Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 161 Key

Wanyou Valley is not within the scope of water supply, power supply and heating in the urban area, and the telephone line has not been pulled over.

However, these have been solved properly. Wangyou Valley has its own generator set, deep machine well, and heating system. Now Tian Yukun is surfing the Internet wirelessly, and the network speed is very powerful.

Tian Yukun felt that the video on the PC was not to his appetite, so he closed the page and continued to search, obtained the connection address and played it online.

This film is called 'Western European Cult Sacrifice Ceremony', and he feels that this film is suitable for his appetite from the title.

Sure enough, after the opening, several men began a cruel religious ceremony. Even if Tian Yukun, a person who felt cold enough, frowned, I was too cruel,

Because it is an emerging religion, Tian Yukun needs to learn. This religious ceremony is very useful for member management and is easy to form a deterrent.

At this time, the phone next to him rang. Tian Yukun picked up the receiver and heard the information inside, and his face changed. After putting down the phone, he thought for a while and opened the door and walked out of the room.


That day, Lao Wang was resting on the lawn when a woman in a somewhat exposed dress caught his attention.

The woman was dressed in a blue gauze, and the denim shorts and waistcoat faintly came out. In fact, the woman's white and swaying thighs and tender meat between her waist and abdomen attracted his attention more.

Lao Wang didn't recognize this woman and guessed that she might have come to Xiaofu to do business. When he saw the woman entering the courtyard and saw herself mowing the lawn here, he came straight this way.

Lao Wang stopped his work. The woman smiled and walked to Lao Wang and asked, "Where does May live?"

Lao Wang was about to speak, but he was attracted by the headphones in the woman's ear, and now he can hear a faint sound inside.

The woman listened attentively, and then smiled more. She raised her hand and pointed her slender finger at Lao Wang's head and said, "I don't think I need to ask you now."

After saying that, he exhaled softly: "Bang!" He waved his finger at Lao Wang's head.

When she left Lao Wang, there was a small hole in Lao Wang's head, but no scars could be seen from the front.

She ignored the slowly falling Lao Wang over there, but looked up and counted the windows one by one.

May is putting some items in a large carton in the room. Nan Jiayan outside was very strange. She killed a person in Xiao's house, which did not alert them. A man with a ladder on his shoulder over there just looked at this side without shouting.

She determined her position and ran lightly towards the building. Her movements were light but the distance between each step was not close. She went downstairs and looked up at a window above. She rushed up, grabbed the protruding point on the building halfway, and went out of the window a few times.

Nan Jiayan, who rushed out of the window, attracted May's attention. She turned her head and looked over, wondering why a woman squatted out of the window and looked in.

Nan Jiayan waved her hand and broke the window, and her whole body flew to May.

Seeing that she was fierce and dared not neglect in May, she got up and went out with one hand and hit her with her right fist from the bottom up.

The two quickly met several times, and in May, their palms pushed towards Nan Jiayan.

Nan Jiayan did not dodge and directly raised her palms to May's palms.

Feering the hot spiritual power from May's palm, Nan Jiayan's body stiffened and was kicked on her by May.

Seeing that the woman was kicked out of the window by herself, May jumped to the window sill and jumped down with Nan Jiayan's falling figure.

Nan Jiayan landed first and found that the following May jumped down from above. Now she raised her foot and kicked herself. She stepped back to the side and saw that May fell low, so she quickly stepped forward and kicked out.

When she retreated, she had already circled to one side. At this time, May in the air had no time to turn around and attack, so she had to twist her hands to protect her chest and abdomen.

When Nan Jiayan kicked over, she grabbed Nan Jiayan's kicked foot with both hands and wanted to take the opportunity to fight back.

Unexpectedly, Nan Jiayan was good at kung fu. After kicking out, her body rotated, and the leg that attacked in front of her took off May's block and kicked on May's lower abdomen.

When she saw May fall out and landed, she folded and squatted on the ground. She was about to rush to attack when she noticed that an object in the sky was rapidly shooting at her.

She raised her hand to catch the thing and found that it was a pen, which had now been broken by herself. The blue ink filled her hands and splashed on her body.

Nan Jiayan looked up angrily and saw a woman standing on the roof. The woman raised her hand to play with her hair and quickly drew a gun and shot herself.

Nan Jiayan turned around calmly to avoid the first few attacks, and then raised her hand and shot down the bullets fired after her.

By this time, Xiao Lin on the roof had jumped down.

