Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 3 Dog Slaughter

After using the insight skill, Xu Dong suddenly found that the mountain guard dog less than ten meters away from him in front of the door suddenly raised his ears vigilantly, and the tip of his nose instinctively raised gently, as if he had noticed something strange to peel out useful smell information from the air.

This discovery made Xu Dong feel awe-inspily. Although he only peeped secretly, the big black curly dog instinctively sensed the strangeness. In fact, it is coming towards the house where Xu Dong is located.

When he got close, Xu Dong really realized the hugeness of this large dog. Just when standing, it already has the height of an adult's waist. That is, the big white bear or Alaskan dog that Xu Dong saw in his last life can be compared with it in terms of physique. What's more, the big black curly dog in front of him has a pair of triangular eyes, which looks more fierce. This fierce breath seems to be comparable only to fierce guys such as German blackback or bulldogs.

Xu Dong couldn't help holding his breath, and he didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that his breath or smell would attract the attention of the other party. He is not too scared, but a little worried that once the two sides contact without preparation, it is easy to have a life-to-death situation, which will disturb other big dogs and cause unpredictable consequences.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a rapid footsteps outside the window. At the moment when the footsteps appeared, the big dog outside the door suddenly gave up the idea of exploring and turned around and ran away.

Listen to the footsteps, but it is not the mountain guard dog running on all fours. It is obviously the movement of running wildly in cloth shoes! A bad idea came out of his mind, and Xu Dong immediately looked through the cracks in the window.

In a short time, a middle-aged man who looked quite strong also wore a rough dark blue cloth. He ran all the way. Whether it was clothes, trousers, shoes and socks, they were all stained with dazzling blood red. Xu Dong could even see four or five ferocious wounds from under his loose clothes. These wounds were flowing with a lot of blood without exception, and it was the blood that dyed the man's clothes red.

Even if you think about it, you know that the maker of these wounds must be behind the man's buttocks and still doesn't rush to find a chance to bite the six or seven strong mountain dogs!

Suddenly, the black short-haired mountain guard dog that had stopped at the gate of Xu Dong before ran out of the oblique thorn and jumped to the ground. It jumped up to a height of nearly two meters and slid across a parabola. In this process, the black short-haired mountain guard adjusted its front claws. At the moment of contact between the two, it was actually pressing hard on the middle-aged man. On people's shoulders.

The hard and sharp claws scratched the shirt, leaving two deep openings on the other party's body, and the blood suddenly flowed out.

The middle-aged man was interrupted by this sudden attack, and because it was an impact from the side, he was hit hard to the ground. It seemed that he knew that it had reached the point of life and death. The middle-aged man let out a hysterical roar and slapped the nose of the black short-haired mountain guard dog with a wooden stick. He only heard a click. The mountain guard dog made a whine at the same time, and then saw two blood spewing out of his nostrils!

Other mountain dogs looked for a chance and rushed up like chicken blood. Facing the middle-aged man who fell to the ground, he was a fierce bite.

The sound of cracks, screams, and the sound of flesh and blood tearing came into his ears. Just under Xu Dong's eyes, the middle-aged man was actually bitten to open his stomach. Even a piece of intestines was pulled out by a mountain watchdog. He put it in his mouth for fear of being robbed and turned his head and ran away, but he didn't know it. The intestines behind were dragged to the ground, causing two mountain guard dogs to come forward to fight.

It's just that this middle-aged man is also strong, and when he is dying, he actually found a chance to pull two mountain dogs on his back.

Killing the middle-aged man, the mountain guard dog suddenly dispersed as birds and beasts, and continued to look for his target.

This scene was clearly seen by Xu Dong, who was hidden behind the window. He only felt that his scalp was numb, and an anger burned out in his heart.

Xu Dong squeezed his lips and looked around for a week and found a small hard iron knife from the corner. The iron knife is badly rusted, and the surface is covered with a layer of rust that can't be scraped off, and the edge of the knife is extremely blunt. Even if you scratch it with your fingers, you can't cut a trace of oily skin. The only advantage of the small iron knife is that it is hard and sharp.

