Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 19 Prodigal Child

May sat quietly and listened to Xiao Changge explain to her how to practice and absorb crystal energy.

It was not until Xiao Changge confirmed that May understood the content of his explanation that he walked behind May and asked her to practice according to the method he called her: "Do what I say, and I will help you deepen your feelings."

Until dark, May had mastered the internal practice method given to her by Xiao Changge, and Xiao Changge took the crystal and let her try to absorb the energy inside.

If Xiao Changge absorbs, several colors of crystals can be absorbed, but only earth-colored crystals are useful. Their strength can be slightly larger. Other crystals have no effect after absorption.

In May, she took the crystals and absorbed them one by one according to the method, but only absorbed the red crystals. Xiao Changge guided and helped her absorb a piece of red crystals, and began to guide her how to use her strength.

Xiao Changge squatted in the grass and stared at a big wild boar in the distance. Xiao Changge whispered, "Do you understand what I told you?"

Seeing May nodding, he asked, "How is it going? Are you sure?"

May stretched out his hand in a victory posture and rushed over.

In the past few days, the progress in May has been very fast. What Xiao Changge taught her has been understood. Xiao Changge used three points of strength to fight against her, and her ability is no longer inferior to Xiao Changge.

May ran lightly, and the picture of the mutant wild boar Xiao Changge expected to see did not appear.

The mutant wild boar as big as a scalper found that May ran over and turned around and ran away.

The trees were knocked down by the wild boar, leaving a messy road.

May chased two steps and felt that he couldn't catch the wild boar, so he stopped. Looking back, he saw Xiao Changge staring at the fleeing wild boar in surprise and made a victory gesture: "Yeah!"

Xiao Changge said to himself, what a broken wild boar, Bai grew so big that he was scared away by a little girl, such a big man!

Since he had the ability to evolve people in May, Xiao Changge took her out to hunt several times, and then led her to Fenglin Town to attract several mutants to fight several times. After that, he stopped going out of the cave and became a cave otaku.

During the period, May stole a gathering place for Jingshan survivors. After returning, May was depressed for two days, and then it was as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Changge is in the cave. Every May, he prepares some food and eats. The rest of the time is to think about how to absorb crystals.

At the beginning, I was a little dissatisfied with this in May, but after a long time, I stopped caring about him.

After the performance, Xiao Changge was sitting in the cave and looking at the wall of the cave, and heard May's footsteps approaching.

"Pig, it's time to eat." May came in with a smile and carried the food. The two became familiar. May became much more cheerful and joked with Xiao Changge.

Xiao Changge pretended to be angry and scolded, "How can I also be your master? How can it be big or small?"

"I've never seen you so lazy. How many days you haven't been out of the cave, and I don't know what you've been thinking in the cave all day." May glanced at the curled lips and handed over the warm cooked meat.

Seeing Xiao Changge eating, he was still thinking about things. May raised his hand and compared in front of Xiao Changge: "Master, I'll tell you two pieces of news, one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to listen to first?"

Xiao Changge did not raise his head and said, "Let's tell the bad news first, and then listen to it, so that you can be in a better mood."

May said with a smile, "The bad news is that we don't have a better source of crystals in the future. The good news is that we can go to Dawan now!"

"Hmm?" Xiao Changge looked up at May in surprise.

May made a victory gesture: "Your apprentice and I go to Fenglin Town every day to attract a few mutants to destroy. Today, I went there and found that the remaining mutants were gone. Maybe I was scared by your apprentice and all moved." After saying that, he looked at Xiao Changge proudly.

Xiao Changge raised his hand and patted her on the head: "I won't praise you. Let's go in a few days."

Xiao Changge leisurely followed May and said that no wonder they all love to accept apprentices. It's good to have apprentices. The apprentices carry everything. If there is anything, just leave it directly to the apprentice to deal with. It's really worry-free!

May walked in front with his backpack and pointed to the town and said, "Master, are you scared away? I'm awesome!"

The two entered the town and didn't see the mutant. Was it really scared away by May?

The two arrived in front of an SUV. Xiao Changge opened the door and found that the key was still in the car. He sat in and ordered May to collect gasoline.

In May, he turned out a large oil pot from a family nearby and began to press the car to release oil out. When he arrived at the car, he put down the oil pot, directly punctured the fuel tank, connected the oil tank with the oil pot, and soon picked up a bucket to the front of the car.

"Master, there is still a lot of food in that house. Do you take them all away?" May put down the oil barrel and said.

Xiao Changge lay reclined in the car and heard the food. He opened the door and got out of the car to collect food with May.

