Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 81

The prayer that was about to be in a coma smelled a familiar smell, as if a force was injected into his heart. He couldn't help opening his eyes and happened to see Xu Dong's side. At this moment, tears gushed out. She was already angry. She opened her mouth and her voice was like a mosquito: "Grandma bear, if you don't come, I will suffer a big loss..."

Xu Dong felt the hot heat emanating from his body and immediately reached out to her forehead. He only felt that what he was holding in his arms was not the human body, but a red charcoal.

He took a deep breath and looked at Yang Unruly with cold eyes. The more he looked at the other party, the more disgusted he felt. He wished he could immediately rush up to blow up his other eye, and even hated Yang Shaoxing behind Yang Unru.

To be honest, Pray and Xu Dong have known each other in the crippled hand. Up to now, it has only been a few days. On the surface, even ordinary friends between the two sides are actually very reluctant. However, in fact, in the battle of the sex fox, Xu Dong saved the prayer; Yang's unyielding battle, but the prayer saved Xu Dong.

The two don't say anything, and they also know that in times of crisis, they can actually trust each other and give their backs to each other's comrades-in-arms and partners.

What's more, how can a beautiful and normal man not fantasize about her? If Xu Dong doesn't secrete some hormone dopamine, no one will believe it.

Praying to be hurt so far, why is he not angry, and how can he not be angry?

Yang unruly didn't talk nonsense with Xu Dong at all. As soon as he stepped on his feet, his joints and skin were stretched out, and the floor burst open, and his whole body shot away like a cannonball.

The room area is very small. For Yang Buli, who is good at shadow steps, first of all, he has a geographical advantage. An acceleration, and then the shadow steps are launched, which easily flashes to the side of Xu Dong's arms and praying.

This man is treacherous and vicious, killing like numbness, and the cuff sword ejected out, stabbing the girl's throat!

When he said it, Xu Dong snorted coldly, and his palms poked out in vain, and his five fingers were claws, like tiger claws. The claws were awe-inspiring, and there was no reason to remind people of the roaring tiger's claws and slamming posture.

The tiger is cracking!

At the time of the one-star awakener, this move was extremely proficient. Now he has been promoted to the two-star awakener, and his physical quality has been comprehensively improved, so that he will come out naturally and casually. Of course, he is more powerful.


Xu Dong's claws collided heavily with Yang's unruly arm and suddenly made a muffled sound.

Yang Bujing's face changed wildly, launched a shadow step and retreated quickly, and quickly removed the fierce force from the other party's attack.

retreated to the corner of the wall, he stood with his hands behind his back, and his arms trembled uncontrollably. If he raised his sleeves, he would definitely find five purple-black claw marks on the surface of his skin.

Even the cuff sword had a trace of damage, and he had to move it twice in a row before he could recycle it.

"How can it be!" Yang Fujii shouted in his heart, "His power has even reached the level of ordinary power-type two-star awakener. What's more horrible is that he has not activated his flesh and blood armor at this time. Once activated, his power may reach the peak of the power-type two-star awakener!"

Xu Dong did not have an intuitive feeling about his power. At this time, he repelled the other party with one claw, and suddenly a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes. How could he forget the scene where the other party used the shock to break his five fingers?!

Fengshui takes turns, this year at your home, next year.

A day ago, you fought like me as a dog. Did you think that one day later, I already have enough strength to treat you as a dog?!

Xu Dong said coldly, "What's the matter? Don't you dare to kill me? Oh, I forgot that you are an inhumane waste, but you were punched in the eye by me. You should be extremely afraid of me, right? That's no wonder."

Don't expose people's shortcomings, and don't hit people in the face. Xu Dong also had a rare poisonous tongue. The new wounds and old wounds made him tear bloodily, and sprinkled a large handful of salt for free!

Yang's face was distorted, his eyes were red, and his breathing was short. He stared at Xu Dong, alive like an enraged beast, who would burst into trouble at any time and choose someone to eat.

"How dare you insult me? I told you that life is worse than death!"

Yang unruly shouted angrily, and under his excitement, his saliva erupted. The next second, his joint muscles twisted crazily at his ankles, as if countless worms suddenly woke up and began to move fiercely. A strange trembling force flowed from his body.

In an instant, his ankles and knees stretched for a long stretch in vain, and his power erupted from his feet.

Suddenly, he heard a crisp sound, and the wooden floor he was standing on suddenly cracked a large piece, and then fell heavily, revealing a big hole.

Yang Bu unruly took the momentum of thunder and anger, relying on the strange acceleration ability of Shadow Step, like a swordfish shuttling in the water, shooting to Xu Dong's side in the blink of an eye.

Xu Dong's expression remained unchanged, and he was secretly surprised. The speed of this fight was much faster than before, and there should be a breakthrough!

