Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 102 no zuo no die


The tail of the thorns moved like the wind, and the limbs gently grasped on the ground, and the figure swept forward at a high speed. Two times, the tail covered with black horny thorns also touched the surface, and rushed through a distance of 20 meters in the blink of an eye.

It smells the smell of love's flesh and blood armor, just like a tramp who has been starving for four days smelling fried chicken legs. It not only swallows its long tongue, but also has endless salivating and dripping uncontrollably. The shape seems to be very crazy and greedy.

At this speed, perhaps only Xu Dong can escape among the three, while Sunshine and the two-star awakeners of prayer can never escape. With the strength of the tail of thorns, the two of them are hardly enemies of the two-star awakeners.

The thorn tail chased fiercely behind him, and Xu Dong and the other three ran in front of them, but the distance between the two sides was still getting closer.

The sun looked extremely panicked. While running, he spoke loudly in fear and was blown by the wind, "Big Boss Dong, what should I do now?"

"The speed of the thorn tail is equivalent to the agile five-star awakener, and it's only a matter of minutes to catch up with us. Its power is equivalent to the power five-star awakener, and its defense ability is more amazing than that of the physical five-star awakener. If there is a war... We are killed in an instant, it is also a hard matter. Hurry up and find a way, or the three of us will have to be here tonight!"

Agile five-star speed, power five-star power, physical five-star defense...

Xu Dong's face is extremely ugly. This thorn tail is simply a comprehensive five-star awakener. Why does it appear on the periphery of the ghost forest? How should we escape and fight...

How can his grandmother survive?!

At this time, he suddenly recalled the strange behavior of Miao Shan and others when they just arrived at the Ghost Canyon. He couldn't help gritting their teeth and said angrily: "Miaoshan and others must know the existence of this thorny tail, and also know the fierce beast's preference for flesh and blood armor. What a Miaoshan, what a cruel heart!"

Until this time, how could Xu Dong not understand his real intention to damage the mountain and bury the passage?

Whether they successfully escape or Yang Shaoxing wins, they will inevitably meet it. On the one hand, it can slow down the pursuit of the tail of thorns and win valuable time to seize the starlight grass; on the other hand, it can also eliminate the threat of Yang Shaoxing or himself.

Xu Dong has to admit that this is really a good plan to stone two birds with one stone!

In a moment of thinking, the distance between the thorn tail and Xu Dong has narrowed a lot, and the situation is extremely bad and dangerous.

At this moment, Xu Dong forced himself to calm down, suddenly took a breath and asked a question inexplicably: "Before I broke through, I said something stupid. At that time, the situation forced me, and there was no other way. In fact, I don't have the confidence that you can stand up at a critical moment. As a result... you believe me with your actions. I just want to ask, why?"

When the sunshine met the tail of the thorn, he was already godless, and just ran away in panic. At this time, when he heard Xu Dong's question, he really had a dead heart. "Master Dong, are you crazy? What's the situation now? Do you still have the leisure to ask this kind of brain-damaged question? You are my boss. Can I not support you?"

was praying on the side. Her eyes widened and seemed to realize something. Her face turned pale quickly, and her eyes turned red in an instant. She grabbed Xu Dong's sleeve with one hand, as if once she couldn't grasp it tightly, the other party would leave her. Her voice trembled, "No! Don't go!"

Before the sunshine could react, he felt that the vest was suddenly pushed wildly. With this thrust, his speed was also much faster, and he rushed forward more than ten meters in an instant. He turned his head in consternation and found the prayer staggering, holding a piece of rag in his hand...

At this moment, he was as smart as sunshine. Why didn't he understand what Xu Dong meant?

This untalking guy...

This guy who likes to use actions instead of talking...

This guy is sometimes as warm as sunshine and gives people an infinite sense of security...

Two lines of hot tears can no longer be contained and roll out from the eyes! The sunshine scolded like crazy, "His grandma is a bear!" You fucking want to be my boss!"

He rushed to the side of prayer. At this time, the girl's face was also pale, and her face was also intertwined with tears. She turned her head and stared deeply at Xu Dong. Without saying a word, Sunshine stopped her from her waist and ran all the way.

Pray for a crazy struggle, "Let me down, you coward, I want to be with him, even if I die!"

How do you know that the sun shouts sharply? He often gives the impression of a smile, a bright smile, as if everything can be faced lightly. This kind of angry shout has never been, because it represents persistence. Since the one in his heart left, he has no attachment to people, so he is promiscuous, so it doesn't matter at will.

However, Xu Dong is fighting for the time to escape for them with his life!

This kind of bloodless persistence and sacrifice shocked the sunshine and inevitably aroused a persistent emotion from the heart. He roared and said, "You fool, Boss Dong is desperately fighting for a chance to live for us. If you go back, you will waste his hard-won minutes and seconds! And it is also likely to affect his actions, so that Boss Dong's last chance to survive will be cut off by you..."