When Nan Jiayan saw Xiao Lin jump down, she rushed over and wanted to ambush again. She circled aside and wanted to wait until Xiao Lin was close to the ground and forcibly attack from the side when it was inconvenient for her.

When Xiao Lin saw Nan Jiayan's behavior, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, her hands closed slightly in front of her, and pushed Nan Jiayan out, who was looking up from below.

Nan Jiayan knew that her movements were not good. She guessed that it should be a long-range attack. At this time, it was too late to avoid it. She could only push forward with both hands of the spiritual power in her body and block it in front of her.

After Nan Jiayan exerted her spiritual power, she pushed forward with both hands, and the air around her palm was faintly distorted.

Xiao Lin's move was not so imposing, and there was no movement in front of her.

Just when Nan Jiayan thought that she just gestured to scare herself, a strong spiritual power hit her defensive spiritual power.

Although Xiao Lin's attack did not have much momentum, its strength was sufficient. The spiritual shield supported by Nan Jiayan could not be defended at all, but made a gap in it as soon as it touched it. The spiritual power penetrated Nan Jiayan's protection and hit her directly.

Nan Jiayan flew out backwards, and the green veil on her body had been shattered. She rotated and flew out. When she landed, she twisted her body and squatted on the ground.

The spiritual defense was broken. Nan Jiayan's chest fluctuated sharply, and her face was much pale. Seeing that the woman jumping off the roof was about to attack again, she got up and met her.

At this time, a spiritual power hit by the side directly hit Xiao Lin. She was originally opposite to Nan Jiayan. The sudden spiritual attack made her unable to escape and was hit by the spiritual power and flew out.

Xiao Lin jumped up and found a man standing on a big tree outside the courtyard.

The man was wearing a red robe, with a flame pattern on his chest, and the golden thread from the pattern extended to the cuffs. Behind his robe also had a ring standing behind his head, a very strange costume, a little like a fairy in the past.

This person is not someone else. It is Tian Yukun, the head of the Great Fan God Religion. He got the news and then brought the saint to get the key.

On the one hand, it is to get the key to open the treasure, and on the other hand, it means to exercise the saint.

I can't always take care of her. Now her strength in the school is average. If I raise her to the top now, the elderly in the school will not accept it. In the future, it will not be safe to leave her in charge of the school.

He also knew that there were no good people in his teaching. Maybe he would go out for a while, and when she came back, she gave it to others.

Even if you are very strong, it will take some time to really suppress those crazy people.

Tian Yukun slapped Xiao Lin and fell down from the tree with a smile. He was very fairy-like. He fell slowly and deliberately encouraged his aura to support his red robe and dance, which was very chic.

When Nan Jiayan saw the master coming, she also retreated.

Tian Yukun saw that the jewelry on May's chest was the key he wanted to find. He raised his hand and waved gently to May's chest, and the jewelry on May's chest flew to him.

The hollow ornament in the shape of this ball is still a hollow ball. There is a horizontal axis between the two balls, which can be rotated inside and outside. Now the pendant is controlled by Tian Yukun with spiritual power. May quickly lowered his head and gave up the necklace, otherwise he would be held around his neck.

She gave up the necklace but didn't. She raised her hand and grabbed the necklace and pulled it back.

The pendant and chain body of the necklace are not a set. The chain body is matched at the back. The gold necklace can't resist the pull of the two people at all, and it is pulled off by the force of the two people with a 'bang'.

There was only a necklace left in May, but the pendant flew towards Tian Yukun.

Tian Yukun caught the flying chain pendant, smiled twice, and raised his hand at May's palm. May immediately felt that he had been caught and stretched around, and his whole body was pulled in a large shape.

Tian Yukun stopped and smiled twice, turned to Nan Jiayan and said, "Let's go."

The two were about to leave when a young man in a green robe came out from behind the building.

The young man had a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, his eyes were bright, and his thick eyebrows and sword were straight.

After he appeared, he raised his hand and fought with Tian Yukun. Suddenly, the wind around them overflowed and felt a great suction from behind him.

The few green yarn left on Nan Jiayan's body was sucked out, and the upright ring behind Tian Yukun's robe was also pulled off and rolled over there.

When the two turned around, Tian Yukun saw that the red ring flying to the young man was a little familiar. He looked back and touched it. Sure enough, the decoration behind him was gone.

Tian Yukun's eyesight became bad.

When the young man saw that the two stopped, he stepped on his toes and gently touched the ground, and several ups and downs came in front of them.

The young man scolded, "How dare you to make trouble at the outer door of my Qingluan. If you don't give up, you can go back with me and wait for punishment."