Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 163 Yan Bing

He looked a little solemn. Looking at the beam shining through the light, he also guessed what might have been placed here before.

Nan Jiayan beside her was also shocked by the huge power of the light. Fortunately, she didn't stand on the route that the light had just passed, otherwise she would not be able to bear it at this time. People who were so powerful as the master couldn't resist being repelled, and she would be even more dangerous.

Tian Yukun came forward to the side of the lock hole with a solemn face, frowned and felt difficult to do. It seemed that someone had been here before and took away the items on the pillar.

Thinking that this was the Wang family's coal mine, and the outside had been banned for a long time, he couldn't help rushing out with Nan Jiayan.


Behind the maze inside the No. 3 mine.

This is a large space with many large dome buildings.

Near the far left side of the cave wall, there are two tall metal columns on the ground, which are linked to a large factory building on the other side.

Now the people in this space are busy transporting a truckload of goods from those dome buildings. They drive small forklifts to transport the goods to a small light door about two meters high near the cave wall on the right side, and then someone will remove the goods above and transport them out.

From time to time, someone takes things back from the outside to this closed huge space and sends back different goods.

Most of the goods they transported were crystals, handicrafts, animal skins, etc., while those who came back brought back various daily necessities, electrical appliances, and some large tools that were disassembled.

This is the earth base connecting the mountain base of the stone top.

The first discovery of the Ming Emperor was only a naturally formed transmission channel, which will be closed for half a month every month and pass through the rest of the time.

This channel made the Ming Emperor make a lot of money from the goods from the two places, but later the small channel here changed, and people whose spiritual cultivation reached a certain strength could not pass.

After that, he began to form a team of ordinary people to transport goods and profit from the exchange of goods between the two places.

Later, Dr. Luo used scientific and technological means to transmit energy to the light door, so that he could open and close the transmission channel according to needs, which was of great help to the transmission work in the two places.

Yan Bing sat solemnly on a dome building on the left.

He is the person in charge of the transportation plane, and he is engaged in defense and education here.

Although the passageway with the outside world now limits the ability of people to enter and leave, the goods shipped from here will always attract the attention of external forces, which have been counterattacked by external forces more than once.

Yan Bing stationed here to prevent those people from rushing in and destroying the space transmitter. If this only channel connected to the earth is lost, the material advantage of Minghuang Mountain will no longer exist.

In addition, it is educational work. The people in the stone top world are all earthlings who have passed through, or their descendants.

So many of those responsible for transporting goods will run away and never come back after going out.

In addition to putting remote-controlled explosives and various restrictions on them to prevent them from escaping, it is also important to do their ideological work well.

But this is still a little useless, and many people still choose not to come back after going out.

Fortunately, Yan Bing has reached an agreement with several forces that rushed in and gradually replaced the people in the stone top world with their personnel to transport goods, but there are still many people staying here who will try to escape through that channel.

Yan Bing doesn't understand why their welfare benefits have been raised so high, and they still choose to escape.

At present, most of the remaining employees in the base have relatives in the Shidingjie. Yan Bing intends not to send people to transport goods out in the next step. His own people only need to go out to find out for intelligence. For the exchange of goods, just ask those people outside to transport the goods for exchange.

After the interruption of the transmission some time ago, the Earth base was no longer contacted by the main base, which gave Yan Bing a bad feeling.

The transmitter has been turned on many times, but there is no response from the main base, which makes everyone guess whether something has happened in the Stone Peak.

Although Yan Bing lives well here, if he can't return to the stone top world, he feels like a fat mouse trapped in a metal cave. Although there is a hole, he can't go out.

This feeling is very bad.

He is the most powerful and the most capable person here. He lives an emperor-like life. There is nothing missing from everything he wants, but he has been unable to connect with the transmission channel of the stone top world, making him feel more and more trapped.

At this time, the opposite side of the cave wall shook, and gravel fell from above, which attracted Yan Bing's attention.

The stone wall in this huge cave is very strong and cannot be destroyed, otherwise you can go out directly through the mountain wall, and you don't have to be limited by the small channel that restricts ability.

The opposite mountain wall shook, and the rubble above fell down one after another. A huge metal door appeared on the mountain wall after falling from the rubble in front of it.

