
Chapter 75 The Grievance of Funeral Family Extermination

"The minister's family affairs collided with the queen's plan, and the emperor forgives the sins!" Shijing's tone was full of sadness.

"It doesn't matter, [middle] Although the central leader is strong, it is still in our plan. Now that she has been trapped, it doesn't matter!" Zhong Shan said in a low voice.

Opposite, Xuan Lao and Huang Lao looked in the direction of Mr. Corpse with a slightly gloomy face.

The ancient god asked the two to catch Mr. Corpse, and they also wanted to know the identity of Mr. Corpse.

"Mr. Corpse, who the hell are you?" Xuan Lao shouted coldly.

Mr. Corpse looked up at the arrogant Xuan and Huang Er Lao. Show a sad smile.

stepped out slightly and took a few deep breaths. And everyone is like waiting for Mr. Corpse.

"Mysterious burial, yellow burial? I'm buried in the family. I'm very good to you. How can you betray the funeral family? Mr. Corpse bit his teeth and said.

I buried my home?

Xuan Lao and Huang Lao on the opposite side narrowed their eyes. Sure enough, Mr. Corpse is a burying person?

After getting this information, the two of them unconsciously jumped in their hearts.

"Who are you from the funeral? Why have we never seen each other before?" Xuan Lao said in a low voice.

"I want to know when you started to betray the burial family, when!" Mr. Corpse suddenly shouted angrily.

When the corpse was drunk, the two of them suddenly felt empty in their hearts for some reason, and then Mr. Huang's eyes stared, "I'll ask who you are!"

"Are you the young master? It's impossible. The young master has been nailed to death by me!" Xuan Lao guessed.

Cut to death? Mr. Corpse's eyes flashed with anger, and an extreme hatred stared at Xuan Lao. At the same time, a black token suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Young master token? He couldn't find it after his death. You are not the young master, are you the servant boy of the young master? It's impossible. You can't learn the secret of burial in a year!" Xuan Lao didn't believe it.

Looking at the token, Mr. Corpse's eyes were dripping with tears that no one could understand.

"Mysterious burial..." Mr. Corpse's sad tone trembled a little.

"Do you still know that he is your young master?" Mr. Corpse said in a cold tone.

"Are you really the waiter" soul transfer? Is it the young master? Did you finally transfer your soul? Xuan Lao exclaimed.

"Soul transfer? Xuan Lao, are you sure he is that little beast?" Mr. Huang said with a sense of doubt.

"Little beast? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Mr. Corpse suddenly laughed crazily.

This smile suddenly made everyone at a loss. Xuan Lao and Huang Lao stared at Mr. Corpse. Isn't he the young master?

"Sinful barrier, evil barrier!" Mr. Corpse screamed heartbreakingly, and at the same time, the tears in his eyes could no longer stop flowing.

Seeing Mr. Corpse's tears, Zhong Shan looked tight. This is the first time he has seen Mr. Corpse like this. Such a strong person actually has a day of tears? With a slight sigh, Zhong Shan looked at the two people opposite and his eyes became colder and colder.

Xuan Lao and Huang Lao raised their eyebrows. What does Mr. Corpse mean?

Gently stroked the black token in his hand, and Mr. Corpse said sadly, "Lian'er, it's not good for his father." In those years, he brought back two evil obstacles for them to eat and live, for them to practice, devoted his painstaking efforts to teach them knowledge, and even gave them the two veins Lian'er! I couldn't protect you for my father!"

"Wow!" Xuan Lao shook his figure and took two steps back in fear, and a magic weapon in his hand also fell down in fear.

"Wow!" Mr. Huang also stepped back a few steps in horror, and suddenly gasped.


Who is Mr. Corpse? That tone!

Xuan Lao and Huang Lao Meng's excitement, this, this is the tone of the old owner, burying the old family owner?

"Impossible, impossible" hometown... He has been killed by the Gu family, and he has already died!" Mr. Huang shouted in fear.

"You, who the hell are you?" Xuan Lao also stared at Mr. Corpse tremblingly.

Not only Xuan Lao and Huang Lao, but also Jin Peng and others beside him also stared at each other. "What's going on? Mr. Corpse, is he the old owner of the burial house? Not a descendant of the burial family?

Burial of the old owner of the family?

Shaking his head, Mr. Corpse said with a heartfelt wound, "The ancient family, the great destruction array,? The great destruction array of the ancient family is strong, and the great array created by Pangu in those years, but my burial family is not so easy to kill. The burial family has a first-line of vitality, great magic, even if you can't retreat completely, it can also be derived from another body. In those years, only you two evil obstacles and a few people know What a murderer!" "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it..................!" Mr. Corpse's eyes stared.

"You two werewolf-hearted things that actually took the ancient family to exterminate my burial family. In those years, Lian'er and I trusted you, so we handed over the affairs of the Great Xuanhuang Sect to you. It turned out that a long time ago, you colluded with the ancient family. When the ancient family came to the strong, The Lord's surname is Gu! Ancient god!" Mr. Corpse said with extreme hatred.

At this moment, it seems that there is a hetic resentment blocked Mr. Corpse's chest. Mr. Corpse wants to scold it out and vent it.

"I hate so much, so much, two evil obstacles, you two evil obstacles, my uncles and elders, they are about to run out, and you didn't let them go, and even took the ancient family to destroy all the collateral children of the funeral family. I hate it so much. Why did you two evil obstacles in those years!" Mr. Corpse roared.

