
Chapter 135 The Eleventh Heaven of the Ancestral Immortals!

"We have lost, at least, we have not made a big mistake, and we have seen the hope of the world. Gentlemen, although we have lost, we have not lost, we have not lost!" The Yellow Emperor comforted him with a smile.

The four emperors looked at the Yellow Emperor with a complicated expression, and then they seemed to understand the meaning of the Yellow Emperor.

"Yes, we haven't lost, we haven't lost yet!" The four emperors laughed.

The expression of the five emperors contains a sense of sadness and a sense of relief.


has not made a big mistake, it is not self-detachment after all. At this moment, no one has an indescribable feeling.

The emperor is arrogant. The four emperors give up this arrogance and are willing to submit to the Yellow Emperor, just to cast the Yellow Emperor into a detached person, but in the end they are defeated!

But, it's not unfair to lose! At least, the five emperors saw hope!

In the distance, the battle of more than 100 ancestors also stopped.

The fifty immortals of the five emperors all showed a sad look.

The concubine emperor carried the hope of the ancestors and immortals, but in the end, it still didn't work!

"Queen, there is no need to curse for the time being!" Wang Kui said respectfully.

"Uh?" Hao Meimei is a little bit.

Opposite, the plague really stopped.

"Don't fight?" Hao Meili is puzzled.

"The Emperor of Heaven has won, and the winner has been divided!" Wang Kui said respectfully.

"Really?" Hao Meimei's face was full of joy.

Suddenly, Hao Meili flew towards Zhongshan.

Zhong Shan looked at the five emperors, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"Emperor Xuanqi, help me protect the law! I may have to break through!" Zhong Shan frowned solemnly.

"Huh?" The Five Emperors looked at Zhongshan unexpectedly.

"Good!" Emperor Xuanqi answered. "


Zhong Shan took out a palace, floated in the air, and stepped inside.

The escort is outside the palace. Below, Mr. Corpse and Zhong Tian also flew over and guarded outside the hall.

"Everyone, protect the law for the Emperor of Heaven!" Wang Skell shouted loudly.


Hundreds of ancestors flew outside the hall where Zhongshan was located.

Quickly surrounded the palace, guarding everyone.

"So, I'm going to leave!" The Yellow Emperor smiled bitterly at Emperor Xuan.

"Go to the sky?" Di Xuanqi asked.

"Hmm!" The five emperors nodded.

"Restore the injury first. The entrance outside the sky is not so easy to get in! At that time, I will go with you to help you open the entrance together, and at the same time see if, as you said, the second detachment is about to be born!" Emperor Xuan said in a low voice.

"It's okay!"

The five emperors nodded.

The five emperors fell on the ground below, and each swallowed the elixirs and recovered from their injuries.

didn't do any defense, as if he believed in the emperor.

Fifty subordinates, naturally try their best to protect the five emperors! Guard the surroundings!

Emperor Xuanqi looked around and turned to the Zhongshan Hall with a slight expression.

Zhong Shan sat cross-legged in the hall. Cond your heart to the end of the eight poles.

Something's wrong!

In the past, the end of the eight poles could store a large amount of energy for itself, waiting for free time to close and absorb, but just now, when disassembling the eternal green gun, it suddenly became uncontrollable.

Pangu Axe, Eternal Green Gun!

The strongest magic weapon in heaven and earth, which contains vast and boundless power, is the strongest magic weapon of Pangu and Foxzu.

The power of decomposition is instilled in Zhongshan [body]! At this moment, the tail of the eight poles also strangely formed a huge light cocoon.

"Boom!" The outer light cocoon of the tail of the eight poles was broken.

"Eh! Oh! ah! Oh! ah! "Oh, ah!"

The end of the eight poles [Xing] shouted excitedly.

"Uh?" Zhongshan is slightly in the same place.

Nothing has changed at the end of the eight poles! It's just that I suddenly feel a great pleasure in my heart. What's going on?

