Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 137 Lake

Xiao Changge suspects that the plants in the stone top world are sparse, which is probably related to the amount of aura. The aura here is abundant, the vegetation is also green, and it looks comfortable!

was forcibly crossed into this world. At first, Xiao Changge still had a little novel feeling, but after a long time, he began to feel a little homesick. After all, he lived on the earth for so long and suddenly went to a strange place. After the freshness at the beginning, he also felt bored.

Murong Xiaoqing's short stick spiritual weapon didn't know how it was useless. She did not dare to break into the dark world alone. She hesitated again and again and felt that it would be okay to tell the two of them. They should not compete with themselves for what the master wants to get.

Only then did the two know that she had come in to Bibo Lake, an oasis of green grass, to find a plant called green flowers and plants.

Xie Zizhou asked, but did not ask what the green flowers and plants were for, but after he looked through his treasure books behind their backs, his eyes lit up.

What the three people didn't know was that Liu Shangzhen asked Murong Xiaoqing to go to the dark world. The intention was not to let her find some green flowers and plants at all, but just an excuse.

In her plan, Murong Xiaoqing met her son in the dark world. After that, the two rubbed out the fireworks of love, and then she controlled Miyagi, and her plan took another big step forward.

How could Murong Xiaoqing think that she was accepted as an apprentice by Liu Shangzhen, all in other people's plans.

The three walked forward slowly, and Xiao Changge looked at the hillside in front of him and said, "What a green oasis!" Your master didn't tell you where the grass oasis is?"

Murong Xiaoqing shook her head but did not answer. Xie Zizhou had asked her many times.

Xiao Changge couldn't help scolding in his heart: What kind of master he wiped and asked her apprentice to come here to find a green grass oasis, but he didn't tell her where he was going. The master was too irresponsible.

Xiao Changge suspected that her master was playing with her. In such a big dark world, he didn't tell her where the grass oasis was, so she asked her to look for it.

The animals in the dark world are very powerful. After that, the three encountered several animals, all of which are physically strong. Even if you have a deep spiritual power, you can't be hurt without sharp weapons.

Fortunately, Xiao Changge's demon gun and anti-dragon claws can break the defense of these animals, otherwise the three would have known that they would die hundreds of times.

Xiao Changge was speechless to her master and felt that her master should not be a good person.

During this period, Xiao Changge went out more than once to explore the situation in the dark world, but the scope of this dark world was very large, and Xiao Changge did not find any noteworthy clues around him.

Now in the direction of the three people, there is a river over there.

Although all three of them are masters of practicing spiritual power, they can't stand it without drinking water for a long time, so they have to migrate.

Xiao Changge has decided that if it doesn't work, go back to the stone top world. After all, there are human beings there.

Where there are human gathering places, there is a supply of food and other living resources. At worst, you occupy thousands of caves. When you want to practice, you can practice in nearby places. At least the living materials can be supplied from the stone top.

The stream flows here.

The grass on both sides of the stream is full of unknown wild flowers, and there are obviously more grass around it.

A huge green cow is by the river, bowing its head to drink water and looking at the surrounding situation.

At this time, there was an extremely subtle sound from a distance. The huge green cow looked up, and three people came up the slope over there.

The two men and a woman had a lot of dust on their bodies and looked very dirty. Qingniu looked at the three with some vigilance.

These three are Xiao Changge, Xie Zizhou and Murong Xiaoqing.

The three of them were enlightened when they saw the river. After all, they had been thirsty for several days.

The three people ran to the river happily. Although they found a huge green cow by the river, the three did not care. They had met this big green cow before. Although it was huge, it was actually a very docile animal.

The three ran to a little upstream and drank the stream with their hands, and then washed their faces with water.

Xie Zizhou began to remove the equipment and jumped into the stream to wipe himself.

When he unloaded the equipment, the two noticed that Xiao Changge was very speechless and said that his free life was a cow. He couldn't explain it. The child's life was really free and easy.

Although I'm also a little uncomfortable at this time and want to take a shower, it's daytime! There are also women around! This shameless thing,

When Xiao Changge saw him playing with water, he sat down by the river and rested. He looked at the white clouds in the distance in the sky and felt very comfortable.

Murong Xiaoqing was not familiar with Xie Zizhou. She didn't expect this person's concept to be so open that she took a heavenly bath directly. Her face was a little flushed and she dared not stay by the river again. When she got to Xiao Changge and sat down, she was also tired and wanted to rest for a while.

Xie Zizhou took off his equipment and played with water alone in the stream. After all, the weather was very hot, and it was very comfortable to take a shower in the stream.

He played happily and splashed the stream at Xiao Changge and the other two: "Oh, let's wash it together!"

