
Chapter 13 Zhongshan VS Hime Gong Nie

Zhong Shan and Ji Gong flew away from the fox clan.

The battle between the two heavenly emperors must be much more fierce than the battle between Bao Si and Su Mei Niang. In the vicinity, these fox fairies can't bear the aftershocks at all.

Pinnacle duel! The former saints have been the strongest beings in the world, and Zhongshan and Ji Gongni have been slaughtered saints, and naturally they are among the strongest in the world.

The two stood in the starry sky, and between their steps, a huge altar of the Heavenly Emperor appeared at their feet!

The breath of the Emperor of Heaven exuded out, and the stars of the four directions burst out. The powerful aura makes a group of fox fairies in the distance have the idea of not daring to look directly.



Zhong Shan and Ji Gong Nie, and the two of them suddenly sang their own dragons.

The dragon was magnificent, and the hearts of countless fox demons trembled. From the side of the two people, some yellow breath slowly came out, and the breath slowly condensed into yellow smoke, and gradually formed a huge dragon shape.

Surrounded by the two emperors, the two slowly condensed dragons stared at each other angrily.

They are all golden dragons, but the wet dragons of Jigong are light red, while the dragons of Zhongshan are light purple. The two dragons roared at each other.


The powerful roar of the two dragons made the strong in the distance palpitate.

"What is this? The lucky golden dragon?" The charming chess saint was surprised.

"No, this is the real dragon's gas, also known as the emperor's gas. Before the heavenly court, the real dragon's gas needed the help of the golden dragon to condense, but now, after reaching the emperor of heaven, the emperor himself is the real dragon, and the breath is the dragon gas, condensing the real dragon!" Su Li shook his head and exclaimed.

Similarly, Su Mei-niang and Bao Si also stopped slightly.

In the distance, Zhong Shan and Ji Gong Nir confronted each other, and the two women raised their eyebrows.

Grabbing the emperor's picture, Su Meiniang looked at Bao Si not far away and took a deep breath. With a move, Qiankun Ding appeared in the palm of his hand again.

"Zhong Shan, you lend me the emperor's map, and I lend you the universe tripod!" Su Meiniang said.

While talking, he didn't wait for Zhong Shan to agree, and threw the universe tripod in his hand.


The universe turned into a streamer and shot directly at Zhongshan in an instant.

Zhong Shan's expression moved, and as soon as he grabbed his hand, Qiankun Ding instantly entered the palm of his hand. As soon as he entered the palm of his hand, a strange connection poured into his heart.

Qiankun Ding, also known as Jiuzhou Gending, was first obtained by the three daughters of Zhongshan, Su Meiniang and Su Rouniang, and they were recognized by it together. Zhong Shan is naturally related to it.

Grabbing the universe tripod, Zhong Shan took a look at Su Meiniang in the distance. Show a gentle smile.

And Bao Si beside Su Mei Niang frowned.

Because Bao Si saw Su Mei Niang's calculation, did she borrow Qiankun Ding? Isn't it the emperor's map?

Now, if Bao Si gives it back to Ji Gong's Nieshan River Shejitu, Su Meiniang will definitely give the emperor's map to Zhongshan again.

Drag one treasure with one treasure! Divide the power of Hime Gong Nir!

Zhong Shan did not use the Qiankun tripod, but turned his hand over and continued to look at Ji Gong Nie solemnly.

As Su Li said, the first battle at this moment is not only a battle between two people, but also the first confrontation between the two dynasties! It's about the fortune of the two dynasties.

"This day" came too fast!" Ji Gong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, no time waits for me!" Zhong Shan said in a low voice.

While talking, the two emperors turned over their hands, and each of them had a concubine in the palm of their hands.

The imperial seal of Ji Gong Nie is bright red, and the Fangtian jade seal of Zhongshan, except for the red beads, the whole royal seal is a light purple, and a little thunder shines on the royal seal.

"Datong World nnnnnn!"

The imperial seal of the palace was thrown at the sky.

Suddenly, there was a great fortune around the imperial seal, which enveloped the imperial seal.

Xizhou, the holy capital of the fire, above the sea of clouds, the golden dragon of Dazhou's luck suddenly stood in the roar.


The golden dragon roared, and the whole sea of clouds tossed fiercely.

Below, Jiang Ziya, Ji Gong Nie, Wu Jiutian and others all looked at the sky in astonishment.

"Is this?" Wu Jiutian frowned and said.

"The battle of the Emperor of Heaven, fighting for his imperial luck, the Emperor of Heaven is fighting with Zhongshan!" Jiang Ziya's face sank.

"Zhong Shan?" The ninth day of dancing was surprised.

"Love in the world nnnnnn!"

Zhong Shan's Fang Tianyuxi threw at the sky, and also a large amount of luck emerged, covering Fang Tianyu,


Lingxiao Tianting!

"ang nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~nnnnn!"

The golden dragon roared at the sky, and suddenly, all the officials put down everything at hand.

"Prince, what is this?" Jin Peng asked Zhong Tian.

Zhong Tian shook his head, indicating that he was puzzled.

"Great luck, only the Emperor of Heaven can be mobilized. This is the Emperor of Heaven moving, and the Emperor of Heaven is fighting against Ji Gong Nie!" Mr. Corpse said aside.

"Fight against Hime Gong Nie?" Zhong Tian's face sank.

Be careful of Phoenix's mother!" Mr. Corpse said lightly.