Finding a weapon, Xu Dong began to arrange it on the spot. First, he carefully moved the water tank to the window, then arranged it at the window switch, and then climbed to the beam with his hands and feet, with a calm expression of waiting for the prey to be hooked.

Not long after, a mountain guard dog appeared outside the door. It was a coincidence that it was the black curly hair just now. Xu Dong did not hesitate to aim at it and throw an insight skill. When using this skill just now, you can clearly see the vigilance of the recipient. At this time, the old technique was repeated and immediately attracted the attention of the mountain guard dog.

The mountain guard dog approached carefully. Its footsteps were particularly gentle, and there was not much sound at all when it landed. It can be imagined that once they entered the mountain forest, it was really as difficult as a fish in water. It quickly walked up the steps and came to the front of the door.

The mountain guard dog tried to open the big wooden door with its nose, but was blocked by the wooden door. I guess this guy hasn't done any wild savage before. After taking a step back, he kicked four legs and hit the wooden door. However, the two-open dark wooden door was much harder than it thought. It only heard a muffled sound, and there was no sign of damage at all, which made it a little annoyed.

The injured black curly-haired mountain guard dog's heart rose and hit twice in a row, but still couldn't break into the door. I was screaming in a hurry, and suddenly I saw a window beside me.

This window is three or four meters high from the ground, which can be reached by the mountain guard dog directly standing up. It tried to top its nose and felt that it was not so compact and strong, and quickly retreated. But it was a strong front shaking action, and it seemed that he was going to break through the window and enter.

It didn't know that it was falling into the trap arranged by Xu Dong step by step.

The mountain guard dog moved his limbs violently, rushed out after three steps, and hit the window with one head.

Xu Dong had already watched the timing and pulled out the wedge of the window with one hand. The wooden window opened in response and was hit hard against the wall with a crackling sound. Fortunately, the village was full of dogs barking, so Xu Dong was not afraid that these small movements would attract the attention of other mountain watchdogs.

The mountain guard dog who rushed into the window suddenly turned dark, and then only felt pierced into a cold ** in vain. It entered in a head-down posture. When it fell into the water tank, it naturally had its head down and buttocks up, and it could not make a shout at all.

At this time, Xu Dong had jumped down from the beam vigorously and quickly closed the window to avoid leaking more movement. At the same time, the mountain guard dog that fell into the tank finally adjusted its posture. A dog's head came out of the sewage that had been stored for many years, and two water lines sprayed in his nostrils, which looked extremely funny.

And it suddenly fell into a strange situation, which was inevitably a panicked disturbance, but splashed a lot of water, which clearly looked like a water dog.

When the mountain guard dog was about to bark and call his companions, he didn't expect a young human to rush over with a ferocious smile. This scene does not remind it of those hungry human beings during the Spring Festival...

Beat the water dog!

Xu Dong didn't wait for it to bark at all. He grabbed his head with one hand, and stabbed the rust knife in the other hand fiercely. With a bang, he stabbed into the depths of his neck like a broken bamboo. He could even feel the mountain guard dog in his arms tremble all over, and then struggled violently.

Xu Dong gritted his teeth and thought of the middle-aged man who had been bitten to death by them just now. His eyes were red, and his voice squeezed out of his teeth, "Go to hell!"

The rust knife that pierced the neck stirred crazily. Whether it was the carotid artery or bronchial lymph nodes, it was blurred on the spot under the stirring, and a large mass of blood surged from the wound and fell into the water tank, with disgusting scarlet, and even the air was filled with a pungent fishy smell.

Under death, the mountain guard dog burst out amazingly fierce and turned its head. At such a large extent, it could even hear the sound of pulling and breaking the tendon of the neck, and then opened its big mouth and bit Xu Dong's arm fiercely.

If Xu Dong didn't feel something wrong, on the one hand, he would tighten the strength of the iron knife, and on the other hand, he would quickly shrink his hand, and he was likely to be bitten out of a deep wound. Despite this, the epidermis of his arm was scratched off by two red marks by his sharp teeth.

In the end, the 45-kilogram mountain guard can only roll out two painful sounds from the depths of his throat, and his body is slowly soft and unwilling to die.

