman named Liang Qian often came to the hospital, so I put on a long-lost suit, took a car, and came to the orthopedic hospital in the bright sunshine.

As soon as I entered the gate, I found a familiar figure sitting on the lawn not far away, with his back to me.

There is another man sitting beside her, 1.85 meters, with a moustache and very capable.

The two of them looked at me from the side and talked and laughed about something.

I looked at them so happy and looked at the carnations in my hand, and a helpless smile suddenly appeared on my face.

I remember that the sun was very warm that day, the trees in the hospital were green, and the lazy look of people. Everything was so comfortable...

The end of this book "Changming Candle" pays tribute to the third uncle's tomb robbery notes.

After writing this book, the natural volume is also full of emotions. I feel that I still have many shortcomings. Thank you for your support. Please look forward to the new book Wings of Light, which is also published vertically and horizontally.