"Hmm!" Zhong Tian nodded.

In the fox world.

The luck of the two royal seals is like two huge clouds. But if you look carefully, you will find that the appearance of these two clouds is exactly the same as the sea of clouds in the sky of the two dynasties, just like the two condensed seas of clouds.

"Boom nnnnnnnnnnn!"

Two small air clouds collided. Each cloud is splashing with huge clouds and waves.

And this scene also happened on the two seas of clouds in the world.

Although the two seas of air transport clouds separate the two places between Xizhou and Beizhou, they seem to collide out of thin air. The condensed version of the fox world splashes huge clouds and waves, and the real sea of clouds in the outside world also splashes huge waves.

, "ang!" Ang!"

The golden dragon of the second dynasty roared, as if he were furious at the invisible enemy.

The jade seal disputed, and the two heavenly emperors also fought.

Suddenly, the two of them took action almost at the same time, hit each other's palm, and flew towards each other, enhancing their palms.

, "Boomnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

The big hand prints launched by the two collided in the void. With the roar of deafening, the starry sky that exploded instantly broke a big hole. The four stars were incorporated by black holes, and a group of strong foxes retreated to the distance one after another, and their eyes were full of horror.

In the black hole, there are bursts of roars. Obviously, the two heavenly emperors are fighting with each other!

, "yannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

, "Bing nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~n!"

, "Buzz!"

Two vast heavenly veins are interspersed between the starry sky. Within a radius of 10 billion miles, the stars are all rushed out by the powerful breath.

Dimly, I saw the two emperors pushing each other's veins.

The heavenly vein of the soldier, the heavenly vein of the one! No one is convinced of anyone.

Perhaps, Ji Gong's cultivation was a little higher than Zhong Shan. After the soldiers and the people were deadlocked with each other for ten days, they slowly pushed towards Zhong Shan, and Zhong Shan slowly retreated.

After all, Ji Gong Nie is the old emperor of heaven. The cultivation is high, which is normal, but Zhong Shan also has a lot of means. Ji Gong Ne did not relax, but was extremely careful.

Sure enough, when Zhong Shan saw that the heavenly vein of the soldiers was a little defeated, his eyes narrowed.

"All OK nnnnn!"

Zhong Shan shouted softly.

"Buzz nnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

On the side of the two heavenly veins, suddenly, another vast heavenly path appeared, no, it is also the heavenly vein.

The heavenly vein of travel!

As soon as the heavenly vein of the trip came out, the three heavenly veins suddenly stuck together in a triangular trend, but the heavenly vein of the trip was the heavenly vein of the army, which roared towards the heavenly vein of the person.

, "Boom!"

The powerful impact made the four starry sky more turbulent. However, with an extra heavenly vein, the disadvantage of Zhongshan suddenly disappeared, and the heavenly vein of the soldiers no longer retreated, but slowly retreated to the rear.

"Shang, "line" suppressed "those,!

, "The heavenly vein of travel? Cheng Hou's heavenly vein? How did you get it?" Ji Gong's face sank.

It is a coincidence to get the heavenly vein, and there is no robbery at all, because when people die, their heavenly veins dissipate between heaven and earth. Of course, there is also the reproduction of the divine world of Zhongshan, but this is obviously not copied, but the true true heavenly vein of the world. How did Zhong Shan get it?

, "When Cheng Hou died, he returned to the world of the devil. Because the true spirit was not destroyed, the heavenly vein of the trip did not dissipate in a blink of an eye. Unfortunately, he went to the world of the devil, and the heavenly vein of the trip was the heavenly vein of the world. The introduction of the heavenly vein could not Zhong Shan said lightly.

At this time, Ji Gong Nie also remembered the information received. At the beginning, Zhong Shan slaughtered Cheng Hou, and the heavenly vein did not disappear immediately. It turned out to be taken by the heavenly vein of Zhongshan's military.

"You are really lucky!" Ji Gong said in a deep voice.

"Luck!" Zhong Shan said lightly.

The heavenly vein was suppressed, and Ji Gong Nie's face also turned gloomy.

The two did not use their own road. For each other's road, they know something about each other. Although they fight at this moment, it is not the time to die, and as soon as the road comes out, I don't know when this battle will be. What they want is to fight quickly, because there are five emperors waiting for them.

tan shou, Ji Gong Nie took out a round jade platform similar to the altar of heaven and earth.

On the jade platform, there are countless runes, but there are pictures of acquired gossip.

, "Zhou Yi!" Ji Gong's name was reported in a deep voice.

, "Zhou Yi? The most precious treasure of the Ji family? The beginning of the Book of Changes? Zhong Shan raised his eyebrows.

, "Yes, if it goes on like this, it will only let the Yellow Emperor and others seize the opportunity, and since you and I have fought, we must win or lose. This is my strongest magic weapon, fight, determine the winner!" Ji Gong said solemnly.

Are you sure to win or lose the first battle?

As Ji Gong Nie said, Zhong Shan and Ji Gong Nie fought in order to win or lose and kill each other? It's impossible to do it now. After all, it's too time-consuming for you to take action. A few days and nights, more than ten days and more nights may not be the winner.

Now Ji Gong Nir uses the strongest magic weapon. As long as Zhongshan also uses the strongest magic weapon, one collision can determine the winner. It can not only determine the direction of the fox clan, but also divide the advantages and disadvantages of the two dynasties.

"Good!" Zhong Shan answered.