Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 233 Ghost Face Pattern

Xu Dong kicked open the door of the Adventurers League branch, and the rough and strong door was directly torn apart under one foot and splashed in sadly. Several guys who were about to go out to set fire were coldly smashed head-on by the broken door fragments, and their heads and faces were all hit alive. Suddenly, they made a series of howls and fell heavily on the tables and chairs inside, smashing them all over the mess.

After Xu Dong kicked out, an adventurer was about to jump up and curse, but he took the opportunity to pick up his neck and shake his hand in the face. The vicious scolding suddenly turned into a vague whine, and a big tooth was beaten mixed with saliva and blood water.

"Get out of here if you don't want to die." Xu Dong threw away this guy and drank coldly.

And those vicious adventurers have seen clearly who the visitor is. Of course, they may not all know Xu Dong, but as long as they see the flesh and blood armor covered all over their body, they know that this person's strength is definitely not something that they and others can deal with, and naturally they crawl out in a hurry.

Soon, the adventurers of the whole adventurer alliance walked clean, and the empty division suddenly fell into a kind of silent and strange silence. There is a special furnace wall in the branch, which is an extremely cold winter, so the furnace wall is burning with a blazing fire, and occasionally emits the sound of firewood licking the tongue and bursting in the licking, but it looks more ethereal and quiet here.

Xu Dong, who was open-hearted, was not in a hurry to move forward. Instead, he stood still and shouted loudly, "Bad Scar, why did you do this?"

The echo echoed in the empty part, and until the last syllable dissipated, the other party still did not respond at all. Xu Dong sighed gently, "You are so naive. Although that power is powerful, it is not something that human beings can share their feelings. Do you know what the fire eye has become? The skin of the whole body loses all its vitality, like an old man, and there is a one-horn on his head. Once such a non-human monster is found, it will be hung up and burned to death!"

After a while, seeing that the other party had no reaction, Xu Dong became more and more calm and suddenly turned around. It seemed that he was going to walk out of the Adventurers Alliance branch. At this time, the ceiling above his head suddenly made a loud explosion, but a big man fell down wrapped in countless wooden debris.

Xu Dong was secretly shocked and took a step back slightly, because since he had opened his heart with all his strength, the position of the 30-meter square sphere was naturally clearly felt by an ant. However, the location where the scar cracked the floor and fell is absolutely within the detection range of your own eyes, but it cannot be perceived!

"It seems that the natural oppression of the refiner on the awakener has misled my mind, so I can't sense his position." After this idea came out in an instant, Xu Dong's heart sank, and the role of his mind in the battle was very obvious. Under the coverage of all-round dead corners, he could avoid many unexpected strange attacks. For example, the enemy rushed over with a dagger hidden in his hand. Under the influence of his heart, Xu Dong can naturally find this evil move, and of course he will avoid it in advance.

And the awakener's heart will not only be oppressed in front of the temperer, but also misled. It is true that at least 20% or 30% of its strength has been weakened.

After the scar jumped down, he stood in front of the door, holding his hands on his chest. Speaking of height, Xu Dong is half a head taller than him, but he feels like turning over. He is like a door god and looking down from the ground! The most intuitive feeling is that Xu Dong can't even find a flaw in his eyes, and he is not sure that he can walk out of the door behind him!!

The knife scar on the face of the evil knife scar was scarred and shiny, and he said coldly, "What else do you know?"

Xu Dong stepped back two steps and said, "I also know that the destroyer is hidden in the management of the Blood Helmet City and has strong power. He took advantage of the attraction of the secret place, colluded with the Mingyue Empire, and invaded the border of the Dachen Empire..."

Speaking of this, Xu Dong's mind flashed coldly, and all the memory fragments were connected in series. Suddenly, his heart was shocked, and he finally realized what the hidden destroyer was plotting! Stepping on the horse, this guy actually wants to provoke the border between the two countries and detonate the conflict between the two sides...

Xu Dong subconsciously widened his eyes, "Do you want to inspire the war between the two countries?"

The look of the scar suddenly changed and blurted out: "Impossible! All he wants is the wealth in the secret land!"

At this point, Xu Dong finally understood that it seems that the hidden destroyer divided his plan into several pieces and promised different benefits for each piece. Of course, he did not disclose his plan completely, but gave different purposes and plans. In this way, even if one link goes wrong, It is impossible for people to come up with the most correct plan, which will have an impact on him.

