Super Energy Power

Chapter 17:Report

The news that Team 2 used a hot shower caused a sensation in the whole factory.

The workers of other oil production teams also came to two teams to rub the water. Who doesn't like to take a comfortable hot bath after a busy day.

In Lao Wu's words, "The water pillar hits the meat, which is more comfortable than lying on a woman."

Dou Wanshan set up six stoves in one go, but it is still not enough to supply three showers. Although he was very busy, he was as happy as a child for the Spring Festival. He said to Su Cheng, "Our second team hasn't been so beautiful for a long time. Good, well done."

The steam rose in the shed, and Su Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "I originally thought that our two teams would work for 20 or 30 people at a time, changing to wash, and three showers are almost enough..."

"Did you see that they let our team two people? It's okay. It's crowded back. Everyone is happy." Dou Wanshan shook his head and said, "The 300-person large bathhouse in the factory still has a limited time and a bath ticket. If you go in the evening, the water is small like urine. Old Shiguang looks at the big bathhouse, but it's comfortable for them to use. We work outside, hum..."

Su Cheng said helplessly, "I'm still thinking about how to get a more comfortable toilet. Now I see that other teams won't come to use it..."

"Can you get the toilet from the headquarters?" Dou Wanshan was so excited that he didn't listen to the second half of his words at all. Who doesn't like good things? It's just limited by the conditions.

If it hadn't been for the relationship between Director Liu and Lin Yonggui, Su Cheng would not have been able to reimburse these hundreds of yuan. In this era, if the public doesn't pay, the private wants to pay.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng whispered, "It's not difficult to get another toilet, but you have to listen to me."

"That's not simple. If we can get a good toilet, we will do whatever we ask us to do." Before Dou Wanshan could reply, Lao Wu came out wrapped in a towel, looking like a bison taking a bath.

Dou Wanshan was more cautious and asked, "Xiao Su, what do you want us to do?"

"Look at your nervousness, you just want to make up a name. I named it Basic Five." After introducing it, Su Cheng said, "I'm thinking of writing a newsletter, publishing it in the newspaper, and then making our two teams into a pilot. Naturally, a set of equipment is useless."

"It's still a college student thief. We can't compare with the bad water." Lao Wu Xiao's back alveolar teeth were exposed, and he went straight to poke Dou Wanshan with his hand.

Captain Dou came from the time of struggle. Hearing newspapers and newsletters and so on, he was a little timid and said, "Nothing will happen."

"Lao Dou, what can happen? Look at the grandchildren of the oil pipeline factory? Last time I made some material-saving tofu cubes. When we meet again, our nostrils are facing the sky. This time it's our turn to report. Lao Wu said and looked at Su Cheng a little worriedly: "Are we willing to publish this little thing in the newspaper?"

"I'll try it." Su Cheng didn't talk too much.

He is actually 70% or 80% sure. Nowadays, the government, enterprises and institutions pay attention to the "knowledge and rejuvenation" of cadres. Therefore, the students of Peking University in the early years have been promoted quickly in their respective units. With such a relationship, it is extremely simple to publish an article without requiring the front page and time. Six sons who have just arrived at the work unit may be able to do it.

As long as there is a report, it's easy to talk to Lin Yonggui.

Su Cheng returned to his room, took out a few old newspapers, and imitated them according to other people's newsletters.

In his memory, he still has the knowledge of these Chinese departments, but how to combine them, he is completely blind.

A small article of hundreds of words, Su Chengsheng wrote it all night, and finally there was a version that was more satisfied. He thought with lingering fear: Fortunately, he didn't stay in the ministry as a secretary, otherwise he would not want to sleep anymore.

He wrote another letter and sent it to Liu Zi together with the communication manuscript, asking him to help find a few brothers and publish it.

In the next few days, Su Cheng was waiting for the news.

This wait is just a week. Just as he slandered the efficiency of the postal service, Xiaohei led a jeep, rushed into the well station, and shouted while running, "People from Beijing."

In the oil field, Beijing is a very symbolic word.

When Su Cheng sucked out of the room with cloth shoes, Captain Dou, Lao Wu and others were all waiting in the open space.

"Team Dou, you were on the night shift yesterday, right? Why did you get up now?" Su Cheng's face is still full of strangeness.

"It's not your boy, Kita*Kyoto is here." Dou Wanshan stared at Su Cheng fiercely, but moved and protected him behind him.

In the past few years, people from Beijing have come to the oil field, and there are mixed good and bad things, but in Dou Wanshan's impression, good things are far away, but bad things are always close at hand.

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, looked at Dou Wanshan's wide back and said, "Captain, it's okay. The little man behind is my classmate."

Dou Wanshan smiled honestly, gave up Su Cheng, and whispered, "Be careful what you say."

Su Cheng smiled helplessly.

Liuzi, dressed in cadre clothes, said hello to the people around him, trotted over, hugged Su Cheng, patted him heavily, and said, "You guy, run to the oil field without saying a word, really."

He suddenly let go of Su Cheng, put his finger on his nose and sniffed, and frowned.

"I haven't smelled the oil and the original smell." Su Cheng laughed loudly. It's a good mood to meet an old friend in a foreign country.

Liuzi's nose was a little sour, and he said with red eyes, "Didn't you say... Alas, why did you come to the oil production team in the oil field?"

"When we were in school, didn't we often say that we should build borders for the motherland and build oil fields for the motherland? I'm building an oil field now. Su Cheng said in a teasing tone, "Why did you come here? Is it possible to take the opportunity to travel?

"You're starting to talk nonsense again." Liu Zi smiled, pointed to the middle-aged man with the Chinese character face coming from behind, and introduced, "This is Peng Jian, the deputy editor-in-chief of Youth Reference. We are here for your newsletter."

"Editor-in-chief Peng is good." Su Cheng was slightly surprised.

Although "Youth Reference" is a sub-journal of China Youth Daily, it is based on the spirit of "creating a reference news for young people", and it is a market-oriented national newspaper.

This has exceeded the expectations of Sioux City.

While Peng Jian shook hands with Su Cheng, he also looked at him and said, "I happened to see your newsletter, which was very simple and real, so I wanted to come here to have a look. Peking University students are in the oil field, which is a very good theme.

The simplicity and truth can only be regarded as a euphemistic description from the mouth of the writing workers. Su Cheng was in euptempt and said, "There are still a lot of college students at the grassroots level."

Peng Jian looked at him with great interest and asked, "It's not an impact. Do you know which Peking University student took the initiative to go to the grassroots level?"

"A classmate from Hubei seems to have returned to his hometown." Su Cheng remembered what he had seen in the graduation season.

Peng Jian nodded and asked with a smile, "Do you know how many major national media have reported your classmate?"

"How much?"

"There are many, and I can't tell the specific numbers." Peng Jian suddenly laughed.