Xiao Changge got out of the car and saw a supermarket across the street and walked there with May.

The supermarket has obviously been robbed, but those people should have left in a hurry, making the supermarket a mess, leaving a lot of food behind.

Two people found several large bags full of food in the house and sent them to the car again and again.

More and more food is collected, but the SUV can't hold it.

The two collected food and daily necessities in the uninhabited Fenglin Town and found a big truck.

The carriage is full of food, daily necessities, and several barrels of gasoline.

Because Xiao Changge took a lot of food in the supermarket, Xiao Changge thought that the food could be picked up at the supermarket. There was a lot of gasoline gas station, so he asked if there was a gas station in May Town. Then the two went to the gas station and directly opened the gas tank to fill a few barrels of gasoline.

Xiao Changge opened the door and sat in the co-pilot's seat. May was stunned for a moment: "Why don't you drive?"

Xiao Changge waved his hand: "You open it, I'll squint for a while."

"But I can't drive." May stood outside and said.

Xiao Changge lay down on the window and said, "You can learn if you don't know how to drive. Now there is no car on the road. I'll teach you when you get in the car."

Xiao Changge explained it to May and then asked her to operate it. At the beginning, the car turned left and right to rush to the roadside. Xiao Changge pulled a few steering wheels and explained it to her again. Only then did May drive the car out of town crookedly.

After driving for a while, he was also much more proficient. Xiao Changge lowered his chair and lay down. He said in his heart that it was good to have an apprentice. It was too easy to let the apprentice do everything. If he went back by himself, he had to rest when he was tired of driving. In this way, the two of them would change shifts, saving half of the time.

In May, he pushed Xiao Changge: "Master, look."

Xiao Changge straightened up and looked in the direction of May's fingers. Far away in front of the car, three people rushed in the direction of the car.

The three ran quickly. Xiao Changge looked carefully. It turned out that the two people behind were chasing the man in front of him.

When the person in front is about to be caught up, he stops and fights with the two people behind him. After that, the speed of the two people behind him will slow down for a while.

"Two mutants are chasing an evolutionist." Xiao Changge said.

When the car came near, May suddenly stepped on the brake and put Xiao Changge on the front windshield. Xiao Changge covered his face and said angrily, "How many times have I told you, the pine oil slow down, clutch and slow brake."

Turning his head, May had opened the door and went down.

"This prodigal child!"

The teenager in front of him was wet with sweat and ran over with a pale face: "Help me."

Seeing May coming to the last mutant, he also turned back to the other mutant.

May shook his right hand, and a faint blue flame ignited on his right palm, slapped the mutant man more than his right hand.

The blue flame is very domineering. It slaps the mutant and makes a burning sound. When it first hit the mutant, the blue fire sticks to the mutant's body and then drills into the mutant's body to burn inside.

May only took a few shots, and the mutant who fought with her moved slowly, making a 'gurgling' sound in his body, sprayed bleeding fog from his seven orifices, and slowly fell down.

The body of the fallen mutant continued to swell from the inside, and the body bulged with bubbles boiling. The body overflowed with light red fog, and the body slowly dried up. Finally, the blue fire burned out of the body, and the whole body was swallowed up by the blue fire.

Although the chased teenager was much more capable than May, his ability was obviously much worse. The teenager held back his strength and spewed out blue fog from his mouth. After the mutant was sprayed, his movements slowed down for a while.

Xiao Changge saw that the teenager cheered several times before spewing out a mouthful of blue fog, which seemed very laborious, and after spraying, he was obviously a little depressed.

In May, he picked up a piece of earth-colored crystal from the ground and drew it twice and threw it into the car from the window.

When the teenager saw that May had solved a mutant, he quickly retreated: "Help, I can't stand it."

May turned behind the mutant, patted the mutant a few times, and then stopped waiting for the mutant to hang up.

When the teenager saw that the mutant was slapped by May, he moved slowly, which was obviously similar to his ability 'ice fog'. He couldn't help but be confident and stepped forward and punched the mutant in the chest.

The mutant did not fight back, but was hit in the chest by him. After being hit, the hot sensation came from his fist. The teenager quickly withdrew his fist and said to himself why the mutant was so hot.

As soon as I took two steps back, I saw that the mutant's whole body was deformed and boiling, constantly spraying blood-colored fog from the body. The body dried up with the spray of the fog, slowly fell to the ground, and then stringed a faint blue flame from the body, wrapping the mutant's body, burning and melting, the most Then there was a little ashes left, which were blown away by the wind.