Xiao Changge sighed and turned his head to look at him and frowned: "Isn't it cold?"

Xie Zizhou curled his lips when he saw Xiao Changge's attitude and was very disdainful: "People are really strange animals. I was not very happy to play together when I was a child. When I grew up, I was bound by various ideas. Are you tired? Don't tell me that you haven't played in the river with other children when you were a child."

Xiao Changge retorted, "But now we have grown up!"

The two had different ideas, and Xie Zizhou was also very disappointing. He randomly dialed in the stream and ignored them.

Although Xiao Changge felt that Xie Zizhou was a little nervous, when he heard him stir up the stream, he also itched. When he arrived at the stone top, he had never taken a shower.

Xiao Changge had explored the nearby terrain before, knew that there was a big lake upstream, and got up and walked over there.

Xie Zizhou and Murong Xiaoqing did not follow. Xiao Changge arrived at the lake, unloaded his equipment next to a tree and went into the water in his trousers.

The lake water is very cool. Xiao Changge feels that the pores of his whole body are absorbing moisture, and some of his dry skin is moistened, which is very comfortable.

Xiao Changge moved with both hands and swam into the lake.

In fact, Xiao Changge can't swim, but now he has a certain foundation for spiritual and internal cultivation, and he can shut down for a long time, so he has the courage to swim to the deep water in the lake.

Xiao Changge found that as long as you don't worry about not being able to breathe, it is still very simple to learn to swim. Xiao Changge closed his breath and dug in it for a while and learned how to make his body float in the water more easily.

The dry skin is moistened, and Xiao Changge feels that his whole body is very comfortable, and the lake is slightly cool but not cold. The water on the surface of the water is a little warm, and the deeper part below is slightly cool.

Xiao Changge also became playful, dived under the lake and opened his eyes to observe the scenery below.

When Xiao Changge left, Murong Xiaoqing didn't care. She thought he was going to relieve his hand, but after a while, when he saw that Xiao Changge had not yet returned, he heard the sound of Xie Zizhou playing with water and became a little alert.

The three have been living together these days, and they don't have any crooked thoughts about themselves, but now that Xiao Changge has left, and Xie Zizhou next to her is naked and playing with water, she is a little alert.

After all, Xie Zizhou's bare water play in the stream in broad daylight has already embarrassed her. If he comes out to do bad things at this time,

Murong Xiaoqing thought for a moment and gently got up and walked in the direction where Xiao Changge left, but she did not dare to look back at Xie Zizhou.

Xie Zizhou was playing in the stream. After seeing Xiao Changge leave, Murong Xiaoqing also followed her. She couldn't help looking at her buttocks a few times and curled her lips. She didn't know what she was thinking.

Murong Xiaoqing walked not far. After crossing the hillside over there, she found the big lake below.

The lake is very large and the water is very clear. It ripples slightly under the breeze. As long as you see it, you will feel comfortable.

The weather is a little hot, and Murong Xiaoqing also feels that her skin is hungry and thirsty. After all, there has been no water for many days, and her skin is very dry now.

She and Xiao Changge did not go down from the same place, so they did not see the equipment unloaded by Xiao Changge. At this time, Xiao Changge was diving, so she was not noticed.

When she arrived at the lake, she picked up the clean water and wiped her face. Just now, she was at the stream. Not long after she arrived at the water's edge, Xie Zizhou washed it, and she didn't have time to wipe her face.

Murong Xiaoqing flushed her face with water and felt that her face was cool. She has ruined herself these days.

Rolling up her sleeves, she lifted water to moisturize the skin on her arms.

Murong Xiaoqing sat by the lake for a long time, but did not find Xiao Changge. Did Xiao Changge go somewhere else?

Seeing that there was no one around, Murong Xiaoqing's courage inevitably increased. After all, she had not been exposed to water for many days. Now when she arrived at the lake, she instinctively felt that her body was dry and her desire to go in and take a shower was very strong.

She found a place to carry her back, took off her skirt, put the short stick aside, looked around vigilantly in a bra and trousers, and soaked in the lake, leaving only her head exposed to the water.

Xiao Changge closed his breath and dived and found that there were still fish in the lake. He was swimming freely. He said that it was good to grab some fish and roast them for a while. These days, he ate the meat of beasts. After eating for a long time, he couldn't help but feel a little hard and uncomfortable to bite.

But I'm not busy catching fish. It's good to play diving first. Haha, it's okay for me to shut up for a few days now. Let's experience being an underwater creature first!

Although Xiao Changge's diving depth is already very deep, because the lake is very clean and clear, the transparency is very good, and the light can still shine down. Although it is closer to the bottom, the darker it is, it can still barely see.