Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 243 Liang Shantan!

Liang Shantan means to put it bluntly, I will kill you with a fist as big as a casserole. You know, at least leave immediately. However, as long as he is contacted with his wit and fierceness, I'm afraid he has to reverse to understand this.

Liang Shantan was said ** by Xu Dong. On the surface, he doesn't seem to be much of himself, but is his heart really the same as on the surface? Of course not. Blood Helmet City has always known that the young master of the Liang family is a fool. Under such hiding, he doesn't know how many evil things he has done and how many evil things he has done. The matter of teaming up with the enemy to frame the doorman alone is enough for him to lose his reputation and put the Liang family in! Suddenly called **, my heart was shocked and angry.

This is like a vicious recidivist turning his head to meet an eyewitness. Needless to say, the first thought that rolled out in his heart was to kill himself! Since he had already planned to kill people, he said these words that seemed to show off. He probably meant that after seeing the witness, he had a gun on his body. You'd better run away immediately. I'm afraid that if the other party really turned around and was ready to run away, he would not hesitate to draw a gun and shoot!

Therefore, since this cunning man knows that the comer is not good, and his fighting consciousness is a first-class enemy, so he can use these words to put psychological pressure on his opponent - I'm not a soft persimmon. You have to think about yourself first and don't be killed. If the other party's mentality is not enough, just three or two words, confidence plummets, this is his chance to win.

It can be seen that Liang Shantan's combat quality is outstanding. No wonder he can deceive the guards into traps and ambush.

However, what he met was Xu Dong, and he was doomed to return without success.

Xu Dong's voice is full of fun, "It's really good. The strength of flesh and blood armor is more than 750, and the amount of blood is 90%. Oh, this is a well-equipped skill, isn't it? I didn't expect that you had stolen the ghost cat gloves of the broken hand. And your internal equipment, it's really strange that it's also a spiritual spear? Liang Valley compares with you, and ten of them may not be your opponents.

Liang Shantan's breathing suddenly stagnated, and a feeling of anger and fear suddenly appeared in his heart. How did he see through it? This is unreasonable!! Am I betrayed?

Lingzhen Spear, this powerful first-order slam internal equipment, was made of one or two pieces, one was obtained by his brother Liang Valley, and the other was obtained by him. Even, the reason why Liang Valley got the spiritual earthquake spear was that he deliberately released water. That is to say, except for his own knowledge of this matter, only his superiors know it. And Xu Dong can say it again. Naturally, the only possibility he thought of was to be betrayed.

And he was able to buy the ghost cat gloves, which also relied on the cooperation of his superiors. After obtaining them, he immediately engraved the life circuit with the help of the power of his superiors. Even if Ma Erye is immortal, he doesn't know that the treasure of the town store has been stolen.

To sum up, how can Liang Shantan not be afraid? He even looked left and right quickly, worried about the lackeys cooking birds and bows!

At this moment when Liang Shantan was restless, Xu Dong swept away with a long roar, and a tiger hit hard. It fell into the other party's eyes, and even gave birth to the illusion of a gorgeous demon tiger wrapped in wind and thunder. Moreover, Xu Dong has a deep understanding of the stacking power. Coupled with the characteristics of the simulation force of the blood pattern circuit for many days, two strong tiger stacking out, giving people the feeling that a huge tiger palm is incomparably enveloped from top to bottom!

Liang Shantan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it: "Daes, this is 0.6 elephant power, more powerful than the 0.5 elephant power at the peak! How did he do it?"

Because Xu Dong said something to make him feel uneasy, he has missed the best time to dodge and can only choose to resist. However, he also knew deeply about the end of the hard lifting, so while crossing his hands, a large number of thick, turbid white fog suddenly gushed out of his arms and the pores in front of his chest. This white fog has two effects, one is to disturb the other party's sense of mind and vision, and the other is to gain backward driving force.

Liang Shantan's reaction to asking himself was also extremely fast. Unexpectedly, he moved back half a step at the moment before the Hupu hit. As a result, only half of Xu Dong's attack was not enough to work on him. But even so, he still tore five sad blood mouths on his arms with a tear. Not only did the magic armor crack, but also the skin and flesh inside were inevitably hurt, like five fish mouths, which gushed out a lot of blood.

Seeing Liang Shantan's retreat, Xu Dong was secretly happy. He landed on the ground and grabbed an amazing claw on his chest. At the same time, he said coldly, "How do you think I know your card? Didn't someone tell the secret? Who is he? Will he allow a pawn to live in the world after doing this series of things? Have you heard of it? The more you know, the less you will be tolerated by the superiors.

