Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 73 The First Tiger Power and the Road Blocking Viper

At the beginning, Xu Dong was not familiar with the tiger style. Every time he performed it, he needed time to experience and adjust his movements and posture. After a minute, he performed it once. Later, with the feelings in his heart and the practice again and again, the speed of his exercise accelerated and became that he could perform twice in a minute. Later, the perception of the heavy blow of the tiger is more profound. In a minute, it can be used three times or four times!

In three hours, it is extremely exaggerated hundreds and thousands of times.

When the last trace of physical strength was exhausted, Xu Dong's whole body fell softly on the ground, his muscles twitched and trembled, and his internal organs**. Even if he only moved one finger, it would bring exaggerated and horrible pain.

The physical strength is exhausted, and the whole body is sore!

Under such crazy practice, all the century-old trees around him suffered. Dozens of trees were enough to hold together by three or four people. The bark on the surface were torn and torn, revealing the white fibers inside, and there were solidified blood stains on them.

That's because in the process of continuous practice, Xu Dong's ten fingers were ulcerated, his nails were separated from his skin, his fingers were blurred with flesh and blood, and even white bones could be seen. It is these dripping flesh and blood that are constantly contaminated in the process of cultivation that solidifies on the surface, leading to such a situation.

The sunshine beside him, from the initial surprise to the shock behind, was finally numb. It was not until Xu Dong fell to the ground with a plop, and his numb expression was slightly fresh, muttering to himself, "Oh! Can't you stand it finally?"

After the whole body's strength was consumed, his body function fell into a state of imminent collapse. Xu Dong calmed down and quietly experienced the changes in his body. He would like to know whether the power of the lurking flesh and blood armor will move when the body is deprived.

Facts have proved that the power of flesh and blood armor is still quietly dormant, like a sad and happy old monk. Everything in front of him is a moon in the mirror, and there is no desire to pursue it. Until this time, Xu Dong finally gave up. After all, he still couldn't mobilize this force, even a little bit, as if this power did not belong to him at all.

With a slight sigh, Xu Dong quickly cheered up and took out the satiety awakener prop sphon from the storage space and put it on his neck. The syphon twisted his chubby body, reluctantly bit the aorta in his neck, and his body was slightly bright, and began to deliver the life energy in his body to Xu Dong. Before long, the blood vessels under the skin of Xu Dong's neck also emitted a faint light, clearly revealing the outline, which was very magical.

With the entry of life energy, Xu Dong only felt a feeling that seemed to be illuminated by the morning light, and began to roam around his neck. He unnecessary thought that a trace of essence of life, driven by blood, was vigorously pumped around through the heart, and every inch of skin, every muscle and every bone were moistened.

Soon, he felt that his broken fingers stopped bleeding, and his flesh and blood began to grow again, and then scabed numbly. In a short period of time, not only the ten fingers were intact, but his whole body was energetic, as if there was endless strength all over his body! The only pity is that life energy is used to repair the body, but it does not play a role in strengthening muscles and bones. But Xu Dong is not greedy.

The syphon can be called an awakener prop. In the awakener stage, the recovery effect is very significant!

When Xu Dong got up again, his fingers were intact, and the eyes of the sunshine beside him were about to fall down. He asked like a ghost, "You, your fingers... Mengdo are on top. How did you do it?"

Xu Dong directly ignored the other party and quietly put the syphon into a big tree to let it begin to absorb life energy, while he continued to train crazily.

Under hundreds of practices, Xu Dong's breath has been completely different from that at the beginning. It may not reach the shape of a god after thousands of trials, but at least there is already a hint of awe-in momentum. He walked to the open place in the forest and stood still, opening his mouth and roaring in vain. There seemed to be an awe-inspiring tiger roar in the forest, shaking the surrounding leaves rolling down.

The momentum is fierce!

Then, his feet kicked on the ground. Unlike the broken and splashing of fallen leaves behind you, there are almost no dead leaves flying, because the foot force is almost deeply affected on the ground and rarely lost.

Power condensation!

In the roar of the tiger, Xu Dong fought hard, like a tiger in the forest, and the tiger is powerful!

The speed is amazing!

The palm of the right hand is unfolded, and the five fingers are like claws. After hundreds and thousands of grindings, the claw shape has been perfect. At first glance, you can really mistakenly think that this is a tiger claw. With the power of a rush, the tiger's claws were fiercely grasped from top to bottom, and the five fingers tore open the air, and there was a dull cry between the five fingers, whining as heavy as the top of Mount Tai.

The tiger hit hard!


A large piece of bark was torn and shredded under Xu Dong's claws with a large number of wood fibers.

