Super Energy Power

Chapter 75 Big Fat Pig

The trend of installing phones at home has not yet drifted from Fujian to Dongying. If Sucheng wants to make a phone call, he has to find the address book from home and then call in the office.

In the early morning, on the way to the factory in Sucheng, he was thinking about who to call.

The students of Peking University who graduated last year should now have a firm foothold. In Su Cheng's impression, it seems that someone has gone to the Materials Bureau and the Ministry of Railways, both of which can go through formal channels to approve bulk materials. In contrast, slaughterhouses and animal husbandry bureaus can only make hundreds of small disturbances for personal consumption.

In addition, for example, the Ministry of Public Security where Wang Ting is located, and the General Office of the State Council where Liu Jianguo is located, it should be no problem to tilt their necks and holding dozens of pigs.

Su Cheng thought: If a phone call can't be done, take Maotai to the capital Baishan, or simply send a car to other places to pull pigs. Although it is a little expensive, the production task is in the first place. In this year, skilled workers are not hired, and recruiting new workers will waste the time of senior workers, which is extremely uneconomical.

"Pork, beef, vegetables, fruits, and vegetable oil." Park the car, and Su Cheng broke his fingers in the same way. In today's world, burial is just to make everyone more careful about their work and work overtime without complaint. To reflect the sense of honor and the superiority of the "joint venture factory", you have to send something.

It's like a state-owned enterprise that has introduced the century. If you want to keep people, you can build a house, and the salary increase bonus is a cloud.

"Factory Director Su." A shiny bald head blocked Su Cheng's sight. This person has been waiting at the door of the factory for a long time. He curled up coldly and introduced himself with a smile: "I'm Tian Jiabao from Jiabao Screw Factory, and I'm the supplier of Dahua Industry."

"The head of the supply group, right?" Holding each other, the bald palm is pure and cool, like a stone in the morning. Su Cheng quickly pulled him and said, "Let's go inside and talk. It's so cold. Why did you come early? Nothing will happen, right?"

"There was nothing wrong, nothing happened." Tian Jiabao smiled shyly and said, "I'm afraid of being preempted."

"Snatch the light..."

Tian Jiabao didn't explain. He touched his bald head and asked as he walked, "Factory Director Su, I heard that you want to buy a batch of pork?"

"Do you have meat?" Su Cheng said secretly that this person's news was quite well-informed.

"I have meat." Tian Jiabao felt that this was strange and turned his head and said, "Our factory used to be a high-end parts factory in Mi County. After I contracted it two years ago, it specializes in making screws, weight rods, oil nozzles, hooks and so on for oil wells. However, the county is very supportive of us. As you know, Gaoqian County is a big pig county in our province. I dare not say that there are many big fat pigs, no problem.

"That's a good feeling. It must be a big fat pig." Su Cheng was overjoyed and added, "The price is up to you."

"What price is not, just according to the market price." Tian Jiabao stretched out a hand and said, "Don't worry, you can't put lean meat in one palm. We are willing to send pork to Dahua Industry. The whole factory and the whole county are willing.

While talking, another big back showed his forehead. When he saw Su Cheng, he said happily, "But wait for Director Su. Alas, I heard that you want pork?"

Su Cheng blinked and replied, "Yes."

He patted his thigh on his back and said with a smile, "That's good. I just got 12 big fat pigs yesterday, and I'll bring them to you later."

Tian Jiabao suddenly stared and said, "Zhao Jianzi, didn't you agree with 1?"

The big back twisted his neck and said, "I have the means to make it fall again. What's wrong with you?"

Don't wait for Su Cheng to ask, and some people came one after another, all of which were sent fat pork. There are as many as one or twenty heads, as few as one or two heads, and a rough calculation, there are actually a hundred heads.

Now, Su Cheng didn't understand at all.

Tian Jiabao explained, "Actually, we just want to thank Dahua Industry. If it hadn't been for our rise, people like us who contracted factories would not have had a good time. This time, I heard that Dahua Industry won the big order again, so I came here specially.

A group of people looked at Su City eagerly.

There is also humanity: "The contracted factory is actually very hard, and I'm worried that the policy will change, I'm worried that I can't pay the workers' salaries, and I'm also worried about the price of materials and the backlog of products..."

Su Cheng understood and asked, "If you want to confirm the production of the next accessories, I can guarantee that it will only be more, not less."

He thought about it and said, "This time, we have signed a total of 30,000 sets of anti-wear orders, and the follow-up signing is still in progress. You don't have to worry about no work."

"Really!" Tian Jiabao habitually said something without Su Cheng's answer, and jumped up at once.

Turning his head, Tian Jiabao smiled again and said, "We are not giving gifts, we are purely grateful to Dahua Industry."

Su Cheng arched his hand and smiled, "That's natural. However, we can't let everyone suffer losses, so we will go according to the market price. 4 yuan per catty, okay?

Tian Jiabao and others were modest, but Su Cheng just refused. They are very helpful when they get fat pork. They give one yuan less per catty, but tens of thousands of yuan less.

The cadres and workers who heard the news clapped their hands and cheered. Chen Liang walked to Su Cheng and said with admiration, "Factory Director Su, you are more suitable to be the chairman of the trade union than me."

