Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 221 Years Finale

A few days later, Xiao Changge left the cave reluctantly and looked at the woman outside the cave staring at herself with a sweet smile. She looked like a happy little woman, and he also had a faint sweetness in his heart.

Starting the motorcycle, Xiao Changge left here driving a motorcycle bought by the old man that he had never ridden once.

I don't know how the old man will feel if he knows that what he once belonged to but has never tried is used by the young man who has been envied by him.

Maybe what he is waiting for is this result. Those things that don't belong to him have changed his fate because of some changes.

It was originally a quota belonging to the black horse in the desert, but it was lurked to him by Mo Hong. Maybe that's all he wants. Women and so on are really not important,


The light flashed, and the old man appeared in a place in the wild.

He was a little frightened to tidy up his clothes, and the pain just now made him almost unable to stand it and faint.

Looking at the scenery in the distance, he experienced the changes in the aura around him, with a happy expression on his face: "This, this is the sky!"

After looking forward to it for many years, today's wish finally came true. He smiled happily and flew directly into the sky.

There is an antique city in the distance. From time to time, people flying over the city on fairy birds fly away from the city, or fly from afar to the city.

The old man happily took something out of his arms.

This is a folded white paper crane. When his hand shakes, the paper crane becomes much bigger and floats in the air on one side.

Like this kind of paper crane, it is completely unsupported by aura on the earth, so it cannot fly even if it is released, but the density of aura in the sky is much larger, so this method can be used.

Sitting on the paper crane, he flew to the city with the paper crane.

The sound of breaking the sky came from behind him. He turned his head and saw a woman with long hair in blue flying from a distance on a crane with colorful feathers.

Near the woman slowed down the crane's flight and walked with the old man. She raised her hand and brushed the long hair on the temples and asked in a clear voice, "New here?" The voice is very sweet.

The sweet voice and touching appearance made the old man feel itchy in his bones and laughed happily: "Yes, it's nice to meet you. It's so good here!"

The woman giggled at his happy expression, pointed to the ancient city in front of him and said, "It's the ancient capital of Brahma, which is not as good as us."

The old man nodded and controlled the crane to follow the woman from behind and flew to the ancient capital of Brahma with a happy face.

The sun shone from afar, and the two cranes and two immortals were not enviable, although the man was a little older and the paper crane lost a little.

What awaits him will be a new life, a novel experience...


Well, the old man was not killed by Mo Hongqian, but was really sent to the sky. Where he yearned for, I wish him a happy life there.

It can also be understood that in order to pave the way for Xiao Changge, Mo Hongqian sent him to fight for some forces first, so that Xiao Changge could benefit in the past.

I don't know if Xiao Changge will thank Mr. Mo for his good intentions or doubt his ulterior motives after knowing his calculation ^_^

Xiao Changge's motorbike, galloping on the road, he said softly, "Go to your mother's practice, I just want to live the life of ordinary people."



Xiao Changge has been back for a few days and has locked himself in the room for several days.

After getting up, Xiao Changge took out the ray gun from the drawer, raised it with a slightly meaningful smile, aiming at the signal receiver on the opposite roof, but he did not shoot, but aimed at it, and then put away the gun.



A village.

The young man cleaned the courtyard with a broom in his hand and looked at the smoke rising on the roof not far away. He smiled.

Guo Zili was glad that he left with her at that time.

Two children ran in from outside the yard, and the older child shouted, "Dad, we have released a new book today."

The younger child saw his mother come out of the door and ran over happily.

Nan Jiayan picked up the child and kissed him on the face. Under the sunshine, her loving smile was very touching.


In the secret room, Murong, dressed in black, looked at the disciples kneeling below with a cold face.

"Now there should be a spiritual stone, and there should be a spiritual stone, and there should be skills. If someone fails to reach the divine period at the end of the year, I think you will know the consequences!"

That year, he pleaded with the man in Spark City, but was rejected because his daughter inserted a golden needle in his chest.

After that, he tried his best to organize his own power.

Now that his daughter is still imprisoned in prison, there is nothing he can do. Murong Zhi clenched his fingers, endured the pain in his chest and sat on the futon, and practiced with the disciples below.


Peach Blossom Valley.

