Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 27 Roughly hurts you

The maid of honor said that she had won respect.

But Hua Jingling knew that she had lost her heart.

He became better and better. He began to stop robbing and robbing. He began to travel around the world with himself. When people saw him, they respected him as an immortal. If he met poor people, he would help him with gold and silver. If he met robbers, he would defend himself with etiquette.

Although those robbers have reformed, Hua Jingling is not happy.

She knew that the big man who initially forcibly invaded his body regardless of his own will left, and he left him. Now the big man beside him is just a torso.

The relationship between the two became indifferent until one day, Hua Jingling killed the big man, then put on his clothes and stroked his face. The imitator saw his appearance for the first time and said slowly, "Young girl, I like it, I will love you roughly."

Then I went crazy and immersed myself. I became with endless mana and ruined the world. Only I stood in the endless void and cried faintly, as if I had really liked it in my life, but I didn't understand his true meaning.

It was a tear, and it gradually slipped down.

The first person to wake up was Hua Jingling. She slowly opened her eyes and felt that the sunlight shining through the crack of the window was very dazzling. She was naked. Was it him behind her? That big man. She slowly looked back and found that it was not the big man she liked, but she found that she didn't mind Xiao Changge lying behind her.

She chewed the grass roots that did not exist between her teeth and turned to face Xiao Changge. She raised her hand and pinched her chin and stared at Xiao Changge's face. Her face came out with an indifferent look, and she kept chewing between her teeth.

The hand slowly moved from his chin to Xiao Changge's chin and shook his face a few times: "Young girl, I will love you, and I will love you roughly." His lips moved slightly and said dull words, and his mouth pressed up.

"I wipe it, what are you doing?" Xiao Changge covered his mouth and jumped up. His lips were hot and painful. He looked at his hand and his hands were full of blood.

The woman opposite was full of blood and stared at herself.

Xiao Changge quickly raised his hand to stop the girl from rushing over and explained, "I really didn't touch you. It's just a cure. Have you forgotten? You are frozen."

The woman laughed foolishly: "I will love you roughly." After saying that, he rushed over again.

Xiao Changge pushed her and found that the woman was so strong that she didn't push it out. She quickly grabbed her trousers and put them on, opened the door and rushed out.

Looking back, fortunately, the woman was not so stupid that she came out naked, but put on her clothes and chased her out.

Xiao Changge quickly ran behind Hua Jingmei and grabbed Hua Jingmei's arm to make her face Hua Jingling: "Your sister has been cured, but now she seems to be a little mentally abnormal."

But Hua Jingling lowered her head shyly and whispered, "Who is crazy! Didn't Brother Xiao admit it if he really ate it?

However, Xiao Changge found that there was not only shyness in her eyes, but also crazy desires. Xiao Changge covered his forehead and sighed, "What's going on!"


Driving in May, Xiao Changge, Hua Jingmei and Hua Jingling sat in the back. Hua Jingmei and Hua Jingling sandwiched Xiao Changge in the middle.

Now Xiao Changge couldn't laugh. Hua Jingling's girl sat on the left side of Xiao Changge and stretched out her right arm to hold Xiao Changge. Hua Jingmei on the right stared at the two in surprise and felt that they were a little strange.

Xiao Changge felt as if some depressed heavy objects had disappeared from the bottom of his heart, but now she can't laugh. Since the treatment, Hua Jingling's girl has become a little too cheerful like a hooligan. Xiao Changge feels that it's terrible for women to open up.

Hua Jingmei sat aside with a worried face. The change of her sister's personality gave her a headache. In addition, she was more curious about Xiao Changge and May. Unexpectedly, Zhang Tiesha, a guy with low combat effectiveness, immediately became very powerful when May taught him.

Soon several people arrived at the side of the valley where the mutant beasts gathered pointed out by Hua Jingmei. Get out of the car and slowly climb up carefully and gently from the side of the valley for fear of alarming the mutant beasts inside.

Xiao Changge stood at the top of the valley and looked down. Sure enough, there were about dozens of mutant animals gathered in the valley.

Like a huge mouse, a mutant wild donkey, a mutant domestic cat, a mutant snake and so on, one by one, one of which the three largest are the largest, that is, the mutant wild donkey, the mutant giant cow, and a wild boar, which is obviously several times larger than the last time.

Xiao Changge wiped the sweat on his head and looked at Hua Jingmei: "What's your plan?"

Hua Jingmei stared at the mutant herd in the valley and said, "We can go down and hunt the mutant herd. If not, we can run up the valley. The steep local mutant beasts can't come up, but there must be strong people to guard the valley and not let the mutant beast escape. At the beginning, when we saw May, I thought you were also a fire. What about Huaren? I don't know if you two can defend the valley in May?

