Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 8 Knife Kill

Fang Tian looked at Huo Jindong coldly: "Do you want to tell him?"

Huo Jindong turned his head and looked at her and snorted: "Are you afraid? You monster, stay away from my father!"

Xiao Changge's head was getting more and more painful. He squatted on the ground with his hands covering his head and roared, "I'm not your father. What on earth do you want to do?"

Fang Tian shook her sleeves and faced Huo Jindong: "No matter what you want to take away from me, I won't agree. If you want, then do it."

Huo Jindong waved his hand and shouted, "Get out of here, evil. I don't care about you at all, just because you want to compare with me? You are not qualified yet!"

Xiao Changge saw Fang Tian turn her head and look at her. The red light flashed in her eyes and she fainted.

Xiao Changge slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying at home**, with a faint pain in his head.

Xiao Changge got up and poured himself a glass of water and drank it. He found that Huo Jindong was not at home.

"Hey, those two people." Xiao Changge thought that Huo Jindong hated himself, but he didn't expect that he would send himself back home after fainting. What happened to Fang Tian's eyes?

Xiao Changge also doesn't understand what Huo Jindong thinks. At worst, ask him directly next time he meets him.


Throughout the afternoon, Xiao Changge was restless, as if something important was going to happen. The sultry weather made people feel uneasy.

The sound of quarreling among the residents of the community came from the window. More and more people gathered together to quarrel, and then began to take action.

Xiao Changge is not interested in watching the fun. He feels that the weather is too sultry and unhappy.

I rushed into the bathroom and took a shower, but I still felt bored.

In the middle of the night, there was a rumbling sound from the sky, which woke Xiao Changge from his dream. He opened the curtains and looked out. He saw a silver-gray object flying from the far away sky with a red light shining on it.

Wh, alien? Xiao Changge said to himself.

The object flew very fast and soon reached the center of Nanjiang. After stopping over the city center, many probes propped out on the UFO.

The top of the probe shines dazzling light. As the probe moves, the light moves and sweeps in the urban area. With a dull sound, the fog begins to leak out from the UFO. The fog is heavier than the air. After leaking from the UFO, it slowly falls down and quickly The city is shrouded in thick fog.

Xiao Changge peeped at the changes outside and felt that time passed slowly.

How is this bird? Did you blow it up, or did you release poison gas?

Xiao Changge quickly closed the window, ran to the bathroom and tore the towels one by one with water to wet them, and then ran to the window to close the edge of the window.

I used up all the towels and bath towels at home, and tore the sheets and a few clothes, which blocked all the possible ventilation in the room.

After finishing everything, Xiao Changge stood behind the window and looked out. I wiped it. There was already thick fog outside, and the whole city was shrouded in the thick fog.

Resident Evil? Xiao Changge wiped the sweat on his head, took out his mobile phone and began to dial.

Call back to my hometown first, and no one answered the phone for a long time.

Xiao Changge broadcast to the research institute again, but still no one answered.

Xiao Changge hung up the phone, looked at the name in the phone book, and dialed No. 1.

It's okay. It was quickly connected this time, and the voice of No. 1 came from there: "Changge, are you all right?"

Xiao Changge asked anxiously, "What's wrong over there? I have something here spraying poison gas out of the sky, and the whole Nanjiang River is shrouded in poison gas.

After listening to him, No. 1 said anxiously, "The situation here is almost the same. The research institute was also attacked by smoke. After many people breathed the fog, their emotions began to lose control. The research institute was in turmoil. Fortunately, the doctor led people to suppress them. Now some people are constantly out of control. The doctor is sampling and analyzing the fog. The ingredients of

Xiao Changge thought for a moment and said, "If it's safe, you can go to my house to have a look. I can't get through there."

The two chatted a few more words and hung up the phone.

Xiao Changge hung up the phone and called Liu Zheng again. After waiting for a long time, Liu Zheng answered the phone.

Xiao Changge heard something wrong with his voice and asked, "What's wrong with Zhengzi?"

Liu Zheng said breathlessly and depressedly, "After Changge, my sister is crazy. She wants to kill me with a knife. Now I lock her in the small bedroom. She is smashing things. Changge, come here quickly."

Xiao Changge looked outside, and it was still foggy and couldn't see anything in the distance: "Is there fog in your house? Hurry up and plug the window seams, door seams and so on with a wet towel. Now it's so foggy that I can't get there.