Hundreds of men in black looked at the man on the stage, raised their arms and shouted, "In the sky and on the earth, only I am divine!"

The mountain wind blew, and pieces of peach blossoms fell from the valley.

Xie Zizhou, dressed in a golden red robe, looked far away and said lightly, "Let's go!"

His figure flashed, and he quickly crossed the sky and disappeared at the end of the sky. The people also flashed one after another, galloping in the direction he left, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

These people are extremely fast, and after their bodies flashing, they will appear in extremely ghosts, which shows how high and deep their cultivation is.


That year, he gathered together with six old men, stretched out his right hand with the dragon ring, and shouted together: "The dragon will appear in the wind and clouds, and the dragon god will reappear!"

The sky is changing, with black clouds pressing on the top, lightning and thundering.

They summoned a dragon that was bigger and bigger,

Many years later, the old man who once found Xiao Changge recalled with some emotion: "I really didn't expect that the dragon was like that..."


Crescent Mountain.

A man in a handsome black suit sits on the edge of the cliff.

A long knife stained with three drops of blood was placed aside, surrounded by corpses, which showed that he had just gone through a fierce battle.

Three children in different costumes looked at him puzzled and didn't understand why he was in a daze.

The man sighed and said slowly, "At that time, I was still a monkey, and you were still three mice."


South Jiangxi suburban cemetery.

Xiaoshun came to worship with his wife and daughter.

The pink girl pointed to a tombstone beside her and asked, "Dad, who is buried in it?"

Xiaoshun took her over, raised her hand and stroked the inscription on it and whispered, "Dad's aunt sleeps in it."

The tombstone is engraved with Zheng Xiaowan's name.

She knew that even if she changed her appearance, the two could not love each other, but she still helped him stop the fatal blow of Xilingsheng without regret.


N++ years later.

New Blue Star, the capital of Canawado.

Xiao Changge in a white robe followed the people to the side of the building.

He found a corner behind his back, and his body disappeared in a flash.

When he reappeared, he was already at the top of the building.

He raised his hand to open a window on the roof and fell into it.

On the balcony, the old man in a loose nightgown is sitting on a lounge chair basking in the sun.

Xiao Changge looked down on the metal beam in the room and found Corrigaton over there. With a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, he lost his trace.

Corrygaton, who sensed the danger, now activated the personal defense boundary, and strong energy spewed out of his chest and turned into a golden energy mask to wrap himself.

Looking at the person who appeared beside him, Corey Gaton raised his finger and said, "You!"

Xiao Changge did not give him a chance to shout. He raised his hand into his energy mask and directly stuck his throat.

Another hand pulled off the energy protection necklace from his chest and threw it aside, and the energy mask on Corriegaton's body was destroyed by him.

The sharp knife that popped out of the cuff was inserted into Corriegaton's chest and slowly pulled it out.

He looked at the man who was unable to breathe and was fatally injured, with a weak twitch.

flating his body, Xiao Changge said lightly, "When you make that decision, you are doomed to this end."

He struggled and became weak, and his eyes looking at the sky lost their brilliance.


Dark Moon Galaxy.

Behind a red cloud area on the periphery is where the black hole is located.

This black hole is much larger than before, and it is still surging irregularly, as if there are monsters hidden in it to rush out.

As the surface of the black hole surges more and more frequently, a light spot appears in the black hole.

At first, it was just a silvery metal spike. As the object slowly rushed out of the black hole, it could be found that it was a giant spacecraft with a strange shape.

The giant spaceship is constantly shining with energy, stimulating the surrounding black hole to boil like boiling water.

There are continuous bumps on it.

Many strange creatures in black hard shells came out of it.

They have a humanoid body, but they have a black and bright hard shell on the outside, with sharp teeth in their heads and mouths.

These are what Corriegaton called alien life.

As the giant spacecraft flew out, more alien life rushed out of the black hole, and the black pressure densely occupied the surrounding sky, and there were constantly alien life rushing out of the black hole.

After several months, the vicinity of the Dark Moon Galaxy has been completely occupied by those alien life and giant spacecraft. Looking at it from a distance, the black pressure is as large as a locust.

A few days later, one of the giant spacecraft began to fly in the direction of the new blue galaxy and the solar system, and the countless alien life behind it rushed in the direction like a tide...

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