Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 33 A Thousand Years of Dreams

Until the fog fell on that day, Tian Yukun felt that the speed of cultivation had accelerated a lot, and many realms were also broken all the way to the realm of heaven.

At first, he was just practicing and playing. After all, there is nothing to do in the Taoist temple. He always has to pretend to be a facade. If the disciple comes to look for something, he will also have face to see the master sitting there practicing.

After the fog fell from the sky, Tian Yukun's realm improved rapidly. Many methods that could not be used before could also be used. He observed it with the spiritual observation method and found that the aura between heaven and earth became more and more pure and abundant.

No wonder the book recorded that the ancestors had great ability, but later it was not as good as the previous generation. Tian Yukun guessed that it should be the reason for the continuous weakening of the aura between heaven and earth. Now it is a great reincarnation, and the aura between heaven and earth has weakened to a certain extent and begins to be abundant again. When his opportunity comes, can it be reproduced? The glory of the ancestors depends on themselves.

According to the book, there is a 'dream for thousands of years' left in this fairy mansion, the magic weapon of ancestors. The keys of the fairy mansion are also passed down from generation to generation, but it comes to their father's generation. It was lost in the process of being swept away.

Tian Yukun was unwilling to guard Baoshan. After killing those crazy disciples, he took his wife and children and placed them in a safe place. He came out to find some explosives and planned to blow up the fairy mansion. After all, it is not his own. It's better to take advantage of the great opportunity for the recovery of aura to take advantage of the recovery of the ancestors. Baby, it's good to have something to do.

Xiao Changge covered his right wrist and stared at Tian Yukun. This man was really powerful. He used internal force when transporting the sword, and the speed was so fast.

Feeling that his body was a little cool and his heartbeat was weak, Xiao Changge tore off a piece of cloth on his skirt with his left hand and slowly tied up his right wrist.

Tian Yukun smiled and stabbed him with his sword. There was no movement under his feet, and his body flew fast to the ground. Xiao Changge wanted to dodge and found that his body could not move. Seeing Tian Yukun getting closer and closer, he hurriedly carried out the ability to imitate the fire power and opened his mouth and spewed out a flame.

Tian Yukun stabbed Xiao Changge's chest with a sword, but Xiao Changge spewed flames and ignited his clothes by the flames. Xiao Changge put a sword in his chest and fell down slowly. Tian Yukun was burned and ran into the pool in the valley to put out the fire.

The flame was very domineering. Tian Yukun jumped into the pool and did not extinguish the flame on his body. He jumped on the shore and sat on the ground cross-legged, using internal forces to resolve the high-temperature fire poison. The monkey stood aside, turned his eyes, and ran to the stone door, revealing a big hole from one side.

Tian Yukun meditated in the valley for a long time before resisting the fire poison, and the fire gradually went out. His clothes and everything on his body were burned out.

Tian Yukun touched the burned skin and exhaled in pain. As soon as he moved his skin, his skin burst and bleed. He gritted his teeth and clicked on himself twice before he got up with the pain. The black and dry skin on his body kept cracking and falling down to reveal the bright red muscles inside.

Tian Yukun walked into the cave and left an irregular blood stain on the road.

Xiao Changge woke up slowly. The sun shone in his eyes, which was very dazzling. He closed his eyes again. There were bursts of pain in the chest and right wrist. Slowly getting up, the pain in his chest became worse. Blood burst out from the wound and flowed down. Xiao Changge covered the wound with his left hand and looked at the movement outside. Quietly, he only heard the monkey's 'squeak' cry, which came from the stone gate.

Xiao Changge touched and found that all the crystals in his pocket were gone. He used the remaining energy in his body to imitate the ability of the water system to treat the wound on his chest. However, the efficiency of his imitation was very low. He used up all the internal force in his body, and the wound in his chest still did not get better, but he was no longer bleeding.

Xiao Changge walked over to his backpack and found that the backpack was crushed by the stone at the beginning. He struggled to remove the stone pressed on it, turned out a transparent crystal from the backpack, and absorbed it in his hand.

absorbed two transparent crystals, Xiao Changge simulated the ability of the water system and repaired his wound. The chest was repaired to about 50%. The repair ability did not work, and the wrist could only recover to about 70%.

Xiao Changge covered his chest, and it was still very painful to act, but it was nothing serious, but his right hand was a little disobedient and his fingers were out of control.

If he had known that he should have directly imitated the ability of the fire system and burned him to death, he also knew that if he was not close to him, he could not burn him. If he was close to his body, his weapon attack distance would be long. Xiao Changge planned that he should also get serious weapons.

