
Chapter 124 Nanhua Tianjing

The only person who really understands it is Zhong Shan. Because it was created by Zhongshan.

Ten thousand replicas, all of which are broken bodies, and Zhong Shan deliberately did it. It was originally intended to be used to deal with saints, but I didn't expect to use it at this moment. Of course, the current situation is more dangerous than facing the saints.

Endless magic power, flying back to 10,000 replicators, suddenly running crazily, Zhong Shan seems to become a puppet control person in an instant, like controlling a doll, controlling the opponent's power against himself.


The magic power of collapse is designed to deal with the saints, and naturally it has its fierce side.

The whirlpool planes wrapped the fake Zhongshan one by one, making it unable to move.



Endless screams came from 10,000 Zhongshan replicas in front of him.

"Bow!" Guangdong!" " ..............................

In a row, there was a sound of soldiers, and the Zhongshan replicas of those ancestral immortals exploded.

Half an hour, exactly half an hour later, all the Zhongshan replicas exploded.

Mr. Corpse looked aside and his face was scaly inserted, ten thousand ancestral immortals! Although the Holy King is clever, it's too horrible, half an hour? Total extinction? And the Holy King only used one move?

Not to mention Mr. Corpse's horror, if this matter is known by Zhuangzi, he will definitely spit blood. Ten thousand Zhongshan, which is not only a secret method, but also must have invested a lot of energy before, and even Zhuangzi has put hundreds of thousands of years of treasures into it to build Zhongshan. But, in half an hour, it will all be destroyed?

In the outside world, Zhuangzi, who came from the distant starry sky, suddenly changed his face.

"Fulsed magic power? The magic of collapse? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!

Zhuangzi almost roared. Cheng Hou looked at Zhuangzi in surprise and didn't know what had happened. Just about to ask.


Zhuangzi was so angry that he sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

Indifferent, indisputable and quiet, these words describing Zhuangzi's characterization seem extremely pale at this moment, and Cheng Hou's original idea of asking was also suppressed.

"Cheng Hou, can you hurry up?" Zhuangzi said anxiously.

"Hmm!" Cheng Hou nodded.

The starry sky behind him suddenly darkened, and then the speed of Zhuangzi and Cheng Hou suddenly soared.

In the small world of Zhuangzi Dojo.

Zhong Shan solved all his own replicas. His anger did not subside, but his eyes became more and more solemn.

"Mr. Corpse!" Zhong Shan said in a low voice.

"I'm there!"

"What did you find?" Zhong Shan asked in a low voice.

"Holy King, I feel that the feeling of the copy of the heavenly way comes from that direction, and it is extremely fierce!" Mr. Corpse pointed in one direction.

"Go!" Zhong Shan said in a low voice.

Zhong Shan, Mr. Corpse, shot towards the hurricane in the distance. As for the change of the eight poles of Tianwei, "Zhuangzi" has been put away by Zhong Shan at this moment.

The two of them went all the way north.

"Stop!" Zhong Shan suddenly shouted.

Mr. Corpse looked down at the valley again.

"Is that?" Mr. Corpse said in surprise.

In the valley, there are a thousand corpses lying horizontally, and these corpses are all the same.

"Yuanshi Tianzun?" Zhong Shan was surprised.

Is it the body of Yuanshi Tianzun, a thousand, a thousand Yuanshi Tianzun? It was all created by Zhuangzi.

"Holy King, Zhuangzi seems to have created a lot of people, and these are likely to be failures!" Mr. Corpse said in a low voice.

"Hmm!" Zhong Shan nodded.

"Go!" Zhong Shan didn't stop any longer and continued to go to the depths.

Soon, he stopped in another valley.

"The corpse of a saint on the Taic? Are these also failures?" Mr. Corpse said with an ugly face.

The two of them became more and more solemn. They did not stop and continued to walk. Before long, they met a thousand bodies of the saints, and a thousand bodies of the saints were allowed to be brought. A thousand corpses of sage Tongtian.

"Zhuangzi?" Zhong Shan's tone became more and more cautious.

The silent Zhuangzi actually made such an earth-shaking thing. If he hadn't cheated Zhuangzi away today and attacked the dream territory in the future, he would have suffered a great loss.

"In front, it's almost there, Holy King, the source is there..................!" Mr. Corpse said, but in the middle of the time, Mr. Corpse stopped talking.

In the distance, a huge cuboal object, like glass, can put colorful light. Colorful glazed platform! The length of the colorful glazed platform is as large as 10,000 meters.

These are not the most attractive places. The most attractive thing is to float on this colorful glass platform, and there are six figures at this moment.

At the feet of the six figures, there is a huge altar of heaven and earth, and the six people standing on the altar very much as the altar of Zhong Tian. They are, Zhongshan, Taikushang, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Jieyin, Zhuti!

The six figures, all with hundreds of millions of brilliance, shot dazzling light from countless auspicious clouds in the sky, straight to the bodies of the six people, and countless black breaths poured into their bodies from the altars under their feet.

"The habit? Is that a habit? Use a habit to nourish these six bodies? Holy King, Zhuangzi is creating saints!" Mr. Corpse said in a shocked tone.

"The creation of a saint?" Zhong Shan was also shocked. He said.

"It's no wonder that Zhuangzi was given the throne, and Zhuangzi didn't accept it, because he was copying the saint. No wonder he changed his normal state and jumped out against me. It turned out to cover up this secret. Once the great love soldier came to the city, it must be exposed here. No wonder!" Zhongshan took a deep breath in the airway.

"There are words on the colorful glazed table!" Mr. Corpse suddenly shouted.