This movement attracted the attention of the workers below and stopped to watch.

The huge metal door on the stone wall slowly opened in the dull friction, and Yan Bing found two people standing outside the door.

The two are a man and a woman, the man wearing a red robe with a circular decoration on his back.

The woman was dressed in a blue gauze, wearing denim shorts and waistcoat.

It was Tian Yukun and Nan Jiayan who came in.

After many attempts, Tian Yukun finally opened the huge door with the ball-shaped key in the lock hole with spiritual power.

Tian Yukun was stunned when he saw the situation inside. There should have been a strange channel in it. According to the book records left by his ancestors, the white light curtain should be very large. When he enters it, he can reach a strange world, where the aura is sufficient and suitable for cultivation.

But what Tian Yukun has seen now is that there are many buildings in it, and some workers are transporting goods. Only there is a small white light curtain on the mountain wall on the right side.

Tian Yukun has determined that this is the secret place left by his ancestors. He doesn't know how it is occupied by others now. Now he is furious.

How can he not be angry before he is used by these damn people.

Tian Yukun jumped in, raised his hand and knocked out the two people next to him who were carrying goods and looked around.

Yan Bing on the roof of the towering house was very surprised. She had been guarding the closed cave for several years, but she didn't expect that there was such a huge door hidden in the mountain wall.

He has tried countless indestructible mountain walls before, but now it has been destroyed with the opening of the huge gate. He looks at the space outside the huge gate and doesn't know if there is a passage to leave this damn cave.

Seeing the red-robed man rushing in and starting to attack the workers below, Yan Bing got up and jumped off the towering roof.

Tian Yukun noticed that a person jumped off the towering roof not far away and fell diagonally towards him. Yan Bing waved several times in the air.

Seeing that he was strong and attacking first, Tian Yukun did not rush to raise his hand to draw a circle in front of him and make a sound of explosion on the spiritual defense in front of Tian Yukun.

At this time, Tian Yukun found that the man's body in the air began to flash faintly and became blurred, and then disappeared.

When he appeared again, Yan Bing had already arrived in front of Tian Yukun and kicked him down.

This foot stepped on the spiritual protection in front of Tian Yukun, and now broke Tian Yukun's spiritual protection and continued to step on him.

If the spiritual power leaves the body, the effect of attack and defense will be reduced, so the physical attack can cause greater damage to the opponent.

This is also the reason why Yan Bing chose this kind of close attack. If the people below can't catch the spiritual power he hit, the previous spiritual attack can already result in him.

Seeing Tian Yukun raise his hand and draw a circle directly to receive his spiritual attack, he chose the method of close attack.

Tian Yukun avoided Yan Bing's stepping attack and grabbed him with one hand.

Yan Bing had nowhere to borrow in the air. He raised Tian Yukun's arms with both hands. The two quickly made moves at close range. After several attacks and defenses, he was grabbed by Tian Yukun's wrist.

Tian Yukun looked up and smiled, waved his arm and swung Yan Bing in the air and hit the ground next to him.

Since Yan Bing can be safely arranged by the Ming Emperor to preside over the defense work here, her own ability is not bad. At present, she turned her body in the air and gently touched the ground with her feet. With the strength of Tian Yukun to catch his wrist, her whole body was shot and kicked at Tian Yukun.

The two fought quickly on the ground. Although they had suffered many attacks from each other, they were still fine.

The workers around had been far away from escaping for a long time. Some hid in the distant warehouse, and some fled to the small light gate and left through the light gate.

The guards in the mountain had already been shocked and drove them out of the buildings not far away. They surrounded the two people with guns from afar, and some of them held cold weapons in their hands.

They didn't dare to shoot randomly without Yan Bing's order, and those who took cold weapons did not come forward to help.

The two fought quickly. After a few moves, Tian Yukun was kicked diagonally by Yan Bing and fell to the side.

Tian Yukun, who flew out on the ground with one hand, turned around and squatted on the ground deftly, looked at Yan Bing who closed his legs over there, and rushed over again.

Before the two approached, the cave vibrated violently, and the sound of 'buzzing' came from the side.

This change attracted the attention of the two. They stepped back a few steps and looked in the direction of the sound.