As early as the time of the star awakener, he was able to catch a trace of the other party, so that he could catch people first and intercept them in a moment earlier. Now he has become a two-star awakener. His physical fitness has been comprehensively improved, and his vision and reaction have been strengthened. I don't know how much more than before. How can he not catch the strangeness of this shadow step?

Xu Dong hit it with his backhand, and the tiger cracked and hit it with his hand!

The moment he saw that Xu Dong was about to repel his opponent again, Yang Buri suddenly sneered, and his cold eyes were full of jokes.

Shadow step, two consecutive hairs!

The floor next to Xu Dong cracked and suddenly turned into a big hole. Through this hole, you can see the fat boss's wife hiding behind the counter trembling and trembling.

The next second, a sharp edge came out like a long rainbow on the other side. The exquisite angle and awe-inspiring strength also integrate the endless resentment and resentment in Yang unruly's heart. He cut it with one sword, giving people the illusion that heaven and earth have changed!

His goal is not Xu Dong, but still the prayer girl in Xu Dong's arms.

How could Xu Dong allow prayer to be hurt again? If he can't avoid it, he can only block it with his flesh and blood. The reason why Sunshine was cut so miserable is that Yang unrestrained the flaw of prayer.

"Look for death!"

Xu Dong shouted angrily, his feet exerted strength, and twisted his waist, and two holes suddenly appeared on the ground. He held the girl in his arms, and his figure was still light and flexible. Between the lightning and fire, he suddenly stepped horizontally, and he was extremely thrilling to avoid this cut.

However, Yang unruly tried his best to create such a good opportunity. When the sword is at its peak, how can he return without success, and how can he be willing to return without success?!

I saw his arms and arms crackling like fried beans, shaking strangely and vigorously, and a large piece of sleeves on the surface was torn like a butterfly flying all over the sky. Shocking and full of momentum, Yang's unruly progress is indeed not a star.

Muscles are twisted, joints are dislocation, and Yang's unruly sword-holding arm is suddenly and mysterious!

Under the effect of shock, the cuff sword buzzed and added three points of power. Even the physical Samsung awakener may not dare to be straight.


"Die!" Yang unruly seemed to have felt the scene of the virgin's skin and blood being cut by a sword. His eyes were crazy, and he rushed up like oil and burned.

At this time, Yang Bou suddenly saw a pair of eyes.

These eyes are as cold as a thousand-year snow peak, but they are burning with flames, with arrogant madness in calmness! Seeing these eyes, Yang unrestrainedly flashed a bad feeling in his heart, like a cloud shrouded in his heart.

A hand with lightning poked out and took the other's arm at the top.

At this moment, Yang unrestrained was shaking vigorously, and even his sleeves were torn and torn. It can be imagined that once Xu Dong put his hand on it up, he was afraid that he would break his palm with five fingers and crack in a moment.


Yang's unruly expression was dull, and he only felt a huge force coming from the other party's hand. He couldn't even control himself. He only felt a whirlwind, and the sound of the floor breaking suddenly heard in his ear, followed by a strong sense of dizziness, and finally directly cracked the wall before stopping.

It turned out that Xu Dongsheng survived the shock, grabbed Yang Unruly, first threw him on the floor, and then threw him out like a broken sack.

Two impacts directly caused Yang's unruly internal organs to shift, forced him to get up, and spit out a big mouthful of blood. There are fragments in the blood. If you look closely, it is actually fragments of internal organs!

"How can it be!" Yang Buting thought that the reason why the other party caught him was to depress the shock, but when he looked up, he lost his soul and was stunned on the spot, "Your hand..."

Xu Dong's palm is twisted, red and swollen, which is shocking! Obviously, the bones inside have broken and caused a lot of internal bleeding.

He was as if nothing had happened, silently and gently put the prayer in the corner.

When he turned around and faced Yang unruly again, the latter seemed to see a ghost alive and screamed: "You madman!"

"I'm not crazy." Xu Dong stood proudly, like a god in the sun, "I just want to tell you that I was able to catch you, but now I can catch you more."

I could blind your eyes and pierce your knees, so now I can kill you!

The meaning of self-confidence is about to come out, defeating Yang's last psychological defense line. The latter struggled to get up from the ground and hit the wall. The indoor walls are usually made of wooden boards, so the sound insulation effect is not good. Xu Dong faintly heard women's moans next to him that day, and of course men's gasps.

lax, dust flying, Yang unruly broke through the inner wall, in the wood chips flying, panicked like a homeless dog, no longer the arrogant joke at the beginning, only knew how far to escape with his tail between his legs.

Xu Dong is a vengeful man. At the beginning, he was chased and killed, and he was just a dog. How could he easily let Yang unruly go? With a strong foot, he stepped on the floor and fell into the lobby on the first floor in a large amount of dust debris, stuck in front of Yang's unruly way.

Xu Dong's eyes slowly raised from the ground and said in a low voice, "I'm not happy if I don't kill you!"

PS: Thank you for the reward of ZQQ children's shoes and he6018497 children's shoes.