Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 62 I want to watch the performance!

Everything was delivered and the group of people built a house with building panels, which was quite good except for the low height.

At this time, the environment was a little comfortable, and Xiao Changge didn't want to make holes together. Although the rock drill machine was very fun to use and the whole body shook crisply, no one played with a toy for a few hours. Xiao Changge didn't want to make a hole, so he stayed in the house and asked a miner to give him a metal ball made of coins, telling him that this thing could protect against radiation, and asked him to follow Guo Zili to make a hole.

Wang Zhenhai went back to his office with lingering fear and closed the door and looked at Xiao Wang. He felt that he should not have been radiated. At this time, he should have asked Xiaoli to comfort Xiaowang. Xiaowang was scared enough just now and now he has some emotional problems!

Wang Zhenhai made a phone call on the big chair, and then turned on the computer to find something interesting to see.

Bai Hanru is very upset these days. Although the negotiation with Xiao Changge is Wang Zhenyue's instruction and he also knows that some people in the world cannot be offended, the agreement made verbally with Xiao Changge make him feel very incompetent, not only a sense of power, but also a denial of his communication ability.

Sitting in the car and ordering the driver to drive slowly, he opened the window to let the air outside flow in. After a while, he felt that his chest was not too stuffy.

The car quickly drove to the bottom of the Tongtian Coal Mine office building. Xie Changyou, who got the news outside, had been waiting for a long time. At this time, he saw Bai Hanru's car coming and hurried forward to wait for the car to stop and open the door. He bent down to welcome Bai Hanru.

Although Bai Hanru does not have the fierce reputation of Wang Zhenhai, Xie Chang knows that he is the same kind of person. It is because he is the same type of person that he knows the horror of Bai Han Ru. Wang Zhenhai killed you at most, and the people who provoked Bai Han and Confucianism were not so lucky. Not to mention that your family were also unlucky, Xie Chang knew a secret of Bai Han and Confucianism, so he was more respectful to Bai Han and Confucianism, which was really afraid.

White Han Ru likes white, gets out of the car in white soft-soled leather shoes, wearing a big white windbreaker embroidered with dragon and phoenix patterns, and inside is a light gray suit.

White Hanru believes that he is very tasteful in clothes. If people who like white really wear white, then you are out.

Bai Hanru got out of the car and shook his windbreaker. He is now the mayor of Shahe City, although he still has something to do.

After taking over the cigar handed over by the male secretary, he put it in his mouth. Xie Chang wanted to come forward to light a fire for some pleasure, but the secretary was very professional and lit up the cigar lighter.

Bai Hanru waited for the flame to come to the front of the cigar and took a shallow breath, then took off the cigar and handed it to the secretary, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke on his face.

This cigar should be held in the secretary's hand all the time. Maybe he hasn't smoked it, and the secretary will throw away the cigar when he goes back. Maybe he will be interested in taking a sip, but this time is rare, because Bai Hanru doesn't like smoking at all. In essence, he doesn't smoke at all. He just sucks it into his mouth and spit it out.

He doesn't need the stimulation of tobacco, but just wants to be a style, which is very particular about power. Only a person who pays attention to himself can make others pay attention to you.

In communication with people, even if people don't know that Bai Hanru is a person from the Wang family martial arts school and don't know that he is very skillful, he can directly use this style to create a lot of pressure on his opponents. From the beginning, he will naturally be led by his nose to do anything.

Although there is no need to show any style to these people, Bai Hanru believes that this momentum needs to be cultivated. When you get used to the momentum you deliberately make, you have this momentum, and the momentum you pretend to become your instinctive momentum.

Bai Hanru's face is calm and leads a few people into the building without any waves. It seems that there is nothing in the world that can move him. This is a more advanced state that pays nothing to his eyes but does not appear frivolous and has a better effect.

When he arrived at Wang Zhenhai's office, several people sat on the sofa next to him.

At this time, Xiaoli was bathing in the bathroom in the back bedroom. She spent more time brushing her teeth, using a toothpaste that did not have an irritating non-mint flavor. She brushed it very carefully because Wang Zhenhai wanted to give Xiao Wang a reward.

Wang Zhenhai ignored Bai Han and Confucianism. The two grew up together and played together. Wang Zhenhai fully understood what virtue he had. In terms of strength, Wang Zhenhai dumped him a few streets, and he was not happy to catch him and asked for mercy. However, in terms of power plotting, Zhenhai thought that he was not his opponent, and he was still more convinced that his ability was stronger than himself. He was not as bad and treacherous as him.

