Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 199 The first step, kill the eye!

It was dusk when Xu Dong and his entourage went to the garrison of the 5th Corps in Yangshanling. After resting for a while, they went to the foot of Yangshan Mountain. By the time they finally got to the vicinity, it was already early the next morning. After the difficult journey, Xu Dong also felt tired, not to say the five kids, who were so tired that they just wanted to lie on the ground and sleep.

According to Xu Dong's vision, there is no intention to carry out immediate action. So he chose a reasonable place and ordered a rest. The five bright people are really like being granted amnesty. Although there is a distance from the ambush, it is not convenient to light a bonfire. They are still the same. They gathered around, wrapped their coats back to back, and then fell asleep.

Xu Dong let the clockwork stay, and a man carefully groped over.

In the face of this situation, Xu Dong was also at a loss, until he casually saw the light of the bow and arrow they carried, but his mind flashed and he found a way to deal with it!

Ambush, of course, you are in the light and I am in the dark. This is called an ambush. If you are in the Ming Dynasty and I am in the Ming Dynasty, it is not called an ambush, but a head-on confrontation. If both sides are in the dark, it is not called an ambush, but squat. In this way, there will be a situation - scouting!

Outside the ambush point, this angry Han camp must have scouts and always observe the surrounding situation. Once the brigade appeared, it would be immediately found and then passed on. The sergeant who surrounded the reinforcements over there shook his spirits and grabbed the knife and fork around the napkin and prepared to start the meal.

Therefore, Xu Dong can be sure that outside the ambush circle, there must be the other party's eyes, and at least one pair of eyes.

It is estimated that these eyes could not have imagined that there would be a combination of five-star awakeners and five new recruit eggs to find faults to save people. Naturally, it is impossible to find them. After all, 250 people hide no matter how tightly they are, 250 people, and six people hide casually. No matter how long they have a pair of eyes, it is hard to find.

So, this is Xu Dong's opportunity to save people!

Xu Dong's first step is to figure out the movements and laws of these eyes; the second step, of course, is to kill them severely; the third step, the sent scouts are gone without turning back. How can their officers swallow this breath? Naturally, people should be sent to search for the enemy's traces. Naturally, Xu Dong's fourth step is also logical. They eat as many people as they send.

Maybe when the reduction reaches a certain level, it will be the turn of the slam awakener to appear. At that time, Xu Dong has great confidence that he can kill a slam awakener with the power of blood arc assassination.

Xu Dong walked carefully along the dense forest. In the process of walking, he could see his breathing and his heartbeat constantly adjusting. Breathing slowed down and my heartbeat calmed down. He felt that he was naturally integrated with this world, and his heart seemed to have turned into a mirror, which could clearly reflects everything around it.

The wind is blowing, the leaves are moving, and the weak movements of hibernating frogs, snakes and even insects under the ground are clearly reflected in my heart. At this moment, he is nature, nature is him, he integrates into it and breathes with thousands of trees at the same time. This feeling, like re-entering into the arms of my mother, is as safe and warm.

Suddenly, he felt a strangeness, a leaf swaying in the wind. His heart moved slightly and knew that there were two people hidden in the tree. Secretly remembering the position, Xu Dong did not continue to move forward, but walked in the other direction, maintaining this natural and quiet state and walking carelessly.

After a while, Xu Dong seemed to smell a strange smell from the shouting wind. His heart moved and realized that there were two people hidden in the bush. Still secretly wrote down the direction, Xu Dong turned to another direction and walked down again.

Along the way, he secretly touched 15 hidden sentries, that is, 30 people. These 30 people all have common characteristics, agile, thin, and very good at hiding. It can be imagined that when they find the trace of the enemy, they can pass the news back with the most vigorous and agile figure.

To be on the safe side, Xu Dong has been walking slowly three or four times, and finally confirmed that 15 sentries were not missing. He even waited cautiously until it was confirmed that the sentry would not be replaced, but that the two people watching took turns to rest.

He returned to the position of the team, sat down cross-legged, and began his practice.

Practice is a hard job, because it is necessary to gather all the mind to promote blood power. When pushing, it is even more painful. For example, a fat man who is less than 1.6 meters but more than 200 pounds is doing sit-ups, which can be described as torture. However, practice is another beautiful job, because when the turnover is successfully completed, Yuanneng will strengthen the vast ancient armor and its own body, and will condense the power and blood power of the bloody armor. In this process, the comfortable feeling is like holding a bubble of two catties of Xiang, and finally pulled it out smoothly.

It is said that when the gas efficiency reaches a certain level, the pleasure brought by it is stronger, just like doing the thing of men and women, and it is high and the tide rises one after another!

Five hours later, the effect of ten turnovers is obvious. The strength of the ancient armor has been improved and the body has been strengthened. Even the blood power increased a little to 101 points, and the power of flesh and blood armor also increased a little, breaking through to 530 points.

