
Chapter 179 Fall

The tenth day of Xiao Wang's army!

The army is resting in a valley. In a central hall.

Xiao forgot to look at the letters brought back by the ten sentry detectives in his hand. The soldiers on both sides are waiting.

After reading it, Xiao Wang took a deep breath and sighed, "Nalan Piao Xue, you have practiced the wrong path."

"Uh?" The generals were puzzled.

"Ha ha, Nalan's blood should take the road of cultivating yin virtue, not the road of cultivating fame. This road is a dead end for him!" Xiao forgot to shake his head and sent the letter to the generals.

After the generals have seen it.

"Father, are we still going to help the Daewoo Dynasty?" Xiao Yuanfeng frowned and asked.

"Go, of course, I'm going, but this time I'm not going to help the Daewoo Dynasty, but to collect the cities of the Daewoo Dynasty!" Xiao Wang suddenly gave an order.

"Uh?" The generals had a slight meal.

"The generals will obey the order!" Xiao Wang suddenly shouted.

"In!" The generals responded.

"Chao Yuandeng and Xiao Yuanfeng, each lead the army all the way to attack the Daewoo City bordering the Daguang Emperor from the right and right. I am the Chinese army and set out at full speed!" Xiao forgot to give the order.

"Yes!" The generals responded immediately.


The City of the Sky has fallen!

All the courtiers fled the world one after another. Emperor Nalan went crazy to slaughter all the courtiers and bury them with him!

There are a large number of versions circulating in countless cities, but they all have one thing in common. The Daewoo Dynasty collapsed!

Even if the City of the Sky did not fall, it was Emperor Nalan who gave up! Otherwise, how could you suddenly slaughter the ministers?

Don't believe it? The Shangshu family of the Ministry of Household. Some people have arrived in our city. Can you ask yourself?

The Daewoo Dynasty is finished. It's really finished. Your Majesty is the foundation of the Daewoo Dynasty. The City of the Sky is the heart of the Daewoo Dynasty. It has been lost there. Is there anything else possible?

Daewoo is gone! It's really gone! Slaughter of ministers? Will the next one be yourself?

And the so-called courtiers, although their actions are very hidden, somehow, seem to have a pair of eyes staring at them all the time, and then expose all their whereabouts.

With the escape of the ministers, the killing order of Emperor Nalan also reached various cities, but looking at the list on the killing order, the city lords did not rush to arrest people, but suddenly fell silent!

Of course, there are also some people who are ordered to hunt down, but more people are meditating. Since people's hearts are in turmoil, these city lords are no longer the king's order to consider at the first time. It's the future!

The City of the Sky has really collapsed. There is a majesty in the sky who is still slaughtering the ministers! Is the Daewoo Empire really over? Now that the Daewoo Dynasty is over, what are we still doing? Guarding the city? Accompanying the martyrdom of Emperor Daewoo?

And at this time, the lord's mansion of each city suddenly received a letter of worship!

The city owner grabbed the invitation and read it again and again. I was surprised and uncertain, but I still chose to meet the people who worshipped the house.

The people who come are all ceremonial officers of the Daluo Dynasty, and they are all lobbyist! He advised the city owner to surrender to Daluo Tianchao, and at the same time promised them that they would continue to be the lord of the city.

Continue to serve? And is he still the city lord of the Daluo Dynasty?

In the past, these city owners naturally took down the people and cut them in front of the city master's house as an example, but now, these city owners are hesitant, and once the people's hearts are disturbed, they will no longer insist so much.

Most of the city owners, do not agree or object, continue to watch. There are only a few city lords who have been cut off!

However, after all, the city owner agreed! Some people who are not strong in the first place have been baptized again and again after the collapse of the four heavens, and their hearts have become very fragile. Add coercion and inducement.

In an instant, there were more than 90 cities left in the Daewoo Empire. With eight cities, it was announced on the spot that he would devote himself to the Daluo Dynasty.

A month later, the news quickly spread in all directions. In the city of the sky, Nalan was furious and was about to send troops to clean up these rebellions when another report of defeat came.

The Great Light Emperor forgot the flute, raised the army of the Great Light, and seized the three cities of the Great Yu Dynasty in an instant! The friendly army has become the enemy!

There is no worse news than this. Daguang turned his face, as if to tell everyone that Daewoo really has no hope at all, and there is absolutely no hope. In the past, Daguang was an ally, but now this ally has also torn his face and robbed the city of Daewoo Emperor!

Outside, there is the Daluo Dynasty, flood-like washing, and inside, Nalan Emperor gave up facing the enemy, willing to degenerate, slaughtered the ministers, the city of the sky is smoky and rotten! On the side, the Daguang Emperor looked at the tiger and rushed to kill the cities of the Daewoo Emperor!

Even if the governor keeps spreading letters to appease him! However, the general trend of the world is 'not clear at a glance'. How can the governor turn the tide? More than a hundred years ago? At that time, the invasion of the Daluo Dynasty was not as thorough as it is now, and the national strength of the Daewoo Dynasty was not as weak as it is now. More importantly, the Daewoo Dynasty was in turmoil, and no one was optimistic about the Daewoo Dynasty. If the people don't want to the Daewoo Emperor, no matter how strong the governor is, it won't work!

