
Chapter 136 The Hardest Moment

I have already explained what should be explained. This tomb will also fly to Wuji and go to the end of deeper time and space!" Fuxi said lightly.

It is foggy, and the visual range of Zhongshan is very low, but you can still feel the movement of the [wide] field under your feet.

Going towards Wuji? Isn't it gradually gone?

The sadness on the face of Feng Xingyun.

"Don't worry, this is a "heavenless burial" that makes me and Nuwa completely empty. It's the most ceremonious funeral in ancient times. Of course, you can't go with us. Out of this tomb, you can't go back to heaven and earth. Grab the demon flag, and the demon flag will take you Qiu, remember it!" Fuxi said.

While talking, Fuxi's projection gradually faded away. Obviously, Fuxi's last words are also over.

Feng Xingyun kowtowed several times to Fuxi.

At this time, the demon flag also released blue light again.

Zhongshan and Feng Xingyun naturally grabbed the demon flag. On the demon flag, a large number of blue light suddenly appeared. "Wrap Zhongshan and Feng Xingyun and gradually separated from the huge Nuwa tomb.

Surrounded by blue light, the two of them seemed not to be disturbed by the outside world.

Looking at the huge tomb going towards the distance, it went further and further, and then gradually disappeared from the sight of the two.

The demon flag quickly formed a light cocoon covering the two, turning into a streamer in the starry sky.

Zhong Shan and Feng Xingyun waited on their knees. The two of them never expected that they had waited for a whole year before retreating.

The light cocoon retreated, and the two fell into a valley. Not far away, there are piles of ruins and landslides.

"Is this? The dojo behind the snake?" Feng Xingyun stared and said.

The dojo behind the snake has been razed to the ground at this moment. In the sky, the entrance to the Nuwa world also disappeared.

"Zhong Shengwang, thank you very much for this time. I will write it down in my heart!" Feng Xingyun turned his head and said to Zhong Shan.

"You're welcome" I've also learned a lot!" Zhong Shan nodded.

"I still have something to do, and I'm predestined to meet in the future." I still hope that King Zhong Sheng will bring it back to Qingqiu!" Feng Xingyun said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I'll do it. See you later!"

"Fear goodbye!" Feng Xingyun said, and after saying that, he flew to the ruins of the dojo behind the snake, and soon recognized a direction and shot quickly.

Zhong Shan looked around. "Although I don't know what happened, I know in my heart that it must have been a long time." Zhao Yaofan took him back here for a year, and how long did it take him to take him to the end of time and space?

Everyone is gone, but it is relatively easy to find some scattered people.

Not long after, Zhongshan found a monk. In the monk's horror, it turned out that it had been nearly five years since the last battle against Xuemei Laozu.

After leaving the Nuwa world, the Nuwa world was another bloody storm. In the end, most of the people left. A year ago, it was the birth of the Nuwa world suddenly collapsed. The rest of the people also swam again and again.

It's almost five years? Zhong Shan had jurisdiction in his heart and recognized a direction. "Zhong Shan did not hesitate and rushed away.

One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

Cherish the world, and now Yanran has become a huge piece of fat meat. Although the luck has disappeared, the territory is still in the "Yun Dynasty. If you accumulate the territory, you can slowly breed luck!

What's more, "great love not only has luck, but talent is also the key. In these days, the force of great love has already impressed people, and this great cliff is not simple.

Lingxiao Tianting, above the court" At this moment, one-third of the ministers are missing. Where is one-third of the ministers? Killed? It's absolutely impossible in the court." Then I had to leave by myself.

And the remaining ministers still stick to their respective positions.

Shui Wuhen sat on his king's chair and looked at the ministers of the whole dynasty.

"I'm very happy that today's early morning" only left a ceremonial servant! The great love has reached the most difficult moment, but I firmly believe that the Holy King will definitely come back. I think you who stay here are as convinced as I am!" The water said without a trace.

Appeasement Minister" This is what Shui Wuhen must do every day. When the luck disappears, Shui Wuhen can also deter the ministers. However, after the news of the Nvwa world, there are even some memory crystals.

Many ministers moved their minds to leave. "The Holy King is dead, really dead. There is a record, and everyone's attention" can't survive at all. What are they clinging to?

What else can I do if I stay in love? Waiting to die?

As a result, some officials were attracted by some high-ranking officials of the enemy dynasties and broke away from the great love one after another.

Seeing that the day is coming, more and more people are leaving, and the probability of Zhongshan's survival is getting smaller and smaller. The pressure of water without trace is also increasing.

"King Zichen, the messenger of the outer Taiji Holy Court asks for a meeting!" A bodyguard entered the hall to report.

Water traceless eyelids jumped "This is the 19th time, and the messengers of the first 18 times did not receive it at all" or killed directly, but these 19 times?

The ministers stared at the water without trace together, waiting for the water to make a decision.

From the eyes of these people, Shui Wuhen saw a sense of worry. For the nineteenth time, we must see it. Otherwise, something big may happen, and these messengers will make a special visit, "Let the messenger in!" The water said without a trace.

