Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 50 Expert

Two villains cleaned up Mo Hongqian over there. Xiao Changge had no physical consciousness and observed down from a high altitude. At first, Mo Hongqian scolded. Later, his figure dimmed and did not scold. He stared angrily at Xiao Changge in the sky to observe the position of view of the past.

Xiao Changge saw a red light flash in Mo Hongqian's eyes, and his consciousness gradually lost consciousness.

A faint figure flew out of Xiao Changge's head and fell on Mo Hong's diving head.

Mo Hongqian slowly opened his eyes and his face was full of fatigue. His whole body seemed to be much older. Xiao Changge, who had been lifted from the ban, opened his eyes and stared at Mo Hongqian in a daze.

"Hey!" Mo Hongqian sighed and turned around and went out.

Xiao Changge felt as if he had a dream, in which Mo Hongqian taught himself a way to practice.

Opening the door, I saw Mo Hongqian sitting on the edge of the stone table drinking porridge. There were a few dishes on the table. Mo Hongqian's face was much older, and his hand holding the bowl trembled slightly. I don't know why Xiao Changge feels that he has an intimacy with him,

"Are you awake?" Mo Hongqian smiled slightly, his trembling hands were a little unstable, and his chopsticks fell to the ground.

Mo Hongqian bent down to pick it up. He grabbed his hand next to the chopsticks a few times before catching the chopsticks. It seemed that there was something wrong with his eyes. He picked up his chopsticks and wanted to get up a few times before straightening up. He gently knocked his left hand on his back and smiled at Xiao Changge with a pale face: "I'm old, and my hands and feet are not good!"

A few days later, Mo Hongqian's complexion improved and began to go to the dungeon to torture the two women. Xiao Changge did nothing to study some of the extra knowledge in his mind.

Mo Hong came out of the dungeon with a straight face and saw where Xiao Changge was in a daze. He sat aside: "What are you thinking about?"

Xiao Changge stared at him and asked, "What did you put in my head?"

Mo Hongqian has no wrinkles on his face now. He has completely recovered the appearance when he grabbed Xiao Changge. He curled his lips and said, "Practice the ten-turn destruction magic power I passed on to you, which is much better than the broken kung fu you have practiced before. As long as you can practice the ten-turn destruction magic power to the seventh, you will be invincible in the world, hahaha! "

Xiao Changge sat in ** and carried out the very awesome and ten-turn great destruction magic skill. At the beginning, Mo Hongqian should have used what ability to directly put the method of cultivation into his mind, but he knew very well how to practice what he had never learned.

The ten-turn destruction power is divided into tenfold, and one is divided into ten turns. I only know how to practice but I don't know how powerful it is.

Xiao Changge sat down cross-legged and practiced according to the method of the first turn above. He opened the spring to attract air into the body and then used the aura to wash his whole body from the bottom up. When the aura hovered and converged on the top of his head, the fragments of aura dispersed and disappeared in the body.

Xiao Changge felt that his body was full of strength and shook his arm against the wall with a 'bang' sound.

Xiao Changge stared at his arm in surprise. This ten-turn great destruction magic skill has only been practiced once, and it is even more powerful than the internal force he has cultivated for many years.

This effort does not use internal force. The aura absorbed from the spring is directly absorbed by the body, and the strength of the body's instinct is greater than that of the previous internal force.

Xiao Changge changed some views on Mo Hongqian. Although that guy is a pervert, he really has a way in practice. No wonder he can't beat him.

At night, Xiao Changge had the problem of being lazy again. In the past, when he practiced, he practiced for a while before going to bed. Otherwise, there would not have so much time to practice. Xiao Changge lay in the ** spring to absorb the aura and then circled to the top.

This ten-turn great destruction magic skill is still good. You don't have to sit down to practice. Xiao Changge keeps repeating and gradually becoming sleepy.

Xiao Changge has fallen asleep while snoring, but his body is still automatically running the first turn.

When he sleeps, his body relaxes. He doesn't know that the aura that spreads at the top is absorbed by his body at a very fast speed, and the speed and density of the spring guiding the aura have increased a lot.

When he woke up in the morning, Xiao Changge found that he was very energetic and in a particularly energetic state, as if he had been sick for many years. Now he has recovered and is extremely light.

When the two had dinner together, Xiao Changge knocked on the table after eating and said, "Lao Mo, didn't you just want me to practice your broken kung fu? Now that I have practiced it, it's time to let me go!"

Mo Hongqian shook his head with a smile and pointed to the room on one side: "You must ask today, and then you can help me get it."

"?" Xiao Changge is full of question marks.