Zhong Shan didn't figure it out for a moment, so he was no longer entangled in this matter, and quickly absorbed the advanced energy from Pangu Axe and Eternal Eternal Green Gun!

"Rumble!" There was a loud noise in the bones of Zhongshan.

And at the moment when the light cocoon was broken at the end of the eight poles, there was also a loud noise in the outside world.


A loud noise spread all over the world, over the holy land of the world, Beizhou, Dongzhou, Nanzhou, and even the underworld, etc., this super loud noise sounded in all parts of the world.

"Huh?" Wang Skell looked up at the sky.

"Is this?" Zhong Tian also showed surprise. He also looked surprised.

"Mythical Beast Robbery!" He said in a confused and low voice.

"Mythical beast robbery? Is it the end of the eight poles? However, Baji Tianwei did not defeat the fifth mythical beast!" Zhong Tian didn't understand.

Mr. Corpse shook his head gently and said, "It's the tail of the eight poles, and now it has become the fifth mythical beast!"

"What?" Ying and Zhong Tian looked at Mr. Corpse.

"There are two ways for the mythical beast to advance. One is to defeat the strong with the weak, defeat the previous mythical beast, and replace it. There is another kind of succumbation without fighting, that is, when a mythical beast grows far beyond the mythical beast in front of it because of mutation, it will be automatically promoted! The eight-pole tail is no longer a swallowing tail beast. It should belong to the mutated growth, and it is much more than the fifth mythical beast. If there are too many fates to be promoted, you will receive the number of orders. Induction, show the sound of heaven and earth!" Mr. Corpse said solemnly.

"So, Baji Tianwei is the fifth mythical beast?" Zhong Tian said something unnatural.

"Eating the eternal green gun and eating the Pangu axe. If there is no Heavenly Emperor, the Tianwei Beast can't eat these things in his life. Now that he eats it, it will also be promoted!" Mr. Corpse affirmed.

Everyone nodded.

Zhongshan is located in the hall.

Three hours later.


Zhongshan's bones let out a huge roar, so that there was a huge tremor in the hall outside!


Zhong Shanchang exhaled, opened his eyes, and the three-color light in his eyes shone brightly on the hall!

"Ancestor Immortal, eleven heavens?" Zhong Shan exhaled!

Looking at the clenched fist, it seems to have boundless power.

Gently stand up! Zhongshan slowly stepped out of the hall.

"Wow!" The door of the hall suddenly opened.

"See the Emperor of Heaven!" Congratulations to all the ministers!

"Well, it's hard for you to work in this battle. Let's go back to the underworld first!" Zhong Shan said.

"Yes!" The ministers responded to their orders.

With a wave of his hand, the palace disappeared, and at the same time, the ancestors and immortals brought by Wang Ske also disappeared.

There are only a few people left, Mr. Corpse, Ying Dou, Zhong Tian, Hao Meili!

Di Xuanqi stood not far away and watched.

"Where are the immortals?"

I didn't ask about Zhongshan's cultivation, as if I knew that Zhongshan's cultivation had made great progress.

At this moment, Emperor Xuanyu is still most concerned about the Emperor Xianxian.


Detective Zhong Shan took out a crystal coffin!

"The method of burial? It's really extraordinary!" Di Xuanqi sighed.

"Emperor Supreme, it's ridiculous!" Mr. Corpse said modestly.

"Sure enough, immortals can still be saved!" Emperor Xuanqi's face was immediately happy.

"Can you save it?" Zhong Shan asked.

After taking a deep breath, Di Xuanqi nodded and said, "If you can't save it, you have to wait a little longer. Wait two days, until the night of the yin, wait for me to completely refine the pure soul of the emperor Shitian, and then save the immortals!"

"Good!" Zhong Shan answered the way.

tan shou, Zhong Shan put away the crystal coffin!

"Huh?" Emperor Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"Xianxian is my wife!" Zhong Shan laughed.

"Oh!" Di Xuanqi smiled with relief.

