
Chapter 19 Fierce Martial Arts

Then, Nan Batian talked about the effect of the ethereal beads. After Nan Batian finished speaking, everyone stared at the star, the ethereal beads excitedly? A magic weapon?

Looking at the suzerain one by one, they all bring out a strong desire. Of course, it's just for the ethereal beads, and they are all people with excellent cultivation. Those who can't practice at a good speed can only sigh deeply.

"Now, we need to find out the three strongest of them, and those who have not reached the innate fourth weight. If they feel that their strength is enough, they can also challenge them. If they win, they can also get ethereal beads." Tian Xingzi said. Look at everyone at the same time.

At this moment, a man in white robe suddenly walked out of the team and walked to the four innate fourth people. He held his fists in his hands and said to the suzerain and the peak master: "Although the disciple is the third innate, I am willing to do my best."

"Good." The suzerain Tian Xingzi shouted.

Seeing the man start, Zhong Shan also slowly came out.

"Disciple Zhong Shan, I am willing to fight for it." Zhong Shan said respectfully.

"Good." Tian Xingzi said again, and at the same time, looking at Zhong Shan, his eyes were also bright, as if he was thinking of something.

Next, no one dares to come up. Everyone who practices knows the meaning of each weight, and they think they can't win the innate fourth weight.

"You two are innate in the third weight, choose your opponent, and the rest, the two are innate in the fourth weight, and then fight against each other, just once to decide to win or lose." Tianxingzi Road.

"Yes" six people answered at the same time.

The person with the third innate white robe selected the woman at a glance, as if he thought that even if the woman was the fourth innate, she was not as strong as his own. Zhong Shan looked at the remaining three men.

Zhong Shan didn't know what skills they practiced, and he didn't know about the three of them, so he casually pointed to an axe, because in Zhong Shan's heart, an inch long and an inch strong, after all, the axe is not as long as its own big knife.

Point out that person, that person was also overjoyed. It's like picking up a big bargain. I actually dealt with a congenital third weight, which is absolutely a sure victory.

"All right, let's spread it out. Let's start now." Tian Xingzi said.

After saying that, in full view of the public, they were divided into three places in the square, Zhong Shan and the man holding the axe, and walked to the west. The other two groups, one in the center and one in the east.

Tian Linger and Nan Batian, at this moment, they are all not far from Zhongshan, just to aura up Zhong Shan.

"Please," said Zhong Shanhengdao.

"You go first." The man with the axe laughed and said, obviously, for the innate third weight, he looked down on it.

"That's offended." Zhong Shan said.

After saying that, Zhong Shan jumped and the knife hit the man fiercely.

Cut Tianshan Mountain!

Under one move, Zhong Shan did his best to fight. Zhong Shan did his best to fight, and the other party was still a congenital fourth strong man.

Seeing Zhong Shan's knife cut down, the man also tightened his heart. Knowing that he was careless, the huge axe in his hand came up with the knife.


The big knife with a strong evil spirit cut fiercely on the huge axe, and the man was short.


The slate under the foot was stepped out of the cobweb-like crack.

When Zhong Shan saw that he couldn't make a knife, his fierce side was exposed again.

Kill it all!

A quick second move.

Although the man held an axe, his figure was very flexible. He quickly blocked Zhong Shan with another knife. At the same time, he used his strength to swing Zhong Shan's big knife away. After all, the innate fourth weight, the amount of true gas is much more than Zhong Shan.


Zhong Shan snorted coldly, and the big knife in his hand kept dancing. He tried his best. The knife was fierce and forced to death. Zhongshan's big knife was like a storm. One knife was faster than another knife. It seemed to be crazy. It danced fast. In the eyes of the outsiders, Zhong Shan was crazy. It If you go to him, you can only admit defeat.

However, the opponent is the fourth innate, more powerful than Zhongshan, and faster than Zhongshan. However, the only shortcoming is that it is not as fierce as Zhongshan. Zhongshan seems to be completely immersed in the rush, and he is absolutely determined to fight.