"Yes!" Soon, "a messenger of the Taiji Holy Court came in" followed by two subordinates.

"Taiji messenger, I have seen the king of Zichen" has been listed as a group of ministers!" The Taiji messenger laughed.

"What's the matter?" The water has no trace and speaks in a deep voice.

"For the use of great love, I'm too holy court has stopped, which is also my sincerity!" The messenger of Taiji said.

The water mirror nodded. Indeed, it came from all directions to report that all the soldiers of the Taiji Holy Court had stopped going forward, and only a group of soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty were still galloping on the land of love.

"Hmm!", the water is traceless and dignified.

"For the news of the Great Love Holy King, I deeply regret the pilgrimage king. Zhong Shengwang Xiong is very talented. Unfortunately, I think you are also very clear about this matter. No matter how persistent it is, it will not be useless!" The Taiji messenger said with regret for a while.

Many ministers frowned, and the ministers did not want to admit that Zhong Shan was dead, but they had to admit it!

"I don't have any luck. What else does the Taiji Holy King want to do?" The water has no trace of cold voice.

"My pilgrim king once told me that the Qing Dynasty would not last long, at most four years at most, or even shorter, but?" The Taiji messenger laughed.

The water traceless eyes were cold, but they did not refute because it was not a secret.

The water mirror and Lin Xiao also frowned deeply, dish year? Four years at most!

"My pilgrim king asked me to come here, just to be a lobbyist." Would you like to join me? My pilgrimage king is thirsty for sages. You are all virtuous and sorghum. Entering my extremely holy court is absolutely higher than anyone's heavenly court. The messenger of Taiji said.

"Oh? Recruitment and surrender? Does the Holy King of Taiji really think highly of us? Shui Wuhen sneered.

"It's not a fact that you can't afford it. The world of great love" has died in name as early as five years ago. King Zichen, Shuijing, Lin Xiao, and all the ministers have stabilized the great love. There are not many such talents in the whole territory of the wind tomb. As long as I enter Taiji, I will be awarded the title of marquis in the future and I will count on you!" Taiji messenger said with a smile.

Among the ministers, most of the people's eyes have always been firm, but a few people's eyes have begun to flash.

Turning to the Celestial Empire and turning to the Holy Court are two different things. Previously, one-third of ministers only defected to the Celestial Empire, but now the Holy Court has surrendered. Some people are tempted.

Prime Minister's water mirror, General Lin Xiao was speechless.

And the eyes of the Taiji messenger paid attention to the water mirror and Lin Xiao from time to time, as well as the water without trace. In the heart of the Taiji messenger, the most important thing for this recruitment is these three people. It is not because they are in power, but because these three people are too talented. At the beginning, the imperial edict One, the official was promoted to two levels, all of them were recruited, and he was promoted to four levels in a row! What a tempting condition?

"Thank you, Taiji Holy King. Go back and tell the Taiji Holy King that I am a great minister, and I will always belong to great pity!" The water has no trace of cold voice.

The Taiji messenger looked at the water without trace, and also thought that it was not so easy to recruit and surrender for the first time, but the Taiji messenger racked his brains to come up with a sinister plan and provoked contradictions, at least one of the three people.

"Wish and unwillingness, that's your business, but I have a suggestion about the big situation. I don't know if King Zichen is willing to listen?" The Taiji messenger laughed.

"Oh", the ministers also looked at the Taiji messengers.

"At present, the people are lax, and Zhongshan is no longer. It is basically impossible to resist foreign enemies. Unless the luck comes again, in fact, "King Zichen can go further, call himself king and dominate the world" to accumulate luck to resist foreign enemies!" Taiji messenger said evilly.

Self-made king? Is it to replace it with the throne of emperor? Changing the dynasty?

This strategy was really heart-wrapping. The hearts of the ministers who suddenly hit the crowd shook, while the water mirror and Lin Xiao lowered their heads, and their fists were clenched, but they still didn't say anything at this moment.

Change the dynasty? Reunite your luck and resist foreign enemies?

"Sonsternnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!", the water exploded without trace!

The water traceless reaction was too fierce, and the ministers were excited" and the Tai Chi messenger was also slightly surprised.

"Bold Tai Chi messenger, dare to provoke the chaos of the great king and minister? His crime should be punished! "The person" dragged this man to behead the Nantianmen to show the public as an example!" Shui Wuhen shouted.

"Yes!" Several bodyguards rushed up immediately.

"I'm a messenger, you can't do this, you can't do this!" The Taiji messenger shouted anxiously.

"You have three people, and it's enough to have them to send a message. As for you, die!" Shui Wutain shouted.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill me nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" The Taiji messenger shouted and was dragged out, and the other two messengers naturally retreated in fear.

Shui Wuhen looked at the ministers and said solemnly, "Great love, always the great love of the Holy King." If anyone dares to move against the dynasty, he will kill the nine clans! "Retreat!" After saying that, Shui Wuhen shook his sleeve and disappeared in the Temple of Long Lives.

The ministers looked at each other and retreated one after another.