Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 45 Changes

Xie Zizhou found a more spacious place near Xiao Changge's tent and settled down with a sad face.

Xiao Changge returned to his tent and tried it again, but he still felt a little depressed. After all, it was a good ability. What's going on?

A moment later, Xiao Changge inferred that it might have been the smoke of the flying object, and there should be a time-acting drug in it, but now it has probably passed the effect of the medicine.

, but I closed the doors and windows.

Xiao Changge tried and found that in addition to simulating the ability of other evolutionary people, he can still quickly absorb crystals, and the kung fu of the 'copper man' can still be practiced, but there are some problems with this kung fu that Xiao Changge can't solve.

Xiao Changge inferred that this kung fu called 'Bronze Man' should be cultivated for those evolutionists.

Every day, there is a 'rumbling' sound in the city, and from time to time, spacecraft land from the sky to the city.

Several people eat that kind of poop-like food every day. Shangguan Waner and Lin's aunt Xiao Ya refused to eat outside. They secretly ate in their own tents, and the remaining few people ate slowly by leaning against the tree on the grass not far away.

Luo Zihao said more than once that it was really delicious, and vaguely said that if Xiao Changge didn't eat it, he could give it to him.

Xiao Changge said that he was speechless. This thing was completely transformed from crystal. How could he give it to him when he put it away? Didn't he know that this thing was transformed from crystal?

Soon after seven days, those people who had gone that day migrated back. Xiao Changge felt very painful to see those people coming back from a distance. Isn't it good to live directly under the wall? Are they afraid that those people will change their plans to attack them? Then why do you come back? Won't they wait for you to come back?

Xiao Changge followed the crowd into the city. When he first entered the gate, everyone stared at the city surrounded by the high wall in surprise.

The whole Nanjiang City has completely changed. The former landmarks have disappeared, and the towering buildings are everywhere.

Some drivers have suspended vehicles passing over the city.

Xiao Changge knows the suspension technology. The doctor has developed the technology of using electromagnetic to suspend the car, but there are only more than a dozen vehicles in the whole laboratory with high cost. It is impossible to promote it on a large scale. How can there be such a big change in the city in only seven days?

People who entered the city were photographed for new identity certificates, and each person was given a smart wristband.

Xiao Changge put on his wristband and found that this thing was also ultra-high-tech. There was a monitor and many buttons on it. Now it is prompting: "Please return to your residence during the safety and martial law. Your residence is in Room 401, Building 3, District 3. You have three hours to return. You can take the city tour bus. You can also walk."

And there is an arrow pointing to the direction of the destination, and also introduces where to wait for the car and so on. Xiao Changge tried to operate this wristband, which is similar to a computer, and there are new laws on it.

Seeing everyone walking towards the city according to the tips on the watch, Xiao Changge asked. Except for Aunt Xie Zizhoulin, everyone else lives in the third district, and Aunt Xie Zizhoulin lives in the second district.

There was a warning sound from time to time. Xie Zizhou thanked Xiao Changge, and then a man followed the instructions of the wristband.

Xiao Changge lives relatively close to Xiao Ya and Luo Zihao's family. Although Shangguan Waner lives in the third district, it is a little far from where Xiao Changge and others live.

Xiao Changge took everyone to the place of the city tour bus according to the prompts and found that there was still a sign hanging there, and there was a chair under the sunshade beside it.

From time to time, suspended buses stopped in the distance, waiting for people there to get on the bus one after another.

When Xiao Changge and several people went there, there were many seats under the awning and everyone sat down.

Soon a suspended bus came and slowly landed the people to get on the car. Xiao Changge got on the car by himself after seeing what Shangguan Waner said to Aunt Lin below.

The suspended car took off steadily and drove towards the northwest of the city.

Everyone watched the situation outside all the way, and the whole city changed, and the previous houses were replaced by new buildings.

Arriving in the third district, Luo Zihao took his family back to his home. He happened to live opposite Xiao Changge. Xiao Ya also lived on this floor, but she did not have a room with Xiao Changge, but had a house of her own.

Luo Zihao took his wife's mother into his house. Xiao Ya smiled at Xiao Changge and opened the door beside her with her wristband and entered the house.

Xiao Changge opened the door of his room in a frenix, entered the room and automatically closed the door when he was about to close it.

The newly-leashed house is very spacious, and there is still a TV or something in the living room. Xiao Changge threw himself on the sofa and wiped it so easily that the earth was occupied?

