
Chapter 111 War!

The valley is surrounded by a large number of practitioners. We looked inside in horror together.

When Zhong Shan, Princess Qianyou and others approached, the test was over. In the valley, three strong men were imprisoned with a slight yellow light on their bodies. A bald monk in a golden robe stood in the center.

The monk put his hands together and was very young.

"Golden Cicada wins"

The bald monk won, took a jade card from the referee, slowly flew out of the valley and flew into the distance, and followed by him was also a man in a monk's robe. The man wore a lotus monk's hat and held a purple gold glazed Zen stick in his hand.

"Princess, that, that, that is Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva." A Er's eyes widened and said with an incredible face.

Zhong Shan also glanced at the monk who was fading away, the monk with a Zen stick in his hand, Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva, and what kind of person was the 'Golden Cicada' who had just won in front of him?

"Reincarnated spirit child?" Mr. Water Mirror frowned.

"No, the reincarnated spirit child is generally protected by arhats. What's going on? The personal protection of Dawei Dragon Bodhisattva? What is the origin of this golden cicada? Princess Qianyou frowned.

"A reincarnated spirit child who can be protected by the Bodhisattva. There are three possibilities. First, he had a good relationship with Bodhisattva in his previous life, second, Bodhisattva was entrusted by others, and third, the reincarnated spirit child's previous life was no longer a Bodhisattva, but a Buddha. Mr. Water Mirror frowned and said.

"People from the Pure Land of Bliss actually came to participate in the imperial examination of the Daluo Dynasty. I don't know if anyone in the other three holy places participated. This imperial examination is getting more and more interesting." Princess Qianyou smiled and said.

"Five days later, the literary test will be clear." Mr. Shuijing nodded.


Five days later, the essay test will begin. After today's examination, it will be ruled in the top three.

Comment venue, Wenyuan Pavilion.

Wenyuan Pavilion stands in the east of the ancient holy capital and has a long history. The Daluo Celestial Dynasty has been established for eight thousand years, but the history of this Wenyuan Pavilion has reached 100,000 years. Before the Daluo Celestial Dynasty, there was an ancient holy place, a holy place of literati, a holy place that existed in

Wenyuan Pavilion is a place, a super huge floating island, floating in mid-air, above is Wenyuan Pavilion, and around Wenyuan Pavilion, it is floating in a circle. A thousand small floating islands are in a flat surface, floating around Wenyuan Pavilion.

Under the floating island of Wenyuan Pavilion, 100,000 desks have been set up. Interval between each other, there is a large circle in the siege for candidates to take the essay examination later, and a repairman has stood in front of each desk. Waiting for the topic of the essay examination.

There are 100,000 people standing under the floating island of Wenyuan Pavilion, and there are also thousands of practitioners standing on the floating island of Wenyuan Pavilion.

These thousands of practitioners can stand on the floating island not because of their precious status, but because they defeated the thousands of heavenly prides of three fellow practitioners during the martial arts test. Thousands of people who got the jade medal.

Among them, there are Zhongshan, Water Mirror, Qi Tianhou and Jin Chan.

Everyone stood neatly, waiting for the examiner's arrival.

Zhongshan looks around Wenyuan Pavilion. A large number of buildings are extremely simple, and at the same time, they transmit a very strange atmosphere, the spirit of Confucianism. A feeling that can only be seen.

Around the Wenyuan Pavilion, there are also a large number of statues erected, and on each statue, there is also a strange atmosphere. There are a total of 4,000 statues. According to Princess Qianyou's introduction, each statue is the champion of every imperial examination, and each of them is a capable person with great wisdom.

After each champion statue is completed. A drop of essence blood will be dripped according to the secret method. In this way, as long as Wenyuan Pavilion exists, there will be a continuous stream of Hongru's spirit flowing into everyone's body. Hongru's spirit is also a kind of luck, which is vast and powerful, and can also wash away everyone's karma to a certain extent.

Although most of the top elements of the statue have died, the statue has not been removed, which is a kind of spirit and a kind of heritage.

Everyone waited patiently, and all the auxiliary officials were in place, waiting for the final examiner.

Examination officer, King Xuan!

While the candidates were waiting anxiously, suddenly there was a burst of ** in front of him, following the guidance of **. Everyone could see that there was a group of people stepping into the air in the distance.

Behind him are a group of officials of the Daluo Dynasty in official uniform, and the first one is a domineering man.

The man is dressed in a golden robe, infinitely noble, with long black hair, which is very smooth in the back of his head. With a majestic face, he walked in the air like this. With each step, his body disappeared in place, as if it were teleportation. Not long. I walked to the Wenyuan Pavilion.

When he got close, Zhong Shan saw it clearly. The forehead bone of King Daxuan was slightly protruding, and the dragon was proud. He was not angry and arrogant. He had a national face and a pair of bright eyes. Unexpectedly, he had two pupils and heavy pupils? Looking at it, it seems that there is a feeling of soul shaking.

Zhong Shan's heart is tight, so domineering eyes.

King Xuan walked to the candidates, looked at everyone, and said with his eyes, "In place!"

