
Chapter 155 Back to the Horse Gun

Millions of troops from Zhongshan entered the Daye City.

The scene is extremely sad. Tens of millions of city people turned into mummified corpses? A dead city! A cemetery!

All the soldiers were in a cold sweat. If it hadn't been for the general, they would have broken in before. Maybe, maybe one of the mummified corpses on the ground was his own.

A dead place is also a treasure!

The whole Daye City is dead, so all the shops in the city?

Everything went to Zhongshan, but Zhongshan did not send people to count it immediately, but quickly issued a series of orders.

"Water has no trace!" Zhong Shan shouted.

"In!" The water is traceless and responds immediately.

"Close the three gates of the east, west and north, open the southern gate alone, take the armor of our army, put it on the mummified city people at the south gate, and set them up scatteredly to create the scene of our army being destroyed by evil demons." Zhong Shan ordered.

"Yes!" The water is traceless and responds immediately.

"Find some highly cultivated generals, put on makeup, look extremely embarrassed and haggard, and let them hold the body and cry near the south gate!" Zhong Shan continued to order.

"Yes!" There is no trace of water in response.

"For those who rush into the city. No matter who it is, it is indignant and indiscriminate. Kill anyone when you see them! If others escape, don't chase them, because they play the role of people who have lost their minds. Zhongshan solemnly said.

"Yes!" There is no trace of water.

"Other people are ready, some of them go up to the city tower, ready to break the arrows to rob and kill, and some of them are ambushed in the forbidden place nearby to isolate the divine consciousness, waiting for my order!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" The generals responded to their orders.

Daye City has returned to 'coldness' again, and some are just bursts of crying.

Zhong Shan gave up the wealth of the whole city, and instead prepared for an ambush.

Zhong Shan's idea was right. On the second day, there were suddenly millions of troops outside Daye City, and as Zhong Shan predicted, it came from the south, looking at Daye City crying in the distance!

is the head of Xiao Yuandeng, who used to be stationed here.

"Marshal, we're back." A general beside Xiao Yuandeng sighed softly.

"Well, I hope Zhongshan died in it." Xiao Yuandeng frowned and said.

In the distance, a whistleblower flew quickly, with some scars on his body.

"The commander, there are countless casualties inside, especially the bodies of the Daluo Celestial Empire army, in twos and threes, and some escaped people are crying. As soon as our people entered, they were attacked by their red eyes. The whistleblower answered immediately.

"Go!" Xiao Yuandeng waved his hand.

Then, the army quickly headed for the South Gate.

When he walked to the gate, the 'disabled army' in the city stopped crying, and then showed 'panic'.

"Protect the marshal!" A "disabled army" who is very talented in acting shouted.

Then, the "remnances" in the city flew towards the city one after another. In an instant, only one or two people were still 'immersed' in the pain.

"It's not good, Zhong Shan is not dead. He is going to escape. Let's go!" Xiao Yuandeng took the lead and quickly flew to the city.

The army also rushed into it.

Chasing the direction of the 'remnant army' to escape, Xiao Yuandeng chased after him. The generals also followed closely, and the soldiers could not keep up, but they also rushed in crazily and quickly.

On the tower, Zhong Shan smiled and said, "This Xiao Yuandeng is really restful. If you wait any longer, there may be important information given to him by the people who escaped from the city, but. Now..."

A trace of fierceness flashed in Zhong Shan's eyes and said, "Let go!"

In an instant, countless figures suddenly appeared on the tower. One by one, the Daluo soldiers suddenly raised their broken arrows and shot at the people under the city.





Xiao Yuan was in the trap. In the first round of arrow rain, nearly 150,000 soldiers were killed by arrows.

There are not so few broken arrows. In an instant, they were pulled by the bow again and shot directly into the city, which were countless soldiers clustered together like ant nests.

Another round of shots, countless people were killed and injured again.

Xiao Yuandeng, who rushed into the city, suddenly heard the sound of the tower in the distance and immediately knew that it was not good.

Turn your head and look.



From the darkness of the four directions, he suddenly rushed out a large number of troops and rushed to his army with a murderous spirit.

"The array~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" A general of Daguang immediately shouted loudly.

The troops quickly lined up to resist, but the arrow feathers on the tower were like Death's life-threatening charms, like cutting rice, harvesting the lives of a large number of sergeants, so that their arrays could not be listed.

When the Daluo soldiers rushed in, nearly 400,000 people had died, and they were all panicked, undisciplined and unorganized. Under the impact of the wolf cavalry, they were even more flustered.

Defeat! Defeat! Defeat!

There is no suspense. Under the well-prepared situation of Zhongshan, there were countless casualties!

When Xiao Yuan came back, he stared at the tower.

I'm careless! Really careless!

What should I do? If you fight back, you must have no time to organize it. It's a massacre! Escape into the city and organize again? It's impossible. Although Xiao Yuandeng is very anxious, he also knows that he can't go to the city at this moment, and it's bad to ambush Zhongshan again.

