Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 118 Starlight Grass!


The cough sounded, and the city protector came out with a cold look like a piece of steel. The clockwork rushed out from its feet, seemed to be very happy to see the sun and pray, and ran around the two.

The sudden sound interrupted the two kissing. Xu Dong prayed to separate immediately, and their cheeks were red and transparent.

The city protection is not very interested in **. He looked curiously at the prayer and sunshine, and his eyes stayed on their internal equipment for a while, then moved away, and finally landed on the wolf corpse on the other side.

"There are almost 80 blue-eyed wolves. Needless to say, you did it, right?" Cheng Huyou was slightly moved, "Your strength is getting stronger and stronger. At the level of Samsung Awakening, you are the strongest. Well, I'm more and more looking forward to fighting with you. Hurry up and grow up, Dong."

Sunslight subconsciously frowned when he heard the words and said to himself, "Why is this boy so dragging? He also let the boss grow up quickly, and his tone was really strong. Well, his strength... is much better than me. He is young and has such cultivation. What's the point?

Sunshine's eyes are very poisonous, and they have judged the strength of the young people in front of them. It is estimated that they are not below the three-star awakener, but they don't know whether they are four-star awakeners or five-star awakeners. The so-called hard fist is the boss, and he dares not jump out all kinds of sarcasm at will. He is silent and hides his merits and fame.

Before, the two walked together, and the city guard occasionally had such an intention, but each time it was luke off by Xu Dong. At this time, he still smiled gently, "Brother, don't praise me too much. You are a well-known genius in the Blood Helmet City and a powerful four-star awakener... No, maybe you will break through to the five-star awakener at any time. Don't joke with me."

The city protection said seriously, "I'm very serious. You may not know that your deeds have been spread in the Blood Helmet City. As far as I know, many people are very curious about you, and even compare you with Liang Valley. As for what's wrong with it, I don't know.

Liang Valley? He is not one of the leaders of the Blood Helmet City Order Shelter, the high-ranking young talent! How can you compare me with him? Xu Dong couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. Before he left, he also heard some rumors that he was an invincible awakener of the same star in the Blood Helmet City. At that time, he judged that this was a means of killing, but now it has come again, which makes him puzzled. Who is he and he is so deeply resentful? Is it the Yang family?

The city protection continued: "Many people are staring at you, depending on whether you can complete the adventurer assessment this time. It's okay if you can't complete the assessment. Once you succeed, I'm afraid it will be troublesome. What's more, the owner of the Blood Helmet City has been at least for a month or two. During this period, the undercurrent in the city is turbulent and the storm continues..."

Speaking of that, he glanced at Xu Dong with deep meaning.

At this time, Xu Dong finally realized that there was a hand hidden in the dark and was constantly making wind and rain.

"Let's play again when there is a chance. Starlight Grass is still important now."

When Xu Dong talked about the mission, the city protection finally became silent.

"Starlight grass grows near the blue-eyed wind wolf cave, and it is extremely difficult to collect it. After all, the blue-eyed wind wolf has always found enemies with a sense of smell. What's more, the wolf's den is the foundation of the wolf group's life and cannot be invaded. So far, we don't know how many blue-eyed wolves there are in the wolf cave. If you want to collect starlight grass, you can't act recklessly.

Speaking of this, a trace of haze flashed in Xu Dong's heart, and a horrible figure appeared in his mind.

It's less than three hours away from the wolf's cave, which is quite close. Sunshine and Prayer have just experienced a fierce battle and are at the moment of physical and mental exhaustion. Xu Dong simply rested and waited for the sunrise before making plans.

As for the protection of the city, he was used to traveling alone and did not go alone for the first time. He was afraid that he was also very afraid of the wolves. With his strength, it is of course not a problem to face hundreds of blue-eyed wolves. If the number reaches 200, 300 or 400, he will never be able to resist unless he breaks through to the level of five-star awakeners.

The four of them are looking for a suitable place to rest.

The sunshine doesn't know what it's thinking. It's a little distracted and recovers from afar. The nature of the city protection is so good that it is not easy to get close to others and go far away.

Only Xu Dong and Prayer are quietly alone.

With a talented kiss, the relationship between the two suddenly became delicate. At this time, he sat with his back against the big tree and prayed to hold his knees. Xu Dong squeezed his lips, and there was a strange breath in the air. For a while, the two did not communicate with each other.

The time of silence passed quickly. Xu Dong was about to break the atmosphere here, but suddenly felt that something gently leaned over. He was slightly stunned and looked at it. He found that the prayer fell asleep at some point. His figure was unstable and leaned on his shoulder crookedly.

From Xu Dong's perspective, it is not difficult to see the other party's face.

This girl's skin is fair and delicate, giving people a texture that can be blown and broken. The eyelashes are long, like a dark cloud on the eyes. The more Xu Dong looked at it, the more he felt a wave of pity. He only felt that his heart was soft and moved for a long time.

She may be extremely tired, exhausted, as if she feels a little cold, and her shoulders trembled slightly. Xu Dong noticed this situation, took out a coat from the storage space, put it on for her, and then carefully hugged her.