"Yes!" All candidates answered immediately.

Then, everyone in the square of Wenyuan Pavilion flew to a thousand small floating islands around Wenyuan Pavilion.

On every small floating island, the desk pen and ink have already been placed. Wait for a while to take the exam.

"The emperor's question, fight!" King Xuan stood in front of Wenyuan Pavilion and said.

The voice was not loud, but somehow, it spread all over a thousand small floating islands, and in the ears of the 100,000 candidates below. Listening to everyone's ears is like a thunderbolt.


The title of the Holy King?


A golden word 'war' with an iron painting and silver hook slowly floated high in the Wenyuan Pavilion and showed it to everyone. The word war is powerful, which makes people have the meaning of fighting on the battlefield.


All candidates are looking at the big word 'war' in the air.

Zhong Shan's eyebrows were slightly locked. Looking at the word 'war' above, he couldn't help guessing in his heart that now the five emperors besieged the Daluotian Dynasty, and the emperor was really angry.

Battle! Fight against the outside world, destroy the four directions, fight against the four directions!

Only by imaguing the sacred meaning can you get twice the result with half the effort.

Wen Cai? Zhong Shan thought that his literary talent was not outstanding, and his literary talent was ordinary, and he wanted to write an earth-shaking masterpiece. It's almost impossible. Even if Zhong Shan can write some good poems, good poems may not be able to suppress these 100,000 essay testers. Will their words be bad?

A thousand floating islands, it is a coincidence that the east is the Marquis of Qi Tian! Zhengnan is Mr. Water Mirror! Zhengxi is a mysterious golden cicada! To the north is Zhongshan.

Everyone was not in a hurry to pick up the pen, but kept thinking.

Three hours of the essay test, write an article related to the test questions!

Gradually, someone has already written it.

Zhong Shan still frowned and thought, recalling the peak words on the earth, to find the words with 'war', and only those who can write the words of 'war' are the kind of people who really experienced the battlefield, and they also have to connect with themselves and make some Micro-modification.

After two hours, Zhong Shan finally figured out what to write.

A word, but is just one word enough?

Grab the brush beside you and look at the best paper on the table, white jade paper!

Take a deep breath, the red Luan is running, and the eyebrows and thoughts are quickly poured into the eyes. Suddenly, the world of Zhongshan has become fragmented again.

The rules of heaven and earth, the endless rules of heaven and earth! Time disappears from time to time. Floating and uncertain.

What Zhongshan has to do is to write the next word he wrote on the rules of heaven and earth, find their trajectory, and slowly write down the word according to the operation of the rules of heaven and earth.

However, the lines of the rules of heaven and earth are endless. It is not easy to want words to coincide with the rules of heaven and earth, and the rules of heaven and earth are still vague and difficult to capture.

Zhong Shan looked patiently and watched. The brush slowly fell on the white jade paper. It was very slow and very careful. He wrote the article he had thought of according to the rules of the day.

When Zhong Shan started writing, many people had already written their own articles.

Suddenly, in the east of Wenyuan Pavilion, Qi Tianhou drew the last stroke.

The article is done!


A golden dragon rushed up to the sky from the manuscript of the Marquis of Qi, the virtual shadow of the dragon, and caused by illegal art, but arrogance. An article of arrogance was born under the pen of the Marquis of Qi Tian, but this arrogance is so strong that the paper can't restrain its momentum, condensing the shape and The energy poured into the inside turned into a proud dragon and rushed to the sky.

A vast golden dragon shadow, hovering and flying above the article of the Marquis of Qi Tian, which is infinite.

The people who finished writing all showed an infinitely shocked look, because countless people saw that on the article of the Marquis of Qi Tian, a proud golden dragon was pulling with it and soaring endlessly.


The golden dragon circled for a while, leaving a long dragon chant, and rushed into the manuscript again. The manuscript of white jade paper was suddenly golden.

Qi Tianhou looked proudly and looked in all directions.

"Congratulations to the prince, the prince of He Xi, the Marquis of Qi Tian is as proud as a dragon, vast and invincible, and will definitely win the first place in one fell swoop." An official flattered the Great Xuanwang in front of Wenyuan Pavilion.

"Shut up!" King Xuan said coldly.

The flattery hit the horse's leg, and the official immediately stood aside with his mouth shut and dared not say more.

King Daxuan continued to look at the four directions.

Sure enough, just after the scenery of the Marquis of Qi, on the floating island in the west of Wenyuan Pavilion.

Jin Chan wrote the last stroke with a pen. In one stroke, suddenly came a torrential sound, the river was torrential, and the beast roared and the birds roared.




From the manuscript of the golden cicada, a land of mountains, rivers, birds and beasts suddenly rushed out, and I saw the floating island, endless mountains and rivers, and rivers are surging, like memory crystal records.

It's getting bigger and bigger, more and more, endless mountains and rivers are all displayed, and it's a good picture of mountains and rivers. Beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful world, beautiful articles.

That momentum, compared with the virtual shadow of the golden dragon of the Marquis of Qitian, was endless and endless, which made a large number of candidates who wrote good manuscripts' eyes wide open.