Super Energy Power

Chapter 12: In-kind rewards

"Did girl, try the cake I made." Mrs. Liang brought two thousand-layer cakes, interrupting Shu Lan's reverie.

"Thank you, master." Shu Lan turned her head, picked up half a thousand-layer cake, and ate it like a hamster.

Su Cheng's eyes widened and wanted to know how the flat lower abdomen stuffed into the whole basin and three pieces of snacks was stuffed into half a piece of cake. This is unscientific!

However, the thousand-layer cake in the hamster's claws finally disappeared.

At the same time, Liang Jianguo also read the mathematical formula on the drawing, stretched out his back and sighed, "The formula is very clear. Su Cheng, I want to take this design to the hospital for trial promotion. What do you think?

"No problem." What Su Cheng said was very straightforward.

Liang Jianguo was overjoyed and said repeatedly, "Okay, okay. If the experiment is successful, I will ask the leader of the hospital to give you credit.

Shu Lan suddenly smiled and said, "Master, if this expansion socket is used in the oil field, it can save millions of dollars a year."

"If all our devices use it, it's more than that."

"Then you should tell the leader of the hospital to transfer Su Cheng to the design institute, and it's better to reward some cash."

For the last sentence, Su Cheng nodded secretly, thinking that it was not for nothing to feed you.

Liang Jianguo agreed: "It should be rewarded. However, the current establishment is not easy to solve. Let's see if we can work on behalf of others first.

Su Cheng smiled and didn't say anything. For ordinary workers, work-to-work has been a great leap forward, and even the transfer from the first-line well station to the logistics department is a dream and cannot be achieved. However, college students naturally have the status of cadres after graduation, and the personnel relationship of Sucheng is attached to the Ministry of Petroleum. Liang Jianguo's help is actually unnecessary.

But there is no need to talk about these at this time.

The next day, Su Cheng slept in for a long time, wandered around the street for a long time, and still got into the library.

In addition to fighting, dancing and watching videos, today's young people have no other entertainment. They can't even afford beer, and it's hard to get drunk.

Just after noon, Shu Lan sneaked into the library, her bulging chest up and down, and said, "There's a good thing. The master asked you to go to the design institute."

Su Cheng licked his cracked lips and said with a smile, "It's time to verify the swelling socket again. You said such a little thing, coming and going, and I lost all my vacation.

"How many people are engaged in inventions? If you want to verify it in the design institute, no one will listen to it!" Shu Lan stamped her feet and walked in front of her.

She is quite tall, well-proportioned and plump, and her young skin is full of luster, with the germination of youth.

Su Cheng generously walked into the laboratory of the design institute. Shu Lan was a little surprised by his compliance. After a long time, she woke up and quickly chased in.

Opposite the table, there are four people standing. In addition to Liang Jianguo and Xiao Wu, there are also two leaders of the design institute. Shu Lan has seen them several times, but she never dares to say hello.

Liang Jianguo made a brief introduction, and Su Cheng shook hands with them.

When Shu Lan saw that he did not make his leader a cadre, and then thought about his previous performance, she couldn't help but be a little angry and stood in front of him without saying a word.

Liang Jianguo couldn't let her go as she was. He raised his rare white beard and hummed, "Xiaolan, why don't you call people?"

Shu Lan looked at Su Cheng, then looked down at his toes, and shouted, "Hon, Dean Yuan, Hello, Director Wang."

Su Cheng doubted whether she could see her toes.

Dean Yuan coughed: "We have studied Xiao Su's design, and the conclusion is that it can be adopted, but if we need to replace a good reducer, we have to scold the prodigal son, so it is not easy to promote it in a short time."

"For the newly produced reducer, you can consider using the expansion sleeve connection..." Liang Jianguo suggested.

"Then it's time to revise the production plan. This is not something we can decide. Let me report it to the top." President Yuan frowned tightly and said, "Regarding about what Xiao Su does on behalf of the work, I'll take it to the meeting another day and say, Su Cheng, even if you are from our Institute of Technology, is that good?"

Su Cheng smiled and didn't open his mouth.

President Yuan and Director Wang looked at each other and said, "Well, let's second you to the Technology Research Institute for a year to try to get the index of work-on-work during this period. During this period, you can continue to invent and innovate..."

He actually wants to put the research results of "bulging sleeve connection" in the process research institute. In this era, there is no such thing as the transfer of achievements, but if Su Cheng is absorbed, even if it is only one year, the results fall on yourself, that is, it is a matter of course.

Of course, he did not harm the interests of Su City in the process. After all, "bulge sleeve connection" is not a good thing to sell money. It can only be used in heavy machinery such as mining or oil production, and it requires a scale advantage to show the cost advantage. At this time, only national research institutes and large state-owned enterprises can effectively use it.

And these departments, at most, like President Yuan, give Su Cheng a little benefit, and it is impossible to pay the patent transfer fee openly, and the financial can't pass in the first place.

Su Cheng thought for a moment and said, "Dean Yuan, I still like the oil production team."

Although the work of the oil production team is hard, it is better than freedom. The research institute is different. In addition to suffering, there will be a lot of boring design tasks. Most of the time, it is the idea that the leader above comes up with with a pat on the head - according to the level of the leader, the degree of stupidity they are allowed to be different. Working as a small worker in the research institute, when you meet a liberal arts No, it's uncomfortable all over.

Su Cheng's index of not working for work, President Yuan suddenly had no way. The leaders of this era are still relatively simple. They collect money and don't do anything, and take the credit of their subordinates to make political achievements, which is still a little taken into consideration.

Director Wang stood on the side and interrupted, "Then let's reward in kind."

He turned around and said, "Our research institute is also a poor unit, but, President Yuan, what do you think? Let Su Cheng make a report on the process improvement application for funds. You can approve hundreds of yuan, and then say hello to the property. As long as you can get the invoice, just report it."

In this way, the achievements of process improvement will be left in the research institute.

It's best to use the country's money to make political achievements for yourself. President Yuan said generously, "Just approve 500 yuan, Xiao Su, what do you think of this?"

Director Wang was afraid that he would not understand, so he clicked, "Train tickets, bus tickets, and hotel invoices can be used for reimbursement, in the name of business trips. In addition, if you buy books or something, you can make an invoice.

"Thank you, Dean." Su Cheng fully understood. He now counts the monthly subsidy, which is only 88 yuan and 50 cents, and 500 yuan is his half-year salary. Although it is a little troublesome to find invoices, things like tickets are still easy to make up.

Everyone was very happy. Liang Jianguo stayed in it to sort out the information. Shu Lan went out and said to him, "If you persist, President Yuan may find you a place to work for you. Isn't that better than 1,000 yuan?"

Su Cheng pretended to be surprised and said, "Are you not satisfied with 500 yuan?"

"What's the use of that? Now it costs one or two thousand yuan to buy a 14-inch color TV. But if you are not a cadre, you can't even get a TV ticket. Shu Lan pouted and cherished the market in the oilfield.

Su Cheng smiled and said, "Now give me a 14-inch TV, and I don't want to watch it. It's better to take the money to eat something good. In a few years, the TV will be worthless, and the green food will be worthwhile.

"Green vegetables?"

"It's almost the same. Well, there happens to be a restaurant in front of us. Let's go in and see how powerful the 500 yuan is. Su Cheng pointed to the newly renovated five-story building in front of him.

Shulan was shocked and said, "That's Laizhou Hotel."

"Isn't it just more expensive? It's okay. We can reimburse it. Su Cheng couldn't help pulling her in.

The little hands are moist and soft, just like pinching out water.