The girl was like a lazy kitten, subconsciously rubbing in Xu Dong's warm arms and changing into a comfortable posture to sleep peacefully. The clockwork on the side was very enjoyable, and I also planned to jump into Xu Dong's heart to feel the gentleness and warmth in it. It was bounced away by the owner's finger and was even more viciously warned, "If you want to wake her up, do you believe it? Come on, don't look sad, come to my lap..."

Sunsang saw the two dogs curled up in one place, and his heart was bitter and sour. Finally, he turned into a gentle sigh and began to practice, and also recovered his injury and the strength of flesh and blood armor.

The city protection saw them from afar, and in a blink of an eye, he looked at the bright moon hanging in the western sky and muttered to himself, "What a quiet night."

In a blink of an eye, the sky suddenly opened his eyes and found himself sleeping on the ground wrapped in an adventurer's robe. She pinched the soft texture of the robe and gently put it on the tip of her nose to smell it. There was a clean smell and his smell. Then she knew that it was his robe. Her heart was sweet and she couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, the clockwork ran over, shrugged his big tongue, stared at her with his eyes, and then turned his head, as if to say, "It's over there. Hurry up!"

Prayer stood up wrapped in a robe and stretched his body. The smooth lines under the robe suddenly captured the eyes of two men, one was sunshine and the other was Xu Dong.

"I've never slept so sweetly!" The prayer seemed to regain her vitality. She hummed a small tune, walked over with her slender legs, and naturally sat next to Xu Dong. She came back heroic, grabbed the freshly baked barbecue in one hand, and then started rudely.

Suns's complex emotions finally restrained. While eating barbecue, he teased the clockwork. This guy was very unscrupulous. He always tore a barbecue and threw it out far away, and then waited for the clockwork to fly to bite it. The clockwork cub is also happy, as if he will never have enough to eat, and his love for food makes him happy.

"By the way, what's wrong with the clockwork? I don't grow up after eating so much. The first time I saw it, it looked like this little boy. It's been more than half a month, and it's still like this. Isn't it a worm in the stomach? The nutrition has been killed by the worms?

When the sun said this, the prayer was also detected. While eating and drinking, he vaguely agreed, "It's true. No matter how much you eat, it hasn't changed much."

Xu Dong looked at the clockwork and smiled indifferently without saying anything. In fact, they don't know that the clockwork is not an ordinary mountain guard dog, but a mountain guard dog that has taken the fruit of divine power. Since you have taken the magic fruit, it is naturally included in the category of rare beasts. The strangeness of rare beasts is beyond the degree that ordinary people can't guess, and it is natural that there is such a strange phenomenon.

After taking a full rest and eating, everyone returned to their prime, so they began to move towards their final destination.

Two hours later, Xu Dong and others came to the edge of a basin. It is said that it is a basin, but it is a little elevated. If you look at it from a high altitude, it is actually an earth pit, as if there is a huge meteorite falling from the sky, forming a large deep pit with an area of more than 20,000 square meters and a depth of 20 meters.

What is the concept of 20,000 square meters? It is almost equivalent to the area of three regular football fields.

The scale of the wolf's den is a little unexpected. What's more unexpected is that there are countless caves in the deep pit stone walls. At first glance, there are at least three or four hundred. If there is at least one male and one female two blue-eyed wolves in each cave, isn't it at least 600 or 800 blue-eyed wind wolves?!

What is that concept? It's like an army composed of wolves!

At this time, I don't know if it's just dawn. Most of the blue-eyed wind wolves are resting, and only a small number of 20 or 30 blue-eyed wind wolves are playing on the ground of the wolf's den.

Xu Dong noticed that on the east side of the wolf's cave, there was an oblique platform, just like a general who ordered a large army to go on an expedition. The height of the platform is 156 meters. Standing on it, you can almost overlook the wolf's den below you. Think about it, that's the symbolic throne of the wolf king calling on the wolf pack.

At this time, Cheng Huyou narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand to point in a certain direction, "Look, that's the starlight grass."

Looking in the direction indicated by the protection of the city, a white green half-meter-high plant grows next to a cave.

Xu Dong saw this plant for the first time. The strangest thing about the starlight grass is that it is on its leaves. If you look closely, you can find the shining light like stars.

The brighter the light, the smaller the height of the starlight grass, which means that the richer the medicinal power is, and of course, the higher the value is.

The medicine is also divided into grades. Although Yixue Pill and Qiangxue Pill are Awakening-level agents, they are also divided into upper, middle and lower grades. The beneficial blood pills and strong blood pills obtained by Xu Dong are the next medicine for the awakener.

The value of the medicine varies with different grades and the price. The lower-grade starlight grass needs 140 gold coins, but the middle-grade starlight grass needs 700 gold coins, which is five times more. The top-quality starlight grass is more expensive, at least 4,000 gold coins, and there is no price.

There are dozens of starlight grass growing in the wolf's den, which is a huge wealth. Even the city protects such talented people can't help breathing!