Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 116 Zizhou first

Xie Zizhou stared at the situation outside in surprise. What am I going to do?

I thought she was bringing herself to find a helper, but what's the situation now? How does her helper brush the gab with her?

The troll's voice was no longer angry, but soft, and its cry was very lingering, but the woman in front of it roared and screamed, struggling but struggling.

Xie Zizhou is a little regretful. If he knew that this would happen, it would be better to let this woman in and be happy. Now he can only watch the troll happy.


The big leader stabbed him with a gun and was blocked by Xiao Changge's spiritual power.

At this time, he found that the second headman was hiding behind several people. When he saw several people retreating the corner, he did not chase them, but turned around and tried to sneak attack from behind them.

Xiao Changge blocked it with spiritual power and called out the anti-dragon claws to surprise him. This was the first time he met a person who could block his weapons. He knew that his weapons were extremely sharp and a treasure. He had not met the blade that could block his magic soldiers for many years.

He was blocked by Xiao Changge. He was a little surprised and felt that it was better to sneak up. After all, he was familiar with the terrain in the cave. They were not familiar with it. If they resisted hard, his spiritual power might not be deeper than that person, and it would not be good to suffer losses.

The big man spared a few hidden roads to reach the detour of Xiao Changge and several people retreated, only to find that several people were no longer here and did not know where they had gone.

The head of the family scolded me angrily and took a detour to sneak attack, but I didn't expect him to be here anymore.

At this time, when he saw the second head coming back from outside the cave, he asked, "What about the three?"

The second head stabbed Zheng Xiaowan's dagger. At that time, he was slapped by Zheng Xiaowan's backhand. After that, he hid his body and retreated and monitored the three people from afar. After that, he felt the pain from the beaten part, so he saw the three retreat, but he did not take action, but retreated back.

Hearing that the second head said that the three had left, the big head thought for a moment and did not chase him out. Seeing that the second head was injured, he comforted him a few words. Thinking that his wife was still angry, he went back to comfort his wife.

The big head opened the door and saw that his wife was not in the room. Soon he found a trace of clues, sniffed his nose, smelled an unfamiliar smell in the room, and looked around for his wife.

The big head looked outside the room where the troll was closed, heard the wailing of the lady inside, and hurriedly took out the key to open the door, but found that it could not be opened.

He called out a long gun and stabbed the door, and broke the door a few times. Seeing that the troll inside was grabbing his wife to play, he was immediately furious and rushed in and stabbed the troll with a gun.

The troll only cared about pleasure, was torn by a few shots from behind by the big head, and fell down unwillingly in his mouth.

The big head rescued his wife and found that she had bled and bit her lips. At this time, there was no breath.

Seeing the cage where the troll was imprisoned, Xie Zizhou was looking at this side in surprise. The big man suddenly caught fire. He picked up the railing with a few shots and went in to attack Xie Zizhou.

After two moves with the big master, Xie Zizhou was scratched a wound on his waist. Knowing that it was not an opponent, Xie Zizhou wanted to escape around the big master, but the big boss reached out and was fascinated by a double-headed gun, forcing Xie Zizhou to escape by bypass him.

Xie Zizhou was scratched again on his leg, which was not good. If you continue, you may have to explain here and turn to the hole behind you.

The big head was stunned when he saw him running to the mouth of the cave, but followed him. Xie Zizhou ran in and saw that the huge spider on the other side of the mouth of the cave was still there. He was anxious to raise his hand and shoot a bloody drill to link with the giant spider.

The bloody practice linked Xie Zizhou and the spider. The spider seemed to be very afraid of Xie Zizhou's method and quickly retreated to open the hole.

Xie Zizhou rushed out and took a look. There was a small valley outside. I wiped it full of such disgusting spiders all over, hundreds of them, large and small, which disgusted him.

This spider has colorful stripes and black-and-white circle patterns, which is a highly poisonous species at first glance.

His eyes swept over a light door on the inside of the valley. Xie Zizhou was stunned and turned his head to see the big boss chasing out. The disgusting spiders around him were now surrounded by shock. He gritted his teeth to determine the direction and ran towards the light gate.

The big head chased out of the hole and stopped when he saw the spider in the valley. This is the famous ten thousand cave poisonous spider,

When he set up a cottage in the cave, he actually robbed the territory of other people's poisonous spiders. It is precisely because the second leader has some means that he can set up a cottage in the cave. Whenever the three cities are pursued and his power is invincible, he releases poisonous spiders to resist the enemy. He knows the horror of this poisonous spider.