Zhong Shan instantly turned his eyes to the glazed platform. There is a row of small words on the colorful glazed platform.

South China rooftop "South China rooftop? Is it the South China rooftop? Mr. Corpse exclaimed.

"Do you know?" Zhong Shan doubted.

"There is a record of my burial family. The Nanhua rooftop, like the jade plate of creation, is a companion of the Book of Heaven, Nanhua Book of Heaven! I don't know whose hand it is. It turned out to be here in Zhuangzi. Mr. Corpse shouted.

"The Book? Nanhua Tianjing? Zhong Shan's eyes narrowed, and Zhuangzi really had a scripture.

"Buzz!" The tail of the eight poles suddenly appeared, and he opened his mouth to eat at the Nanhua rooftop in the distance.


On today's altar, the sage of heaven opened his eyes.

"Pio!" A purple light flashed.


Tongtian sage waved an imitation of the Jade Immortal Sword and collided with the Jade Immortal Sword of the Eight Poles. A loud noise blocked the eight poles and the end of the sky to continue to move forward.

"Go!" Zhong Shan shouted loudly.

Mr. Corpse and Zhong Shan turned around and shot in the distance. At this time, several other replicas slowly opened their eyes.

Zhongshan replica, holding a royal base in his hand.

Tongtian replica body, accompanied by the four swords of the Jade Dynasty!

Copy on the Tai Chi, entrusted Tai Chi map!

Yuanshi replica body, hold the Yuanshi flag in your hand!

lead the replicator, hold the nine-pin golden lotus.

Pick up the replica body and hold the seven treasures in your hand!

The six saints, at the same time, looked hostilely at the direction of Zhong Shan and Mr. Corpse left.


A group of murderer clones chased Zhong Shan and Mr. Corpse.

The strong momentum suppressed it. Although it is not as exaggerated as the real saint, it is definitely much stronger than the previous 10,000 Zhongshan replica. At least in terms of momentum, Zhongshan's first choice is to go fast. At the same time, my heart is full of shock. The Nanhua Sutra is too ferocious.

"Won't, Zhuangzi and Cheng Hou came back so soon?" Zhong Shan's face changed., one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one,

Xiaomeng Territory.

"It's here, hurry up!" Zhuangzi said anxiously.

"Hmm!" Cheng Hou nodded.

The two turned into a streamer and went to the center.

And at the moment when the streamer of Zhuangzi shot into the Xiaomeng territory, another streamer shot from the sky. It was Zhong Tian, Zhong Tian stepped on a golden lotus, and there were ten people on the golden lotus.

"Jin Peng, send a letter to my father. Zhuangzi has arrived at Xiaomeng's territory, and we have also arrived," Zhong Tian said.

"Good!" Jin Peng nodded. Quickly send a message to Changjing in the underworld with a mouse.

Shadow body Zhong Shan listened to the news translated by Wang Jingwen and immediately raised his eyebrows. Similarly, this is also the reason why Zhong Shan knows the outside news.

A streamer shot into the Zhuangzi dojo from a distance.

"It's not good, someone is coming! Do it!" Outside the Zhuangzi dojo, there was a loud shout.


Twelve heavenly paths go up to the sky.

And at the same time, the ancestral immortals in the twelve heavenly paths took action at the same time, and the powerful power of the heavenly way slammed into the streamer from a distance.


The void is smashed.

Cheng Yan and Zhuang Zi suddenly stopped depressed.

Stopped in the void, Zhuangzi looked at the twelve ancestors to protect the Dharma. The inside of the dojo was filled with fog. Suddenly, he was furious and spewed out another mouthful of blood.


On the way here, Zhuangzi made countless guesses that the twelve ancestors might have been severely damaged and defeated by the people of Zhongshan, but how could Zhuangzi have thought that his disciples and ten other ancestors were protecting the people of Zhongshan? How is this possible?

"Who are you?" A disciple of Zhuangzi shouted loudly.

"Siqi? You.........",...!"

Looking at the cautiousness of his disciples, Zhuangzi was even more depressed.

"Is it your master again? And that Cheng Hou?" An ancestor was surprised.

"No, the master has gone in. Even if he is with Cheng Hou, he can't prove that he must be the master!" Siqi shook her head and shouted.

"Siqi, get out of here!" Zhuangzi shouted.

"The master has Meihuā eyes, and the master has a butterfly road. Do you have it?" Siqi shouted. "


behind Zhuangzi, a road rushed up to the sky, and countless butterflies flew. At the same time, in Zhuangzi's eyes, four plums rotated.

"Ah?" Siqi was stunned..

Everyone is stunned. What's going on? Is he Zhuangzi? But Zhuangzi has already entered the dojo?

"Teacher, Master?" Siqi said something strange.

"Bung be a bastard, why don't you get out of the way!" Zhuangzi shouted.

This time, Siqi and a group of ancestors did not dare to stop each other, but they just followed.


Zhuangzi shook his big sleeves, and countless white fog in the dojo dispersed.

Cheng Hou looked at this scene strangely. What happened?

Everyone flew close to the dojo and arrived not far from the main peak hall in a blink of an eye.

But at the gate of the hall, there is also a village at this moment.

"Extty the same beast? You actually colluded with Cheng Hou. What do you want to do when you come to my dojo? "Zhuangzi" at the door of the hall, suddenly sent it.

"Zhuangzi, in a dilemma, the other twelve ancestors hurriedly distanced themselves from Zhuangzi and Cheng Hou, and looked at the scene in front of them with a frightening face.

Who is real?