
Chapter 181 Shenzhou De-dissigned

There are more than 30 mountains. Nalan stood with his hands on his back and looked at the great Xuanwang in the distance with a warlike face!

"The army obeys the order!" King Xuan shouted loudly.


The army roared and shook the sky.

"When I was away, Zhongshan, the Marquis of the East, led the three armies and fully recovered the Daewoo Emperor!" King Xuan gave an order.

Under the order, the marshal of Zhonglu suffocated slightly, but no one dared to disobey the King Xuan!

"Yes!" The three armies roared at the same time.

Why Zhong Shan? On the one hand, in order to encirce Zhongshan, the king of Xuan, on the other hand, the planner of the collapse plan is Zhong Shan. Everything is planned by Zhongshan. Next, it should be the general leader of Zhongshan.

Is King Xuan going to leave?

Zhong Shan frowned slightly.

At this time, King Xuan no longer spoke, staring at the distance with his eyes and the blood of Nalan in the distance.

The two looked at each other, and no one moved, like a spiritual duel.

Although the outside world seems to be light, in their spiritual world, it is bound to set off a huge *!

This level of duel. It's not something that Zhong Shan and others can intervene, or that on the battlefield, no one can intervene. Maybe the tiger prince, Yin Shitian can, but Yin Shitian can't! Just look at it coldly with anger.

The two looked at each other, and Zhong Shan saw that the air looked a little wrinkled in front of them.

Suddenly, in the middle of the distance between the two, in the center of the distance between the four eyes, a strong light suddenly flashed.


The sound of a super explosion was like the stars exploding for a moment. Although it was not too dazzling, it seemed that there was a sudden addition of a sun in the middle of the distance, and a powerful airflow radiated from the explosion to the four directions.

The endless trees on the mountain were all blown down, and the big mountain in the middle was flattened by the explosion.

Looking at this scene, Zhong Shan took a deep breath.

The strong man, this is the strong man, and there is no magic. Just one glance at each other, a kind of spiritual duel, produces such explosive power.

Zhong Shan believes that if the explosion is focused on himself, he will be finished.

That is to say, his current strength is still invincible to King Xuan's power at a glance?

Looking at the distance, Zhong Shan pinched his fists. Zhong Shan was not discouraged, because Zhong Shan always believed that he could reach this height. No, he was stronger than them!

"Nalan's blood!" The king of Xuan shouted solemnly!

"Gu Xuan!" Nalan cried in the distance.

Neither of the two shouted very high, but it spread strangely all over the audience and to everyone's ears.

"Have you broken through?" King Xuan said in a low voice.

"A month ago, you made me!" Nalan showed a slight smile in his blood.

"Do you want to fight with me?" King Xuan frowned and stared at the distance.

"The world is so big that it's hard to find a defeat!" Nalan said in a bloody voice.

Indeed, when it comes to their level, it is difficult to find an opponent, no. It should be less. On the Daluotian Pilgrimage, you don't like their strength. Naturally, you won't take action. The same realm has its own restraint, just like the last battle with Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva, Nalan Piao's blood was so eager.

Now that King Daxuan is here, Nalan has just made another breakthrough. Naturally, he doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Well, come with me!" King Xuan shouted.

Then, Yin Shatian suddenly rushed to the sky, carried the king of Xuan, and quickly shot at the rear.

In the high altitude, Zhong Shan could not see the figure of King Xuan and Yin Shatian. What he saw was only a meteor, flying quickly to the north of the rear.

Nalan's blood also rose to the sky, and a stream of air blew away all the clouds in the sky. Then, his body seemed to turn into a meteor. In a flash, he went to the rear, far back, and chased the King Xuan.

This level of battle cannot be on this battlefield, and there will be countless casualties at that time. Even destroy the city. It doesn't matter if Nalan is bleeding, but. King Xuan doesn't want this.

King Xuan left, and the commanders looked at Zhongshan together! Because the king of Xuan had an explanation, the king of Xuan left, and Zhongshan had full power.

Zhong Shan slowly walked to the front and looked at the city in the distance. Although he could not see the specific situation inside, he knew that there was Yi Yan there!

With a slight lower head, Zhong Shan said, "Split the army into 15 roads and capture 15 cities respectively! Remit in the last five cities!"

"Yes!" The three armies shouted together.

In addition, the marshals rushed to different cities with their own soldiers.

Zhong Shan and Princess Qianyou led the troops to Dayu City.

When we arrived at Dayul City, the gate was opened, and the defenders opened the city and begged to surrender.

And Zhongshan 'searched' all over the city, but did not find the figure of Yi Yan and iron blood!

The soldiers dispersed, so that Yi Yan could leave safely with iron and blood!

Zhongshan did not stop all the way, and someone specially collected the city with a large army. Quickly rush over Dayuku City, this sluice that blocked the Daluo Tianchao army for nearly a year!