Seeing that Xie Zizhou did not understand the horror of the poisonous spider in the cave, he rushed straight to the light door. The big owner retreated a few steps back to the cave and sneered. Even if he had lived here for so many years, he did not find out the secret of the light gate. The place of the poisonous spider in the cave was not so easy to break through.

He saw a new poisonous spider coming out from behind the light door, which gave up his desire to know the secret of the light door.

Xie Zizhou rushed straight to the light door. He didn't notice that the chasing leader behind him retreated, but the spiders around him rushed towards him and spit out spider silk from his mouth, trying to stick to him.

Xie Zizhou avoided the spider silk and rushed to block the way. He shot countless bloody exercises from his body and connected with the spiders around him.

Those spiders seemed to be very afraid of his method, so they stopped their pace and watched Xie Zizhou approach the light gate.

Xie Zizhou rushed into the light door and felt that he had hit something. He fixed his eyes and wiped a big spider full of patterns, and he was very close to the spider. The fluff on the spider touched his cheeks.

Xie Zizhou raised his hand to catch the spider's two front legs and tore them to both sides, but found that the strength of the spider's body was stronger than he imagined, and he could not hurt it.

Xie Zizhou let go of his hand to avoid it and found that he had been in another space. The sky in this space was very blue, and the sun was shining in the sky and it was very warm.

'Have you returned to the earth?' Xie Zizhou said secretly, but when he saw many of these spiders gathered nearby, he couldn't help but feel that his head was big, and he quickly ran out in the direction of a few spiders.


The carriage moved along the road and was close to the Spark City. The elderly driver frowned when he saw the three people lying on the road in front of the road. When they approached the three people to pull the horse, the carriage stopped steadily.

Murong Xiaoqing poked her head and saw the three people upside down on the road ahead.

The driver shook his head, took out a fan knife from the side and jumped down from the cart and walked over vigilantly.

Murong Xiaoqing shouted softly: "Zhang Bo can't!" With that, he pushed the door and walked down.

When Uncle Zhang heard Murong Xiaoqing's instructions, he stopped his figure and saw Murong Xiaoqing get out of the car to investigate and raise his hand to stop her: "Miss, it may be an ambush."

Murong Xiaoqing shook her head and still walked over and looked at the three people on the ground.

Zheng Xiaowan fell aside, and Xiao Changge lay on the ground with her upper body. Fan Xinru lay on Xiao Changge's back, and her lips were still against the side of the wound on Xiao Changge's back.

Murong Xiaoqing smelled a sweet smell in the air and saw the brightly colored pink wound on Xiao Changge's back, and she almost knew what was going on.

Murong Xiaoxiao said to himself, "How can anyone escape from this poison?" After saying that, he looked around warily, afraid he was ambushed.

The cave is very famous in the vicinity, and two of them are good at hiding poison. This kind of spring poison is taken from the magic spider.

The cave magic spider is a large red spider with a black and white ring pattern. This kind of spider likes to live in caves. They do not weave web hunting, but spray sticky silk to catch prey. The sticky silk they spewed out is very sticky and firm, and several horses are constantly pulled and difficult to remove.

The sticky silk of the ten thousand cave magic spider also has this toxicity, but what is more important is that the ten thousand cave magic spider likes to inject them with this poison before eating live food. This poison will increase the temperature in the hunter and accelerate the blood flow speed, so that it can enjoy a warm blood drink first, and then eat softer Food is more conducive to chewing food.

The negative effect of this poison is to make people have hallucinations and have an impulsive desire to want jp, so this poison is also a relatively rare medicinal material. In addition to being able to make powerful **, it also has other effects such as blood circulation if used in trace amounts. However, because it is difficult to obtain, the price has been high.

This kind of monster ranks 32nd in the list of fierce demons in the stone top world. It is a relatively powerful monster. Ordinary people can't deal with them. Because they like to live in caves, they rarely hurt people if they don't provoke them.

It is because the Wan cave occupies this favorable terrain that makes it very difficult for the three surrounding cities to destroy him. They see that the enemy is difficult to defeat. As long as they retreat, there will be magic spiders to help them resist the enemy. How they can survive in the magic spider cave is still a mystery.

Murong Xiaoqing looked around warily. When Zhang Bo saw Murong Xiaoqing's vigilance, he also became nervous and looked around with a knife, but there was no movement.