Super waste

[18. Supply station]

The beautiful Princess sails on the sea. This sea is relatively calm and not as foggy as other places. Although there is still fog, the sight is much better than other places. Along the way, Corinne finally saw the terrible sea of demons. There was thick fog everywhere and could only be seen 100 meters away, and there were reefs to avoid the bottom of the sea from time to time. If it hadn't been for old Jack's rich experience, I guess they would have gone home long ago. Although they had been reminded by old Jack on the way, because of the sailors There were still several collisions in my inexperience. Although the beautiful princess was rough and thick, she was still a little affected.

After a month of sailing, the beautiful Princess finally entered this relatively calm sea. After a month, the people on the ship have also adapted to the sailing on the demon sea. After entering this sea area, everyone was relieved, and the old Jack standing in the bow of the boat was also relieved, and his tension after going to sea also relieved. Although he is extremely experienced, how can he rest assured when he meets such a group of rookies? Personal courage at sea is nothing. No matter how powerful you are and encounter the boundless sea, you can only look at the ocean and sigh. Sailing at sea depends on everyone's cooperation and the concerted efforts of everyone. Especially in such a harsh environment as the Devil Sea, countless people die in the Devil Sea every year. Less than 40% can come back safely from exploring, and the rest are buried in the sea. But the wealth of the Devil Sea still attracts a large number of people to explore.

What kind of sea is this? It has so many resources and wealth. At the same time, it also has unparalleled dangers elsewhere. This is a treasure basin in people's eyes, a paradise of wealth. At the same time, it is also a terrible hell. It is like a devil attracting you with beautiful things and pulling you to hell. Looking at the sea, old Jack couldn't help sighing that this may be his last time to go to sea. This magical sea has its beauty and its horror.

"Hey, old Jack, what are you doing?" Corinne came out of the cabin and stretched herself. Her graceful figure was undoubtedly revealed. Seeing that old Jack was dazed in the boat, she went over to say hello.

"Ha ha, nothing, just sigh. After all, when you are old, you will always think of some of your previous things and some old friends who have fought together." Old Jack said with a smile, "Why don't you rest in the cabin? You know, it's absolutely rare to encounter such a calm sea in the sea of demons."

"I'm bored to death by staying in the cabin all day. It's not easy to come to see the sea with such a good view, hehe."

"Yes, such beautiful scenery is indeed rare in the Devil Sea, and this section of the road is relatively calm and everyone's nervous mood can be let go. Kate asked everyone to get some air. If she misses it, she doesn't know how long it will take to meet such a sea. Old Jack turned around and shouted at Kate behind him.

"Haha, grandma, I can finally come out to breathe. This journey suffocated me to death. Guys, come out to get some air and enjoy the gentle sea breeze. Kate laughed and shouted as she walked.

With Kate's shouting, the people on the ship walked out of the cabin one by one, which really suffocated everyone. Now there is a chance to relax and run to the deck of the boat to enjoy the scenery. Watching a phamfish flying on both sides of the boat and seagulls hovering over the boat, people couldn't help but relax.

"From here to the southeast and sailing along the ocean current for two days, we can go to the sea supply station opened by Celtic merchants to supply, and have a good rest for two days to relax everyone." Old Jack looked at the compass and chart in his hand and said to Corinne next to him.

"Really? Didn't you say that there is no supply site on Tinus Island? Corinne curiously raised her own questions to old Jack.

"Ha, there are indeed no large supply sites after Tinus Island, but mobile supply stations like this are still a little bit. These mobile supply stations are mainly provided by large business groups to provide maintenance for their fleets, and sometimes provide resting places for passing ships. Over time, there will be these flows. The sea supply station mainly provides some fresh water and food, as well as a place to rest for the sailors on the ship. At the same time, it will also buy the goods brought back by the explorers, but the price is 20% lower than that of Tinus Island, and 30% higher than the goods sold, so most explorers are unwilling to These flow points are replenished. Old Jack explained to Corinne.

"Knows, work harder. There are still two days to sail to the Celtic sea supply station. At that time, I will buy everyone a drink. Now listen to my command, sail to the southeast, lift full sails, turn the rudder 15 times, and move forward at full speed." Corinne excitedly directed the sailors.

"Good!" Everyone answered loudly when they heard the captain's words and returned to their posts to start working.

