Super Energy Power

Chapter 5: Office Automation

Su Cheng came to the Ministry of Petroleum with great enthusiasm. After explaining his intention to the gate, he successfully walked into the office building.

This is a building with a solemn appearance and a thick interior. The traces of decoration are relatively light, and the stairs and corridors have not been significantly changed. Only when you enter the office of the Department of Personnel and Labor on the third floor can you see the not very smooth floor and blue paint. From Su Cheng's point of view, it can be said to be simple.

The small clerk of the Personnel Department, with a natural arrogance on his face, heard him say that it was Sucheng from Peking University, so he smiled a little and said, "Mr. Liu went to a meeting and specially told you to come and wait for tea?"

"Just boiled water."

The clerk poured boiled water for him and went to do his own business again.

Su Cheng leisurely raised his legs and waited at ease. The personnel department is heavy, and the office is divided. It is facing the slit trees in the backyard, and the scenery is unique.

The only thing that bothers me a little is that it's too noisy in the big office. Four or five staff members circled around two computers, and there were several old men carrying materials next to them...

Computer? Su City suddenly became excited. In China in 1987, this is a rare thing.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Su Cheng came up and looked in next to the shoulder of a small clerk.

On the Japanese brand machine, there are large 286 words written on it. The buttocks of the display are large and long, and the screen used for display is small and square. At this time, what is being used is the excel familiar to Sucheng.

However, looking at the angry look of the clerks around, the software is obviously not easy to use.

Two computers, two people reading, two people input, and three people are idle: "Oh, the name is wrong again."

"It's too difficult."

"The same is Minister Ma. You must print documents. How good it was to draw by hand in the past..."

After listening to it for a while, Su Cheng understood. The Ministry of Petroleum engages in office automation, requiring electronic reports, electronic documents, e-mails and other new technologies. But look at the staff around you and you will know that almost all of them are from the sports era. The older ones are old athletes. The younger ones only learn to exercise. They are good at criticize, write something, and play skills completely blind.

A good excel form, which has been changed by them, is already a mess. However, the report workload of the Personnel Department is extremely large, and there is a strict time limit. After a while, I began to scold anxiously.

Su Cheng looked at it for a while, coughed softly and said, "The problem of the consistency of subsidiary and department names can be solved with the data validity function."

"Ah? What?"

Su Cheng squeezed in, held the long-lost mouse, sighed for a moment, and operated it directly.

After a while, he looked at their files and said, "I think you have a lot of the same data. These can be put together."

"How to put it in together? It's not connected." The little fat man in the seat tried quickly with his eyes. Unfortunately, he can only use the mouse and keyboard to select horizontal or vertical cells.

Su Cheng suddenly understood that these staff would not use excel at all.

In contrast, he spent two years with the spreadsheet at the University of Petroleum, so he said, "Irrecontinuous cells can also enter the same data. Let me demonstrate it."

Su Cheng grabbed the mouse from other people's small hands and began to operate.

In a few seconds, dozens of data from different locations were entered.

The task was expected to be completed, and a group of clerks were immediately excited. Someone shouted, "Oh, there are masters, there is a rescue."

The gentlemen, who were still calm, finally didn't calm down and swarmed to the computer where Sucheng was located, asking their own questions.

The excel of this era is not yet mature, but the prototype has appeared. Su City is a little familiar with it, and it is very comfortable to solve their basic problems.

I don't know how long it took to hear a heavy cough behind him. Director Liu said majestically, "What are you doing around there? What does it look like!"

The old man was pitiful at the admissions office of Peking University. When he returned to the Ministry of Petroleum, he was still a god.

Su Cheng laughed twice, got up and shouted, "Secretator Liu, I'm here to report today."

"Sucheng." Director Liu looked a little and asked, "What are you doing?"

Seeing that they knew each other, someone stood up and smiled and said, "Sir, Comrade Su Cheng is a computer master. He teaches us how to use spreadsheet software."

Director Liu raised his hand suspiciously and asked arrogantly, "Su Cheng, you are a student of the Chinese Department. How did you become a computer master?"

Su Cheng said modestly, "I came into contact with it when I was in school. I know a little."

"I don't know anything about it. Master Su is much better than Japanese technicians. Director Liu, with his help, our report today is expected to be completed. With the eyes of a group of people in the personnel department, it is easy to see the tendency of Director Liu. In your words, you will shape Su City into a rare computer master with ancestral secrets.

As for the relationship between computers and their ancestors, it is a topic that no one cares about.

Su Cheng is the highly educated talents recruited by Director Liu. The better his performance, the more he can prove Director Liu's vision.

So, the Director changed back to the image of the old man, laughed out of his yellow teeth happily, and said happily, "Well, Xiao Han went to go through the formalities for Sucheng first. Xiao Su, you can help them first.

Su Cheng answered and got busy in the office.

Director Liu also stayed in the office and watched him operate the computer with great interest.

For people of this era, computers are a magical machine, far more magical than TVs and copiers. But even TVs and copiers, most people have never seen them. Even the mouse that modern people are most accustomed to is not standard on 286 computers. The Japanese brand machine of the Personnel Department used window 2.0, so two mice were installed. Other departments mostly use the dos system, but they don't even have a mouse.

In addition to the graduates in recent years, most of the ordinary clerks of the central ministries and commissions are about 30 years old. They have gone to the mountains and countryside. They may have entered the University of Industry, Peasants and Soldiers, but they have not received systematic study. In the face of a large number of English and inaccurate Chinese terminology translation, it is

On the contrary, among the middle and high-level cadres of Director Liu's age, there are many old college students with a solid foundation. If you look at it carefully, you can have a little experience.

Director Han, who finished the formalities, came to the middle between Director Liu and Su Cheng, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Director, which department is Xiao Su sent?"

Director Liu asked without looking back, "Xiao Su, which department do you want to go to?"

Everyone looked sideways.

To be able to choose a place, this is not an ordinary preferential treatment.

Su Cheng was at a loss and said with a smile, "I am a brick of revolution. I need to move wherever I need to move, but I hope to go to the oil field and do practical work."

In the final analysis, the petroleum major is what he knows.

Director Liu didn't take it seriously and thought, what can you do in the oil field, a student of the Chinese Department of Peking University? He pondered for a moment, remembered Su Cheng's performance just now, and said, "Well, you stay in the personnel department first, help everyone make forms these two days, get familiar with the environment of the department, and then make a decision."

This is an unparalleled preferential treatment. Everyone showed surprised eyes, and then they seemed to understand and had their own judgments. When Director Liu left, they all swarmed forward.

The little fat man who sat in front of the computer before did not dare to show weakness. He said to Su Cheng, "Brother Su, please take me as an apprentice."