Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 205 The Key to Breaking the Game

Xu Dong chose to enter the valley, not a moment's painstaking effort**, but a thoughtful decision.

Why does the Nuhan Camp dare to design traps behind the enemy, and why does it dare to block the opponent under Yangshan, and then go out of the scene of a siege to help. After killing a battalion of the Fifth Corps, what is there any certainty that even the bayonet camp can be eaten?

Although Xu Dong was just an ordinary person in his last life and has not performed compulsory military service, he has never eaten pork and always seen pigs run away, right? The so-called three armies did not move food and fodder first. Shouldn't the soldiers who fought the war eat and drink?

The angry Han camp must have calculated that the bayonet camp chased the enemy at home and carried supplies that were not enough to support the battle for too long, so they dared to design traps to get them in and then close the door to beat the dog. And the rush of reinforcements to rescue also confirms this fact from the side.

Since the angry Han camp has already made such an idea, it must imply another fact that the supplies they carry are absolutely enough to support a series of wars - besieging the enemy, sniping reinforcements, and then killing the besieged enemy. This series of wars will take at least 4 to 5 days.

Xu Dong just inferred whether the supply of the angry Han camp can last so long. In fact, there is only one thing they need to do. In this cold season, as long as the supply is two days longer than the bayonet camp, they can defeat the cold and hungry bayonet camp at the lowest cost. Tired soldiers.

So the key to breaking the situation is about to come out.


This valley at the foot of Yangshan Mountain is easy to get in and out, but on the contrary, it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack!

As long as the bayonet battalion has enough supplies, will the angry camp, which has successfully killed a battalion and can be said to have fully achieved the purpose of combat, consume a lot of troops to gnaw this hard bone?

It's just a simple clue, which deduces this series of military information and the key to breaking the situation. The five new recruits simply admired Xu Dong. However, Liangguang still raised his doubts, "Sir, although the key to breaking the situation is to supply,... even if we chop them all and boil them into broth, it is not enough for each person in the bayonet camp!"

Since Xu Dong had already expected this, how could he not fill his storage space? His storage space capacity is 16 cubic meters, and 16 cubic meters of food may be quite reluctant to support a thousand soldiers to be full, but it is easy to support a battalion or a disabled battalion that has lost soldiers. It is easy to satisfy two or three days of food.

Moreover, he also noticed something.

Xu Dong stretched out his finger and pointed to the body on the ground over there, "Have you seen anything?"

The five people followed Xu Dong's fingers and stared one by one, as if they wanted to see a dog tail flower from the stiff body. In fact, even if their eyes are sore, the five people still don't understand why.

At this moment, the bright eyes suddenly lit up and blurted out, "I saw it!!"

Xu Dong's heart moved slightly and looked at him with a smile, "Say it."

Facing Xu Dong's slightly encouraging eyes, the light pressed his excited mood and said in a low voice, "They have no supplies!"

Xu Dong nodded with appreciation, "So what did you think of?"

The light was so nervous that it seemed that when they returned to the original enlistment assessment, their whole body trembled with excitement, but they still said calmly on the surface: "Since they have no supplies, it means that the weights are stored separately and implemented centralized management! Sir, your intention must be... to grab the heavy!"

After the light opened this idea, the others also flashed. The dark dwarf smiled and said, " boss, you're wrong. We only have six people and one dog. How much supply can we grab? Even if you grab it, you can't escape. It is not necessary to strengthen yourself when attacking the enemy, and weakening the enemy can also achieve this goal.

Dog eggs also agree with the dwarf's statement, "So, the officer's intention must be...burning heavy!!"

Xu Dong smiled and said, "Very good, you are all fine. Now our goals are the same. So now the question is, which excavator technology is the best... Sorry, what I want to say is, where is the place to store heavy ladens?

After Xu Dong said this, the monk blurted out, "Gukou! I have also seen the map. There are trees everywhere in this forest. In order to ensure that the supplies are intact, the other party will not put the carrousel in a place that may be enough to burn with a fire. Therefore, only Gukou can meet this requirement. Moreover, they themselves are ambushes. If our reinforcements also have the idea of burning supplies, they must go through the ambush point before they can be implemented. Therefore, in any case, only the area of Taniguchi can meet such requirements.

Xu Dong suddenly had an idea. These five recruits look pitifully weak now, but I'm afraid they can be alone in time!

Speaking of this, the plan is almost final. At present, the only thing missing is how to implement such a link

Xu Dong is also determined about this.

Since you have made up your mind, it is not appropriate for a group of people to set out a minute earlier to solve it, and the safety factor is also one point higher.

At the same time, ambush the ground.

The uneasiness in the angry man's heart surged more and more. He thought carefully that, as Lao Ma said at the beginning, the full awakening of the recent breakthrough of the city's uncle Cheng Jianbang is not deep, and how can he find the power of the refiner to support him? What's more, if there is a master like a refiner in the helper, just kill him directly. Why do you need to be suspicious?

But the problem is here. For the strength and even the number of opponents, there is only a slam strongman with two or three five-star awakeners and then less than 25 stars. Such strength can never kill Lao Ma. After all, Lao Ma is also a senior slam awakener!

