Extraordinary evolution

Chapter 16 The Blue Water Ice Flame of the Great Explosion of Character!

What is this? Xu Dong can feel the violent fluctuation from the ice spring, not the fluctuation of meta-energy or the fluctuation of blood power, but a kind of fluctuation that cannot be described in words. The most intuitive feeling brought to him is to enter it and bathe in the ice spring!

La was also quite surprised by the appearance of this ice spring. Seeing that Xu Dong and Lao Zhu were unknown, she smiled and explained, "This is the power of water attributes nurtured by heaven and earth, called Blue Water Ice Flame!"

Blue water ice flame?! Xu Dong breathed, the power of water attributes nurtured by heaven and earth, blue water ice flame?!

Lola was surprised around the blue water ice flame. "After generating the base circuit or inner ring circuit, the next step is to choose an attribute and completely emit the power of the circuit. The substance with the power of attributes under the sky, one is the king beast at the level of tempering, or the human armor who has the power of the fling circuit; the other is artificial drugs with the power of attributes, such as fire forging elixirs; the other is the power of attributes nurtured by heaven and earth, such as the blue water and ice flame in front of you.

With Lola's words, Xu Dong finally understood the value of this blue water ice flame.

A match can ignite a flame, and a catty of match can also ignite a flame. But to boil a pot of water, it is obvious that the energy of a match is far from enough.

In the same way, the power of attributes contained in artificial drugs is far worse than the power of naturally formed properties. To absorb enough attribute power, you need a large number of artificial drugs. Obviously, finding this mouthful of blue water ice flame can definitely absorb enough attribute power without the huge cost of artificial drugs.

In addition, the power of the flint circuit is derived from the products, such as making equipment, creating tricks, etc., which is equivalent to the pot of water to be boiled. The more the power of attributes is absorbed, the easier it is to boil this pot of water, and the quality of the product is higher.

attribute power has a percentage, reaching 60% is successful, so it is certain that the attribute power obtained through blue water ice flame can reach 100% or more!

This is the preciousness of the power of natural attributes.

What is this? Xu Dong's eyes swept over and found a stone wall behind the blue water ice flame, which was a large text.

These words are not like contemporary words, and the form of words is much older. A more vivid statement is like the difference between Chinese and modern Chinese in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. However, Xu Dong's mind is loaded with a lot of knowledge, which can be clear at a glance.

Unexpectedly, after seeing this stone wall, Lola said first, "This is a suicide note."

The old pig was curious and grabbed the scalp on the back of his head and asked, "Posthumous letter? What does it say?"

La's expression suddenly became very complicated, but she didn't say anything. Instead, Xu Dong read the suicide note and said, "In 2007, 14 years have passed since the Battle of Barron, and it has also been 14 years since the death of Marshal Lingying. With the establishment of the three empires, the life of the 10th Legion of the Eagle Army is getting worse and worse.

"We have been fleeing from the east and constantly absorbing the lost sergeants of the Lingying army along the way. Although our strength is getting stronger and stronger, there are 20,000 people. However, with the contraction of Dachen's defense line, the pressure on our army has also increased. Three months ago, these damn thieves actually sent people to persuade them to surrender. Humph, it's easy to calculate! But since I am a spiritual eagle soldier, how can I obey the arrangements and orders of others? It is bound to fight to the end!"

"Although there are many enemies, the strength is four times that of our army, and there is a strong general command. After all, it is still difficult to defeat four hands with two fists. Even if I master a small secret place, it is still constantly weakened. If it continues, it will only be gradually eaten away. Hateful!"

"It's better to fight to the death than to survive, just to kill one more person. I detonated the secret world and set up a third-order psychic array at the same time! Haha, before I died in battle, Dachen Army killed at least 60,000 people. Thinking of my life, I can burst out so dazzling in the end, no regrets!"

"The enemy general knew that the strong attack had suffered huge losses. He could only retreat ten miles, besieged but did not attack, and wanted to starve us to death. Sure enough, Marshal Lingying is right. The stupidest method is often the most difficult method to crack. They have won..."

The whole posthumous letter is very scattered, and Xu Dong also extracted relevant content to read. However, this is also reasonable. In this era of respect for martial arts, only large families can break their literary literacy, and their cultural level is not high, not to say the chaotic era more than 100 years ago?

The more the suicide note went to the end, the more scribbled the notes became, and even the scribbled signature could hardly be recognized. Xu Dong stared at it for a long time before he vaguely recognized the writer's name - Jin Yi!

Xu Dong thought about this suicide note and put forward the keywords in his heart, "Battle of Barron", "Marshal of the Spirit Eagle" and "Spirit Eagle Army".