"Withdraw, withdraw from the city!" Xiao Yuandeng shouted.

He pushed away the nearby arrow feathers and fled with the rest of the army quickly breaking through the city.

In the battlefield, the prepared archers are often the most terrible. The archers who hit the city turned around and ran to the other side, shooting crazily at the escaped soldiers of the Great Light.

Defeat! Defeat! Defeat!

After a fiasco, Xiao Yuandeng was defeated and fled.

"No trace, I left you 400,000 soldiers. Remember, only 5,000 people are allowed to quickly search all the wealth in the city, use special storage bracelets, and finally come to you to summarize, special storage bracelets, and destroy them all afterwards." Zhong Shan gave the water without a trace and ordered.

"Yes!" The water is traceless and responds immediately.

"Hon the city. Wait for us to come back." Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" The water is traceless and responds immediately.

"Zhao Chuan, let's go!" Zhong Shan preached to Zhao.

Then, the army quickly chased it out.

The so-called victory pursuit, now is the best time to chase and kill Xiao Yuandeng.

Xiao Yuandeng was also unlucky. He never thought that Zhong Shan would be so cunning. An empty city without defense did not receive it. He waited until the evil demon left before entering.

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect it, which also caused me to be careless and rushed in without finding more people for verification.

lost. How ridiculous this defeat is. The most cowardly one ever.

He led the army to run wildly, but Zhongshan's 600,000 troops had also been arranged for a long time. Naturally, they fled in a panic in front, and chased in the back. The general with high cultivation directly rushed into the Xiaoyuan's tail army and interrupted them from escaping. Those people were flooded by the army rushing up

Escape all the way, very strange. There is no chance to gasp, even if you gasp a little, you can immediately prepare for the army. However, Zhong Shan's army did not give them a respite.

Especially the wolf cavalry, Xiao Yuandeng can see that as long as his army stops, the wolf cavalry will quickly disperse his formation, and the rest of his army will really disperse, and it will be completely over.

Wolf cavalry? Cavalry, why are there so many cavalry in Zhongshan?

In the battlefield, cavalry is used to disperse the formation. He has 50,000 cavalry. In the plain war, he still farts!

Xiao Yuandeng's army fled crazily. Some of the little soldiers saw that the situation was not good and actually scattered and fled. This is considered a rebel. But he finally escaped, and his life was saved.

One escape, more and more people run away.

Zhongshan's army was in full swing. Above the wolf's head, the wolf cavalry raised arrows one after another, and the army below fought for success and killed in anger. After killing, they were loaded into storage bracelets. Going back is counted as military merit, so although there are countless casualties along the way, there are not many corpses left.

When chasing a big river, Xiao Yuandeng suddenly had an impulse to cry. When did he lose so completely? Millions of troops, there are still less than 100,000 now. This battle is too ridiculous!

How to explain this to the godfather?

On the bank of the river, Xiao Yuandeng is in a dilemma again. Not all soldiers can fly. If this river is stopped, there will be countless deaths and injuries!

Xiao Yuandeng was infinitely anxious, but the Zhongshan army chasing behind was not in a hurry. Except for the soldiers who fought for military merit, the generals were still in a hurry to control the formation and could not be chaotic.

Yes, war, the military formation must not be chaotic.

Only in this way can we fight in an orderly manner.

When Xiao Yuandeng was infinitely anxious, he suddenly shouted loudly not far from the upstream.

"Yuan Deng, come here!"

A loud shout made Xiao Yuandeng refreshed. He turned his head and looked around. Suddenly, there was an extra figure on the mountain peak in the distance, and followed the sudden appearance of a large number of military shadows.

Xiao Yuanfeng, the big adopted son of Xiao Wang!




Xiao Yuanfeng led troops to help? No, it seems like I've been waiting here for a long time.

"Brothers, go east!" Xiao Yuandeng shouted excitedly.

Seeing the reinforcements, Xiao Yuandeng's army naturally rushed away crazily.

And the army above the mountain also quickly went down the mountain and kept coming out from behind.

There are also nearly one million troops.

Standing in the front, Zhong Shan waved his hand. Zhao Chuan quickly danced a small red flag, and Zhong Shan's army stopped.

Sixty thousand troops rushed all the way and lost thousands of people, but they were still strong.

Opposite Xiao Yuanfeng's million-dollar army, the whole army is ready! After Xiao Yuandeng's army quickly fled to the army, only the generals stayed and confronted Zhongshan in the distance!

The two armies stopped and confronted each other. Xiao Yuandeng's face was full of regret, and at the same time, he couldn't figure out why it was like this. How could his million troops be so ridiculous that there were only 100,000 left?

"The godfather was worried that something would go wrong with you and asked me to bring millions of troops to support you. It seems that the godfather was right to worry. You really made such a big mistake." Xiao Yuanfeng said with a strange smile.

"Who knew that this Zhong Shan was so cunning that the old fox was not as good as him!" Xiao Yuandeng said with an unlucky face.