Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 55 Prayer

"How could this happen!"

The sharp sound spread in all directions in a fan shape. Xu Dong saw a glass-like cup on a counter tremble violently in the sound wave, and then a crack appeared, and then exploded completely with a bang. Coincidentally, the mirror behind him also sounded a crisp sound, and the two cracks directly disintegrated the long mirror into three sad pieces.

This phenomenon, which can only appear in the legend, actually happened naked in front of Xu Dong, which made him amazing!

The huge store completely quieted down, and countless people moved stupidly and stared at the direction of the sound. However, in comparison, these people prefer to bargain with shop assistants and buy back their favorite items at a lower price. Just two or three seconds later, the store returned to the noise.

Xu Dong became curious and quickly squeezed away the crowd and walked in the direction of the sound. Before long, he came to the front door. At this time, the main door was surrounded by a large circle of people, which was quite influible. In the encirclement inside and outside, a petite girl suddenly pulled out the sword bigger than her and shouted angrily, "I just say once that the money has been paid. It was the guy who didn't give me the door order. Believe it or not!"

Xu Dong's eyes suddenly condensed on the sword. This big sword is palm wide, and the blade alone is more than 1.4 meters. If you add a thick and long sword handle, I'm afraid it will be 1.67 meters long. The material of the big sword should be ordinary steel. I'm afraid the big sword of such a volume is 20 or 30 kilograms? But she was grabbed by a petite and exquisite girl with one hand, and her expression was still effortless!

Wait, this big sword is so strange... Xu Dong's pupil condensed and subconsciously blurted out, "Isn't that the fruit of divine power? Is this an internal equipment?!"

At this time, the person standing next to Xu Dong interrupted and said, "This sword is actually not an exquisite internal equipment. The really strong internal equipment can even lie dormant in the body like flesh and blood armor, and it takes time to activate it. However, this girl's practice and flesh and blood armor are very unique, which resonates with the equipment in this mouth, so it seems to be particularly useful..."

This statement is very novel.

Xu Dong couldn't help looking sideways. This person was actually the young man who just hugged and splung his money. The two beautiful women just now didn't know where they went.

Xu Dong, who was extremely curious, couldn't help asking again, "What does the so-called resonance mean?"

The young man shrugged his shoulders casually, "Don't you know that? Well, I haven't popularized science with Xiaobai for a long time. The so-called resonance is that the internal equipment produces unique physiological changes to the flesh and blood armor. For example, this sword should have produced a change that can reduce her own weight in the girl's hand... Otherwise, do you think that such a petite girl is enough to grab this sword with one hand with the strength of a star awakener, or without stimulating flesh and blood armor?

After saying that, he took another sip of liquor, and the strong smell of wine came to his nose.

This statement is actually very organized! And the other party's experience and knowledge also made Xu Dong have a bright feeling. Originally, he thought this guy was just a playboy, but now it doesn't seem to be so. However, this man was very arrogant, so he did not look directly at Xu Dong. After saying that, he continued to stare at the exaggerated chest of the heroine in the incident with great interest.

When one of the guards saw the other party showing weapons, his face suddenly darkened and shouted coldly, "Isn't it a common process for every large store to pay for equipment and get a door order? As an awakener, you can't even know this. My duty is to ensure the safety of the disabled goods. If you can't show the door order, I'm sorry, I can't let you pass!"

Through the details of the conversation between the two sides, Xu Dong finally understood the general process of the matter. The girl said that she bought something to pay without a door order, while the guard thought that no door order meant that she didn't pay, and everyone knew what it was to take by herself. The key to the contradiction is whether this sword has been paid or not!

Exclusive skill upgrade task: girl's prayer, generation, do you accept it?

Xu Dong has no more time to choose. If there is no accident, if he even gives up this task, he is likely to waste this special state. But on the other hand, whether it is the girl in the mission character or the guard of the other side, they are all at the one-star awakener level. For Xu Dong, it is not too difficult nor simple, but it is just right!

Where is Xu Dong still hesitating? I decisively chose to accept it. At the moment of acceptance, a series of task information was also highlighted.

Exclusive skill upgrade task: girl's prayer

Mission introduction: The girl prayed that in order to get the equipment and heavy weapons, she did not hesitate to mortgage all the valuable items on her body in exchange for 100 gold coins. Unexpectedly, the house leaked in the rain all night and was cheated. Seeing that the property was about to be empty, she prayed away. Please use your insight skills to successfully handle this incident.

Mission Completion Reward: Talent Skill Insight +1 Level

Mission failure punishment: If the skill upgrade task is reset, there will be no relevant upgrade tasks in the next three months.

