Super Energy Power

Chapter 26 The Calmest Year

"I've been playing recently and made some money." Ham said it simply, but his face was lustful.

Even for Americans, oil futures is a new thing, which has only appeared in recent years. 1986 was a year of ups and downs in oil futures. The sudden rise and fall almost doubled, which made many people rich or lost money. By 1987, the number of participants in oil futures suddenly increased.

In this, hedged oil companies and factories are the core, followed by the influx of speculators and the staff of oil-related industries.

Although the trading volume has been enlarged, the oil market in 1987 was really stable. There were not many people who could make money in this year. Hamm did have the capital to be proud of.

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment and asked, "Can I participate in oil futures?"

Ham smiled and asked, "Do you have money?"

Su Cheng turned his head to George and said, "If you can be my financial leverage, I promise you won't lose money." I bet with my salary in the next 10 days, that is, $1,000, but please help me buy oil futures with $10,000. If my floating loss exceeds 10%, you will automatically close the position, sell the futures, and compensate for the loss with my money. If you make money, I'll give you 50% of the price.

"1000 dollars, are you willing to give up?" George was familiar with China and advised, "The futures market is changing all the time, and 10% change is frequent."

"I know it very well. It's just because China does not allow individuals to directly invest in foreign futures at present, so I ask you for help. Su Cheng thought for a moment and said, "In the past year, the GDP growth of the world's major industrial countries has been flat, while OPEC has controlled production steadily. It should be said that this is the year when market oil prices are most in line with official pricing. In this year, it is not easy for oil prices to fall by 10% at once."

George was a little surprised to hear him speak so professionally.

In his eyes, China is still the ancient China. It can speak English and understand the role of OPEC, which are two completely concepts.

George and Hamm, Henry looked at each other, tapped his head and said, "I can let you try it, but if the situation is not good, I will sell it at any time."

Ham added: "The smallest unit is 1,000 barrels, which is $18,000 according to this price. If the fluctuation exceeds 5%, you will lose 1,000 yuan.

"Then, if there is 5%, you can close the position." Su Cheng also sank the boat.

If he loses this opportunity, he doesn't know when he can get the first bucket of gold. Being in a state-owned enterprise can give him access to his favorite oil, but in a state-owned enterprise, there are also many places where he is not free.

Su Cheng naturally does not remember the specific oil price changes in 1987. However, this is indeed a very special year. The stability of oil prices can never be repeated in future generations. Before and after that, oil prices fell to $10 and $40. Only in 1987, the oil price always fluctuated around $18. In fact, most of the time, it was below $17.8.

This is also the reason why Sucheng did not deliberately understand the futures market and knew this information.

Although there will be no such ups and downs to make money, in addition to hand-held PDA crossing, what Sucheng can take advantage of is the stable price in 1987.

"Let's start, what do you usually think of the futures market?"

"There is a special line in the conference hall." Ham jumped up first. He was extremely gambled. No matter how much he bet, the degree of excitement was the same.

The group moved to the conference hall, used the slow special line network there to check the quotation of the futures market, and used the phone to buy and sell.

Fortfortally, today's price fluctuates upwards.

Su Cheng immediately pointed to the standard crude oil and said, "Please sell it short at 18 yuan."

George then called, bought 1,000 barrels of New York Stock Exchange contracts with his own money, and told the other party that a loss of 5% was closed.

As soon as the transaction was completed, the market began to go down.

This shows that Sucheng is gambling right. Ham asked anxiously, "Look at the news, is there any bearish news today?"

He turned his head and asked Su Cheng, "Have you seen any bearish news?"

Su Cheng shook his head. All he knows is that it is impossible to lose 5% at the price of 18 yuan, because that means that the oil will rise to 18.9 yuan. Throughout 1987, there was almost no such market, because there were too many orders on the exchange, and the oil futures market of more than 24 million shares was like a big lake, which would not rise unless there was a continuous rainstorm.

Only next year, when Saudi Arabia and other countries violate OPEC quota production targets and export a large amount of crude oil, will the price fluctuate violently.

Nevertheless, the price fluctuates very fast on a day of futures trading, which is like a tidal phenomenon.

On the flashing computer screen, the price of crude oil in New York quickly fell back to 17.6 yuan.

Sucheng decided to liquidated and earned 40 cents per barrel of crude oil, a total of $400.

Ham laughed and said, "That's good, that 40% of the harvest is a lot."