Is it enough to be fierce? The man also changed from passive to active, no longer just Zhong Shan to attack.

Most of the slate under their feet has been broken, but the fight is getting more and more exciting, dancing crazily, perfectly interpreting their moves.

Zhong Shan felt that it would definitely not work to support him like this. His understanding of the knife method, coupled with his own momentum, can be equal to his opponent. However, the real energy is not as good as him. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be to him.

Demon quenching method!

"Cut Tianshan Mountain!" Zhong Shan drank a lot, and his muscles soared. The evil spirit on the knife suddenly soared, with red eyes, and he cut the man's fierce knife.

The man also saw the danger and tried his best to meet the sky.


With a loud noise, the man flew backwards, and the huge axe in his hand was also cut off by Zhong Shan. Zhong Shan fell to the ground and looked at the wrist of the flying man with a fierce face, and the tiger's mouth of his wrist had already spewed two strands of blood.

lost, the man lost, such an injury, it will take at least half a month to recover.


Zhong Shanchang breathed, calmed down the breath in his heart, and slowly turned around.

When he looked back, Zhong Shan found that this group of new disciples were now incredibly valued Zhong Shan one by one. The third priority? Is it the fourth weight innate?

The other two battlefields were decided long ago. The other was a congenital third defeat, and another congenital fourth man was defeated.

Looking at this scene, Tian Linger immediately whispered to Zhong Shan, "Good job."

Nan Batian smiled and didn't say much. Obviously, although he was surprised, the innate third and fourth innate strength could not be seen in his eyes.

In another place, the second-generation disciple of Kaiyang Sect also frowned and looked at Zhong Shan at this moment, with a trace of surprise flash in his eyes.

The suzerain and the two peaks looked at each other, and a strange flashed in their eyes. Finally, the suzerain Tianxingzi showed a strange smile and looked at Zhong Shan, and his eyes also lit up.

The three defeated naturally retreated into the group of new disciples.

Zhong Shan, and two other innate fourth-weight people, came to the suzerain.

"Good, you are the top three of this group of new disciples. Here are three empty beads." Tianxingzi Road.

After that, three fist-sized transparent beads appeared in front of Tianxingzi. He gently grabbed the beads. Zhong Shan found that the beads were actually soft and ethereal beads?

didn't take a closer look. Zhong Shan put it in his arms first and then went back to take a closer look.

"Okay, the ethereal beads have also been sent down. Then, fifteen days later, the three of you will go to the Kaiyang Hall and come to you if you have something to do." Tian Xingzi said.

"Yes" Zhong Shan answered with the other two at the same time.

"Go back separately, or choose another skill." Tianxingzi Road.

"Yes, suzerain." All the disciples answered immediately.

Then, the disciples found the second-generation disciples behind the suzerain and told them about their practice. The strong man of the Jindan period also guided them.

"Zhong Shan, you can do it!" Nan Batian looked at Zhong Shan and smiled. Tian Linger also walked to Zhongshan with a smile.

"Well, I'll go to see the skills again. In the evening, you can come to me to listen to the waterside, and we'll talk about it in detail." Zhong Shan said to the two of them.

"Good" The two nodded directly.

Zhong Shan immediately walked to the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

Looking at the back of Zhong Shan's departure, the suzerain Tian Xingzi frowned slightly, and a trace of light flashed in his eyes, and then flew away with the other two peak owners.

In the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, Zhong Shan found a book of innate skills again.

"Secret Attack"

Zhong Shan saw this secret book last time. Listening to the name, you can see that it is a secret attack skill. Zhong Shan looked for this secret book, not to practice it by himself, but to use it as a gift.

Three hours later, in the Great Kun Kingdom, the hidden body copied the book, and the body Zhong Shan returned to the waterside. The reason why I didn't copy it last time was that Zhong Shan wanted a process of reciting for the first time. Zhong Shan was clear that he recited a paragraph of text, and the first impression was completely different from the future. If he copied it, he recited it, recited it word by word first, and then realized it. Although the difference I can make myself feel a lot more.

Go back to the waterside and gently take out the empty beads.

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