The so-called meteorite 2007 is known by Xu Dong. After the death of the king of the Great Star Moon Empire, the next year was the first year of the meteorite, entering the era of chaotic battles of the twelve marshals. The 2007 meteorite, that is, the 107th year after the destruction of the Great Star Moon Empire, is also known as the seventh year of the Three Kingdoms, that is, the seventh year after the Three Kingdoms of Dachen, Mingyue and Lieyang.

The Battle of Barron was the most important battle that divided the territory that year, and Marshal Lingying died in this battle. But it can be seen that Marshal Lingying is indeed extraordinary. The 10th Legion under his command can still be active for 14 years after the establishment of the Three Kingdoms, which shows its strength. And the commander of the army is also extraordinary, and the third-order psychic array can last for almost 200 years.

Xu Dong did not have much emotion and did not have much time to sigh about this dusty history. The most urgent thing is to absorb enough blue water ice flames and the power of the flint circuit.

At this time, the silent Lola suddenly said, "How many temperer cores do you have?"

When Xu Dong cracked the magic array on that day, he harvested 20 cores of the refiner, which was almost what the Yang family did with all his strength. When calculating Xing Yuhan, six temperer cores were used, and one was used in the transaction. After that, Lin Lin always added up to two. There are only eleven remaining temperer cores.

Lola asked Xu Dong for three temperer cores, "I see that the old pig has completely mastered the martial arts skills, and the realm has been reached, but the accumulation in the body is not enough. I plan to use three temperer cores to help him break through to the realm of temperer in one fell swoop.

She saw Xu Dong's doubts, "Don't worry, if it is usual, there will be a big risk for the awakener to absorb the core energy of the refiner, but with this mouthful of blue water and ice flame, there is basically no risk."

Is there such a wonderful use of blue water ice flame?!

Take out three temperer kernels and hand them over. Laura grabbed it, and then reached out to catch the old pig from the air, regardless of whether Xu Dong was willing to or not. In an in an ast moment, a violent fluctuation revealed, mysterious, abyss, and shaking the soul! The old pig was frozen, and then thrown into the blue water ice flame.

"It's so cold!" The old pig's face turned white in an instant, and a lot of white fog came out of his mouth. It was so cold that his teeth rang, and even his face and eyebrows were covered with a layer of white frost. Ordinary people will freeze to death as long as they get a trace of it. Even the awakened person can't bear it. This shows the low temperature of the blue water ice flame.

This scene is that Xu Dong secretly squeezed a cold sweat for the old pig.

When Lola saw that the old pig was about to freeze, she shouted in vain, "Run into strength and try your best to stimulate the power of flesh and blood armor."

At the same time, she shouted, and the cores of the three refiners floated strangely beside her in vain. The next moment, a magical scene appeared, and a large amount of shiny dust scattered from her body, giving people the feeling that it was ancient, eternal and magnificent to the extreme. Xu Dong immediately thought of the stardust scattered on his body when Lola fought in the sky that day - when he looked carefully, it was like a galaxy in the universe!

Stardust forms a palm, which emits beautiful light, as if it is composed of stars. The ordinary hand-sized palm gently brushed the surface of the core of the three temperers. In an all-time——


Three temperer cores split, smashed and collapsed at the same time! Among them, the blood power suddenly dispersed, but it was stirred by the palm of the stardust, forming a faint blood-colored light film, wrapping the old pig, making the old pig look like a huge insect pupa, swallowing in the breath of blue water and ice flame!

After completing all this, a layer of fragrant sweat appeared on Lola's forehead, but her expression was completely relaxed. "It's done. About an hour later, the old pig not only became a refiner, but also was able to absorb the power of this blue water ice flame and swilight loop."

Look at her speech, just like a housewife talking about cheese baked rice that can be served after ten minutes in the microwave.

To be honest, seeing that the old pig has entered the blue water ice flame, Xu Dong's mood has also become very enthusiastic. He couldn't wait to jump in and enter the blue water ice flame.

A coldness deep into the bone marrow came to his face, and it kept drilling in from the pores. When he looked at his face, Xu Dong actually had a kind of soul freezing throbbing!

"What a terrible cold attribute power, this feeling is not much different from being cut by 15 skeleton warriors at the same time, right? Run the inner loop! Run the base circuit!"

After the full operation, the cold feeling really slowed down a lot.

Two groups of circuits operate in the body, and the cold force entering it is like a meta-energy, which is instantly crushed and integrated. However, Xu Dong noticed a strange detail that the power of ice only integrated into the base circuit and did not enter the inner loop at all!

It is very dangerous to absorb the power of attributes. If you inadvertently, it will cause damage to the basement circuit. This kind of fracture is as serious as a leg bone fracture for a track and field athlete. Therefore, Xu Dong can only run with all his strength and dare not explore it carefully. Soon, he sank into a state of concentration and turned a deaf ear to things outside the window!

In the huge fortifications, it was so quiet that the needle could be heard, with only the slight breathing of Lola.

She looked at the suicide note on the wall and was a little distracted.