The sluice is broken, and the next step is to rush to the city in the distant sky.

The fifteenth army finally gathered again.

Then, Zhong Shan led the army all the way south. After crossing the city, it had already defected to the Daluo Dynasty. Therefore, Zhong Shan led the troops of the Celestial Empire, which was extremely fast!

All the way south, a month and a half later, Zhong Shan led tens of millions of troops to the outside of the Sky City.

During this period. King Daxuan has never appeared. No matter what happened, Zhong Shan did it according to his mission.

Receal the city of the sky and completely accept the luck of the Daewoo Emperor.

Standing outside the city of the sky, Zhongshan looked at the city in the distance again.

The city of the sky is still the city of the sky in the past, but many things have changed dramatically.

The gate of the city of the sky is open. Obviously, the general has opened the door and begged for surrender! The marshal of the road all looked at Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan did not order to enter the city, but stood in the distance and looked at the two-thousand-meter-high white jade city.

The sky over the city of the sky, when I came last time, it was shrouded in golden fog, and the endless luck condensed into a golden ocean, which was tling in the sky. At the same time, a huge golden dragon of luck kept spitting out the luck of the emperor's dynasty, with two horns pointing to the sky and Incomparable domineering, incomparable arrogance!

But now, the golden fog has almost dissipated, and the luck is constantly losing, leaving only the golden dragon of luck, which now seems to be exhausted and extremely weak. It seems to disappear at any time, but it doesn't want to disappear, tenaciously supporting.

Golden Dragon! Fortunately, it came in time. Nalan the Great is not dead yet!

"Into the city!" Under the order of Zhong Shan, the white tiger under his feet carried Zhong Shan and stepped towards the city of the sky.

The defenders of the City of the Sky are really begging for surrender. There was no ambush at all. Emperor Nalan ran away. Who would resist again in the already chaotic city of the sky?

Of course, there is still a little resistance, but these Daewoo loyalists, without the action of Zhong Shan's people, were killed by the general begging for surrender!

Zhongshan has entered the city! In the past, I didn't have a chance to see the palace of Nalan the Great, but now I have a chance.

Get close to the front. Zhongshan did not go in, but looked at the endless palaces covered by clouds and fog, along a huge mountain, the gorgeous palaces scattered.

The valuables inside are known without guessing. They must have been searched by eunuchs and thieves.

The huge palace and endless palaces, from the outside, are all from the outside, a kind of infinite momentum and oppression, with the breath of Nalan Emperor, which makes people feel a sense of oppression of the superior all the time.

"Come on, set fire to the palace!" Zhong Shan gave an order!

"Yes!" The generals responded immediately.

"Fire?" Among them, the marshal looked at Zhong Shan and said doubtfully.

"Burn!" Zhong Shan ignored him and continued to order.

Of course, the generals listened to Zhongshan's words and burned. This time, they mobilized 500,000 troops and began to light the fire from all sides of the palace.

Burn! Burn! Burn!

Why do you want to burn it? Every time Zhongshan takes a city, it has never been deliberately destroyed! What is this? Wanting people all over the world to show off, did he destroy the Daewoo Emperor? Did he burn the Daewoo Palace on the Zhongshan Fire?

Of course, Zhongshan is not so superficial. Burn, why burn! Luck! ! Zhongshan in order to seize the luck. If King Xuan was here, he would also order the palace to be set on fire.

The palace is the emperor's home, that is, his root, the root of the Daewoo Dynasty. In a sense, burning the palace is the foundation of the Daewoo Dynasty. Even if this foundation is dilapidated, it still exists.

At the same time, this palace is still the foundation of the luck of the Daewoo Emperor!

The air is locked and converged here. Now Zhongshan is burning!


In the sky, the lucky golden dragon screamed with super sadness.

With a sad cry, everyone below was slightly suffocated.

"Burn! Keep burning!" Zhong Shan shouted with a shout.

"Yes!" The burning army will continue immediately.

The fire was so great, and the fire went straight to the sky. The super fire is so strong that everyone in the Sky City can see it.

Countless people watched this scene in a daze. After the people's hearts were confused, they were no longer patriotic and loyal to the king. However, at this moment, when the country was destroyed and the palace was burned, everyone's heart was a kind of deep nostalgia, nostalgia for the Daewoo Emperor, the Daewoo Palace,

"From today on, the Daewoo Dynasty will be removed from the land of China!" Zhong Shan shouted with a shout. It seems to tell the world, and it seems to report to the sky.


There is a huge thunder in heaven and earth, as if it is in response to the words of Zhongshan.



In the city of the sky, the struggling and disappearing golden dragon let out a sad cry again, and then stared at Zhongshan below with a hateful face. In the midst of grief, he swooped down. Come straight to Zhongshan!