Xu Dong threw down the dog's body and let it sink into the water tank. Then he hurriedly lay down in front of the window and found that the movement here did not attract other mountain dogs, so he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The first time he slaughtered animals, Xu Dong's heart inevitably had a burst of nausea. However, his attention quickly fell on insight skills. Unexpectedly, the proficiency bar of insight skills increased a little. After thinking about it, he understood. In this way, repeated insights into the same species cannot gain proficiency.

On the other hand, at the bottom of the mission's adaptive survival, there is also a number bar, showing that the number of mountain guard dogs killed by Xu Dong is 1.

After killing the first mountain guard dog, Xu Dong's spirit involuntarily became excited. He repeated his old skills and constantly provoked and seduced through insight skills. In the use of insight skills, he also gradually figured out some skills, such as effective distance, such as how to make the caster unconscious.

However, in half an hour, the bodies of ten mountain watchdogs have been piled up in this small house. The strong smell of blood made Xu Dongzhi nauseous. Although the trap of dog slaughter is simple and fast, it is inevitable that he will make mistakes when he is a beginner. Fortunately, he deliberately created this relatively closed space, and even after mistakes, the worst result is just a one-to-one situation.

Therefore, in the face of the last mountain guard dog that escaped the trap, Xu Dong still paid some price to kill it.

His arm was fiercely scratched by the mountain guard dog, and the five-centimeter-long wound was rolled out. Even if it was just an ordinary skin injury, it made him grin for a long time and cursed.

When Xu Dong slaughtered dogs, the barking of dogs in the village gradually became sparse and low over time. Occasionally, sporadic sounds came out, mostly the unique barking of mountain dogs. He leaned against the window and looked outside the door and found that he had not seen the mountain guard dogs except for a mess on the road.

After thinking about it, this place was no longer suitable for traps to ambush. He squeezed his lips and thought about it. Since the geographical advantages of this place were gone, he simply chose to give up and push the door out.

After going out, Xu Dong subconsciously looked up at the sky, which was blue and clearer than expected. However, when he noticed the situation in the village, he couldn't help sighing gently, and the door of almost every house was stained with dazzling blood.

In addition to the unspeakable desolation and tragedy, it is a chilling silence. Only the corn occasionally shaken by the wind on the eaves makes a difficult sound from time, and the rattle from the chicken coop behind the house can leave a relatively good reverie.

It can be imagined that this village is not far from ruin after being attacked by mountain guard dogs.

Suddenly, there was a fierce barking not far away, and there was also a fierce roar that made people's eardrums seem to have been relied. This roar, if Xu Dong's ears heard correctly, it was from a man!

I don't know what he was thinking. Xu Dong just squeezed his lips and ran away with the sound.

The size of this village seems to have been prosperous, and the number of houses is at least a hundred. Xu Dong also passed by a dilapidated pub. Later, the village did not know what happened and gradually faded away from its former glory, so that a large number of houses distributed in the shape of fields were uninhabited.

The village road is not complicated. There are only two roads, one vertical and one horizontal, forming a cross. The houses are distributed in an orderly manner along the main road.

After turning left, Xu Dong soon found a particularly large and spacious house. The door of the house was a double door painted with vermilion paint, which looked like a rural richman. However, the door was closed, and from Xu Dong's perspective, it could be seen that an old man with a goat beard was constantly looking at him, with a complex expression of urgency and fear on his face.

In front of the door of this courtyard, a particularly strong man was frantically waving the iron bar in his hand. Even if it was far away, Xu Dong could still hear the roar of the air when the iron bar swept across the vertically. The place where the iron bar passed was really dead or injured for the mountain guard dog. Therefore, he Within the first two meters, a strange open space appeared...

No! There were countless dog corpses lying on the ground, and a large amount of red blood flowed into the brown mud, forming a terrible and tragic scene.

However, when he saw the turbulent mountain guard dogs around the big man, Xu Dong had suddenly covered his mouth for fear that he could not help shouting out in surprise.

Nima, the number of mountain guard dogs has exceeded ten! Among them, there is also a big guy who is golden and fluffy, similar to the golden retriever, but has a stronger figure than the big white bear. He stands among the dogs and stares at the big man!