While speaking, Xu Dong's offensive kept unfolding. The tiger emphasizes that it is strong. Like the mountain tiger hunting its prey, once it attacks, the lions and rabbits will do their best to roll over the opponent with a fierce offensive. With the amazing tiger roar that broke out in Xu Dong's mouth, the offensive showed his unique lingering in the domineering, which was soft and continuous.

Liang Shantan lost the opportunity and immediately faced a continuous crazy offensive. After becoming a half-human body, on the one hand, under the action of the heart eye, the flaws that are often imperceptible to the naked eye will be enlarged ten times, and are easily caught by the heart eye, thus tit-for-tat; on the other hand, the physical strength of the half-human body has greatly increased, and in high-intensity battles, the endurance is ten times that of the five-star awakener!

Therefore, Liang Shantan is sure that if it goes on like this, it must be himself who will be defeated.

I only heard him shout in vain, and the air holes all over his body burst out of hot steam. This can see the difference between him and Liang Valley. First of all, Liang Valley can only control one part, such as one arm, one leg, or chest armor eruption, which is far from the hot degree of steam.

The steam erupting from Liangshan Pool is thick and does not disperse, and even if it spiritually spreads around with itself as the center, it suddenly covers a radius of at least 20 meters. In the steam, Xu Dong's eyes lost its effect at the first time. He was slightly awe-hearted and was about to take off.

However, the steam suddenly rolled violently, and a column of steam of the same white had quietly struck. At first, the pillar slowly pulled in, like a poisonous snake approaching quietly after meeting its prey, and then suddenly exerted its strength, giving people a turbulent momentum, and like a baseball bat magnified dozens of times, facing the flying baseball to make a home run!!

Yuzhu Paishan Collision! However, the equipment skills that Liang Valley has also used are more than ten times more powerful than them!

When the jade pillar was not close to him, Xu Dong noticed that the hot heat was coming to his face, and there was still a feeling of being steamed in the gas boiler.

"Break it!" Xu Dong burst out with a loud shout, and the tiger's claws burst into anger. It can be seen that in his hands, Ming Jin condensed into two thick and sharp tiger claws. The tiger claws used their claws at a speed that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and grabbed a vast claw shadow in front of him. In the end, the claws condensed into a tiger claw, and rushed straight out and grabbed the steam jade pillar fiercely.

With the roar, the heat wave soared, and the steam jade column moaned unwillingly and burst into a rolling white fog, but it integrated into the original aerosol, causing the scope of aerosol to expand.

Liang Shantan did not seem to expect that the equipment skill of Yuzhu Paishan collision can effectively kill the opponent. After swinging, he didn't look at it. His feet spewed out a stream of steam, which was mysteriously like a ghost in the white fog. It quickly circled from behind Xu Dong, and at the same time, a steam gushed a punch came out of life circuit in his hand--

The position of the eyes on the face armor suddenly evaporated with a bloodthirsty red light. Obviously, this punch was the real killing with a single blow!

Blow up the fist!

Against the enemy in steam, Liang Shantan's strength, physique, agility and even intelligence have been improved. Although the range is not large, you should know that this guy is also the peak of the Slam awakener, and the circumference coefficient is about to reach the level of tempering, so this punch is blown out, and his own strength is combined with the bombardment and the bombardment. The bonus of steam has rarely reached the horrible 0.8 image power!

Xu Dong's eyes flashed, "Well done!"

He suddenly took a step back with his own agility. Because the distance of this step is just stuck in the position that the other party's punch is about to be empty but barely touched!

If Xu Dong retreats another two points, the other party's angry blow will naturally fail, and I'm afraid he will change his move immediately. If Xu Dong goes one point forward and happens to be in a position where the punch strength is 100% explosive, it is indeed right. Therefore, a simple one-step distance falls into the eyes of the other party, which is so uncomfortable that it is almost bleeding, but it can't be advanced or retreated. It can be seen that Xu Dong's combat judgment in battle is also increasingly powerful and accurate!

At the same time, Xu Dong did not hesitate to launch a powerful skill. Even if it was an ordinary straight fist, the pressure brought to the other party after the collapse actually gave him a strong death threat.

1 Elephant Force!

At this time, Liang Shantan's voice seemed to be squeezed out through his teeth, ferocious and ferocious, "You've been fooled!!"


Liang Shantan's fist exploded violently, and the magic armor of his right hand was even more broken, especially the ferocious spikes from the tip of his fist. After the outbreak, he did not hesitate to shoot out like a bullet, and the number was horrible, directly covering his whole body, which was really overwhelming.

Xu Dong's pupil shrank into a needle tip, "Is this... the second internal equipment?"