Xiao Changge followed Mo Hong into the dungeon and found that the woman previously locked on the right wall had disappeared, leaving only the woman on the left wall squatting there.

Mo Hongqian came forward and picked up the soft whip beside him and slapped a few scars on the woman's body. Then he said, "Say it's also for your own good. You can't keep that thing from being robbed sooner or later. I can give you ten times the price, and I will treat you completely and send it back. ."

"In this world, except for what I like, I can get it for you as long as you open your mouth. Whether it's fame or power, I'll get it for you as long as you want."

Mo Hongqian said a lot, but the woman still stared angrily at him and didn't speak.

Mo Hong sneaked aside and took a sip of water and pointed to Xiao Changge and said to the woman, "Do you know who this is? This is an expert specially invited by me from ** Lvtun. I have the best way to deal with women. If not to mention it, I want you to look good. He said hehe** and laughed, but he didn't pretend to be like it.

Xiao Changge is speechless, and such a decent person doesn't look like an expert!


Xiao Changge opened the door, and the cold wind blew in. Looking out, there was a vast expanse of ice and snow around, and several peaks in the distance stood high.

I wipe it, where is this? Xiao Changge wondered that he was knocked unconscious near Nanjiang City! Why was Mo Hongqian brought here?

Feeling the temperature here, he judged that it must be far from the Nanjiang River, and it won't snow in winter.

Mo Hongqian pushed Xiao Changge out of the door and came out himself, pointing to the mountains in the distance and said, "This is a snowy valley. If you go out and go straight to the southwest, you can get to the north in less than a month."


Guo Zili is a hacker, and he has been hiding deeply.

When the New Bluemen ruled, they used their hosts to connect the household PC to provide some legal information inquiries.

Guo Zili invaded their host at the beginning. Although the technology of the new blue man seemed to be very high, it was not enough in front of Uncle Guo. Guo Zili broke through their defense in a few days and unconsciously took out what they wanted from their minds. Many technological information was copied by him. He found a great secret on his hard disk.

After the new blue man was maimed by mysterious forces, the city fell into turmoil again. The new blue people disappeared and began to fight for power again. However, the original cattle and forced evolutionists, which were later said by the new blue man, have lost their powerful abilities. Now the physical fitness of superhumans, subhumans and ordinary people are almost fighting. It's intense.

Guo Zili drives a suspended car in the sky. The technology of extraterrestrial civilization is still quite awesome and compelling. Because it is suspended, it does not need to walk on the road on the ground. If you want to go, just drive directly from the air.

Guo Zili drove to Shahe City with a stereo. The final point of the secret he learned was nearby, and Shahe City was also his hometown. At the beginning, he came out alone to work, but now he is so chaotic outside, he also wants to go home to avoid it for a few days to find that thing.

Guo Zili was planning to turn on the self-driving function and take a nap. At this time, he found that there was someone waving clothes on the hill not far in front of him. He took the telescope beside him and looked over and found that it was the person he knew - Xiao Changge, who drank together that day.

Some people don't have to talk or socialize. As long as they look at it, they will feel like they are in love. When Guo Zili saw Xiao Changge for the first time, he had no reason to think that person was good, so he had the idea of inviting him to drink. Unexpectedly, he met Xiao Changge here, and Guo Zili drove over.

When Xiao Changge came out that day, Mo Hongqian finally pried open the woman's mouth and asked the woman to write a letter asking him to take Xiao Changge to Jingquan Town to retrieve a jade bottle for the woman's daughter. Xiao Changge went down the snowy mountain and forgot about it. Who would do something for him when he finally came out? Although the man was a little perverted, he should not hurt his father and May.

Besides, he can't find his father. Now they are all at a loss when they are with the doctor. Although he is powerful, he can't stand the many people on the doctor's side!

Besides, Mo Hongqian just asked him to pick up the jade bottle without a set a time limit. This is a big loophole. Anyway, you didn't say when you want to take it back. I'll go out and help you get it when you are free, wow ha ha ha.

Xiao Changge originally planned to go to Guolin Bay to see them in May, but it was too far. Xiao Changge learned that Shahe City was nearby and planned to go to Shahe City to get a car.

Seeing the suspension car flying from the sky, Xiao Changge waved his hand below and saw that the suspension car was really coming.

Guo Zili opened the window and waved his hand: "Brother Xiao, what a coincidence!"

Xiao Changge took a look and saw that it was the driver who invited him to drink that day. When he walked over, he found that only Guo Zili was sitting in the car, opened the door and got into the car: "Why are there no guests running a long distance by himself! It's not close to the Nanjiang River.