Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 39 Don't let me take it away!

He is more relieved to leave Liu Xiaofei at home. After all, Liu Xiaofei is no different from normal people now, and she is not found to be violent. Xiao Changge couldn't help wondering whether the unfounded disappearance of those mutants had become normal, so he chose to leave for hiding? Or they have returned to normal and blended into the crowd of ordinary people.

Xiao Changge thought about driving forward and heard the sound of a horn behind him. He looked at a car from the rearview mirror and caught up to overtake.

I wipe, why is this car so familiar? Xiao Changge found that it was Shangguan Waner's car that caught up behind him. Near before, Xiao Changge saw Shangguan Waner sitting in the cab and stretched out his hand out of the window to compare: "Hey! What a coincidence, beautiful woman."

Shangguan Wan'er looked this way through the window and did not answer. Xiao Changge found a faint person sitting in the back seat of her car.

Xiao Changge wanted to catch up with it, but the second-hand car was very out of tune, and the speed of the rear exhaust 'ping-pong' sounded a few times and almost did not improve much.

"I x!" Xiao Changge patted the steering wheel hard twice and said that he shouldn't save those two dollars if he really stepped on the horse. The owner said that it was very useful. Now he lost the chain!

Xiao Changge disbelieved and stepped on the accelerator twice, and the rear exhaust 'ping table tennis' fired two shots to directly extinguish the fire. Looking at the Volvo in front of us, it has long been gone.

Xiao Changge, with a greasy face, wiped the sweat on his head with a black towel and got on the car and twisted the key car to start.

The car continues to drive on the road. This time, Xiao Changge dares not step on the oil. The car is also grumpy. I guess it's time to take a break again.

Shangguan Waner looked at the car that gradually disappeared in the rearview mirror and said without looking back, "Auntie, that person is Xiao Changge I met when I came here."

Aunt Lin sat in the back row, holding beads in her hand and sliding between her fingers, squinting slightly and saying nothing.

The car drove rapidly on the highway, and rhythmic music came from the sound. Shangguan Waner clapped the steering wheel with one hand and saw a village in the distance. As the car approached, she found two trees blocked by brackets on the road in front of her.

Shangguan Waner looked back at her aunt. Aunt Lin, who was sitting in the back row, also found that there was something wrong. She opened her eyes and looked over. Her hand holding the beads trembled and said nothing.

The car stopped in front of the roadblock and rushed out from behind the hillside not far away and rushed towards the car.

The two got out of the car and walked to the trees. Shangguan Waner raised her foot and kicked them out, and the trees were kicked down the highway by her.

Looking at Aunt Lin, she saw that Aunt Lin was angry and reached her hands through her arms. With one hand, she retreated and pushed forward hard. The tree was directly hit high in the sky and fell on the roadside and rolled down the slope.

The two moved the barricade and returned to the car. Shangguan Waner opened the door and looked up at the people who were still running here. As soon as she sat in the car, she heard a muffled sound behind her.

Looking back, I saw Aunt Lin staring straight and slowly lying down, hitting her head on the edge of the door and lying unconsciously.

Behind Aunt Lin, a strong man who giggled and showed two golden teeth was staring at himself with a thick wooden stick.

Aunt Lin fell out of the car, and Shangguan Waner had to get out of the car to clean up the strong man and then carry Aunt Lin into the car and leave.

Shangguan Wan'er opened the door and was about to get out of the car, but she heard a loud 'touch' sound. The roof of the car was smashed down and she was caught in the car. The strong man shouted and kept smashing the car.

" Stop it! Stop it!" A dwarf raised his arm and shouted in the crowd running over there.

When everyone ran over, the strong man continued to smash the car, and several people grabbed him and pulled him aside and began to save people.

Everyone bandaged Aunt Lin's wound and rescued Shangguan Waner from the top of the car. They found a stretcher from nowhere and carried them away without slowing them.

Xiao Changge listened to the soothing songs and drove slowly on the highway. There was no way for the car to strike as soon as it was in a hurry. Xiao Changge decided not to buy second-hand goods again. I can't afford to be hurt so much!

The car drove to the front of a village and found a car parked in the middle of the road. The road is very wide, even if it is in the middle of the road, Xiao Changge can drive through, but I don't know which bastard set up a roadblock behind the car.

"Whew, what's going on?" Xiao Changge got out of the car and looked in front of the barricade: "Who doesn't want the big tree? Don't let me take it away!"

Xiao Changge jumped on the barricade and sat down and waved his legs. He saw several people rushing over behind a hillside not far away, holding wooden sticks and machetes or something in their hands.