Pray was stunned when she heard the words, and her pretty face was gray and stiff. After all, she did not continue to struggle.

She turned her head and looked at Xu Dong, who was immediately horizontally. She only felt that her heart seemed to have been cut out by a knife, and it was heartbreaking.

After a long time, the prayer voice said tremblingly, "Let me down, I can run by myself."

After the prayer landed, he turned around and stared at Xu Dong's back again. Tears were like broken pearls, dripping along the edge of his chin.

The chance of shuan sheng? Does he still have a chance to survive?

In fact, both of them know that, not to mention the comprehensive five-star rare beast, even the five-star awakener, can easily kill him, without leaving him any hope.

When saying goodbye, it's better to say more, maybe the last sentence, one more look, maybe the last glance.


In the face of the thorny tail rushing like a torrent, Xu Dong's state of mind completely calmed down.

At this moment of lightning, Xu Dong thought of many things. Since the thorn tail is fond of flesh and blood armor, the attraction of sunshine and prayer must be stronger than his. In other words, if he doesn't do anything, the tail of the thorns will be like a hungry dog, chasing them. So he chose to stay, not only to stay, but also to fight.

And the result is also obvious. It is very likely that he will die in this ghost forest, and the bones will become the belly meal of the thorn tail.

Xu Dong is also a life-loving person. Once he thought that he would not be so elegant in his life. How did he know that he made a mistake and embarked on the road of nozuonodie?

Somehow, he suddenly thought of a pair of eyes. Those eyes are so mysterious that there seems to be infinite starlight inside, which looks far-reaching and quiet. The eyelashes are like a cloud, and the shadows cast are extremely touching.

I don't know where she has been these days.


Xu Dong finally felt an unforgettable fear when the thorn tail rushed nearby.

The scales on its body seem to be flat, but in fact they are inverted, forming a fine thorn-like shape. The edges of the scales are sharp and reflective. With its defensive ability and speed, rampaging is a living bulldozer, which is injured when touched and killed immediately.

Xu Dong played an insight skill, and the information of the thorn tail was revealed.

Racial: amphibian reptile

Name: Thorn Tail

Level: Five-Star Comprehensive Awakening

Introduction: Thorn Tail is a rare and rare creature, and it has been rumored that traces of its appearance have been found in the wild. The flesh and blood of the thorn tail is a high-quality supplement that plays an important role in the awakener and even the refiner.

The power of flesh and blood armor: none


1, Agile Enhancement

2, strength strengthening





After the insight skill is upgraded to LV3, at least two skills and two equipment abilities can be acquired under the same level. Due to the observation of five-star creatures, in the case of a high-star, the insight skill can only know the name of the skill. In the case of a high-star, detailed information cannot be obtained. In the case of a high three-star, the insight skill is invalid.

When six abilities appeared in his mind, Xu Dong was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

The next second, a stinky wind came to my nose. The smell was like a piece of rotten meat first rotted in the soil for three days and then soaked in sulfuric acid. The smoke made people feel stuffy in their chest even after breathing.

Xu Dong's heart beat, "His breathing is poisonous!"

At the critical moment, Xu Dong rushed aside and rolled a fallen leaf in dismay. But the speed of the thorn tail is too fast, and the sharp scales on the surface of the body scrape through the calf. The tough and vast leg armor was swept away by the vines and the juice.

He pounced heavily on Xu Dongshicai's position, and the fallen leaves flew over, revealing a shallow pit.

I'm afraid this fierce beast weighs a ton, right? Seeing the shallow pit caused by its attack, Xu Dong's forehead sweated coldly.

The small step skill is cooling down at this time, otherwise, Xu Dong asked himself that he was confident to escape safely.

But the whole 30-minute cooling time... Xu Dong doesn't even have the confidence to hold on for three minutes.

The tail of the thorns was hit, and the tail with thin thighs behind it swept horizontally. This is really a veritable thorn tail, on which the shocking black thorn scales are upside down. Once the prey is drawn, a large area of skin and flesh will be brushed down.

Xu Dong's attention is highly concentrated and dodges again!


The powerful long tail was only a centimeter away from the tip of his nose, and a strong gale hit his face, as if he had punched him hard, and a lot of blood spewed out of his nostrils.

It's just the strong wind swept out of his tail, which can make his nosebleed, let alone sweep directly on his body?

Relying on the flexibility of the body, Xu Dong also has a feeling that the more he hides, the more he is, the more dangerous he is.

In a minute, there were bleeding wounds on his body, and these were just scraped marks.

Despite this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. "Although this thorn tail is fast and full of armor, there are large dead corners that can be used."

However, Xu Dong did not know that the thorn tail had been successfully angered by him, and the small eyes on both sides of his head were red.