Super Energy Power

Chapter 32 Technical Verification


Su Dongyuan smoothed the cuffs of his shirt with his hand and asked the secretary at the door softly, "How is the old man's mood today?"

"General." When the secretary said that, he was not in a good mood.

Su Dongyuan took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in." Su Zhenguo's voice is very distinctive, and the ending is slightly trembling, which makes people feel relaxed.

But Su Dongyuan definitely didn't feel relaxed. He opened the door and said more carefully, "Dad, I'm coming."

Su Zhenguo said "no", pointed to the coffee table in front of him, and continued to look down at the document.

This is a very dignified image of an old man. Even when he is at the desk, his waist is straight. The wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and the corners of the eyes are very deep, like a crack in the rock, which makes people feel hard.

His eyes are very small, and even when he reads, it seems that a little light is released, which makes people always be alert.

Su Dongyuan gently sat on the leather sofa. This is probably the most expensive furnishings in the whole office. In addition, although the desk is large, it is the same as the desk material of ordinary staff. The coffee table in front of the sofa has been used for a long time. It is still used with a white cloth on it. The floor is covered with a chemical fiber carpet from several years ago. The fluff on it has been polished and is uncomfortable.

There is only the sound of turning books in the room.

Su Dongyuan only looked at it quietly and focused on the document.

Several copies in a row, no one reported it, and some key places were all blackened. But this is not the focus of Su Dongyuan's attention. He saw a name: Su Cheng!

Sucheng has improved the oilfield equipment...

Su City has completed the implementation of the basic five small ones...

Sucheng has applied for a patent in China - a double donkey head tour beam oil recovery machine...

Inadvertently, Su Dongyuan was sweating coldly.

Is the old man paying attention to this abandoned son?

When Su Dongyuan raised his head, he happened to see the shining little eyes. He couldn't help smiling awkwardly and shouted, "Dad."

"Hmm. Go back."

"Ah?" Su Dongyuan didn't understand.

Su Zhenguo is giving instructions to the document again, as if he doesn't know the existence of Su Dongyuan at all.

He had to go out of the door and saw the officials waiting outside standing up in unison.

The leader of a ministry nodded to Su Dongyuan with a smile on his face and passed through the door with a big belly. A cordial and friendly greeting came from inside.

Su Dongyuan was upset: Can't my real son compare with a fat man?


Victory Oilfield.

In the Drilling and Oil Extraction Technology Research Institute, seven or eight researchers circled around a drawing.

Liang Jianguo and President Yuan of the Craft Research Institute are also in it.

Shu Lan stood quietly behind Su Cheng and asked in a low voice, "Can your design work?"

"Do you okay? You will know after verification." What Su Cheng said was his double donkey head pump. He has applied for a patent in China and asked George to apply for foreign protection on this basis. Although there is still some time before the issuance of the certificate, it has entered the patent protection process, and it can be safely taken out boldly.

Because the long-stroke oil extractor is very suitable for the high water content of Shengli Oilfield, Sucheng took it to the research institute without much consideration.

After all, in terms of the level of science and technology in 1987, this is a world-leading pumping unit, which can not only increase production, but also save electricity - this is the largest expense in the oil field.

With the experience of the last expansion sleeve connection, coupled with Su Cheng's small reputation in the oil field, after he handed over the drawings to the Institute of Technology, the review went very smoothly.

This is the last verification. President Yuan specially invited colleagues from the Drilling and Oil Extraction Technology Research Institute to review it together.

Once passed, the double donkey head pumping unit will enter the trial production stage.

Master Liang was very optimistic about his design. He touched his chin and said, "Lao Lv and others have been making pumping machines for 20 years. If your drawing can reach 70% of the theoretical design, Lao Lv and others will have to pretend to be donkey heads."

Shu Lan covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Master, it's too bad, but looking at them like that, it seems that there is a chance."

Su Cheng looked at the seagull watch in his hand and said, "It's been two hours, and I'm afraid they can't figure it out."

The mechanical process of the double donkey head is relatively simple. From the perspective of manufacturing, it is a typical silly black and thick. Workers and machines do not need to know why, just produce according to size and position. However, designers must consider the position relationship between beams, turntables, donkey heads, and the design arcs they meet...

When Su Cheng was in college, he received a complete and systematic education. It is difficult for researchers in this era to have such an opportunity. For example, several people at the top of the Institute of Technology are either college students in the 1950s and 1960s, and their knowledge structure has already aged; or they are college and junior college students in the era of sports, who spend a lot of time on parades and bullying teachers, and finally rely on self-study.

No matter what kind of researcher, the hands-on ability must be extremely strong, but there are shortcomings in theoretical calculation, and some of them will be short enough to have only edges.

For those formulas involving a large number of calculations and mathematical theories, Su Cheng is not optimistic about them.

However, after all, the people in the research institute are experienced. They are not in a hurry to carry out theoretical analysis, but only look at the effect of the oil extractor. For them, as long as the effect of the pumping unit can be achieved, there is still time to study the formula in the future.

After almost four hours, Lv Ming, who took charge of the overall situation, got up and said, "No problem, our opinion, we can enter the trial production stage."

A group of people clapped their hands.

Shu Lan excitedly took Su Cheng's hand and jumped and screamed, as if it was herself who got the honor.

Dean Yuan's face bloomed, and he took the initiative to shake hands with Su Cheng and said, "Comrade Su Cheng, the tireless pursuit on the oil front is something that all of us should learn. I think we have to serve at least one dinner.

The last sentence seemed to be a joke, and everyone laughed.

So he rushed to the oilfield canteen.

Along the way, if someone asks, someone will say in a proud tone: "Our college students have made the world's leading pumping unit."

and the glorious mood also infected Su Cheng.

He provided the double donkey head pumping machine to the oil field, and he had never considered the reward in the first place. However, there is always a little pride in the bottom of my heart.

However, listening to the heartfelt appreciation and celebration around him, he suddenly felt how ridiculous his pride was.

Although these designers and researchers have not received a perfect education for various reasons, they still work tirelessly and work hard. Since the 1940s, it has been these oilmen who have continuously supported the construction of the motherland under the guidance of the spirit of iron men.

They may not be able to design the world's top products, but they are always working in this direction.

Aren't most of the oil production machinery that Sucheng has learned drawn up with their long lives?

"What are you thinking about?" Shu Lan opened her big watery eyes and looked at Su Cheng, full of worship.

"I'm thinking that it won't be long before we can use these pumping machines to pull out the muscles and blood of the United States, Russia and the Middle East." What Su Cheng said is very presuming.

The men around him were stunned for a moment and laughed in an instant.

Some smiles are funny, some smiles are pure smiles, and some smiles are thoughtful smiles.