On the other side, a strong man in a padded jacket ran over with a wooden stick with a thick bowl in front of him. Xiao Changge lit a cigarette and stared at the strong man. When the strong man approached him, he shouted, "What are you doing!"

The strong man was stunned by his loud voice, and the people running behind him also came forward and surrounded Xiao Changge in the middle.

Xiao Changge took a cigarette and looked at them condescendingly: "Who is the head? What are you going to do?"

A thin dwarf squeezed in from behind, stared up at Xiao Changge and stammered, "I, that's the head, what's wrong with it?"

Xiao Changge pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette box and handed it over: "What's going on? Brother, what are you going to do?

"What's the situation? We have nothing to fight and rob. The dwarf said.

Xiao Changge said, "Robbery, I don't have anything,"

"Take it away!" The dwarf shouted, and the two people came over and twisted Xiao Changge's arms, and the group slowly left.

In fact, Xiao Changge originally planned to move through the barricade and leave, but he recognized the smashed car and planned to follow it. The car was smashed like that, and he must have been caught.

Xiao Changge followed them to the place where they lived. Although there is a village not far away, they do not live there, but set up a lot of tents under the mountain.

Many tents are built at the foot of the mountain, which is very spectacular. When they arrived near the tent, the two had already let go of Xiao Changge. At this time, Xiao Changge was walking into the gathering place with one hand around the strong man's shoulder and the other on the short man's shoulder with a smile.

Xiao Changge followed the dwarf into the tent. As soon as he entered the tent, the dwarf ordered the woman to prepare food, and the two sat down. The space in the tent is still very large. In the middle is a long wooden pole buried in the soil. The top of the tent is fixed at the top of the wooden pole, and the bottom is pulled open and buried in the soil.

"Brother, where are you going?" The dwarf said over there, pounding the soup in the pot.

"Oh, I heard that the thing in the sky fell into the dense forest, and I plan to go and have a look."

"Oh?" The dwarf didn't make soup anymore and stared at Xiao Changge: "Are you going to see that thing?"

"Do you know that thing?" Xiao Changge looked at his expression and felt that he should know some inside stories. After a while, the dwarf said, "Don't go. It hurts when you see that thing." He said with a painful look on his face, as if he had a headache now.

The woman came in with a basin covered with a curtain and put the basin on the ground, removing the curtain to reveal the food inside.

The dwarf went to help put the food on the table. Xiao Changge saw that in addition to the rice, there was also a fried fish and another plant that he didn't know what to stir-fry, and two crystals were placed on one side of the bowl.

The dwarf absorbed the crystal first, and then picked up the rice bowl: "Eat, eat, you're welcome."

Xiao Changge also learned from his appearance and absorbed the crystal first, and then picked up the rice bowl and ate it. The dwarf took the glass beside him and poured a glass of white wine.

He put the wine in a kettle. Xiao Changge thought it was water. After taking a sip, he found that it was wine. He coughed twice and smiled at the dwarf.

When normal people eat, they will never absorb two crystals first. Even evolutionists do not absorb crystals so fast. There is only one kind of person who can absorb crystals so quickly - that is, mutants.

Although Liu Xiaofei has no special ability, the speed of absorbing crystals is very fast. The dwarf is not like a person with special abilities, and he regards the absorption of crystals as a very common thing. Before eating, Xiao Changge has determined his identity.

Are all the people in this community mutants? Xiao Changge was puzzled. Mutants have evolved so fast that they seem to have regained their senses!

Xiao Changge drank a few drinks with the dwarf, but his face turned red. The dwarf couldn't speak clearly. He drank and cried in a low voice.

"What's going on?" Xiao Changge asked.

The dwarf sighed: "My father," he said at the beginning and began to cry again.

Xiao Changge thought, I'm afraid he didn't do something crazy when he mutated, and now he remembers it when he wakes up?

During this period, the dwarf woman heard the noise and came in to look at it twice. When she saw nothing, she went out again.

In the middle of the night, gongs and drums were knocked outside, and many people walked outside with torches, and the shadows were shadowy on the tent.

Xiao Changge blushed and asked inexplicablely, "What's going on?"

The dwarf replied vaguely, "It's not that the eldest grandson has nothing to do to sacrifice the sky. Let's go out with him, or he will be scolded again tomorrow."

Xiao Changge followed the dwarf out of the tent with his numb legs. He saw a lot of bonfires in the central open space surrounded by many tents, and the people drilled out of the nearby tent gathered with torches.

There is a huge wooden pole standing in the central open space, which is fixed in the distance under the position of four long ropes tied up in the center.

The top of the wooden pole was also burning with flames, and there was a man tied under the wooden pole. Xiao Changge saw that the clothes the man was wearing were a little familiar. It was Shangguan Wan'er who was tied there.