Opposite, Xuan Lao and Huang Lao's faces were extremely ugly, and their eyes were red. Although they did not refute, they looked unconvinced.

"I derived this body. At that time, my strength was so weak that I couldn't stop you. You two demons, Lian'er, you grew up, and you actually did it. Don't you remember that they chased you and called you Brother Huang and Brother Xuan? Every time I give me Lian'er Lingbao, didn't my son leave a copy for you? My son treats you with sincerity. How can you nail him to death? Cruel to death, the most cruel torture, you, you, evil!" Mr. Corpse roared with tears.

Opposite Xuan and Huang Lao shivered for a while, but they still held on. After a while, Xuan Lao finally couldn't stand it and roared, "Brother Xuan? Brother Huang? Xuan burial and yellow burial, it's just two dogs for you to bury your family.

With this roar, the two seemed to have found a pillar and immediately stopped flinching.

"Mangjia? How long can the abandoned family last? How long can it last? How long can the abandonment of days and the siege of the ancient family of the first family in the world last? The burial family is doomed to perish!" Xuan Lao roared.

"If the funeral family and the ancient family go to war, my mysterious burial and Huang * will definitely charge into battle. As the first cannon fodder of your burial family, you can't stop the siege of the ancient family at all, and you can't stop it at all." Mr. Huang also roared.

roared at Mr. Corpse, and the two of them were more courageous.

"Less...that little beast? Does the little beast call us Brother Xuan? Brother Huang Ji? Oh, it sounds good. It's to work for him. If we don't form an alliance with the Gu family, we will bury you sooner or later!" Huang Lao roared.

"The little beast, I nailed to death, so what? The ancient family who nailed the little beast completely accepted us. I nailed the little beast, and I don't have to listen to his disgusting words anymore!" Xuan Lao's eyes turned red.

"Disgusting? You mean he called you "Brother Xuan, disgusting?" Mr. Corpse's eyes turned red.

"Yes, it sounds good on the surface. Don't you treat us as a dog behind our back? Can some elixirs and magic weapons send us away? Disgusting?" Xuan Lao roared.

"Hahahaha, disgusting? You actually said that Lian'er was disgusting. In order to urge Lian'er to practice and inspire him to forge ahead, the elixir I gave him was very limited, but at this time, he still thought of you and went out to practice. Because there were not enough elixirs several times, he almost died without enough magic weapons. The eight scars on his

"That's a child who is only seven or eight years old and seven or eight years old. Can you use your city?" Mr. Corpse said with hatred.

"Seven or eight years old? But he will grow up, and he will get bigger and bigger!" Xuan Lao said stubbornly.

"Yes, he will grow up. He will gradually grow to twenty-five years old, twenty-five years old. He rarely calls you Brother Xuan and Brother Huang, but he still believes that this is the "Future Survival Plan of the Burial Family" he wrote in those years. Look, this is what he wrote!" Mr. Corpse took out a large piece of Roaring.

As soon as the big paper was thrown to the sky, everyone saw the dense small words on it. It's crooked, and the handwriting is not good.

"This is Lian'er's word. You must recognize it. This is his word. Look at item 18 and look at his plan!" Mr. Corpse roared.

Everyone looked at it.

"He understood the situation of the burial family and formulated this plan. In the plan, you are not the servants of my burial family, but are separated. In the future, you will have nothing to do with the funeral family. Even, you will hand over the Daxuan Huangzong to you and give it completely to you, so that you can set up your own sect and Mr. Corpse sobbed sadly.

"Lian'er told me that if you are separated from the funeral home, it will have nothing to do with the funeral home. The ancient family came for the funeral family, not for you. According to the ancestral motto of the ancient family, they will not embarrase you too much. Even if they do, it is only a small number of people. You Generation, you can inherit it far away. Nearly half of the strength of the burial family was given to you by him!" Mr. Corpse roared.

Tears washed his face, and Mr. Corpse's whole body was trembling.

"For this reason, he pleaded with me for a year, for a whole year, every day, and even closed his whole body's cultivation. He knelt in front of my study, went on a hunger strike, practiced, and his body was haggard day by day. Don't you remember? Even when it rains, he kneels in the rain. When it snows, he kneels in the snow. For your pleading, he has been kneeling for a whole year. Don't you remember? It took me a whole year to ask for it, and then I agreed to Lian'er!" Mr. Corpse's voice trembled.

"Lian'er put you in front of the closest person. He did not hesitate to hurt his body and life for you. Because of the kneeling that year, he hurt the root of his practice and could not reach the ancient immortal for the rest of his life. But after he got my promise, he did not feel sad for his physical Laughing for a month? Beast, evil!" Mr. Corpse sobbed.

"Because I promised him, I never asked Daxuan Huangzong again. You actually colluded with the Gu family. You are the beasts!"

"Pian'er, you are the closest people, and any benefits have always been selflessly distributed to you. The burial family is going to decline, but it gives you the greatest guarantee. Let your brother Xuan and Brother Huang, but you, you nail him to death with a corpse. The most cruel torture, both form and spirit are destroyed! Do you remember Lian'er's dying eyes? Do you remember? After death, he was cursed by you as little beasts. You are the beasts, you two beasts!" Mr. Corpse pointed to the two of them, and his whole body went crazy.