Xu Dong also met him and participated in it all the time, so he guessed the most real answer.

Xu Dong took a deep breath, "So you don't know that the fire eye is also under the destroyer, right? In his plan, your role is actually to disturb the order of the Blood Helmets City? Ha ha, this matter is simply too risky for you to imagine, but it is possible to make a profit? You don't have to think about it. Where is there a free lunch in the world?

In the face of this sharp word, the evil scar could not say a word. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the truth should be like this. The more he felt that he could not bear the consequences of the war between the two countries. In fear, he suddenly covered his chest like a heavy hammer and let out a hissing and tragic howling.

The tragic howck is not like that of human beings, as if it were a beast in the mountains. Immediately, a series of strange patterns appeared on the surface of his body. The color of the pattern was dark red, which reminded people of coagulated fishy blood for no reason. And the shape of blood is also particularly strange, like one twisted face after another.

Seeing these faces, only those who suffer endless torture before death will have such a distorted expression. Just staring at these faces gives people a sense of horror, strangeness, coldness and evil!

Then, the skin of the evil scar began to lose its blood color, forming a paleness of dead people, and the vitality was rapidly passing on the surface of his skin, causing the muscles to relax and pull down. Between the two breaths, the evil scar actually changed from a middle-aged man to the shape of an old man who died for ten days and a half months!

Then cooperate with his Tianling to cover the sarcoma and the one-horn drilled out after the rupture... Stepping on a horse, isn't this the damn appearance of a fire eye?

It's just that the breath of the scar not only did not decrease at all, but began to soar geometrically. A large amount of blood-colored plasma spewed out of the pores, which completely wrapped him spiritually and quickly formed a flesh-and-blood armor. It can be seen that the right part of this flesh and blood armor is no longer like flesh and blood, and the skin appears on it!

The awakener's magic armor is flesh and blood, but the refiner's magic armor grows a layer of skin.

The whole process is lengthy, but in fact it is only between two or three breaths. The body trembled and disappeared. He stood up straight and looked up to the sky, and then breathed deeply, as if he had climbed to the top of the mountain after many difficulties and took a deep breath of the expression of the breeze.

"This is the feeling, wonderful, powerful, and irresistible!!" After taking a deep breath, he stared at Xu Dong again. "I don't care whether he is fighting between the two countries or the whole Middle-earth continent is in war. Only strong strength is what I pursue. Everything else, don't care about me?! Since you see Laozi's real body, you will not be allowed to leave anyway.

At this time, the blue light in Xu Dong's eyes flashed away, and it was clear that he had launched the insight skill.

"Strength 1 elephant power, defense 1.2 rhinoceros protection, speed 0.8 leopard step... It turns out that this is the strength of the temperer Jiashi!" Xu Dong couldn't help taking a deep breath, "Damn it, the oppression between realms is so powerful that it can only see the data of the three circumferences, but it doesn't even know a skill."

The scar has been buried and crashed over. This guy's power has reached 1 elephant force. Wherever he passes, the marble floor will not bear to step down first make a bang, and then leave a deep footprint, and then a large area of turtle cracks will extend in all directions. He rushed to Xu Dong crazily all the way, and the place he passed was like a bulldozer plowing. A large amount of gravel dust rolled up, and the momentum was so horrible that people couldn't look directly at it!

In addition, the speed of this person also reaches 0.8 leopard steps, that is to say, after the speed completely explodes, it will reach at least 40 meters per second, and the distance between the two is only about two seconds!

Xu Dong had already concentrated when he made a strange roar. Sure enough, after seeing him fly over, he immediately flew to the left side, avoiding this crazy sprint dangerously and dangerously. Then start running around the hall! He deeply knows that the speed of the outbreak does not mean flexibility. Ferrari is fast enough, but if you don't step on the brakes in advance when making a sharp turn... Presumably it won't end well.

The scar couldn't stop walking and hit the burning fire. The fireplace only let out a moan and completely shattered. The burning bonfire inside also splashed randomly, forming a large area of Mars. Some Mars flew to wooden tables and chairs.

The defense ability of the evil scar has reached 1.2 rhinoceros protection, which is the physical temperer, a flame fireplace, and where will it cause damage to him? He raised his head from the smashed wall brick and shook his head twice. He was like a man, but he stared at Xu Dong fiercely and aimed at him again!