Xiao Changge wiped his sweat and said to himself that this girl really looked up on me. May definitely couldn't hold on. What about himself? Damn it, his legs became weak as soon as he saw these mutant beasts, and he had to hunt to block Gukou. You are a super mt,,

Xiao Changge shook his head: "We definitely can't keep Gukou in May. I don't know what you think. Even if there are ten Mays in Gukou, we can't keep it!"

Hua Jingmei sighed: "There's nothing we can do. Try to hunt as much as possible and try to hunt more before the mutant herd escapes."

On that day, several people did not move or attack the hunting mutant herd.

It is obviously not feasible for such a large group of mutant beasts to rush in and hunt. So many mutant beasts rush in and are trampled on and bitten until they will definitely hang up.

It is not feasible to lure out and attack one by one. Although those mutant beasts are natural enemies like cats and mice, they do not have any disputes and unite to move in a group in the valley. Xiao Changge decided to stay nearby and observe for a period of time before trying to figure it out.

Several people drove to find a cave nearby to live in.

Zhang Tiesha and Hua Jingtai went out to look for some firewood, leaving Xiao Changge, May, Hua Jingmei and Hua Jingling left in the cave.

May sat on one side angrily, and Hua Jingmei was also beside her, and the two whispered.

Xiao Changge originally planned to flatten the ground and rest, but Hua Jingling had been staring at Xiao Changge with colored eyes, which made Xiao Changge afraid and said to himself how this man become a nymphomaniac!

When Zhang Tiesha and Hua Jingtai came back, they brought back a piece of news that they didn't know whether it was good or bad.

It turned out that there were not only dozens but hundreds of mutant beasts. Some mutant beasts may have gone out to hunt and now return to the valley.

After eating something hastily, Xiao Changge went out to explore alone

At the top of the mountain on the side of the valley where the mutant beasts gathered, looking down, the whole valley was full of mutant beasts, full of large and small valleys, and began to fight each other mutant beasts, and the killed mutant beasts were devoured up by other mutant beasts.

Several people lived in the cave for a few days and finally figured out the bottom of the mutant beasts. These mutant beasts gathered in the valley. Every day, many mutant beasts leave the valley and will not bring back food back.

The number of mutant beasts is increasing, and it looks like mutant beasts from elsewhere have migrated.

Several people thought of several ways but didn't figure out how to hunt perfectly.

Hua Jingling tried and tried to attract a mutant beast to hunt. As a result, she was chased out by hundreds of mutant beasts in half of the valley. Hua Jingling ran a few miles away before she shook off the mutant herd and returned to the cave.

Several people discussed it again and wanted to hunt remotely with the help of the height of the mountain wall on the side of the valley.

Xiao Changge meditated and said, "We killed the mutant beasts below in the valley. Who will go in to get the crystals?"

Xiao Changge waved his hand: "Why don't we find a favorable terrain, and then Jingling go to attract mutant beasts, just like playing online games."


On the hill, Zhang Tiesha pointed down and said, "I think it's fine here. The cliff mutant beast in front can't climb up, and the road behind is not wide. If the mutant beast wants to come up at most two at a time, we should be able to withstand it!"

A few people planned again on the top of the mountain, and they all thought it was feasible, so Hua Jingling went to attract strange things,

Seeing Hua Jingling running up the wide mountain road with dozens of mutant beasts, several people quickly blocked the intersection and let Hua Jingling Xiao Changge stand in front with Hua Jingtai, and May stood behind Zhang Tiesha.

Hua Jingmei's water power can restore her health faster after being injured. There is no attack power. Although Hua Jingling's speed is fast enough, her strength is not strong enough, her body is not strong enough, and her combat effectiveness is not strong. Before hunting with Xiao Changge and others, Hua Jingtai was their main force.

Hua Jingtai stood next to Xiao Changge, staring at the mutant beast running up. The mountain road was very narrow, and only one mutant beast could face the crowd directly. In front of him was a big mouse.

The speed of the mouse was very fast. When it was about to attack Xiao Changge, Xiao Changge raised his hand and grabbed one of the front paws of the mutant mouse and pushed it hard at the mutant beast below. He immediately knocked a mutant giant cow behind and dropped it into the mountain stream next to it. Xiao Changge's first attack gave great confidence to several people.

Zhang Tiesha behind came between the two and pushed it out with a palm. The air between the road was covered with crystal white frost. Because the water in the air was frozen too fast, the air in front of it exploded.