To complete this task seems to help pray for justice. Xu Dong's heart sank. If he wanted to complete the task smoothly, he would either find the shopping guide who had cheated his prayers and come to get the stolen goods. In fact, this matter is still very difficult. After all, since the shopping guide is dedicated to cheating people, he has naturally done everything to deal with it. How can it be so easy to get stolen?

Xu Dong's thinking is running rapidly. If you can't get clues to complete the task from the shopping guide, you might as well start with other evidence...

Seeing that the two sides are about to fight, one side is a one-star awakener, and the other side is a group of one-star awakeners. Xu Dong was already domineering enough, and he had been exhausted by taking turns to fight against each other. Once the two are side by side, it is no problem to retreat, but defeat the opponent... Xu Dong dares not pat his chest. Once this girl starts to fight, she will definitely fail miserably.

Xu Dong quickly squeezed out the crowd and walked to the field.

The young man next to him who is so handsome that he can treat his face as * squintly, "What are you going to do? Do you also learn from others?"

Xu Dong said without looking back, "You guessed, but there is no prize."

The young man shrugged his shoulders without saying anything, but his expression was expected to be in vain.

Wait! Xu Dong squeezed out the crowd and shouted.

The guard narrowed his eyes and said angrily, "Who are you?"

Xu Dong's appearance also attracted the attention of onlookers, and everyone's eyes were condensed on him, with surprise and surprise, and more fortunate to be a disaster.

At this time, Xu Dong also heard many people whispering.

"Does he dare to interfere in the matter of the Ma family? This guy's face is tight. What's the matter?"

"I haven't seen it, but it looks like a new one-star awakener. I can't get on stage. I don't know where the courage comes from."

"Hey, I don't know what's alive or dead. There's a good show."

In the face of the comments around him, Xu Dong turned a blind eye and just stared at the guards in front of him and said loudly, "The mutilated hand is the most powerful shop in the Blood Helmet City. Even if something unpleasant happens, with the reputation of your shop, it will not be solved by force without investigation. After spreading it, it is inevitable to be mistaken for the Ma family to know how to bully others. I don't know whether what I said is reasonable or not?

Xu Dong calmly said this. He not only took the lead and pressed the other party's head in momentum, but also stood clearly and rationally. What's more, he choked the guards so hard that they couldn't say a word. They all blushed and had a sense of humiliation like being slapped in public.

The guard was not easy to be with. He immediately sneered, "If you have strength, you have the right to speak. Which boy are you? You are a big tone. I don't know if your fist is hard enough?"

Xu Dong smiled indifferently and did not lose at all. He said tit-for-tat, "Which fist is hard or not? Don't you know if you try it?"

There was a sudden uproar. Through Xu Dong's external equipment, his agility can be seen by blind people. The agile awakener is bold enough to provoke the powerful awakener, which is unique, but also extremely rare. Many people even began to laugh, which was really afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

The guard snorted angrily, suddenly rushed forward and stepped out with his left foot, like a heavy hammer hitting the hard surface, making a muffled sound. At the same time, he twisted his waist, tried his strength to carry out his fist, and took the opportunity to punch out. It can be seen that the guard's foundation is very solid, and this punch, whether it is strength, speed or angle, is like a word in the textbook, which is extremely standard.

The fist came out, and the wind was sobbing. The passers-by around me were surprised, and I couldn't help but replace it. If it were me, could I punch such a standard punch? If it were me, can I resist such an offensive?

The next second, Xu Dong squeezed his lips and did not retreat. He slipped out and punched out with the same punch. The two fists bumped into each other without any suspense.

The guard who took the lead in taking action changed greatly. He felt the huge force coming from the other party's fist and couldn't resist it. He stepped back four steps in a row, and his face turned white at the same time.

"Isn't it?"

Everyone was in an uproar, and the powerful awakener actually lost to the agile awakener in power?!

However, what everyone doesn't know is that since the guard peeped at Xu Dong's agile awakener identity, he only had the idea of making the other party dodge and humiliate, so he did not do his best at all. This is one of them.

Second, Xu Dong quickly slid forward and took the lead in hitting his opponent's fist when his opponent's strength was not exerted to the extreme, which took a small advantage.

Third, Xu Dong knew that his strength was relatively weak, but he launched a strong talent skill in an instant.

With a mindless calculation, the guard can only suffer this dumb loss.

Just as the guard was angry and wanted to find the scene, a gray and neat old man came out with a face like water. The momentum of the superior was revealed, and he asked in a low voice angrily and majestically, "What on earth happened?"