The whole sea was calm. From time to time, some hamafish flew out of the air for a period of time and fell back into the water. At this time, a group of seagulls circled on the sea level, and a huge warship appeared in sight. This was the beautiful Princess. After two days of sailing, it was finally close to the Celtic supplies. The site. As the Princess advanced supply station slowly appeared in people's sight.

This is a water village built on a coral reef. There is a wall around the coral scorch. Only a huge gate can enter it. Usually, this gate is closed and only opens when the ship comes. The people on the stockade saw the beautiful Princess approaching and began to be on alert. On the watchtower The cannon is also a shell. Everyone is afraid of pirates, and no one dares to be careless about such a big warship.

"Captain, the people in Shuizhai seem to be very afraid of us. They called the flag and asked what we do." A watchman reported to Corinne.

"Ha, it's okay. The Celtics are always careful, but it is this attitude that makes this the safest supply station in this sea. Many captains of small ships come here to replenish. I have been here several times, and I am still familiar with the patriarch here." Old Jack turned around and told the flag bearer, "The flag replied that we are explorers. If we want to supply in your village, we can send someone to board the boat to negotiate."

"Kate slowed down and sailed to stop the ship." Old Jack said to Kate.

The beautiful Princess slowly stopped on the sea. When the people of Shuizhai saw the Princess stop, they were immediately relieved. Then the door of Shuizhai slowly opened a small gap and a small boat rowed out of it. The Princess lowered the soft ladder, and old Jack, Corinna and Kate stood in the bow to welcome each other.

When the other party got on the boat and saw Old Jack, he immediately laughed, "Haha, I didn't expect it was you, Old Jack. How could you get to such a big warship in two years? At first, it scared me."

Old Jack also smiled when he saw the people coming up, "Merson used to be your boy. Why is he promoted to the leader now? You want to buy me a drink today, but this ship is not mine. Come on, this is my captain, beautiful Miss Corinna. She is the owner of this ship. I'm just a guide. Old Jack introduced Corinne to Mason.

Hearing old Jack's words, Mason looked at Corinne curiously. "This beautiful Miss Corinne, welcome to the homeless house. I'm Mason, the leader here. It's nice to meet you." Then he gave a kiss to Corinne.

"It's also nice to meet you, Major Mason." Corinne made a captain's salute. We want to take a rest in Guizhai and provide supplies by the way, and our warships want to carry out simple maintenance. Don't we know if it's convenient?"

"Ha ha, since it was introduced by old Jack, of course, I'll let someone open the door now." After saying that, Mason asked his men to say two words. Soon after, the door of the water village slowly opened, and the people inside quickly cleaned up a huge boat seat.

"Okay, beautiful captain Miss Corinne, we can enter the village now, but I hope you can restrain your men and let them not make trouble in my village, otherwise we will ask you to leave. I hope you can understand."

"Naturally, we will abide by your rules." After saying that, Corinne told Kate behind her, "Try to go down and let them calm me down, or they will look good."

"Okay, can we go in now?"

"Yes, you can order to set sail." After saying that, he turned around and said to old Jack, "Hey, when old Jack get off the boat, we will have a good drink and tell me what you have done in the past two years, and you won't come to see your old friends."

"Forget, I don't want to see you. You are too dark. If I have to spend more time with you, I still have money to retire."

"Well, you have to speak according to your conscience. Did you have fewer good things for me that time you came? Every time you take something from me, it's all top-class. You said that last time you took a continuous rifle with me. It's a top-class product made by a dwarf craftsman. I finally got it. You sold 1,000 gold coins and you also brought 100 bullets. Am I still called black?

" Come on, you son of a dead boy. At first, I thought I had picked up a big bargain. But after taking it back, I didn't know that it was not like that at all. You sold it to me until its life was about to expire. I scrapped the barrel of a few bullets. I haven't found a place to repair it. It's still in my warehouse now.

"Conscience of heaven and earth! Didn't I know at that time? I didn't use it myself after I took it back. I knew which Germanic was lying to me. I also bought it with 1,000 gold coins at that time, but I didn't make you a penny. Mason hurriedly explained.

"Bah, I believe you." Old Jack looked resentful.

With their dialogue, the beautiful Princess also docked on the ship's seat.