Wang Zhenhai is chatting with people on QQ. In fact, this is a very interesting thing. Although after the fog and chaos, the contact phone can't be connected to the Internet and can't be connected to the outside, the intranet in his city is still well built. By chatting with Wang Zhenhai on QQ, you can get a relatively high entertainment index.

He can talk to the girls and make an appointment to meet them. When the girls learned that the person he was dating was Wang Zhenhai, Wang Zhenhai liked the expression on their faces at that time. You can imagine that they would be shocked, scared or happy. Some girls were scared and fainted, and some wanted to run away but did not dared. After that, Wang Zhenhai can interact with them.

If you meet a shemale, and even I dare to cheat, Wang Zhenhai doesn't mind helping him with a low-end sex resexual surgery.

If she is dozens of years old and still dares to pretend to lie to her brother, Wang Zhenhai wants her to know that she is not young and dares to sell s - in fact, many uncles in the coal mine are very lonely. Ask the miners to have a meeting to study why this woman is still in so old and in need. It must be a physiological problem! Wang Zhenhai thought it was fun to ask those miners to study and write a research report.

"Sister, I'm a pink little Zhengtai! I'm just 16 years old this year! I don't know anything. Can you talk to me about life? Wang Zhenhai sent it to a QQ friend named 'Little Nizi is very lonely' with a mocking expression on his face.

Soon there was a reply from there: "My sister loves money. Do you have money? Call a thousand, and I'll give you a video performance.

Wang Zhenhai opened the page of the local bank and called tens of thousands of yuan to the account provided by the 'little girl', and then said in QQ: "Shock! Look at your account and perform it for me!" There was no reply after a while, and it showed that it was offline.

Wang Zhenhai was anxious and said on QQ, "FUCK, you liar, I want to watch the performance!"

There has been no reply from there, and Wang Zhenhai continued to curse. After a while, the 'little girl' secretly replied, "stupid, you are the fool who cheated. Don't bother me anymore, don't harass me with other accounts, and blackmail you!"

"I'm a nun!" Wang Zhenhai cursed and typed: "Do you know who I am?"

The other side replied, "Damn, get out of here quickly, no matter who you are and who you love!"

Wang Zhenhai patted hard on the table a few times and asked Bai Hanru to point to the QQ number on the monitor and said, "Fuck, just this number, find out whose home she lives in. The grass dares to be played with me in Shahe."

Bai Hanru picked up the mouse and found the person's IP address on his face. He picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Old Yu? Check me an IP is xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx, check what phone number this IP is on the Internet, and what the address is.

The phone replied quickly. After saying the phone number and address, he asked, "Mayor Bai, what do you want us to do?"

Bai Hanru looked at Wang Zhenhai beside him: "That person's online name should be called 'Little girl is very lonely'. Find this person and take it to the mine on Tongtian and give it to Zhenhai. I hope she is a woman. If she is a man, it will be too worthy of sympathy." He answered and hung up the phone. Obviously, he was in a hurry to deal with this matter.

Wang Zhenhai also heard the phone number and address just now.

Wang Zhenhai said to the invisible 'little girl is very lonely' on QQ: "You, damn it, you're done!"

Wang Zhenhai may have been blacklisted, and there has been no reply. Wang Zhenhai picked up the phone on the table and dialed it. After a while, it was a girl's weak voice: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Wang Zhenhai felt that the voice was very soft, and the woman's body should also be very soft and couldn't help lowering her tone: "Hello, is 'little girl is very lonely' living here?"

There was obviously stunned, and then the girl asked in horror, "How do you know my online name?"

As soon as Wang Zhenhai heard this, the girl who answered the phone with a soft voice was 'little girl is very lonely': "FUCK, let you collect money and not perform for me, haha, you're done!"

The girl over there said in horror, "Are you a 'underage'? How do you know my home phone number? Who the hell are you?

At this time, there was a noisy sound of smashing the door, and then it seemed that the door had been knocked down and made a loud noise, and a group of people scolded and girls' panicked.

'The little girl is very lonely' asked in horror, "Who the hell are you? I can return the money to you. What's wrong with these people?" Before he finished speaking, a scream gradually faded away, and only the sound of the microphone falling on the ground and rolling back and forth was heard.

Wang Zhenhai was interested. He didn't expect that the action there was really fast enough to catch the person. He couldn't chat with her on the phone for a while. Wang Zhenhai said that he was very disappointing and hung up the phone: "Fuk, it seems that they are rough. They won't wipe the oil first, will they?"

Bai Hanru curled his lips and said, "I told them to send it to you. Do you think they dared to do that?"