More and more cities are turning to the Daluo Dynasty. Similarly, the rush of the Great Light Emperor's Dynasty is still continuing, and Xiao Wang is also a fast sprint!

The city of the Daluo Dynasty reached 50 cities in an instant, and at the same time, Xiao Wang also robbed ten cities during this period.

The 20 cities in Yi Yan are still the same, that is, in the territory of Daewoo. In a short period of time, there are still more than a dozen cities in the center of Daewoo.

More than ten seats?

The city of the sky, above the throne, Nalan looked at the city that was constantly rebelling in all directions. At first, he was angry and irritable.

Daewoo has really fallen, it's gone, there is no hope!

But at this moment, Nalan's blood is surprisingly quiet. The palace has become empty, and no one is allowed to disturb it. No, as long as you step into the palace where Nalan's blood is. It was immediately fried into powder.

Nalan has been sitting like this for ten days.

On the tenth day, Nalan's bloody eyes opened, and her long hair was windless and automatically floated backwards. Then he shook his body and disappeared into the hall.


Da Yucheng!

Bound by Yi Yan, twenty cities still resisted the Daluo army. However, the front is fighting, and the rear has defected to the Daluo Dynasty one after another. How can we continue to resist the Daluo army?

Four months ago. Dayu City is still a sluice, stopping the water of the Daluo Dynasty. Today, four months later, the flood bypassed the sluice and flooded from the other side.

The sluice is full of water on all sides, and it will be completely submerged soon.

In the city lord's mansion, Yi Yan looked down at the four directions to report, one whistle after another.

A city, a city turned to the Daluo Dynasty, and a city was robbed by the Daguang Emperor. Yi Yan sat down with a wry smile on his face! Rotten wood cannot be carved!

There was iron-blooded standing beside him, and his face was also angry! Anxiety in the eyes.

The sky is broken, how can I make it up?

"The Great Governor!" Iron-blooded shouted.

"The Great Governor? Talking about He Dadu, Daewoo will be destroyed immediately!" Yi Yan said with a wry smile.

"The governor, the life of iron blood has been saved several times by the governor. Without the governor, there would be no iron blood. Today, the Dayu Emperor's dynasty is gone, and the governor is still there. My subordinates must escort the governor to a safe place." Iron-blooded said solemnly.

"Safety?" Yi Yan showed a strange wry smile.

"Yes, the world is so big that there is no place for the governor to live, and the iron blood will always follow the governor!" Iron-blooded said.

Look at the iron blood, Yi Yan sighed deeply.

Yes, iron and blood are no longer optimistic about the Daewoo Dynasty. Who can force those city lords?


A notice suddenly came from outside the hall.

"Which city is lost?" Yi Yan said with a wry smile.

The soldier came in and said, "Report to the governor. Outside the city's mansion, someone asked to see the governor and let his subordinates talk about the 'ten-year appointment'."

A ten-year appointment? Yi Yan frowned, then took a deep breath and said, "Please!"

"No! I'll go by myself!" Yi Yan got up and said.

There was a slight doubt in the iron-blooded eyes, followed closely.

A ten-year appointment? What other ten-year appointment? The appointment with Zhongshan, but this agreement, was completed in less than ten years. Who's here? Zhongshan??

Yi Yan flew down to the floating island and quickly went to a waiting room under the leadership of the soldiers.

Outside the living room, Yi Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Zhong Shan. You came so early!"

Stepping in, what Yi Yan saw was not Zhong Shan. It's another arrogant man in black.

When the man saw Yi Yan, he immediately bowed respectfully and said, "Son of Zhongshan, Zhong Zheng has seen Mr. Yi Yan!"

"The son of Zhongshan? Zhong Zheng?" Yi Yan frowned and stared at Zhong Zheng.

"It's exactly that my father and Mr. Yi Yan have made a ten-year contract. I don't know if Mr. Yi Yan can make a decision now?" Zhong Zheng said sincerely.

"Yes, I lost, and it's still so thorough." Yi Yan said with a wry smile.

"Mr. Yi Yan is really a man. He is not arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat. He faces it calmly and has a clear conscience. Zhong Zheng admires him." Zhong Zheng affirmed.

"Are you discouraged? Your Excellency is joking. It's just a defeated man!" Yi Yan shook his head.

"No, according to my father's plan, it will take at least another three years to take down the Daewoo Emperor, but Emperor Nalan is too constrained by Mr. Yi Yan. The collapse plan also became extremely smooth because of him, so he used this short time to destroy Daewoo. Zhong Zheng said with an affirmative face.

"Oh? Plan for the collapse of the sky? Is it really made by Zhong Shan? Yi Yan stared at Zhong Zhengdao.

"My father knew that Mr. Yi Yan was curious, so he asked me to bring the details of the collapse plan to Mr. Yi Yan!" Zhong Zheng took out a jade Jiandao.

Yi Yan immediately took it, and the divine consciousness read it, but the iron blood beside him stared at his eyes. From the conversation between the two, the iron blood had heard something, that is, Zhong Shan, the fall of the Daewoo Emperor, but because of Zhong Shan?