The sunshine was stunned and couldn't help waking up the prayer beside him. Who knew that the palm had not been stretched out and had been knocked off with one hand, and then a cold hum sounded: "I'm awake, I won't bother you."

The sunshine pointed to Xu Dong on the opposite side and looked a little trance, "It's only a few hours, three hours!" From ignorance to small success, it may take others two or three months to make it, and he only used three hours. Mondo is on the top for three hours!"

Prayer rarely without sarcasm. She looked at Xu Dong's eyes and burst into an unimaginable look. "Although it did not cooperate with the power of flesh and blood armor to stimulate the strength of the tiger, the attack is fierce, the claws are powerful, and the strength is condensed, and it has begun to become a tiger! A Dong's understanding is really amazing! Although the tiger attack lacks the strength of the tiger and can't exert its real power. At best, it is just a flower shelf, but under one claw, using the power of the body, it has reached the peak of the full blow of the one-star power awakener!"

Just when both of them thought that Xu Dong would turn to the practice of the second tiger crack, he once again put on the starting style of a tiger attack and practiced tirelessly again. This persistent attitude is once again touching.

Prayed to take a deep breath, was stimulated by Xu Dong's madness, and then began to enter the practice.

The sunshine looked at Xu Dong, turned his head and glanced at the prayer, and his cynical expression restrained. He was distracted and said, "This Dong has a kind of infection for the people next to follow... Should I also improve my strength?"


The third time, the whole body was exhausted. By replenishing the essence of life, Xu Dong rubbed his temples and felt a little tired between his eyebrows. Although the exhausted physical strength can be recovered, the mental energy spent cannot be effectively replenished, and naturally I feel tired.

At this time, the sun was tilting, and at about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Dong looked at the prayer and sunshine and whispered, "I want to explore the barracks of the guard. What do you have any comments?"

Military camp?! The sun was like a big cat trampled on its tail and jumped up in surprise, "No, do you want to visit the guard barracks? The door guard is not only the guard of the blood helmet city, but also sometimes participates in the defense of the border defense force. The overall strength is quite strong, even the awakeners of three or four stars may not dare to break in. I can't stop you from going to die, but you are a little unkind enough to look at other people's hopes. I'll declare first that I won't go!"

The Blood Helmet City is a border land, bordering neighboring countries. At present, the overall situation of Middle-earth is harmonious, and there will be no violent conflicts or even wars. However, the fighting between border guards in some areas has been repeatedly banned. Under the feudal system, the lords of the border city-states are responsible for defending the territory. On the one hand, the door guard army takes over the door guard defense, and on the other hand, they should always pay attention to the border and provide support and assistance to the border guards at any time. Under the test of blood and fire, of course, strength is not bad.

Xu Dong came to this plane for some time. Naturally, he knew these common sense and just smiled faintly when he heard the words: "The owner of the Blood Helmets City has set out to Muhua Province to participate in the tribute day and took away a large number of elites in the city, including three guard camps and two guard camps. You must know this. So I want to ask you, there are only two guard camps left in the Blood Helmet City, that is, 500 people, but they have to preside over the defense of the whole city state..."

The sun was blocked for a moment, and even prayers fell into meditation.

He picked up the clockwork from the ground, teased him with his fingers, and then said slowly, "Do you remember what the sergeant said when he went out of the gate? In the past two days, the gate was closed much earlier than a few days ago. What does this mean?"

Sunshine couldn't help narrowing his eyes and suddenly felt that the man in front of him, who was not much bigger than himself, actually had an excellent insight that young people did not have, and even grasped the details of such words!

Prayer raised his head slowly thoughtfully, "Do you mean, the door guard..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Dong interrupted, "So I think it is necessary to listen and seize this opportunity before others notice."

Seize this opportunity first? The prayer couldn't help laughing, "Adong, are you stupid? It's not that we don't have assessment certificates. This opportunity is dispensable for us!"

"No!" At this time, the sun made a bright voice in front of his eyes, "Suppose, I say that if we can really get the blessing of the camp owner through the barracks, then we might as well get a large number of unabed assessment vouchers. The difficulty of obtaining this kind of voucher is simply shocking! Then sell it wildly! Do you know what this means?"

Sunshine's eyes seem to have turned into two shiny gold coins, "That's a lot of money, wine, beautiful women, why don't you roll in?"

Just when the sunshine spoke happily, he enjoyed Xu Dong's touch of the clockwork on his chin and suddenly stiffened, suddenly turned over and barked in a certain direction.

The next second, a man with a long figure and a cold and poisonous breath slowly flashed from behind the tree.

Seeing this man, the three of them's hearts jumped together, and a chill rushed straight up from the tail keel, and their hairs were straight upright, as if walking in the field, and saw a gorgeous viper blocking the road in vain!