At dawn, the fog gradually dispersed. Xiao Changge used his mobile phone hard on the ground, and it was useless to keep it. Nanjiang began to cut off power and water, and the mobile phone had no signal.

Xiao Changge observed the situation outside in the room.

I don't know when the UFO disappeared. There were few people on the street, and they all became a little different.

They were distracted, attacked the others in sight angrily, smashed the glass doors and windows on the street, and walked aimlessly.

Xiao Changge stayed in the house for three days, relying on the food stored at home and bottled water.

The situation outside has finally been determined. What kind of virus is the fog? People infected with the fog become emotionally out of control and extremely aggressive. They attack all the animals they can see. If there are no living creatures around, they will destroy all the destructive objects around them.

On the third day, those infected people began to stop attacking other infected people. They searched for uninfected living objects together, or cooperated to destroy the surrounding doors, windows, buildings, street lights, and vehicles.

Those infected people are not like the zombies in the movie, but more like normal people who are emotionally out of control. Their faces are ruddy and their chests are ups and downs and they can breathe, but their eyes are a little pale.

Xiao Changge looked boredly in the room at the magazine that the beggar sold him.

There is only one of the original three books, and those two Xiao Changge are suspected to have been taken away by Huo Jindong.

casually looked at this magazine called Copper Man, which was full of naked men, and their skin was bronze, with some words on it.

Xiao Changge was puzzled. I was stuck. At the beginning, the three books taken out by the beggar seemed to be Jiuyang Shengong or something, and there was a beauty magazine, but there was no magazine called Bronze Man.

Is there more than four magazines on beggars?

When Xiao Changge brought it back, there seemed to be a popular magazine. Xiao Changge really doubted whether it was one of the three books that the beggars sold to him.

Xiao Changge began to study this magazine called Bronze Man because of boredom. It turned out that this magazine is a method of practice. If you practice well, you can practice your body as hard as a bronze man and have a strong ability to fight. Moreover, after practicing, your strength will also become very great. As described above, if you practice to the extreme, If you don't hurt the knife and gun, you can push the house down by raising your hand.

The practice method was written decently. Xiao Changge began to deduce this magazine according to his understanding of the human body. Not to mention, it was really decent and a little bit like that.

After the deduction, Xiao Changge can be sure that this book is completely fake. It can become stronger and have a strong ability to fight, and it is still good. If knives and guns are invulnerable and raising hands can collapse the house, that's bullshit.

If it is a wooden knife and gun, the ancient fence wall, it is still a little reliable. If you really cut this concrete steel wall with a knife, it is really unreliable!

But if it is regarded as a fitness book, it is still good, at least it can exercise a good body.

Xiao Changge threw away the book, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice according to the method in the magazine. Sure enough, his body was warm, but then he was hungry,

On the seventh day, it was quiet outside, and those normal people who were not infected began to gather together to fight against those infected people.

They formed a group outside to find food and drinking water. When they met the infected, they rushed up. The two groups of people fought indissoluble ways. After those normal people grabbed food and water, they dispersed and fled. Those with injured legs and feet could only go to see Brother Di.

This made Xiao Changge realize that those infected people were really ferocious. Normal people surrounded by them would be beaten to death by them. Then, Xiao Changge saw that they actually ate the normal person who was killed.

on the tenth day, Xiao Changge couldn't sit still, because the water he stored was gone.

Xiao Changge put the rest of the food in his backpack and planned to go to Liu Zheng's place to have a look.

Xiao Changge has confirmed that after the fog dissipates, normal people will walk outside and will not be infected, and normal people will not be infected after being injured by mutants. Xiao Changge saw with his own eyes several guys in the group. In the first few snatching of food, they were scratched or bitten by the mutant, but the last few When they robbed food, they were still fine and followed them to grab things.

Xiao Changge opened the door and walked out.

When he got downstairs, the mutants around him found him, and dozens of mutants rushed in the direction of Xiao Changge.

I was stuck. Xiao Changge quickly ran to the alley and ran outside the community to get rid of them. Xiao Changge found that it was about 50 meters away. Even if the mutants didn't see him, they would still find him. Could he smell it?

Xiao Changge ran all the way and found a small motorcycle, which eased.

When we arrived at Wanshan Community, there were no mutants to follow.

Those mutants seem to eat normal people as food, and few mutants are seen on the street, but in communities with survivors, there are many mutants wandering in twos and threes.