However, after a whole hour now, whether it is victory or defeat, it's time to come back, right? However, none of the ghosts came back.

He stood up and paced back and forth a little restlessly. When the other sergeants saw the owner of the camp like this, they were all silent and dared not make any move for fear of accidentally angering the angry beast.

After five or six minutes, finally, the angry man's look distorted and thought of a possibility. He immediately called a captain and shouted gloomily, "Open the map!!"

The guard neatly opened the military map carried by the army on the ground. This map is made of a whole piece of cowhide. You can see that the edge shows a layer of slag and brown due to repeated rubbing. It can be imagined that after the local map is gradually improved, it has been used all the time. . In fact, this plan was also finalized by Nuhan himself with many precise calculations in front of the map.

The angry man stretched out his finger and moved to the foot of Yangshan Mountain familiarly, and then clicked three times in a certain area, which is a relatively sparse coniferous forest. Crossing this place and crossing a rapid river can reach the mouth of the valley, which is the place where supplies are concentrated.

In order to prevent someone from peeping through their weaknesses and secretly attacking the heavy, the heavy is not only placed under close defense, but also only five minutes away from the ambush point. On this detour, a large number of dark whistles were also arranged before the coniferous forest. In fact, the number of Nuhan Camp this time is far more than one battalion, but to strengthen the battalion and two more guards.

Therefore, the importance of supply is more prominent, and it can be said that there is no loss!

At this time, the weather is cold and piercing, and the awakener is better. For ordinary sergeants, it is simply suffering. It only takes an hour to lie on the ground, and the whole body is frozen. Therefore, the consumption of grain is naturally huge, which was originally scheduled to support seven days and can last for five days at most.

Of course, the bayonet camp is even more unbearable. It is a miracle that they can survive for three days. So at this time, it happens to be the weakest time for the other party, and it is likely that the last bravery will break out. As long as this bravery is held, it will take no effort to slaughter the bayonet camp.

When he turned his mind and thought so much, it was because when he was irritable, he couldn't help but come up with an idea that he had never thought about. Will the enemy have insight into the key to breaking the situation and point to his weaknesses?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. His face twisted, and he still heard a faint angry voice roar: "You immediately lead the first guard to the coniferous forest, and tell the demon fox and ask him to go to the supply office for me!"

Although the captain didn't know what had happened, he also realized that it was important at this time. He quickly saluted a military salute and hurriedly led a group of brothers to the established place.

At this moment, a burning smell floated along the wind.

At first, it was only a faint trace, except for the awakening person with a sensitive mouth and nose, ordinary people could not notice it, but soon, the burning smell became extremely strong, that is, the outermost ordinary angry Han camp soldiers smelled this smell. Looking in the direction of the wind, I saw a gray smoke rolling into the sky, and then dissipated by the shouting cold wind.

The angry man's eyes turned red, and he led two guards and rushed over.

After arriving at the scene, I saw that the pile of braids had turned into a raging fire. The fire was amazingly stirred. Under the tongue of fire, you could also hear the burning inside.

Until this time, the angry man's expression was still calm and shouted, "Fire out, how much to save!!"

Other soldiers also arrived under the command of the leader. When they saw such a scene, they also breathed a sigh of relief. All of them are like burning buttocks, quickly taking water to put out the fire.

A busy meal survived and the fire was extinguished, but the food rescued was only enough for 100 people to eat at most.

What's more ironic is that there are more than 20 faint cooking smoke floating in the valley.

At this time, the angry man didn't know that the situation he carefully arranged had been stirred up by an invisible hand! Leave! Broken! Broken!

He clenched his teeth secretly and almost bit his teeth.

"Report casualties!!"

The angry man said in a low voice.

Soon, a specially responsible sergeant came up to report, "Report to the camp owner, ten coniferous forest secret sentries were all destroyed. Twenty dead and thirty wounded.

All the other sergeants who heard it shouted.

The burning of the carve has been very demoralized, but the most terrible thing is that this enemy hidden in the dark has killed hundreds of people one after another, and until now it has not even smelled the fart!!

They are not afraid of enemies ten times more than themselves, but they are deeply afraid of this kind of ghostly unknown enemy!

The angry man took a deep breath and called a wounded man who was only hit by an arrow in his shoulder, trying to make his voice appear as smooth as possible. "What is the number of enemies attacked and what is your strength?"

I don't know if the wounded man saw a ghost. He is still trembling all over his body, and his voice is of course intermittent. "I, I am, so fast, so fast, faster than the adults of the Awakening of the Grand Slam! Only then did he react and died."

The captain next to him suddenly slapped him and slapped him, making the injured man's cheeks swollen, and his two teeth were mixed with blood and spit out. "Say it clearly, how many people are there!!"

The wounded man raised six fingers.

The angry man only felt that his heart was twisting violently. Six people killed nearly 100 of his men, and the speed was faster than the Slam awakener. Is the leader a temperer?!

Go or stay?

This question came to mind one after another.