Henry also turned his glass and stared at the screen.

Su Cheng smiled and said nothing. When the price fell below $17.5, he did more, that is, the bet rose.

The waiting time this time is a little longer, about half an hour, and it only reaches the position of 17.7. Su Cheng was not greedy. He liquidated directly and got 200 dollars.

In 30 or 40 minutes, you can make 60% of the profit, which should be said to be good. Especially for a Chinese, this is equivalent to his salary for several years.

In fact, in the whole year of 1987, price fluctuations were so flat that most futures traders relied on this method to make hard money.

However, from another perspective, if it hadn't been for countless futures traders with prices** to make this money, the price of crude oil would have fluctuated much more sharply.

"Do you want to continue?" George was curious about Su Cheng's method, and then said, "Based on your 1,600 yuan, I can lend you $30,000 this time."

"Okay, then, let's sell it short at 17.8 yuan. I guess it will take a little longer this time.

"It's okay, let's play poker!" The three foreigners were so energetic that they all sat at the conference table.

This night, all four of them didn't sleep, watching Su Cheng manipulate the futures.

They have seen the trading model of Sucheng, that is, with 17.8 yuan as the baseline, buy more if it is less than 17.6 yuan, and sell short if it is higher than 17.8 yuan.

If you know, you will not dare to operate like this unless you are reborn.

Because there are too many factors that may cause price fluctuations. For example, a too successful or unsuccessful OPEC ministerial meeting, a too successful or unsuccessful U.S. president's speech, a third-party organization investigation report, a blowout of an oil company, an interbank share sale, a war, a debt default, etc. may immediately cause sharp changes in prices.

With the operation method of Su City, it is equivalent to having no blood.

However, 1987 is too special. In this year, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela and other traditional trouble-trocuring countries did not happen. OPEC controlled the production changes at a staggering 1%, oil companies did not carry out any mergers and reorganizations, and the stable development of industrial countries was like mechanical movement, world peace...

In fact, except for this year, there is no market oil price in any other year, which follows OPEC's guidance in such a good manner.

Sucheng operated repeatedly for 7 times and closed the market, earning a total of $3,500. It's not a lot, but it's enough to make people's eyes warm.

George took out $1,750 from the suitcase and gave it to Su Cheng according to the 50% share. He seemed to be angry and happy, "I'm going to use up all my cash."

"Can you open a bank account for me? In this way, you don't need your cash. Su Cheng followed his words. There are all kinds of bank accounts in foreign countries that only need passwords, and non-natural person accounts operated by clients are also in groups, which is a good thing that does not exist in modern China.

George nodded and said, "If you have your authorization, of course."

He immediately operated on the phone. George is a middle and senior member of United Chemical Group. He has his own accountants and lawyers. Through them, he had to wait for a day's work, but it will be done quickly.

George then handed the phone to Su Cheng and said, "The account has been set up. Now you use the phone to set the password and remember the account number. This will be your private property in the future."

He is willing to help Su Cheng. In addition to earning half a month's salary, George is also optimistic about his future.

As far as he knows, Su Cheng is gambling with his full body. This courage alone is surprising.

How does he know that Sucheng operates trading in a relatively safe situation, which has nothing to do with courage and boldness.

The next day, the three of them hurriedly visited several equipment factories and returned to the conference hall before the opening of American futures.

George and Hamm, who were extremely hot-eyed, took out more than half of their money and raised $100,000 with George and handed it over to Sioux City for operation. Sucheng can still get 50% of the money earned, but he will take all the risks.

The difference is that Su Cheng's commission will be directly calculated every time and deposited into his own bank account.

In the same way, the income of Sioux City increased to $4,000 in the morning. George and others were completely relieved. Now, Sucheng has the ability to resist and compensate for possible risks caused by the futures market. The three of them are just equivalent to the bank in Suzhou City, which is profitable and extremely low-risk.


The waiter gently knocked on the door and called early.

Su Cheng climbed out of the hotel, got into the car, and began to sleep soundly. George and others have changed shifts to sleep. This fashion can persist, and everyone's happy noses are red.

They also earned an average of more than a thousand dollars this night. Most importantly, it can continue at night.

Cui Hongguo, who was just a little famous, was very embarrassed and said in English, "Sorry, Su Cheng may be too tired."

"Yes, it's very hard." George carefully took off his upper suit and covered Su Cheng, as if he were worshiping the God of Wealth.