Xiao Changge was bored in the house for a few days and understood the situation. The earth has been completely occupied by a intelligent life group called New Blue. They come from a planet called New Blue. For the peace of the universe, they called on earthlings to fight against alien life together.

I wipe this also called an appeal. Xiao Changge is depressed. I guess they brought the thing that promoted human mutation and evolution, and then they just came directly to take over.

Now people on earth are divided into three classes, superhumans, subhumans and ordinary people.

Superhumans are those mutants who went crazy at the beginning and then became normal. Subhumans are those who evolved at the beginning. Now they have no ability to become subhumans. Ordinary people are normal people who have no mutation or ability.

Xiao Changge muttered that he had become the lowest citizen, I wiped it!

There is a radical introduction on TV. After ordinary human beings evolve into twelfth-order warriors, they can become subhumans and have the identity of subhumans.

Several Asians on TV are gathering, and the table is full of all kinds of food and drinks, and it is a happy carnival.

As an ordinary person, the food provided is the kind of poop food made by the food maker in the tent, and so is water.

Xiao Changge stared at the toilet maker in the room depressedly. The place with crystals on it turned out to be completely closed and directly connected to the wall.

Xiao Changge broke the wall with a punch and picked up a few crystals from the ground. He would rather absorb the crystals to relieve his hunger than eat that kind of poop food, although they all said it tasted good.

At this time, there was an alarm in the room, and a mechanical sound sounded: "Citizen 88527, your behavior constitutes a crime of vandalism, and you will be deducted 332 consumption points!"

Xiao Changge looked for the sound source in the room but couldn't find it. After a while, a robot rocked and opened the door and came in to repair the food maker damaged by Xiao Changge.

Xiao Changge saw a prompt message on his wristband and checked it. It recorded that his consumption points were deducted 332 points, and 668 points were left.

Seeing the robot repairing the food maker there, Xiao Changge turned his head back to the bedroom.

There is a computer in the bedroom. Xiao Changge turned on the computer and checked it. It turned out that every ordinary human would have 1,000 free consumption points to use to buy items.

There is no charge to live here, and there is no water, electricity and gas bills. The food is also free, which is the kind of food in the shape of a poop made by a food maker.

Xiao Changge checked and found that if the consumption point of his destruction is not enough to be deducted, labor reform will be enforced. The consumption point obtained by labor is enough to pay a fine before he can be released. If he is okay, he can also go out to work.

Xiao Changge is not used to this completely changed life and has been stuck at home.

After his crystals were used up, Xiao Changge was also tired of absorbing crystals. Although this kind of thing can keep him from being hungry, he always doesn't feel tired when he doesn't eat food.

Xiao Changge looked at the food maker on the wall and decided not to push the door and went out.

There are also many shops in the community downstairs. There is a food vending machine hanging on one side of the wall. Xiao Changge walked over and looked at it. There are various foods in it, and you can check the price from the control panel above.

Xiao Changge bought a loaf of bread with his wristband. I wiped it and asked for ten consumption points to see that it became 658 of his consumption points.

Xiao Changge bit his bread and wandered around the community.

There, Xiao Changge saw the signboard of Jialejia Restaurant downstairs, and the newly divided house was divided according to the previous residence.

At this time, there was a 'hist' sound in the distance. Xiao Changge turned his head and saw a woman with big sunglasses in embroidered clothes riding a suspended motorcycle into the community and landed in front of the Jiale restaurant.

Xiao Changge estimated that this Jiale's restaurant should still be opened by Xiaoshun, so he went over there and planned to chat. He really didn't want to tease the waiter.

The woman did not go directly into the room, turned her head and smiled at Xiao Changge, raised her hand and stroked her hair, and then turned around and entered the house with her buttocks. Xiao Changge was a little stunned. The woman was a little familiar and followed her into the house.

When Xiao Changge went in, he found Xiaoshun and several waiters talking around the women who went in first.

"Auntie, is life in the second district really as good as on TV?" A group of girls asked. Xiao Changge looked at the woman in the back and felt a little familiar. He heard the waiter ask her aunt to say, "No!" No way!

The woman hugged Xiaoshun warmly: "Xiaoshun, don't worry about working hard here. If you have time to go to school to learn some knowledge, you can apply for a new identity certificate. Auntie supports you!"