Su Cheng smiled half-true and half-falsely, "I don't know workshop work, so I can only be a logistics minister"

Chen Liang laughed and said, "Factory Director Su is telling jokes. You don't know the workshop. Who dares to say that you understand?" 1

Su Cheng did not explain. In fact, he really doesn't understand workshop work. The metalworking internship in college can only be said to be understood. When it comes to the practical stage, the level of hammering in those years is not enough at all.

More and more people came to the parts factory after hearing the news. Su Cheng simply notified the rest of the factory, saying that he would sign a follow-up parts contract in the next three days.

The accessories factory needs not only Dahua Industry, but also the accessories factory. Otherwise, Dahua will have to make its own 30,000 sets of anti-biasive wear system, and it must be in breach of contract.

Moreover, the profit of many small accessories and parts is extremely low, often only a dime. Putting it on a good machine of Dahua Industry is not enough for the loss of depreciation. But for some township enterprises, this is the best business.

Countless factories can synthesize a whole to bring about the scale advantage of the industrial era.

As soon as the instructions for the renewal of the contract were sent to everyone, Tian Jiabao raised his hand and said, "Our factory wants to make a heavier one. What procedures do we need?"

"First of all, the product quality is qualified, secondly, the production capacity is up to standard, and finally, the price is the winner. In 3000 units. Su Cheng minimized the complexity of bidding. With his experience as a basic five small enterprises, township enterprises can write standardized tenders. Moreover, in this era of daring to fight, bosses who can write tenders are often not as good as bosses who can't write bids.

Tian Jiabao touched his bright forehead and asked, "How do you think the product quality is qualified?"

"Send for testing.

"Good! I have brought the sample." Tian Jiabao suddenly changed his appearance of being proud of the heroes.

The big back patted his thighs with regret: "Why do I just think about pigs!"

"The samples have all been brought. Well, let's do the test." Su Cheng took a deep look at the bright bald head and couldn't help admiring that with such a level of drilling camp and the same conditions, others really couldn't beat him.

Tian Jiabao got the order and ran back to the factory door to inform him. After a while, a truck followed in and drove directly into the experimental workshop. Li Xiangxiang and others tested it with instruments.

The bosses of the accessories factory followed him and walked into the experimental workshop, and couldn't help exclaiming neatly.

For them, it is not easy to be a brand-new machine alone. The huge crankbed covering hundreds of square meters, grinding machines engraved with foreign letters, and densely arranged electric welding machines and cutting machines are almost like a dream world.

These are all new machines that Sucheng has been buying for half a year. The profits of the oil production machine are basically all included, and the old machines that are lost due to high-intensity production are also constantly being replaced.

Two young workers put the weighting rod on the stage and measured it carefully. Li Xiangxiang and others measured hardness and other indicators with the help of instruments.

The little bosses around him held their breath and stared, and their eyes kept looking at the technicians and skilled workers, overflowing with envy.

No matter how fast the development speed of township enterprises is, high-tech talents are always oriented to large enterprises.

Even in the early century, the shortage of senior skilled workers and technicians is still a problem that small factory owners cannot solve. High-paying employment, leasing and other means are also in vain.

Su Cheng suddenly sighed. Without the platform of the machinery factory, I would have started from scratch and should be worried about the accumulation of technology now. The skilled workers and technicians of Shengli Machinery Factory have spent 30 years in the oilfield. They have been trained in various ways, such as system transfer, systematic technical schools and masters with apprentices. After 20 years, these can be written into the white paper on the market.

Although most workers have only high school and technical secondary school education, in the era when technical secondary school students can be directly assigned to the county-level people's government, such high-educated workers are simply the role of blue-collar workers with gold edges, and where can they get idle township enterprises?

Generally, technicians who graduated from junior colleges are a rare role in state-owned enterprise factories, and private small factories don't even think about it.

Li Fuxiang looked up, and Su Cheng raised his thumb.

"Passed!" Tian Jiabao laughed, and the reflection of the bald head was particularly strong.

Suddenly, there were all kinds of congratulations and discussions, and many business owners began to call people on the phone.

Accompanying the test artifacts, there is often a big fat pig humming, which makes the family area turn upside down, and some children run and call to catch up.

In the end, the 28 big fat pigs that arrived in advance were circled in the open space in the backyard of the canteen, surrounded by a crowd staring at them.

These days, dual-career families only need to ensure food and clothing. If a person does not have a job, or there are many elderly and children in the family, it is necessary to save food, thrift and careful calculation.

Pork, a luxury, is difficult to put on the table until the Spring Festival. It is a rare enjoyment to put some meat and oil in the material.

Is there any more obvious hint than this for the big fat pig in the backyard of the canteen?

Housewives have begun to think about the next dishes. There is no doubt that the fat meat should be refined into meat oil, stored and eaten slowly. The first meal can be used to make braised pork to relieve your gluttony. If there is any leftovers, you can consider cutting some slices of meat and stir-frying, but not too much. It's better to save some bacon and put it in the Spring

The children licked their lips, pulled the corners of their mother's clothes, and kept swallowing.

Big fat pigs are under a lot of pressure.