He opened his eyes, and a green light flashed in his eyes, and under his control, his bright eyes quickly dimmed, but looked simple and unpretentious. Five young people also woke up with full vigor and chewed hard and stiff dry food with cold water. After everyone ate thoroughly, Xu Dong asked the five people, "For the next action, I need people within 40 meters. Which of you can achieve archery? Don't be stubborn. This is very important.

The dwarf nodded himself and raised his chest. "Sir, I'm good at archery. One hundred shots within 50 meters hit the center of the circle! The last shot was because the center was full of arrows, so it couldn't squeeze in.

Xu Dong nodded secretly, "It seems that these people are not useless newcomers, and they can still play a role."

He looked at the others and patted his chest. "Sir, I can do it, within 50 meters."

Other people's archery is not bad, and the hit rate is more than 90%, but Xu Dong only needs two.

The archer has it, and the position of the sentry is also there. One is dark and the other thinks it's dark. It's time to start acting.

The first step is to kill the eye!

Xu Dong led five people to the first sentry post. Before entering within 50 meters, all of them crawled down and moved silently in the bush to a distance of 48 meters.

Xu Dong pointed in a certain direction and took advantage of the strong wind to call and said in a low voice, "Can you see the two heads over there?"

The dwarf and the monk squinted and looked carefully for a long time and looked at Xu Dong admiringly. To be honest, even if they knew that there was someone there, the two had to pay close attention to it for a long time before they really found it, but Xu Dong quietly touched out the eyes hidden in the thick treetops. This ability is simply amazing!

Xu Dong lowered his voice again and said, "After a while, when the wind blows, shoot again and try not to make a sound. I will blind all my eyes silently. When the sentry, light and dog eggs are killed, the two of you will climb over and get the body back to me.

Dahu was anxious, pointed to his nose and asked, "What about me, sir?

Brothers all have their own tasks, but only they have become idle people. In fact, it is not difficult to understand the power of a newborn calf not to be afraid of tigers. Xu Dong glanced at him coldly, "The military order is the military order. If you run up, you will run to death and let you lie down. Even if you have a knife in the sky, you have to lie down!"

The tiger immediately closed its mouth.

The dwarf and the monk took out a strong bow from behind and shot the enemy for the first time. Both of them were a little nervous. The temperature here has dropped below zero, and the north wind is also roaring, extremely silent and indifferent, but the two of them sweated.

This is a very important link and must not be lost, so he also whispered: "Take a deep breath and adjust your breathing rhythm. Good, pull out the feather arrow, yes, that's it. Then take advantage of the fierce wind and slowly pull the bow to draw arrows. The hands should be steady, the eyes should be fixed, and the fingers should be important!"

With Xu Dong's soft guidance, the two recruits finally calmed down and began to enter and aim.

Everything was carried out silently. How could the two hidden scouts have thought that two arrows aimed at their heads 48 meters away and boredly slandered that the damn cold weather was not as good as the quilts of the Jinlou girls.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, roaring, and the branches and leaves were shaken vigorously and made a cling sound. Having completely calmed down, like a stone statue-like dwarf and monk, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and his hands were slightly loosened as if they were welded to death on the strong bow string.

In vain, two arrows flew out of the air, inevitably emitting a slight roar, but perfectly hidden in the sweeping sad wind.

The next second, two muffled noises appeared.

The two dwarfs who faintly heard the sound finally took a heavy breath. At this time, they found that their foreheads and backs were cold and wet with sweat. However, the joy of successfully completing the first time in life to hit the enemy diluted the cold meaning. The two coquettish years were burning in their hearts, and they were so excited that they almost jumped up.

Xu Dong winced, and suddenly the light and the dog left were like a poisonous snake. His whole body was completely hidden in the bushes and grass, and he climbed over silently. After a long time, he quietly came back, dragging two still warm corpses in his hand. It can be seen that there is an arrow inserted in the heads of the two bodies.

On a pair of blank eyes, the arrow shot in from the forehead and penetrated through the back of the brain. The warm mixed brain plasma blood dripped on the arrow, but it did not fall to the ground and has completely cooled and solidified.

When the light and the dog saw the body for the first time, they dragged the body back. There was a violent twitch in their stomach. If they hadn't covered their mouths, they would have vomit breakfast and bile together. However, Xu Dong killed a lot of people and didn't think about it at all. He groped on the two scouts for a while.

In addition to personal belongings, they are personal belongings. There is no useful information at all.

Xu Dong took off the nameplates carried by the two scouts, put them on the hands of the monk and the dwarf respectively, and then patted them on the shoulder.

"Kle the enemy and remember to remove the nameplate, because this is military merit."

After Xu Dong finished speaking, he patted the monk on the shoulder, "Death is the most big thing. Help them sing a sacrificial article silently, so that you can throw yourself into Mondo's arms after death and don't be a lonely ghost."

The monk's lips opened and closed slightly. Although there was no sound, everyone subconsciously said silently with the shape of the mouth.

Almighty Mondo, you are the source of life. You save us with boundless divine power to help us get out of trouble and sorrow. You will no longer be bothered by life, separation, death and farewell, and you will not run around for seven emotions and six desires. Please look after these two people so that their souls can return to your arms and share the glory with you...