Zhong Shan lowered his head and looked at the recovering Yellow Emperor in the distance below.

"Beautiful ones are the five emperors. What do you think?" Zhong Shan asked.

"I, I don't know either!" Hao Meimei's expression is complicated.

"Don't know?"

"Well, in the past, I hated them very much, and I wanted them to die earlier, but now I don't know why I suddenly feel a little forgetful. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have done it!" Hao looked at Zhong Shan with beauty and affection.

Zhong Shan smiled.

"And, he is my ancestor after all! You have underestimated me before!" Hao is beautiful, affectionate and complicated.

"Since you don't hate it, forget it!" Zhong Shan gently stroked Hao's beautiful head.

"Hmm!" Hao Meili nodded, showing a deep feeling of relief on her face.

"Thousand evils to the yin body, oh, the strongest physique among the sorcerers. In the sky, there are many people in my world who are folded into the hands of a sorcerer with all evil to the yin body!" Emperor Xuanqi took a deep breath.

"Huh?" Hao Meimei is a little bit.

"The sky is out of the sky?" Zhong Shan Ning Mei said, "I know you're curious about the sky. Let's go and find a place for us to sit down and talk!"

Di Xuanqi said.

"Good!" Zhong Shan nodded.

Everyone flew to a peak outside Shi Tiansheng, where there was a huge pavilion.

Everyone sat down, but it was not too much to be superior and inferior!

Zhong Shan and Di Xuanqi sat on the hand.

Emperor Xuanqi waved his hand and the table was full of tea.

After thinking about it, Di Xuanqi said, "Oh, heaven, when it comes to this, we still need to start from my world!"

"Hmm!" Zhong Shan nodded.

"Have you ever been to the end of time and space?" Di Xuanqi asked.

"At the end of time and space, where is it?" Hao Meili immediately intervened.

"At the end of time and space, I have been to the Nuwa tomb that used to take me to. There, the time is very slow and the space is also very distorted. When the stars get there, they are distorted into various shapes by the strange space-time, leading to the infinite land, the end of heaven and earth?" Zhong Shan explained.

"Yes, Taiji, it is "with" and infinite is "no". Our world is actually "tangible". The world, that is, Taiji, Wuji gives birth to Taiji. In addition to Taiji, there is no Wuji, nothing, no heaven and earth, no chaos, no time, no space, nothing!" Emperor Xuan nodded and said.

Hao Meili stared at her eyes and obviously couldn't understand what the two were saying.

"At the end of time and space, space and time are thin, so you can see the distorted scenery. If you go out, there will be nothing, nothing, nothing!" Di Xuanqi said.

"Well, what does this have to do with the sky?" Zhong Shan asked.

"In the infinite, there are four Taiji! That is to say, there are three different worlds similar to the world!" Emperor Xuan said solemnly.

"Oh? There are still three worlds?" Zhong Shan's expression moved.

"Yes, there are four worlds in total, the number of days covers my thousands of worlds, the number of lives, covers all, covers four "Yes. The world." Emperor Xuan said in a low voice.

"The sky is outside the sky, connecting the other three worlds?" Zhong Shan asked.

"You can say so!" Di Xuanqi nodded..

Zhong Tian, Ying Huan and others looked at each other in consterance!

"What is the strength of the world in the four worlds?" Zhongshan solemnly said.

"Four worlds, one strongest, three weaker, three weaker worlds, allied together to resist the strongest world!" Emperor Xuan said in a low voice.

"Three worlds, no one can beat that world?" Zhong Shan seemed to have guessed something.

"I can barely block it, but unfortunately, the strongest world is about to give birth to a second detachment, while the other three worlds have none! Once the second detachment is born, the strongest world will wash away the three worlds, destroy and decompose the three worlds, and devour the three worlds. Accept it as your own!" Emperor Xuanqi said with an ugly face.

"My big world is one of the weak worlds?" Zhong Shan said in a low voice.