Xiao Changge entered from the bombed mountain wall on the side of the stone gate. It was a small space, and there was also a pool of water beside him. There was a stone chair facing him. On the right was a tree of unknown species, which was full of small cyan fruits.

The monkey is creaking in a metal cage locked in the tree. Xiao Changge looked in the direction pointed by the monkey. A piece of black charcoal was lying near the stone chair and looked at his body shape. It was the old way that inserted his sword.

Xiao Changge walked over and found that the old man was still breathing and lay there in a coma.

He glanced around and found that the sword was put aside. He gently took the sword, took it in front of Lao Dao with his left hand, and picked it at Lao Dao's neck. A sword was picked up on Lao Dao's neck, and Lao Dao's mouth made a sigh. He got up and saw Xiao Changge stabbing him again with a sword. He quickly jumped away and tilted his head to his shoulder.

The Taoist priest held his head with both hands and turned around and ran outside. Xiao Changge chased two steps with his sword, and his chest hurt again. He saw that the Taoist priest's neck kept bleeding out and ran out crookedly. He thought that half of his neck had been cut off, and he should not live long, right?

When the Taoist priest jumped back, a sign fell from him, but Xiao Changge did not notice it.

After being released by Xiao Changge, the monkey rushed to the tree to pick a few fruits and stuffed them into his mouth to chew, and ran into a hole on one side.

Xiao Changge stepped on something on his foot and found that it was a metal plate. The metal plate was the size of a matchbox, which was very thin. He tried to inject internal force into it. The sign came with great suction and directly absorbed Xiao Changge's internal force. Xiao Changge lost the metal card a few times and found that the metal card could not stop sucking. Collect the internal force in your body, and the energy that cannot be used absorbed from the crystal and stored in the body is also absorbed.

I wipe, how did this happen? Xiao Changge sweated anxiously and felt more and more sleepy. He fell to the ground with the bronze medal in his hand and fainted.

At this time, the monkey ran out of the hole on one side with a small bottle. As it ran out, it pulled out the cork and poured it into its mouth. The powder inside was poured out one after another, and it ate a lot of the rest and spilled it on the ground.

Xiao Changge woke up and found that his body was out of control and he couldn't even move his fingers.

At this time, he found that his eyes opened automatically, and Xiao Changge found that this was not in the cave, but a large bedroom.

Shit, what's wrong with this? Did I travel through time and was reborn?

Why doesn't the body move around?

The body slowly got up, picked up the mirror on the table and looked at it. Xiao Changge saw that the person in the mirror was not himself, but a handsome man. The man's face was very white, with a seemingly smile.

Xiao Changge thought, did he travel through time because his soul ability was too weak to control this body and could only be trapped in it? How to compete with the original soul of this body?

Xiao Changge thought nonsense that this person who was parasitized by Xiao Changge's soul had got up and dressed.

Someone knocked on the door outside, and the man said, "Come in."

A girl in a black dress and white short sleeves came in and said, "Aunt Guo told you to get ready, and the motorcade will leave in a moment."

The man said 'um' and pulled the girl over. The girl struggled twice and was half pushed to ** by the man.


Xiao Changge is depressed. What's going on? When he crossed over, he encountered this kind of thing. He was parasitism on this man and could not control the body. In this case, he got this woman, is it his or mine?

After replacing this person, if you continue this relationship, it seems to be a little psychological burden!

The man messed around, and then finished it. Under the girl's service, he got dressed.

Both of them finished wearing, and the girl stared at the man and said, "Zheng Nan, you are going to get married today and still attack me. Aren't you afraid that things will be exposed?"

The man laughed and said, "It's just to keep up with the marriage of the official family. Shangguan Waner is cold. At that time, it will be married, but it's just a toy. Because it's the family's decision, so it's hard for me to shirk it."

The man didn't know what to think. As soon as he got dressed, he pulled the girl over and pushed it to **,,

Xiao Changge is very depressed. Although the man is happy with himself, this kind of uncontrollable condition is always uncomfortable. He suddenly feels a little dizzy. Is he going to occupy this body?

When he woke up again, Xiao Changge found himself lying on the ground, still cold in the cave, and got up in a daze.

looked at the bronze medal in his hand. On the back of the bronze medal, there were a few words crookedly engraved. It was a seal book, and the font was crooked. Xiao Changge took a lot of effort to recognize it. It was the four words 'One Dream Millennium'.

I wiped it. It turned out to be a dream. It scared me to death. I thought I had traveled through time. A thousand years of dreams. Has it been a thousand years?

Xiao Changge quickly looked at his watch at 1236 and looked around, unlike the past thousand years!